A Love Like No Other

Chapter 5- The Saga Begins

        It was Micah.  Mother must have told him where I was.  Now what?  I have no place to go, nobody's here, and he looks mad enough to kill me.  "There you are my little Moon girl."
        This is the way he speaks to me?  His future wife?  His superior in rank?  Then the lights came on in the theatre, responding to the movement sensors.  I had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.  I felt like a caged bird about to be pounced on by a cat.  I began searching for an escape route.
        "Oh.  I am so sorry, Miss, have you seen Princess Serena?  I am Prince Micah of Saturn, and she is my fiancée.  I was told by Queen Serenity that she was here. Do you know where I might find her?"  I studied at Micah a minute, puzzled.  I looked down at myself.  It was only then that I realized that I still looked like Jasmine.
        I quickly realized that I should bow if I was a subject.  I did so and said, "Yes my good Prince, I believe she is in the dressing room."  I thought that maybe if I could convince him Serena, or I rather, was not there, I could get him to leave.  He went to the dressing room and I was about to leave the stage when he came and grabbed me from behind.  I let out a scream of terror and then struggled to gasp for air as he began to tighten his arm around my neck, cutting off my air supply.  "Thought you could fool me, did you not, Serena?  Next time do not leave your disguise pen on top of your stuff.  Someone might see it and figure out who you really are."  With that he raised the pen above my head and made me change back.  I looked like me again.
        He whipped me around and shoved his tongue down my throat.  I felt energy rising inside of me and I blasted him with it.  It was enough to get him off me but I stumbled back and fell.  I wanted to scream and run for my life, but I was so scared, I could not scream.  I could not get my body to respond to my commands to get up and run.  My heart rose to my throat as he approached me, a look of pure hatred across his face.  "Now Serena did I not warn you about that."  'He is going to kill me,' is all I could think.  He picked up a nearby glass bowl.  It was a prop for the wedding scene.  He raised it high and was about to smash it into my skull.  I put my hands above my head.  I closed my eyes, waiting for pain.  The next thing I knew, I heard a loud crash, a thud, and then Micah landed on top of me, causing me to bang my head against the wall, knocking me out cold.

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