What A Life

Hi, I’m KMW a.k.a. Sailor Memory!  The few people that have actually read my fanfics probably know me as KMW, but I call myself Sailor Memory.  Anyway enough of my rambling.  This short fanfic is based on what Serena was thinking over the first few times Serena met up with Darien, the hunk-a-saurious.  Did she really hate him as she pretended to, or was there something else behind the anger of the meatball head?  Of course there was, everyone knows that! ?
Standard disclaimers apply.
Please, if you like it, hate it, have suggestions, PLEASE email me at ww4475@dragonbbs.com.
What a life.  I was barely passing school, had a great mom and dad, an annoying brother, and great friends, even if one was the nerd of the school and talked about worms all the time.  I guess you could have called me a normal girl.  Notice I said ‘COULD HAVE,’ well, I didn’t anymore.  I had all those things, but later I had other things any person in their right mind wouldn’t want.  I got a talking cat, a secret identity, and powerful enemies, and a guy that called me names at *least* once a day.  Ugh.
It all started on a normal day.  The usual happened.  I went to school, got in trouble with Ms. Haruna, and had to bring home another failed test…

“Where are you going,” asked Molly as we watched her Mom fly around the jewelry store, making one sale after another.
Tiredly, I told her, “I think I’ll take a nap before showing my mom my grades,” I sighed tiredly and with utter defeat.
Molly nodded and said sympathetically, “Okay, see you tomorrow Serena.”  I quickly walked out the doors.
I started to walk down the street when I pulled out the test, and mumbled, “How can I tell mom I flunked another test,” then venting all my anger on the paper, I wadded it up into a ball and screamed, “Ah how can I show her this thing?”  I then threw it over my head and began to walk quickly away.
“Hey watch it Meatball Head!”
I turned around in surprise and saw this guy, okay *gorgeous* guy, holding the paper in his hands, staring at me through sunglasses.
“Oh,” I said, “Sorry.”  Then I watched, totally horrified as he began to open it up.
Had he been an anime character on T.V or been in a manga, a huge teardrop would have formed on his head and he sarcastically mumbled, “A thirty… Admirable…”
Mortified, I cried, “NOOOOOO!”
Glancing up at me, he asked, “Are you stupid… or just… incredibly lazy?”
Okay, this guy had me totally ticked off, “H-how dare you!”  Snatching the paper from his outstretched hand, I shoved it into my bag, grumbling to myself, “The nerve of that guy.  And what a total jerk, calling me meatball head!”
I walked a about ten or fifteen feet away, then something deep inside me commanded that I turn around.  Sighing I obeyed whatever it was.
The guy was still standing where I had left him and he was watching me with very little emotion on his face.  But one thing was there, and it seemed to be a flicker of familiarity.
Confused, I continued on my way home, wondering why my heart was beating faster than normal…

I later found out that the guy’s name was Darien.  He knew my friend Andrew, the cute guy that worked at the arcade.  Andrew is probably the one guy, besides Melvin, that my dad will let me spend time with.  My parents and Andrew’s parents have known each other for forever, so Dad knows that Andrew’s a really nice guy.  Did I mention that it sometimes sucks to have a father that is MAJORLY overprotective?
Anyway, after that first meeting, I continued to meet up with Darien, mostly at the arcade.  We exchanged the usual insults, me calling him a conceited jerk, him calling me a meatball head.  Here is another time, after I had met Amy a.k.a. Sailor Mercury and Raye a.k.a. Sailor Mars…

It was just a few days after Raye, Luna, Amy, and I decided to investigate the happenings at the new amusement park, Dreamland.  I, as was my nature then, wanted to go on the rides and have ice cream.  When Luna said no, I decided to take matters in my own hands and went on the merry-go-round.  I got slammed by both Luna and Raye.
After about a half an hour, we split up, Raye and I as one team, Amy and Luna the other.  They quickly got away from us, which was probably their intention.
After about ten minutes, I talked Raye into riding the train.
Looking down with total embarrassment, she mumbled, “You’re the laziest person I’ve ever known.”
Cheerfully, I looked around and replied, “Come off it Raye, this is a great way to check things out.”
Before she could reply, the train stopped abruptly, causing me to slam my face into the guy in front of me’s back.
The train driver called back to everyone, “Sorry about the sudden stop folks.  A couple of turtles crossing the road.”
Rising my head a little, I groaned, “Nice breaks.”
“Do you mind?”
Lowering myself more into my seat, I looked up at the guy in front of me, who had turned around, and asked incredulously, “Aren’t you a little old for this?”
Raising his fist slightly, Darien shot back, “You should talk! In fact, this is probably right where you belong MEATBALL HEAD!”
Now Raye, the traitor, giggled, “Wow that’s the perfect name for her, Meatball head.”
Laughing slightly, Darien gestured to my hair, “I think it kind of fits.”
That’s it, I’d had it with both of them.  Jumping to me feet, I screamed, “STOP!!!  DON’T CALL ME MEATBALL HEAD,” I stomped my foot and continued, “You’re a pain Darien!  An even bigger pain than my so-called friend Raye!  What are you doing playing choo-choo anyway?  Ha, you just look like a, a, a big dork!”
Now I had him riled, and he snarled, “I don’t even know why I bother talking to you!”
Before I could say anything more, the train started up and I fell down in front of Raye.  I heard him grumble, “Out of here at the next stop.”
For a moment, everyone was silent, then Raye whispered, “Hey Serena doesn’t that guy kind of remind you of TUXEDO MASK?”
I looked at Darien, then screamed, “No way!  Darien is a jerk!  And he doesn’t look a thing like Tuxedo Mask…”

That was one of our more comical conversations.  Then there was this one time…

We were walking down the sidewalk, on our way to meet Luna at the arcade.  The entire way, Raye and I were trying to cheer up Amy, who was totally depressed over her friend, Mr. Baxter, the gardener of Tokyo Park, who was about to lose his job because of the office building they were building at the park.
We arrived at the arcade and saw Luna.  And that wasn’t all we had seen.  Luna was in the arms of Darien.  I don’t know why this bothered me but it did.
Crying out in outrage, I stomped up to him, demanding, “What have you done to her?”
Giving me his famous look of contempt, he shot back, “Saving her from getting squished.  If it weren’t for me, she’d be kitty pancake right about now.”
Deciding to ignore him, I commanded, “Come here Luna.”  Obedient with a stranger around, she did as she was told for once.  I reached down and picked her up, putting on a grand show of checking her, making sure Darien really hadn’t hurt her.  She was fine.
The doors opened at that moment and out came Andrew.  Waving in greeting to us girls, he turned to Darien and said, “How’s it going Darien?”
“Yo, what’s up Andrew?”
Deciding to annoy Darien even more, I moaned, “Oh Annndddrrreeewww, you know this creep?!  He nearly mutilated my kitty!”  Darien just glared at me…

Okay, I know I went a little far with that incident.  I couldn’t help it.  Every time I met up with him, my heart started it’s engines and went into turbo-drive and my mouth developed a mind of it’s own.  The day after that incident, Darien and Raye started going out.  Luna said I was jealous and though I didn’t know it at the time, I was, seriously.  Even then, I still didn’t know what Darien was doing to me.  There was one time when Darien actually gave me some good advice, with Andrew’s help of course…

I walked into the arcade, intent on talking to Andrew and saw him helping a girl with the Sailor V game.  I panicked, I was so high-strung.
“Who’s that girl he’s with,” I wondered aloud and began to bite my nails, “Maybe he’s got a new girlfriend and forgotten about meeeeee!”
“Hey Andrew,” came to the now dreaded voice from behind me, “Better pay some attention to Serena here!  She’s about to go to ballistic!”  Now the creep was laughing his head off.
Nervously, I waved to Andrew, “Hey Andrew I’m not…going ballistic.”
“Hey Serena, Darien when did you two get here.”
“Just now,” I said sweetly, now ignoring the guy behind me.”
Smiling at me kindly, he invited, “I’m taking a break, do you want to go get some cocoa?”
Beaming at him, “Sure and I have something I want to talk to you about.”
Darien, being as annoying as ever, butted in, “I could go for some cocoa.”
Always being nice, Andrew told him to join us.
Putting on my best innocent look, I clasped my hands in front of me and asked him, “Does he… have to???”

An hour later, I’d blurted out the entire story about Molly and Nephlite, leaving out a few… unusual details and was looking at Andrew for advice.
“…And Molly won’t listen to me when I try to tell her what he’s really like.  He’s a major bad news guy.”
“So…?” Andrew asked.
“Ahh,” I stumbled, “My best friend is getting herself into trouble and I don’t know what to do about it.”
Andrew considered his options, then said, “Hmm maybe you should wait and see what happens.”
I looked down and asked, “Really,” and continued silently, ‘that’s what Amy said.”
Then Darien, in his typical haughty voice, interjected, “Waiting isn’t going to solve anything.  If you’re her friend, you should tell her the truth.”
Andrew and I looked at him surprise.  Andrew quickly covered it and agreed, “Y’know, Darien could be right.  She’ll probably be upset with you when you tell her, but that’s better than letting her get herself in a whole lot of trouble.”
For a second, I was silent.  Then I said to them, “Jeez thanks for your advice you guys…”

All of this was happening over time of course, and I’m talking months, not days or weeks.  You can see that ever so slowly, Darien and I were beginning to lose our bitterness towards each other.  What made it happen, we didn’t know at the time.  About three weeks later, we’d both agreed to model for Peggy Jones a.k.a. Lonnie Lanai, a major cool artist…

“Why don’t you have a seat,” Peggy gestured to the love seat next to Darien.
Gaping at her, I asked her incredulously, “You want me to sit next to that???” I pointed at Darien.
As Darien sipped his tea and set it on the table, he mumbled, “My thoughts exactly,” he then stood up and said loudly to Peggy, “I’ve got to go, this really isn’t my thing.”
Peggy’s eyes filled up with tears and grasped his arm, begging, “Oh please, please stay.  I’ve had this really great idea for a painting and I need the right kind of models and now I’ve found you.  Just stay long enough for me to do the main sketch.  I draw fast, I really do.”
Darien, an obvious sucker for big pleading eyes, nodded and sat down again.
Smiling, Peggy turned to me, “What about you Serena?”
Just like Darien, I nodded as well and reluctantly sat down next to him, thinking, ‘Raye is going to sooooo jealous!’
For a moment, I was silent.  Then I turned and glanced at Darien and thought, ‘I guess Darien is kind of a hunk, but HEY what a minus-zero personality!  Oh cosmic!”  So deep in my thoughts, I’d slapped my head, causing me to see stars.
Looking at me strangely, Darien asked, “Problem?”
Recovering quickly, I spat at him without anything really behind it, “Quiet, I’m posing.”  With that, I turned away and looked out the window…

By then, the teasing had become more playful than insulting.  But then, neither of us had any time to notice it, since things were heating up with the Negaverse.  Tuxedo Mask was becoming more and more distant and cruel.  A few weeks later he practically took my heart and squashed it, blood seeping between his fingers then threw it on the ground and turned away.  Yeah, things were definitely heating up.  Then, just when things were starting to look up, when Sailor Venus joined us, the strangest thing happened…

“Oh please, please Ms. H I’ll finish my detention tomorrow okay?  I’m really late, even for me!”  Before she could reply, I bolted out the door.
Muttering under my breath, I said, “A busy girl’s got things to do.  I mean, I can’t be on time for everything,” then my eyes narrowed, “Oh, but that Raye’s going to be so self-righteous.”
While giggling at the image I saw in my head, I looked down the street and saw Darien walking slowly.  Jumping at a chance to surprise him, I ran up behind him and shouted, “Hey there’s a bee on your back!”  In the process, I smacked him on the back; “It’s gone now.”
I saw that he’d muffled a cry of pain, but before I could ask, Darien said, “Thank you, I hate bees, appreciate it Meatball head.”
Thinning my lips, I snapped, “Stop calling me that!  I get enough from your friend Raye, I don’t need it from you too.”  With that I stuck my tong out at him.
To my amazement, he smiled at me and replied kindly, “Okay I won’t say it anymore.  Hey I got to go, see you around Serena.”  He slowly took off, clutching his arm.
For about a minute, I stared after him, mumbling, “No way, Darien was actually,” I paused and stared at my hand, “Hey what’s this, it looks blood,” I looked up again and continued, “He’s hurt, it must be bad.  I’d better follow him and see if he’s all right…”

In one way, that was the best day of my life.  It was the day I found out I was truly the Moon Princess.  Still, in many other ways, it was the worst.  It as the day I lost Darien to Kunzite and Zoisite and Queen Beryl, it was the day I found out that I wouldn’t be able to be a normal girl for the rest of my life.  Yet, I’m glad, because if I had been born a normal girl, I would never have the eight best friends, the most wonderful man in the galaxy, and the two best cats that I have today.  I guess in the long run, it’s all worth it…

Queen Lady Serenity, daughter of Neo-King Darien and Neo-Queen Serenity, newly crowned Queen of Earth and Crystal Tokyo, looked up from the book with tears in her eyes.  The book had just been delivered to her a few hours ago by her old friend Sailor Pluto.  What she’d just read was only the first chapter of the book her mother had secretly written to be published after her death.
‘So that was what it was like for Mother when she first knew Father,’ thought Serenity as she cried silently, ‘Then I can’t wait to read what it was like after that.’  Smiling, she got up to join her eight guardians, Sailors Memory, Destiny, Fate, Wanderer, Harmony, Melody, Charon, and Ganymede, and finally the guardian of the Future, Sailor Pluto.
When she saw Pluto she walked up to her and asked, “Pluto, where did you get that book?”
Smiling, Pluto replied, “Your Mother gave it to me for safekeeping, telling me to give it to you only after she had been gone for about five years.  Then you were to read it and if you liked it, have it published.”
“Well, I haven’t finished it yet, I’ve only read the first chapter, but I can’t wait to finish it!”
At that Pluto chuckled, “Small Lady, that story will never end.  It will continue throughout time, even after humans have gone beyond this plane to the next one.  Stories of love never do end…”

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