(genre: shonen/boys, romantic comedy with violence)

    Rumiko Takahashi's latest manga, not yet animated, is about a regular girl named Higurashi Kagome who lives in modern Tokyo.  One day she falls down a well and ends up in feudal Japan!  She meets a half-dog-demon named Inuyasha (Inu=dog yasha=demon/devil).  She finds out that she may be the reincarnation of a priestess named Kikyou, who sealed Inuyasha to a tree for 50 years.  Then they discover that Kagome possesses the Shikon no Tama (Jewel of Four Souls) which Inuyasha wants really bad!  The jewel ends up getting shattered into really small pieces and spread all over Japan.  Now they have to go on a quest to find all the shards and put them back together.  Only thing is, Kagome'll flunk out of school if she doesn't go back sometimes for exams and stuff.  How does she explain her many absences?  Her grandfather tells everyone that she has ridiculous diseases like rheumatism and tuberculosis!  (these diseases are not ridiculous, but it would be extremely rare for someone so young to get them, and the other things her grandfather tells people)  Poor sickly Kagome!  They meet up with the child-kitsune Shippou (=tail) the EXTREMELY lecherous priest Miroku, and the youkai bounty hunter Sango.  It also contains the typical Takahashi love/hate relationship, lots of youkai (not all are bad!), fighting, and humor.

    This series has been getting really popular lately, so there are a lot of fanfics being written!  I've read just about every Inuyasha fanfic that's out there, so I have a lot of recommendations.

Inuyasha and Kagome
Kagome and Inuyasha
Shippou the kitsune
Shippou the Kitsune

The above images came from:   Inuyasha - Sengoku o-Togi Zoushi -   ( Chris Rijk's page, very excellent!)