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Special Guest: Mark Nguyen

Anipike Guest Picks!

Hi there, all of you out in the internet world. Or, after having recently watched Serial Experiments Lain, should that be the "Wired"?

In any case, it looks like it's my turn to share with you guys what I consider to be my favorite anime web sites. You know, when researching this effort, I'd realized that I don't have all the popular tastes that everyone else seems to have. Maybe it's because I'm an old hand at this anime stuff. Am I, now? Just who AM I, anyway?

Well, the full handle is Mark Manh-Long Nguyen. I was born - well, a long time ago, compared to many of you. My first anime exposure was the US version of Gatchaman, G-Force, when I was a wee lad (if that's any indication). Anyway, one thing led to another, and eventually I became the President of the Banzai Anime Klub of Alberta. That lasted a year and a half, and now I'm taking care of many of the operations of Anime Alberta, the multi-club association of all the major anime clubs in my home province.

At the moment, I'm hip to most sci-fi anime of the serious or epic vein, with a little bit of traditional drama; my all-time favorite anime is quite obviously Tenkuu no Escaflowne, with Rurouni Kenshin and Macross 7 tying for a close second. More importantly though, I like to say that I'm fairly jiggy with the growing anime fandom in my home province of Alberta. Who'd have thought that the locals would be so into anime? And better yet, be producing such cool anime web pages?

Thus, my picks as the guest - Uh, picker, I'm gonna start with interesting anime fandom pages, with a fairly unhealthy emphasis on Alberta sites which contribute to anime fandom.

Anime Alberta

Well, I'll start off by shamelessly plugging the Anime Alberta web site - but with good reason! The AA site (acronymic pub intended) has much to offer. Not only does it have the prerequisite links to the clubs in the province, but plenty of cool homegrown art and merchandising, as well as being the home of the oft-mentioned Anime Alberta Internet Radio station (to which I contribute). Please visit this gateway to anime fandom in Alberta!

Animethon 6

Okay, one more shameless plug (no more! I promise!), but one for which I am particularly proud as I have happily conributed to this awesome FREE event over the years. Anyone in the area, get off your butts and come to Western Canada's largest anime festival!


A wonderful site, run by a good friend of mine. Aside from hosting a variety of web pages, this site is the location of one of the most comprehensive image galleries I've ever seen. It's also got a really nifty all-request radio station with a TON of selections.

The Compleat Sailor Moon CD List

Beej & James are some of the biggest Sailor Moon fans I know, and this is the site that proves it. It's pretty self-explanatory; the surprising part is that the "compleat" list is a mere fraction of the Sailor Moon stuff these guys have. If you like Sailor Moon, or anime music of any kind, just go here.

The Nekosei Page and Carrie O'Kaye's Den

Just two web pages which feature great Albertan artwork of the (often) anime/manga variety. There's actually quite a few artists in Alberta, and many are just starting to get known. For more information on Albertan anime/manga artists, check out the Anime Alberta web page!

Okay, enough of the local pages. There's a zillion of them out there, and the above are only scratching the surface! They're all cool in one way or another, I assure you. Now, let's branch out into some of my favorite web sites around the world:

The Mecha Domain

You like Gundam? You'll LOVE this place. Virtually every Mobile Suit ever seen in any of the Gundam series, and a good deal that aren't, are featured here with full tech specs and pictures. It's also got a great deal of art by one of the mecha gods, Hajime Katoki. Mechaheads should worship this site!

Macross Mecha Designs

I'm equal parts Macross and Gundam fan, so to balance the Gundam mecha site I recommend you check this one out. While it's an RPG site, it features great descriptions on the mecha from the various Macross series, as well as the starships and even some of the characters. Awesome stuff.

Himikoden Renge

This is a cool site, if only in Japanese. A while ago, a friend tipped me to the recently released PSX game, which had a REALLY cool opening. I was hooked soon enough; not only does this game have an awesome opening song ("Pure Snow" by Yuko Sakaki), but there's also an anime series coming out now too! Check out the "game" section to see some really nice character designs. Can't wait to see this one.

Emiko's Genesis Homepage

I know this place gets recommended REALLY often, but it's just so deserving! Never mind the review; for some great anime/manga style art, just go here!

The Last Unicorn

The Last Unicorn isn't an anime per se, but it does have a production history very rooted in Japanese animation, and interestingly enough, a direct link to the famous Studio Ghibli. I'm not lying! Check it out, and while you're at it go out and watch the movie again. It's one of my favorites, and I still don't know why.

Team Ghiblink Homepage

Everyone loves Ghibli anime, and everyone must therefore go to this site. The gang that run it have amassed an incredible amount of information on the various offerings by the series, including the North American release of Mononoke Hime. These guys have even come up with a fan-produced press kit for Kiki's Delivery Service. Cool!

Well, that's enough from me. Please enjoy the links above! And contact me if you wanna comment on my taste. If it's good, that is. Thanks for reading my picks!

Anipike not being responsible for Acts of God or the vaguaries of humans  ;)
this column will appear 'as and when' articles come in. New articles will
be announced on the "New List" page. (So original, da yo..^^)

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Last Update: 6/28/99