Hello...thank you all for signing. I hope you enjoyed my page.

sweet pinay - 05/19/98 01:39:16
Age: 15
Sex (M/F): female
Country: usa,cali
Favorite Anime Character: hikura
it's da bomb baybee

Marle - 04/03/98 01:00:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Garden//4172/
My Email:davomt@flash.net
Age: 14
Country: usa
Favorite Anime Character: Ferio
Hey there! Cool page! Keep up the good work!

Aria - 02/22/98 00:41:32
My Email:crune@coqui.net
Age: 15
Country: US (Puerto Rico)
Favorite Anime Character: Zagato
This was an incredibly neat page!

The Kourageous Kid - 01/13/98 00:55:24
My Email:KidKourage@aol.com
Age: 14
Country: US in the State of Confusion aka NJ
Favorite Anime Character: I Love Clef and Ascot
I see my original message got too old and was replaced...which is good becuase since then I've decided that not only do I love Clef, I love Ascot too. However, I love Clef more. No, wait, I love Ascot more. Ohhhh...I wish Umi would decide so I can too! Still love the page, Lantis! Ya'll are da bomb! ~Da Kid~ (Who can't decide)

Aka - 01/04/98 06:09:33
My Email:Akakazewct@aol.com
Age: 18
Country: USA
Favorite Anime Character: Too many. In mkre-Clef
Great page. I want to see the anime very badly now that I have had glimpses into what's in there.

Norma X.Reynoso Hndz - 12/15/97 17:29:35
My Email:al259578@academ01.qro.itesm.mx
Age: 19
Country: Mexico
Favorite Anime Character: Lantis
I really liked it, but i think you should increase your number of images.

sharon yee - 12/05/97 21:53:28
My Email:syee@netmail.hscbklyn.edu
Age: 24
Country: usa
Favorite Anime Character: tamahome of fushugi
GREAT page

LUIS VEGA JR. - 11/26/97 00:42:32
My Email:Eva_06@Hotmail.com
Age: 14
Country: U.S.
Favorite Anime Character: FERIO

confuzcius - 11/25/97 00:08:57
My URL:http://www.scrippscol.edu/~home/ltang/www/ltang.html
My Email:confuzcius@geocities.com
Age: humph! 8)
Sex (M/F): erk?
Country: ah! I can answer this one! OZ!
Favorite Anime Character: Nuriko (of Fushigi Yuugi), but Ascot for MKR
Hello!!! Love yer page!! Love the music more . . . heh heh heh.
Well, visit my page!! I love visitors!!

esperanza gaffo - 11/15/97 00:19:06
My Email:951502@alumni.ipp.edu.pe
Age: 21
Country: lima-peru
Favorite Anime Character: kailu lantis and zagato
me encantan las magic nigth reyaeth y me enterado de que ya salio la tercera temporada espero que la den en mi pais ya que las dos primeras tenporas fueron pasadas por television casi de corrido y la historia de estas tres chicas es maravillosa y a mi no e parece feo el final ,aunque a algunas de mis amigas no les agrado me gusta ya que a hikaru se le ve muy feliz al saber que kailu la queria ademas mas no se podía ver ya que ella solo tenia catorce todavia si hay algo mas entre ellos mejor, pero eso ya s decidira mas adelante chao.

Eternal Sailor Venus - 10/31/97 15:13:30
My URL:Not ready for show n tell..
My Email:sailorvenus1479@webtv.net
Age: 14
Country: USA
Favorite Anime Character: VERY hard to choose from...
Hi! I really liked your page! I've never seen RayEarth but heard lots about it and I decided to search the web for more info... =) This was a really nice series of pages you made. The only thing I had a problem with is the Ascot page.. the light blue was ery hard to see against white background. But other than that I had a blast!! =D
Eternal Sailor Venus

Nini - 10/29/97 11:55:07
My Email:ckhap@pc.jaring.my
Age: 18
Country: Malaysia
Favorite Anime Character: Hikaru, Lantis and Eagle
Very cool homepage.I like it.

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