Literal Translation Series,
"Neon Genesis Evangelion: Episode 22"
Translated Speech Script.
Written by KOSAKI Hiroko
Audio transcribed by Kenji MATSUOKA
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Male voice A : An imaginary story became true. What a fate !
The proponent herself was the guinea pig.
Male voice B : So, you say that contact experiment was the direct cause.
Male voice A : The mental breakdown.
Was that the result of the contact ?
Male voice A : But, how cruel it is ! She committed suicide leaving such a
little girl.
Male voice A : Ah, maybe, I don't suppose that it's the only one cause.
Kyoko : My honey, Asuka, Mama cooked your favorite for you.
If you say you likes and you dislikes, that girl will laugh you.
Female doctor : Everyday, she's like that.
She talks to the doll thinking it her beloved
Aska's father : She might feel the responsibility in her way. She devote all of
her life to the research work, and did not afford to take care
of her daughter.
Female Doctor : I sympathize with your grief.
Aska's father : But, they are like a doll mother and a doll daughter.
Maybe, there is very small difference between human and
Female doctor : Dolls are made by humans copying their own shape.
If God really exists, we might only be dolls for him.
Asuka's father : From what you said, I cannot believe you are the doctor of
modern medicine.
Female doctor : A-ha, yes, I am a doctor, but sill I am more a
human, and a woman than a doctor.
Announce : Medical Staff meeting for the E incident will be held on time.
All staffs in charge come to the second meeting room.
Aska's grandmother : You are so great, my Asuka.
You may cry when you want.
Asuka : It.s O.K. I will not cry. I will think by myself.
Ritsuko : Do you hear me, Asuka ? Your Synchronous ratio decreased
as much as 8. Don't think about extra things.
Do as you do usually.
Asuka : I am doing so.
Episode 22
Don't be.
Maya : Recently Aska's synchronous ratio has been decreasing lower
and lower.
Ritsuko : That troubles a lot ! We have no spare.
After all we should do the Rei's Unit-1 first.
We cannot repair both of them at the same time.
Female operator A : The mitosis process of the left arm of Unit-2
cleared the numerical goal.
Male operator A : The necrosis process is presently under 0.05%.
Female operator B : There is no problem in the apothosis process.
Female operator C : For the self-formation system of Unit-0, keep the
present status
Female operator D : Connect each receptor to the second signal terminal.
Misato : (monologue)
(What was born from Adam, that is series of Evas.
We have no other way to defeat the Angels without utilizing the
very cause which lead to the Second Impact.
In other words, those who utilize even the thing that tried
to destroy
themselves, they are the human beings.)
Misato : After all, probably I hate Eva. Probably I am trying to avenge my
Makoto : Major Katsuragi !
Misato : They started the construction of the Evas until Number 13 ?
In seven places all over the world ?
Makoto : This information came via Shanghai.
The source is reliable.
Misato : Why they hurry up building in this time ?
Makoto : We lost the two Eva Units recently, and presently another
two Units got severely damaged.
I suppose they hurry the reinforce of the spare force for
the second arrangement.
Misato : Who knows ?
Even for us, we got the parts from Germany which were
originally made for Unit-5 and 6.
Nowadays they spend much money.
Makoto : Lately the budget was doubled.
From that, we may say the executives were driven into
a corner.
Misato : I feel the Committee's impatience.
Makoto : So, do you think they are doing so because they are
supposing the cases of not single Angel as past, but
the simultaneous multiple Angel's attack ?
Misato : Hooom... But there are no reason for them to do
informally. There should be another aim.
Misato : Although it's been long since we were together last.
But what is this unsociable atmosphere ?
Asuka : I finished.
Misato : Asuka !
Asuka : I don't take that call ! After all, maybe it's the call from Kaji-san
to Misato. Misato should take that.
Misato : That can not be ...
Asuka : Oh, I really regret that I made Unrivaled Shinji do such a
trivial job.
Shinji : Hai, Hello...
Asuka : Hey, I don't like the formal way as he does.
Asuka : Ah !
Shinji : An international call from Germany to Asuka.
It's your mother.
Asuka : Me ? From Mother ? Hand me the phone !
Hello, Mutter,
Shinji : (Monologue )
( Listening her speaking unfamiliar language,
I feel as if Asuka were a stranger.)
Shinji : Mother....
Asuka : ..........Gute Nacht !
Shinji : It's a very long phone call.
Asuka : Hum ! It's only a sort of usual communication.
Shinji : I envy. Family talk...
Asuka : Oh, it looks...
It's only superficial look. She is not my true mother.
Shinji : Oh !
Asuka : But, It doesn't mean I dislike her.
Only I feel a little uncomfortable with her.
Ah ! What's the hell, I tell you such a thing!
Shinji : Sorry.
Asuka : HOOOM ! It's the last day for me when I received a
sympathy from you !
Maya : Synchrograph, minus 12.8. It's on borderline of the
starting indicator.
Ritsuko : What a terrible status !
Her results are more worse than yesterdays.
Misato : Asuka is under a bad condition. She is during the second
day of that .
Ritsuko : Synchronous ratio doesn't get affected by the external
body disorder.
(Maybe we have to change the Unit-2 pilot.)
Asuka, you may finish.
Announce : Maintenance of Power system No. 8 is going to
start at 18 : 00 this evening.
Announce : The regular meeting on the first commanding center
project will be held on time.
The personnel of the general affairs department gather
to the meeting room NO. 2.
Ritsuko : Aska's pride was severely damaged.
Misato : It's a natural course, after beaten in that way.
Moreover, much worse is that she feels as she was
beaten by Shinji.
Maybe it's our limitation. I'm afraid we three could not
live together.
Ritsuko : Break through the critical point ?
It's the end of nice family game ?
Misato : I won't allow to say that phrase from you who conceal her
loneliness with cats.
Misato : Oh, I am very sorry !
I'm slightly upset.
Asuka : Why should I experience such an untorelable time because
I am female ? I need no kids.
Announce : The circular route No.7 is now closed because of an
accident. Please use the root No. 12 instead.
Asuka : Haa ? Hooom.
Rei : Without opening your mind to her, Eva doesn't move.
Asuka : So you mean I am shutting myself ? Me ?
Rei : Yes. Eva has her own mind.
Asuka : That doll has ?
Rei : You must be aware of that.
Asuka : Haan ! Today is so special day as you, even from you, talked to
me. Tomorrow maybe we will have snow.
Damn ! You are so delighted that I can't drive Eva ?
Don't worry. when an Angel comes, the invincible Shinji will
defeat it.
Nothing we must do.
They just need only Shinji !
If Shinji is there, everything is OK.
A-ha ! It's the most terrible thong that not only Shinji, but a
doll like
you sympathize with me.
Rei : I am not a doll.
Asuka : Shut up ! You do anything as you're ordered.
You will kill yourself if Commander Ikari orders you to do so.
Rei : Yes, I will.
Asuka : Haa !
Asuka : After all, you are just a doll !
You have looked like a doll, and I have hated you from
long, long time ago.
Mmm, Heee ! I hate everyone ! Everyone !
Asuka : Mmm, heeee...
Kensuke : Shinji is absent today, too.
Ayamami's absence is usual, but....
Hikari : Neither Asuka .
Suzuhara is still in the hospital.
Kensuke : Now I suppose that the situation is very severe, and they can't
come to school.
Male operator B : For the signals of EVA Unit-2, everything
is OK.
Female operator E : Connection and Fusion of VA is within
normal limit.
The field of proliferate is within the expected range.
Asuka : You are just my doll.
So move as I order and don't say NO.
Why a weapon has the mind ? Obstructive !
Anyway, you must say just " Yes " to my order.
Hum ? Foolish !
Shigeru : All personnel, the combat formation of first kind.
Prepare for the attack from sky!
Asuka : Angel ! Still they come ?
Don't Be.
---B PART---
Shigeru : Angel was certified by vision.
It's at maximum zoom.
Makoto : It doesn't move from the satellite orbit.
Shigeru : That keeps the constant distance from us.
Misato : That means, that is waiting for the chance of
coming down, or that is going to destroy us without
approaching ?
Makoto : We can't act easily.
Misato : Anyway, we can do nothing unless that approaches to
within our firing range.
Eva cannot beat the enemy over the satellite orbit.
How's Rei ?
Maya : She and Unit-0 is on good condition. They are OK.
Misato : Roger. Unit-0, Sortie! Prepare for the very-long-
distance firing.
Unit-2, Asuka, be ready to the sortie for
Asuka : Covering ? Me ? For Unit-0?
Misato : That's right. Take the rear guard
Asuka : That must be a joke! Eva Unit-2, sortie.
Ritsuko : Asuka !
Misato : OK. Allow her in the front as she wishes.
Makoto : Major Katsuragi !
Ritsuko : You mean if Asuka fails here, she will be dismissed.
Maya : That means, it is the last chance for her ?
Ritsuko : We have to prepare in case of the change of
Unit-2 Pilot.
Maya : Yes, Ma'am.
Makoto : By the way, don't you sortie Unit One?
Misato : It's being frozen by Commander Ikari's absolute order.
(monologue )
(We must accept it after such an accident...)
Asuka : If I fail this mission, maybe I will lose the position
of Unit-2 pilot. You must not make any mistake,
Shigeru : Target is still out of the firing rage.
Asuka : Oh, hurry up, come here, you lazy Angel !
Your laziness irritate me !
Asuka : A-HA !
(BGM : "Hallelujah chorus " from "Messiah" by Haendel)
Misato : Enemy's directional weapon ?
Shigeru : No, no thermal energy reaction detected.
Maya : Abnormal patterns in Psychograph.
Mind contamination will start soon.
Ritsuko : Angel's psycho-attack ?
Can they understand the mind of human beings ?
Asuka : Damn.....
Female operator F : ..... diminished.
Shigeru : No effect. It is out of the range.
Asuka : Akuh , Wu-aaa...
Shigeru : Unit 2 has no bullet in its rifle.
Misato : How is the ray analysis result ?
Makoto : Energy wave of the visible wave length.
It's similar to AT field, but the details are still
Ritsuko : How's Asuka ?
Maya : Dangerous situation.
The mind-contamination broke into the borderline.
Asuka : No ! Me ! Don't enter into me !
Asuka : Ouch !
Asuka : Ouch !
Asuka : Ouch-ii !
Asuka : Ou !
Asuka : No !
Asuka : No-oo !
Asuka : No !
Asuka : Don't peep into my mind !
Please ! Don't invade into my mind anymore.
Misato : Asuka !
Maya : Her psychograph is at the critical point.
Ritsuko : Her mental circuit is now getting damage so
Further overload will be too dangerous.
Misato : Asuka, retreat !
Asuka : No !
Misato : It is the order.
Asuka, I order you to retreat.
Asuka : No, Definitely, No !
If I must retreat, I'd rather die here.
Misato : Asuka !
Male operator C : Accelerator, start the synchronization.
Female operator G : Voltage is increasing. Approaching to
the pressure range.
Male operator D : Compulsory Focusing start !
Female operator H : Correct the error from the rotation and
gravity of the earth, 0.03.
Operator : Pressure in the barrel is at the maximum point.
Makoto : Release the final safety lock.
All personnel, prepare for the firing !
Rei : Ooo !
Shigeru : No effect ! Energy is too short to break
through the AT field from this long distance.
Makoto : But, output power is at its maximum.
We cannot have greater power.
Maya : Unit-2, Psychograph signal is very weak.
Ritsuko : How the mind barrier of LCL acts ?
Maya : No effect. We cannot even expect the buffer effect.
Ritsuko : Give the first priority to Life support.
Don't allow the back current from Eva.
Maya : Yes, Ma'am.
Ritsuko : (monologue)
(That ray seems to scan Asuka's mental wave length
pattern. Oh, no, does this mean Angel is trying to
search the human mind ?)
Little Asuka : Wu-ahhn........
Asuka : Why am I crying ?
I decided that I would not cry anymore.
Asuka's father : What, Asuka. It's the present from your
new mother. Isn't it your favorite ?
Little Asuka : No.
Asuka : So, what do you want ?
Asuka : I am not a baby. I will be an adult earlier than
other people. I don't need a huggy bear.
(Following are the words which were written in the scenes.)
Nein (No)
Erhangte (strangled)
Nein (No)
Don't touch me !
Groll (hatred)
Nein (No)
Stop !
Menarche (menerche)
Nein (No)
Don't enter !
Schmach (shame)
Nein (No)
No !
Doppelselbstmud begehsh (commit suicide with her)
Nein (No)
Ouch !
Nein (No)
Wie angerlich (How comfortable)
Peinlich es (painful)
Stiefmutter (stepmother)
der Verlust (loss)
Wahnsinig (insanity)
Nein (No)
Ouch !
Tod (death)
Nein (No)
Ouch !
Nein (No)
Tod (death)
Nein (No)
Ouch !
Tod (death)
Nein (No)
Nein (No)
Nein (No)
Ouch !
Nein (No)
Tod (death)
Ouch !
Tod (death)
Ouch !
Tod (death)
Nein (No)
Ouch !
Tod (death)
Nein (No)
Ouch !
Ouch !
Ouch !
Ouch !
Nein (No)
Nein (No)
Nein (No)
Ouch !
Nein (No)
Nein (No)
Tod (death)
Nein (No)
Ouch !
Tod (death)
Nein (No)
Nein (No)
Nein (No)
Nein (No)
Nein (No)
Little Asuka : So, see me.
Mama, please, don't stop being my mother.
Kyoko : Please come to the heaven with me.
Little Asuka : Mama, Mama, Please, Don't kill me.
No !
I am not a doll of Mama.
I will think by myself, and I will live by myself.
I need not Daddy or Mama.
I will live alone.
Asuka : No ! Don't make me remember such a thing !
I wanted to forget, so don't dig my memory !
I don't want such a terrible memory.
Stop ! Stop !
Asuka : Got dirty, my mind has.
Kaji-san, it's polluted. What should I do !
My mind was polluted !
Female operator I : Unit-2, all activity ceased.
Female operator J : A problem arose in the life support
Maya : The pilot will enter in the dangerous zone.
Shigeru : Target, no change.
Relative distance shows still no change.
Makoto : The possibility that target will move into the firing range
of Unit-0 is 0.02 %.
Misato : Transport Unit-0 by air ?
Shoot the target from sky ?
No, we can't do that.
If the Angel shoot Unit-0 during the approaching, we
can't protect.
Shinji : I will take the field with Unit-1.
Misato : Mmmm......
Kouzou : No. This target is the one who invade into the mind of
Gendou : We must avoid the situation that Unit-1 is invaded, now.
Shinji : So you mean it's OK if I am not defeated.
Gendou : That is not guaranteed.
Shinji : But, in this situation, Asuka will ....
Gendou : OK. I don't care.
Rei, go down the DOGMA and uses the Lance.
Kouzou : Lancea Longini ? Ikari, That is.......
Gendou : We have no choice to destroy the target on the satellite orbit
where AT field cannot reach from here.
Hurry !
Misato : But, there is the possibility that the contact of Adam and Eva
will cause the Third Impact. That's too dangerous.
Commander Ikari, please do not do that !
Misato : (monologue)
(That isn't a true story? That is a lie?
The Second Impact was not caused by the contact with Angel.)
Female operator K : Open the areas from No. 10 to No. 15 of the Central
Dogma. Unit-0 passed the No. 6 Malvoisie.
Next, open the areas from No. 16 to No. 20.
Misato : You say the third impact will not be aroused by such a little
thing. So, what is the real cause of the second impact ?
Kouzou : Ikari, I think it is too early to use that.
Gendou : The committee started the mass production
of Eva series. It's a good chance, Fuyutsuki.
Kouzou : But, I cannot...
Gendou : We cannot make the clock's arm move backwards,
but, we can make them move earlier by our hands.
Kouzou : The Old Men will not allow this.
Gendou : We must end the all of the things before SEELE take
an action.
It's not a good idea to lose Unit-2 at the moment.
Kouzou : But. if we use the Lancea Longini without the permission
from SEELE, that will arise many problems.
Gendou : If the reason exists, that is enough. There's no other reason
to have a reason.
Kouzou : Reason ? What you really want is just an "excuse".
Makoto : The amplitude of EEG (Electroencephalograph) of Unit-2
pilot, decreased to 0.06.
Maya : It's the critical point for Life Support.
Shigeru : Unit-0 passed No.2. She will be come over the
Misato : That is Lancea Longini.
Shigeru : Unit-0, take the position for throwing.
Makoto : Confirm the target.
Correct the error, OK.
Maya : Start the countdown.
10 second before zero.
8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,
Rei : Hiii !
Shigeru : Target deceased.
Maya : Eva Unit-2 will be free.
Kouzou : How about Lancea Longini ?
Makoto : It passed the first space speed.
It is now moving to the lunar orbit.
Kouzou : It's almost impossible to scavenge that.
Makoto : I agree. There is no way now to take that amount
of mass back.
Maya : Unit-2 is all right. Graphs are within normal limits.
Shigeru : Collect the Unit into Cage NO.2.
Female operator L : Use the route No. 67.
Misato : How's Asuka ?
Makoto : The pilot is alive, confirmed.
The quarantine for the contamination is over.
Misato : I see...
Shinji : I am glad as you are OK, Asuka.
Asuka : Shut up ! What you called OK ?
It's the most terrible thing that I was rescued by that
girl ! Rescued by that dammed girl !
I rather prefer to die than this.
I hate, hate, everyone, everything !
---B PART:END---
Trailer ;
Unit-0 is captured and penetrated by Angel.
To protect Shinji from that invasion, Rei wishes the
death of herself.
She becomes ray and heat, and vanished with The Third
New Tokyo City.
Next episode ; Lacrima
Access: (from 1996/6/13)