John Lichtle

October 23,1997

Preparation outline

Topic: Hayao Miyasaki

General Purpose: To commemorate

Specific Purpose: To commemorate Hayao Miyasaki

Main Points: 1) Who is Hayao Miyasaki?

    1. Hayao Miyasaki�s works.
    2. Hayao Miyasaki�s big deal with Disney.


  1. Those three clips were from films written, produced and directed by Hayao Miyasaki.
    1. "In the U.S., when people think of animation, they think of Disney; in Japan... they think of Miyasaki." Quote from Joe Roth, chairman of Walt Disney studios.
    2. "Walt Disney Co. May be the world�s most famous producer of animated films, but in Japan, it is Hayao Miyasaki who reigns supreme. The full-length movies produced by Japan�s greatest animator routinely outdraw Disney films like "Aladdin" and "The Lion King" at the box office in Japan." Quote from New York Times reporter Andrew Pollack.
    3. "Hayao Miyasaki�s Mononoke Hime (or Princess Mononoke) is a hit. It�s setting a Japanese film industry record and...will probably break the largest box office take set by E.T." Quote from Animerica�s Takashi Oshiguchi.


  1. Hayao Miyasaki was born on January 5, 1941 in Akebono-cho, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo.
    1. From 1947 to 1955, Miyasaki�s mother was sick in bed with spinal tuberculosis (a total of nine years).
    2. She spent the first few of these years in the hospital.
    3. His film, My Neighbor Totoro, in many ways, is an homage to this ordeal. In fact, several critics regard this anime as an autobiographical story.
    4. His father worked for his brother at Miyasaki Airplanes which made rudders for airplanes, this probably influenced Miyasaki�s love of flying which is evident in his work with many people and things flying.
    5. In 1963, Miyasaki graduated from Gakushuin University with degrees in Political Science and Economics.
    6. In April 1963, he lands a job at Toei Animation, there, he is trained for three months, and becomes an in-betweener.
    7. In October 1965, Miyasaki marries Akemi Ota, who is also an animator.
    8. In January of 1967 and in April of 1969, Miyasaki�s two sons were born.
  1. Now I will go into Miyasaki�s works and show clips from some of them.
    1. His first directors work came on the TV series "Future Boy Conan" in 1978.
    2. His first directors work in a movie came with "Lupin III: Castle of the Cagliostro" in 1979.
    3. His first film that he wrote, created and directed, and is widely considered one of the best films ever animated was "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind" in 1984.
    4. His next feature length film was "Laputa: Castle in the Sky", in 1986.
    5. His next film was "My Neighbor Totoro" which is currently his only commercial work available in the U.S. which was released in Japan in 1988.
    6. His next film was "Kiki�s Delivery Service" in 1989.
    7. His next film was the highest grossing Japanese made movie of all time "Porco Rosso" which was released in 1992.
    8. In 1994 he directed his first music video "On Your Mark".
    9. And his last work "Princess Mononoke" which was released this July.
    10. Miyasaki, again, announced his retirement at the press conference for the debut of his film.
  1. Hayao Miyasaki�s production company Studio Ghibli, whose parent company is Tokuma, has just signed a deal earlier this year with Disney.
    1. "Miyasaki�s films feature the same kind of quality family entertainment that Disney has always strived to produce." Walt Disney Studios chairman Joe Roth said.
    2. This is the largest Japanese animation deal ever forged.
    3. The deal includes global video distribution, except Asia, but including Japan, of Miyasaki�s last 5 films and 3 other films from other directors, but produced my Miyasaki.
    4. This also includes production of English language translations, dubs and subtitles of the films.
    5. In March of 1998, "Princess Mononoke" will be released to U.S. theaters.
    6. In April of 1998,the other movies will start being distributed in a "smaller-scale theatrical release", possibly, "Kiki�s Delivery Service" or "Laputa: Castle in the Sky" will be first because these movies never were released in the U.S.


  1. Hayao Miyasaki is largely considered Japan�s greatest animator.
    1. Hopefully now you know about who Hayao Miyasaki is,
    2. You know what Miyasaki�s works are,
    3. And a little about his deal with Disney.




  1. Ledoux, Trish & Doug Ranney, The Complete Anime Guide Japanese Animation Video Directory & Resource Guide. Issaquah, Washington: Tiger Mountain Press: 1995.
  1. "Animerica: Anime & Manga Monthly", vol.4 no. 2.

7) Interview with: Robyn Conder on October 18.1997.