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"Animal Treasure Island" is an animated feature film by Toei Doga
(Toei Animation Studio) made in 1971, for which Miyazaki worked
as a key animator. Miyazaki wrote a manga version of it for the
serialization in a newspaper (credited as "by Toei Doga")
Based on Stevenson's "Treasure Island", most of the characters
appear as animals, except Jim, the boy and Kathy, who is a
typical Miyazaki heroine. It's a fun, slapstick adventure story.
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The manga shown here are Copyrighted by Nibariki/Tokuma Shoten/Viz
Communications/and other respective right holders. The artwork and translations of published material are reproduced here only for the purpose of encouraging interest in, and discussion about, the works of Miyazaki. |
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