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Armitage III

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This is a short, four-part OVA series from the talented people at AIC and Pioneer. It follows the trials of MPD (Martian Police Department) officer Naomi Armitage and Detective Ross Sylibus as they track down a social terrorist in the tangled catacombs of a new frontier city, all while trying to discover the secret of her mysterious past and what it means for her future. This series asks questions like, "What separates humans from machines?" and "What does it mean to have a soul?" It shows how passions clash when jobs, wealth, and lives are at stake. This series has appealed on many different levels, to people with widely differing viewpoints. It is testament to the depth of this work of art. The series stars the famous pop-music/anime idol star, Hiroko Kasahara, as the voice actress for Armitage and the vocalist for the soundtrack.

A feature-length movie version called "Armitage III Poly-Matrix" has been released in Japan. It is in English with Elizabeth Berkley (Showgirls) as Naomi Armitage, and Kiefer Sutherland (Flatliners) as Ross Sylibus.

Short introduction taken from the Armitage III page by Dennis H. Fukushima, Jr. Check out his site for more information!

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