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Bubblegum Crisis

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The series begins in MegaTokyo of the year 2032, where much of the city has recently been destroyed by the second great Kanto earthquake of 2025. In the process of rebuilding the city, the Genom corporation has become a major world power, due to its introduction of boomers. Boomer technology is essentially a combination of robotics, cybernetics and artificial intelligence in human form, pioneered by Doctor Katsuhito Stingray. Doctor Stingray was killed in a lab accident shortly after initial development was completed, but Genom has continued work on his brainchild, and boomers are now a major segment of the worldwide manual labour and military hardware market.

Boomers are quite obviously inspired by the replicants from the movie Bladerunner, and the series has a number of other direct references to both Bladerunner and a number of other western entertainment icons. This even extends to recurring arguments among fans as to whether or not Sylia is a boomer.

The above is the official, surface description of life in the 2030s. In reality, Genom is far from the saviour of the world that they would project themselves to be. Genom's development of military boomers, and their continuing program of controlling global economy and government poses a threat to the very future of humanity. In response, Doctor Stingray's daughter, Sylia, formed the Knight Sabers to resist their plans in ways that the police and world governments could not.

From the Anime Pocket Guide:

Bubblegum Crisis (OAVs)  Genre: Science Fiction

  Silia Stingray ....................... Yoshiko Sakakibara
  Prisilla Asagiri (Priss) .................. Kinuko Ohmori
  Linna Yamazaki .......................... Michie Tomizawa
  Nene Romanova ........................... Akiko Hiramatsu
  Mackie Stingray ........................... Nozomu Sasaki
  Leon McNichol ........................... Toshio Furukawa
  Daley ................................... Kenyuu Horiuchi
  Brian Mason ............................... Shuichi Ikeda
  Gibson (BGC4: Revenge Road) ............. Kaneto Shiozawa
  Nam    (BGC5: Midnight Rambler) ...... Megumi Hayashibara
  Anri   (BGC6: Red Eyes) ................... Yuko Mizutani
  Largo  (BGC6: Red Eyes) ................ Kazuyoshi Sogabe
  Vision (BGC7: Double Vision) ............ Maiko Hashimoto
  Lisa   (BGC8: Scoop Chase) ................. Aya Hisakawa
  Miriam (BGC8: Scoop Chase) ............... Issei Futamata
  Receptionist (BGC8: Scoop Chase) ......... Chisa Yokoyama

US Release by: AnimEigo (subtitled)
UK Release by: Anime Projects Limited (subtitled)

Anime Pocket Guide Rating: RECOMMENDED

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