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Nadia of the Mysterious Seas

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From the Anime Pocket Guide:

Nadia of the Mysterious Seas (FILM)
alternate title: Fushigi no Umi no Nadia movie
Genre: Adventure
   Nadia ....................... Yoshino Takamori
   Jean ........................... Noriko Hidaka
   Grandis ...................... Kumiko Takizawa
   Sanson ....................... Kenyuu Horiuchi
   Hanson ..................... Toshiharu Sakurai

 Anime Pocket Guide Description:
Two years after the events of the series, Nadia is working as an aspiring reporter for a London newspaper. Jean is working on his inventions back in his native France. The news of various important people vaporising and a girl washed up on shore will reunite Nadia and Jean for another adventure.

Note: the 1st 1/2 hour of this 'movie' is clips from the series, and the rest of the movie played as a poor TV episode with cliched villains and a hokey plot line.

Anime Pocket Guide Rating: NOT RECOMMENDED

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