Ultimate Advertising

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General Information

Unlike advertising on television, web advertising gives you the ability to pay for only those who actually see your ad. Sure, television advertising is great... but not when half of the viewers left to get some food during YOUR commercial!

Research has shown that after the 3rd view by a single user, a banner is no longer effective. Therefore your banner will be rotated among other advertisers' banners, which will significantly reduce the occurrence of this 'stale ad' effect. Having more than one banner will also increase CTR.

Advantages of web advertising in general

Advantages of advertising at the Ultimate Animanga Archive

Info on Banners

Purchasing Impressions

An impression is one banner load. If you wish to advertise on the Ultimate Animanga Archive, you pay for the number of impressions you want. The impressions are evenly displayed during one month from the date of purchase, unless you state otherwise.

Current Rates

Ultimate Animanga Archive Rates
(max 45000 banner loads per day)
Impressions 25000 50000 100000 250000 500000 500000+
Total Cost $500 $950 $1800 $2550 $8000 Ask
CPM* $20 $19 $18 $17 $16 Ask

*CPM = Cost Per Thousand (Impressions)

Your banner(s) will be displayed randomly on all the pages in the Hentai Zone or the Ultimate Animanga Archive. The max banner loads mentioned in the table is approximately how many pages I serve per day. In most cases your ads will be spread out during a month, but if the demand is high (or if you state so), the advertising period will be longer.


As I have had bad experiences with people not paying for the advertising they bought, the advertising won't start until half of the payment has been done. The second half of the cost doesn't have to be payed until after the advertising is done.


Contact me using this form or send an email to advertising@animearchive.org.
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The Ultimate Animanga Archive - All design © Copyright David Hedbor, except for the icons, which are made by Joshua Kraft.
Pictures, names, etc. are © & TM their respective owner / creator / distributor.