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Founded at July 26, 1997.
Last upgrade:July 4th, 1998
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2015 A.D.
Mankind faces a crisis
any in human history
To confront this threat,
one young boy
now boards a machine
created by the world's
top scientists and engineers.
The ultimate all-purpose
humanoid weapon
"With the [新かせん]shinkasen(bullet train) onward on it's way to Tokyo-3,
you gaze upon the great megapolis, the triumph and headquarters of Man after the Second Impact, and you feel it's power.
Gazing to the left, you see one of the great hangers of the center, carrying one of the 3 EVAs to
the deep and massive geofront beneath the city.
You listen carefully as the PA station rang out:"All personnel please have all identifications out.
We are reaching NERV HQ, and prepare for disembarkation."
You wait to step on this new ark.......the new beginning of Man with science and technology............."
Irrashaimasse e X_Caliber's Evangelion Hangar base!(いらしまっせ えエクシュカリベル のE.H.b!!!)
Note:この わひとお日本語わはないしますと読む, ぼくわだけ習う, それ でわ、 間違 わ あります、 御免なさい!!!
-Ooch, what a disaster for the first week. I'm striving to bring the pages up to it's excellence but it's going to have to wait as I'm going to AnimeExpo'98. I'll finish fixing this page on Monday, and until then, PLEASE don't fret.
-AnimeExpo '98 is a blast! Lots of stuff, and lots of impressive guests of honors.
-[おめでと ございます]Omedeto gozaimasu, E.H.b, for it's first anniversary!
-Many thanks to everyone that gave this site patronage =D
You are no.
since 7/26/1997 at my humble section. Arrigato Gozaimashita![ありがと ございます!]
100 mark:Reached(Yay! First goal completed!!!!=))3 weeks
500 mark:Reached(Yay! Finally! [巨大 だ!]Kyodai da!^_^) 1 Months 3 weeks
1,000 mark:Reached(Yay! Amazing!!!!!!^^)2 Months
3,000 mark:Reached(Yay! [凄い!!!]Sugoi!!!!!!=))7 Months; 2 weeks, 1 day
5,000 mark:Reached(Yay! Cheers for the people visiting!=^_^=) 8 months, 1 week
10,000 mark:Reached(Yay! 5/29/98 is a truly momentous occasion indeed! Break out the champagne!) 8 months, 3 weeks
(Note; 1 month=4 weeks)
No new ones currently.
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All rights reserved to all .gifs as well as .jpg here to their repective companies, for example,
Gainax, and distributers, like A.D. Vision, and all credit goes to the people who
spent plenty of their time scanning these pictures in, since I have no current scanner or picture.
The "Neon Genesis Evangelion" images in this web page are used with permission of Co, Ltd Copying,
distribution or usage in other web pages is prohibited.
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