Alias: Minnie May
Name: May Hopkins
Age: 17
Height: 4'8"
Weight: 84lbs
History: Heya! I'm May Hopkins, I go by Minnie May and I am a explosives expert. I learned my skills from Ken Taki, who I love more than anything! I appears to be 14 or so, but in actually I'm 17, but don't tell, alright? I'm a seasoned veteran of the streets. When I was around 12 or 13, I was living on my own, I'm not saying what happened to my parents; a girl needs to keep some secrets, ne? When I was 14 or so, Ken Taki took me in, he thought I was a little boy, until one day, I came home and caught Ken in bed with a woman, I then revealed my true nature. After Ken and me decided to quit the Mafia, he ran off and I ended up in a China Town brothel for the next few months, until one day, I met Rally, and then my life as a Gunsmith Cat began.
Skills: I'm a true explosives fanatic, and proud of it. I get a rush when I blow things up! I learned everything from MY Kenny. I carry several grenades and at least a dozen explosives in my coat at all times, I also have some C-4 in the heel of my shoe, but don't let anyone know. I'm also a seasoned veteran of the streets. I'm also skilled in the 'arts'...if you know what I mean.