S.O.S. Page Naoko Support Page

Ohayoo. Konnichiwa. Konbanwa. whichever suits. I have done a little re-designing here because I felt the page was getting a bit long and hence longer to load. All links are now in specific categories. New categories will be added as needed. Just click on the link and it will take you to the section you want to go!

Resource Locators: anime search engines and such

Places to Shop: Shopping! Anime! Yeah!

Character Pages: pages dedicated to one specific character

Miscellaneous:other great pages which offer a mix of things

Web Rings: We all know what these are

Fan Fiction: Well, it's Fan Fiction!

Want to add your link to my list?

Fill out the form below

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The URL:

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What category should your site belong in?:

If you have an site banner please enter it's location here.

So tell me about your Sailor Moon site.

Please keep in mind that the Miscellaneous section is basically for pages with a variety of things to offer, like my page for example. The Image gallery section is really only for pages that only have images galleries, and the same with the movies and music. I will also say that until I get enough links in either of those categories they will be kept on the Miscellaneous page.

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