Episode 29: The Sixth Child/ Harbinger
(All, seemingly, has gone as planned, as the 6th
child's plane lands safely in a Tokyo 3 Commercial
airport outside Tokai . . .as soon as the craft docks, two passengers
are quickly spirited
away in an armored transport bearing the markings of Nerv command.
From the high level of security in place, it is
obvious that no more mistakes are to be
tolerated . . . )
(Asuka, meanwhile, has recovered fully, and has
begun synchronization tests with a
(newly repaired) unit 2. The readings, however, are not good--though
she can once again
achieve a forward flowing pattern at functional capacity, it is
at a ratio of 23%--a mere
shadow of her former glory.
Though no longer plagued by her past, the girl seems to have lost
a source of focus . . . )
(Shinji, meanwhile, is elated to learn that his
friends Kensuke Aida and Touji Suzihara,
as well as most of his class, have slowly returned to Tokyo 3, as
the Angels no longer pose a
threat. This provides him with a welcome release, knowing,
once again, he has people
who care for him and souls into which he can confide. . .
(Upon his return , it seems Touji has recovered,
to a certain
extent, from his injuries suffered at the hands of unit 01. . .
Though his
arm and leg have been amputated, he is a boy of a strong will, tenacious
personality, and stubborn resolve. For him, LIFE GOES ON.
As demonstrated by his joy in seeing Ikari, it is also apparent
that he holds no malice
towards Shinji. . .
. . . Plus, with the advancements of medical technology in the 21st
he can maintain the appearance of a normal child - - although he
occasionally complain of soreness in the artificial limbs . . .)
( . . .There are, of course, a barrage of questions for Shinji
and Asuka when
Kensuke and Touji finally visit Major Katsuragi's apartment on a
summer afternoon . . .
Image by Elaine Cardenas
. . .which is, of course, complimented by a fair share of jokes and innuendo . . .)
Touji: Oh, come on, Ikari! What have you two been UP to ?
Kensuke: I don't think I wanna ask . . .
Shinji: Wh--what do you mean?
kensuke: Oh, come on, you know . . .
Asuka: . .?
Shinji: . . ?
(At their lack of response, Touji turns to his erstwhile companion, shaking his head . . )
Touji: I'm glad we came back in time--Kensuke and I were sure
you and Devil
girl over here would've had a second honeymoon or somethin '. . .
Shinji: -!- . . nn . . knock it off . . .
(Asuka's response, however, is far more animated . . )
(With this, the air is broken by the sound of a loud 'slap!' . . ..)
Touji: Ow! HEY!
Asuka: Hmmph! I was 'fraid you'd come back! Damn three stooges!!
(Meanwhile, In the EVA containment area, unit
6 has reached the final
stage of construction. For some reason unbeknownst to even the
higher level techs,
however, S2 organs were specifically NOT to be used in the organics
fabrication process . . .
. . .this was, as rumor has it, an attempt
to avoid another incident like the
one involving unit 04. . .)
( . . .Though unit 6 bears striking resemblance to
units 0,2,3,and 4, there are
several differences apparent; the most notable of which being
a set of series 5 type
wings on its upper dorsal area, which causes the EVA to fill its containment
even when they are folded. Despite some other significant
enhancements, however,
the lack of an S2 engine means it, like the others, still requires
external power for extended engagements. . .)
( . . .As the scene continues, it can be seen that the armor is nearly complete, and only the head remains uncovered. As Ritsuko and Shigeru look on, Maya cannot help but acknowledge how "Truly ugly" the EVA's really are, and in her own mind, wonders if their appearance reflects that of the souls of those who build them. . .
. . . or pilot them. )
(Only an hour later, the 6th child finally arrives at Nerv .
(In the causeway outside the entrance of Central dogma,
the boy is
surprised to come face to face first with a pale young girl.
Rei Ayanami stares at the child through curious eyes,
silent as the boy
stumbles over a greeting . . .)
Lyn: Ah-there is a problem?
Rei: No.
Lyn: I-I'm-
(He pauses, as she continues
to eye him)
Lyn: Er--Anouilh . . Lyn. You are the first child--um--Aya-n- Ayanami Rei?
Rei: Yes.
Lyn: You're pilot Evangelion Unit 0, right?
Rei: What remains of it.
(The boy scratches the back of his head, looking
uneasily from side to side.
Then, mustering his courage, he manages a weak smile--)
Lyn: Well--Then I am pleased to be making of your acquaintance .
(Rei ignores the boy's misuse of formal Japanese as she gazes further)
Rei: Very well.
(A moment later, Rei quietly turns and leaves, seemingly unsatisfied)
Lyn: Uh. Strange girl . . .
(Immediately after
this encounter the boy, along with a tall young woman
wearing an unfamiliar uniform, a taken to the transport elevator set
to take them
to the main complex . . .)
(Nearly 20 minutes later and 100 meters below, as
the lift reaches its
destination, the passengers are met first by Makoto Hyuga and Major
who introduces herself to the unfamiliar woman accompanying the child:
Misato: Welcome to Nerv. I take it You are Seyoko Okazaki?
(The woman looks at Misato for a second, almost surprised
at the
sight--then, she seems to remember herself, managing an abrupt salute.)
Seyoko: Er--Lieutenant Seyoko Okazaki, Liaison for the sixth child
Anouilh to Nerv section 1.
Misato: Yes, of course. My apologies. . . Lieutenant.
I am Major Misato Katsuragi.
I take it this is the boy?
Lyn: Yes ma'am.
Misato: You must be tired from your trip. Your things have
already been
delivered to your apartment. Lt. Okazaki, I take it you will be staying
with him?
Seyoko: Of course.
Misato: Then I will have these men take you to your room. You
will be staying
in the 5th block from this one.
(interestingly enough, as fate would have it, they
have been placed in the top
floor of Misato's building . . .)
( As the group leaves, Hyuga can't help but have doubts. . )
Hyuga: (thinking) These kids are too polite for my taste.
Poor guy. He has no
idea what he's getting into . . .
(The next day, as school
once again resumes, class gossip and chatter
seems to focus once more on a transfer student--this time, a boy by
the name
of Lyn Anouilh. The (spreading) word has it that he is the 6th
child . . . though
he has a hard enough time just talking to others as it is. . .)
(It is During the lunch
break that Shinji, Touji, and Kensuke finally meet the
boy, and though they try to be outgoing, there is only an exchange
of greeting:
he seems to be content with sitting alone, flipping through his small
Kanji dictionary. . .
. . .This all changes, however, upon Asuka's arrival. . . )
(Soryu quickly identifies herself for the boy's benefit, and is happy
to see
a look of surprise spread across his face.)
Asuka: Du meine Güte! So-- this is the much-discussed sixth child?
Lyn: (surprised) Y-You know about that?
Asuka: Of course I do. I am Asuka Langley Soryu--
Lyn: (Interrupting) Y-YOU are Soryu Asuka?
Asuka: That's 'Asuka Soryu!' Try to get it right the first time!
Lyn: Yes of course, I'm sorry . .! And then you--you then are the pilot of EVA Unit 2?
Asuka: Yep. You've heard of me, 'of course?'
Lyn: A . . . little.
(The boy looks away from her, turning his eyes downward.
He repeats his
question, yet it seems to come out in a tone of mild disbelief)
Lyn: (Quietly) You're the pilot of unit 2?
Asuka: What? What is it?
Lyn: I haven't heard too much about the others--only the
second child,
Asuka Soryu. I've wanted to meet you since the day they told
me I was chosen.
Asuka: Of course . . .
Lyn: But now--please--tell me--the truth. . .
Asuka: What?
Lyn: Are you really her? I mean really. . .
Asuka: (Angry) Just what do you mean by that!?
Lyn: Come on, you know what I mean!
Asuka: what?
Lyn: I mean-Well . . .
(He pauses, looking her over . . . then, the child laughs in embarassment,
rubbing the back of his neck absent-mindedly--)
Lyn: I . . . I always thought she'd be . . um . . taller . . .
(He is interrupted as the lunch period ends, and
class begins once more)
Asuka: . . .!!!
(As the scene ends, we are left with a vision of Asuka in a state that
can only be described as fuming . . . )
(Nearly 4 hours later, in the spacious
office of Nerv's supreme commander, Gendo Ikari consults with Fuyutsuki
on the Status of Unit 06. )
Fuyutsuki: That is understandable. But it still doesn't
explain why you've
had them schedule the unit for above ground tests. Is
it really wise to activate it outside the safety of the containment cage?
Gendo: I'm not about to put what remains of this facility, let
alone the entire
Geo-front, at the risk of another possible hostile infiltration.
Besides, Unit 6 is untested, and its augmentation makes it too bulky
for the test-cage.
Fuyutsuki: (Thinking) so, now, the City has become expendable, as well as valuable?
Fuyutsuki: By the way, does the committee even know of its existence?
Gendo: Of course. . .
Fuyutsuki: (smirking) And they approved this?
Gendo: Hmmph. . . Not likely. Nor would I care to hear what they think.
Fuyutsuki: Then, if I may be so bold, where did the money to build it
from? I mean that, combined with the reconstruction costs of unit
Gendo: Nerv is more independent than I would have some of those
at the higher
levels believe. I won't put our hopes in the hands of
an series that has not
been constructed with our goals in mind . . . Where the money comes
from is no concern of yours or anyone else; only that it comes.
(Several seconds pass . . )
Fuyutsuki: It wouldn't happen to have anything to do with the
costs for the city, would it? A . . . misappropriation of funds, perhaps?
(At this, Gendo almost smiles . . .)
Gendo: You're still very good, professor . . .
Fuyutsuki: (Thinking) Clever bastard . . .
(With this, it is decided that it is for the
best that the child is accompanied by
a second EVA, in the case of another 'incident'. As The construction
of unit 6 is
finally completed, the tests are tentatively scheduled for the following
(Inside Major Katsuragi's apartment, Asuka
paces the floor as Shinji
diligently tries to do some homework. The girl is noticeably
troubled, and
is muttering angrily under her breath. Finally, she seems to
erupt: )
Asuka: How can you just sit there like that?!
Shinji: What?
Asuka: (scowling) RRRGH, You're such an honor student!
Can't you do anything but study?
What about that boy---An-nowee?
Shinji: Well-What about him?
Asuka: What a dork! How can anyone be so full of himself?
Shinji: (Nearly whispering) This . . . coming from you?
Asuka: WHAT was that!?
Shinji: Nothing . . .
Asuka: I don't believe this! He is some sort of jerk and you STILL have no spine!
Shinji: Wh-What did he say? I didn't find anything wrong when I talked to-
Asuka: You spoke with him?!
Shinji: Yes, but
Asuka: What Did he say? Did he talk about me? Did he question me?! Answer!!
(Shinji is slow to answer, as Asuka is shaking him violently)
Asuka: NOW!
Shinji: Ga-aah-He-Just-Said-Hello. . !
(Asuka turns away in disgust as she drops the boy's collar)
Asuka: FINE THEN! we'll see during the test tomorrow.
We'll truly see who is the better pilot!
(At this, however, Shinji can only shake his head. )
(Elsewhere, Anouilh and Seyoko are in their
apartment, which is lightly guarded
on the outside by Nerv Security. )
(A subtle clicking fills the air as Seyoko
types diligently at her laptop, which
is connected by a series of wires into a tap on the wall. Lyn
sits on side of the
bed, deep in contemplation . . .)
(Finally, Okazaki tosses out a question that breaks the silence.)
Seyoko: So, um, how was school today?
Lyn: Huh? What do you mean?
Seyoko: Are you getting along with your new acquaintances?
Lyn: (mumbling) How? . . . I don't even understand them half the time.
(Seyoko pauses from her typing, looking at the boy over her shoulder--)
Seyoko: What? Haven't you been studying your Japanese?
Lyn: Well, yes . . . but I haven't caught onto everything yet.
Seyoko : And what about your Kanji?
Lyn: Every minute of every day!
(Several seconds pass. finally, Seyoko shuts off
her computer, folding it--)
Seyoko: Have you met the other children? The other pilots, I mean.
Lyn: (Slowly) yes. . .All of them, I think. There are only three now, right?
Seyoko: If everything goes as planned tomorrow, then the three will be four.
(Another repose seems to descend upon the room as
says this. after several more moments of comfortable silence,
Anouilh utters something else . . .)
Lyn: By the way . . .When will I be allowed to call home?
Seyoko: Whenever you like.
Lyn: . . . Oh.
(Meanwhile, far away from Gendo, Nerv, and the trivialities of schoolchildren. . .')
Seele: Yes, soon.
Seele: It is only a matter of waiting
Seele: Patience
Seele: For the child
Seele: Nerv will be ours. Again.
Seele: Patience
Seele: For the child
Seele: soon . . .
Seele: The true promised day . . .
Kihl: And Ikari. Gendo, you will pay.
To Be Continued . . .