Evangelion and Eva concepts are copyright © 1995-1999 GAINAX and Project Eva. EVA:R
original fanfiction and all artwork here (unless otherwise indicated) are copyright © 1999 Maher Al-Samkari.




Episode 31: This flower, for your thoughts. . ./ Confusions, Conundrums, and Complications . . .

        (Far below the streets of The 3rd Toyo city . . . in the Corridors of Nerv central . . .

         Shinji Ikari finds he cannot bring himself to speak with Misato after the ‘incident’ during unit 6’s test.

          Now once more a lost spirit, He begins to wander about the halls of
the underground installation aimlessly--constantly replaying the previous day’s
events in his mind . . .)

                    -(Flashback)-Attacking unit 3 . . .

                    -(Flashback)-Killing Kaoru . . .

                    -(Flashback)-The Targeting reticule’s position over Unit 6’s neck . . .

     (He shudders once as the last images assault his memory—

    and suddenly, he finds that he is no longer indoors, outside, onto a busy Tokyo 3 sidewalk.

     Realizing where he is, he drops his gaze to the ground, hearing the conversations of passersby:  )

Woman:  . . . Quite what you expected?

Woman:  No.  Not really.  But then, I guess its my fault.

Woman:  Oh?

Woman:  I thought it was all over!  Why are they still
                messing around with those robots?

Woman:  I’m not sure, but I thought we’d had an earthquake
                there for a while.  You know, those things . . .

     (Shinji grits his teeth as the voices fade into the background.
As the crossing light changes from red to green,
he crosses the street—

    although now, he seems to have a destination in mind. . .


      (It is nearly silent in Ryouji’s garden, save for the usual noises
of the outdoors.  (this portion of the Geo front was, in fact, one of the
numerous areas to be spared from flooding) Shinji is surprised,
however, to find Misato, in uniform,  watering the flowers that
have sprung up among the watermelons.

    Though he makes no noise, the woman seems to become quickly
aware of his presence, as she pauses for a moment . . .)

Misato: (with her back turned)  . . . I don’t have shift for the next hour.
                                                So, I thought I’d come here to  check up
                                                on Kaji’s plants. . .

     (Shinji remains silent, allowing his eyes to rest on one of the flowers . . .)

Misato:  (Slowly) . . . I saw what happened. I’m sorry, Shinji.

     (The flower is a red snapdragon, which is yet in full bloom.)

Misato:  . . . and. . . I won’t ask you to do that again.
            From now on, Asuka and Rei will handle the fail- safe post. . .

Shinji:  (without turning) How. . . ?

Misato:  Unit 0’s repairs are nearly finished, and-- Asuka’s had time
            to regain her strength.  Besides, the  next test
            won’t be for a few days.

Shinji: (distant)  I could have . . . if I hadn’t. . . hesitated .  . .


Misato:  I. . .Shinji, I’m going to tell you something that I really
            shouldn’t, but. . .I think you should  know. . .

Shinji:  What?

Misato:  There was—another fail-safe measure ready in case
            Unit 6 went berserk . . .

Shinji:  Another? Fail-safe?

        (the woman is hesitant--her own gaze still focused on the garden before her)

Misato:   Yes. . . After what occured with the last two pilots . . .

Shinji:  What?

Misato:  We wouldn’t have used it, I’m sure. . .

        (The boy is suddenly adamant--shutting his eyes as he awaits an answer . . .)

Shinji:  Say it!

Misato:  Shinji . . . Anouilh’s entry plug was rigged to explode if the boy turned out to be . .  like Nagisa. . .

Shinji: (breathlessly) . . . Explode . .?

Misato:  It was the only way- -

Shinji: . . !

Misato:  So, you see, your presence was necessary—so we
            wouldn’t have to resort to such a measure. . .

Shinji:  How! How could you?

Misato:  It wasn’t MY decision!

Shinji:  But—Still!

Misato:  Shinji, only in the absolute worst case would it come to that.  You know that.

Shinji:  The Worst case!?  And . . .what is the worst case?


 (Meanwhile, At the local high-school . . . )

Lyn:  (sighing) ok . . .

    (Lyn Anouilh looks diligently through his Kanji dictionary as the
class around him begins a personal study period.
On his paper, he has jotted down several words (in Japanese) )

                Note:  remember — <Gojou>:  the five passions--

                                Kietsu:  Joy

                                Aijou:  Sadness

                                Haradachi:  Anger

                                Yokkyuu:  Desire

     (Then, however, he pauses, and stares at the page for a moment.
He blinks his eyes a few times, then shrugs, writing down the next word:  )

                                                Ikari:  Hatred


     (Elsewhere, in the supreme commander's office in Nerv central  . . .

    Gendo has finally been filled in by Fuyutsuki on the final status of the boy’s results . . .)

Fuyutsuki:  . . .So, even with all the training they gave him, he only achieved a Synchro Ratio of 29%.
                 Either he is not suited for piloting EVA, or the program he was in was inadequate.

Gendo:  I wouldn’t put too much blame on the child.  Unit 6 itself is
            still in the initial stages of function:   The EVA hasn’t even been
            put through its first combat tests.  There hasn’t even been the time
            to construct a simulatory program for it—hence the above ground tests.
            There’s still quite a bit of  data to be gathered, I’m sure. . .

Fuyutsuki:  Speaking of 6--If I may. . .?

Gendo:  Hmm . . ?

Fuyutsuki:  Why "6?"  To my knowledge, the last count ended at four . . .

     (To Fuyutsuki’s surprise, Gendo grins . . .)

Gendo:  That may be.  But The last two were utter failures.
            And besides, As you know, construction  contracts
             for units 5 through 13 have been commissioned by Germany and the
            U.S . . .  among  various other investors.  So,
             technically, we should start with a  "14."

Fuyutsuki:  Well, Then—why 6?  Won’t that create some confusion?

Gendo:   Simple - - matters of consistency.


     (Meanwhile, in the test center far below . . . young Shinji is
not the only child absent from school . . .

Asuka: . . .

     (Asuka Langley Soryu sits in an entry plug, her face filled with determination.
having been excused from class, it seems the girl must undergo new
harmonics tests in a simulated entry situation . . . )

Technician:  Connections complete.  Inserting the simulation plug

     (there is a soft hum of gyros turning)

Technician:  Plug inserted.  Data collection commencing . . .

Ritsuko: Okay, Asuka.  How does it feel?

Asuka:  Different.  Not like—before . . .

Ritsuko:  Status?

Technician:  MAGI still predicts a user interface synchro-ratio under
                25%  Above functional levels, but. .

Ritsuko:  Asuka, I want you to concentrate on the unit’s arms for now.
                Try to lift them both above your  head . . .

     (Asuka seems to strain for a moment, and seconds later, on screen,
the simulatory  body’s arms lift slowly into the air. . . )

    (note: The actual simulatory form doesn’t actually, PHYSICALLY move.  It is a digital-representation
of that movement)

Ritsuko: . . . now lock the its fingers together, like one big fist.

 (Slowly, the unit’s hands twine together:  but it is restrained, and takes nearly a minute . . .)

Asuka: (exhaling) Togeth--uuuungh . . .

Ritsuko:  Asuka, take it easy:  It’s going to take some time—

Asuka: (interrupting) No! Ich kann . . . es . . .!

 (With this, the unit’s fingers lock together firmly;  Asuka lets out a sigh of relief. . .)

Ritsuko:  Very good.  Any change?

Technician:  up about +.03% !

Ritsuko:  Okay!  Asuka, We’re just getting started.


     (Several hours later, Shinji has returned home, and is in the
process of cooking dinner.  As he mixes the rice, beans, and curry in the
small cooking pan, his mind returns to the events of earlier that day . . .)

Shinji:  And . . . What is the worst case?

Misato:  You know. . .

Shinji:  NO, I don’t.

Misato:  Nothing happened!  You shouldn’t concern yourself with
            it any longer—It was never in your-

Shinji:  (interrupting) I could have k . . Killed him!  And yet you say it’s none of my concern!?

Misato:  In the worst case-

     (Shinji eye’s widen, expectantly)

Misato:  We only would’ve detonated the charge if he’d gotten to
                close to central, you know that!.   Please understand!

     (Several seconds pass)

Shinji:  I don’t know why . . .

      (As he stands there, eyeing Misato, it seems as if, of a sudden,
the feelings bottled up within the woman begin to break the surface . . .)

Misato:  .Please . . . If there was anything I could do or say to make
            these feelings stop . . . to bring  them all back . . . To
            make you forget all the horrible things you’ve seen, all the things you’ve
            been forced to do . . . All the suffering and
            death . . . Maybe you would not think me so . .cold . . .

     (She stops, looking toward the half finished subline)
Misato:  Oh God, Shinji,  If only . . . You understood . . .

Shinji:  But—I do . . .

Misato:  You . . What?

     (Shinji looks at Misato once more . . . and his eyes betray a hint of tears . . .)

Shinji:  I . . . do understand . . . all of it.
Shinji:  (thinking)—they finally come.  The tears finally come . . .)

     (Misato turns away—she seems to be holding back. . .

     (And then, Shinji does something unexpected.

     (He steps toward her,  touching her shoulder—his eyes falling to the flower once more--)

Shinji:  It’s okay, Misato.  I think . . . I see what I'm supposed to, now. . .

     (Stangely, it seems that his voice is positive--

    perhaps even reassuring . . .)
     (And in this, he realizes . . .

     He has purpose.)


     (Elsewhere, school has ended.  As the students file out of
class, Lyn looks quickly over heads in the crowd—
until he finds who he is looking for . . .)

Lyn:  Ayanami! Rei! Uh—Rei!?

     (Rei, in the middle of the mass of students, stops in her tracks, and turns toward the boy.
He makes his way toward her, careful not to drop his books in the chaos . . ).

Rei:  Yes?

Lyn:  Um—are you going home?

Rei: Yes.

Lyn:  do you mind if I walk with you?

Rei:  No—but why?

Lyn:  (embarrassed) I kind of—got lost last time.

Rei:  Oh.

     (As the two head toward home, it is in silence.  Lyn walks
several paces behind Rei, who seems to offer no
form of conversation as the two cross street after street . . .
finally, however, he breaks in: )

Lyn:  Um—Rei?

Rei:  . . . .?

    (The child hesitates for a few seconds, finally forcing himself to ask . . .)

Lyn:  A couple days ago—when I first met you in the hallway—
        you looked at me kind of strangely . . .

     (At this, the girl turns her gaze toward him.  Though it isn’t
unfriendly,  Strangely, Lyn finds himself not able
to meet it, and turns his eyes toward the ground . . .)

Lyn. . . and I want to know why.

Rei:  You really want to know?

Lyn:  Yeah.

     (Rei is quiet for a moment)

Rei:  I was looking for something.

Lyn:     and . . .  did you find it?

    (Oddly, the girl turns away--focusing on the path ahead once more . . .)

Rei:   No. . .


     (Meanwhile, Misato has begun her shift in Nerv headquarters—
around her, technicians man their posts, as Akagi recounts the day’s happenings;)

Ritsuko:   . . .so, When we’d finished, Asuka was up to about 25.
            It’s pretty slow going, but she’s making  progress.

Misato:  And—How does she feel about it?

Ritsuko:  Well, she’s not too impressed.  But, considering where
            she comes from, that’s understandable . .

Misato:  Do you think she’ll be able to push herself all the way?

Ritsuko:  I don’t know, for sure.  But we’ll see.  So, what were you doing on your off-shift?

 (Misato finds she cannot help but smile)

Misato:  Consoling someone .  . .


     (Nearly a mile above, almost an hour later, Lyn and Rei have at last made it to his building.

The sounds of conversation can be heard as they make their way toward the elevator . . .)

Lyn:  so you’re saying—the last child was actually—like them?!

Rei:  Yes.

Lyn:  But—wasn’t there a way to tell?  If he was the last, then—why are all of you still here?
        Why are the  EVA’s still-

Rei:  To be honest, I am really not sure.

 (The elevator door opens as they near, and soon Lyn turns from it to Rei )

Lyn: Well, thanks for the escort.  I should be able to find my own way next time.

Rei: (exiting)  I hope that is so.

Lyn:  Bye., I guess . . .

    (Rei simply turns away as the door closes)

     (Lyn stands there for a moment, shifting his books from one
arm to the other.  Finally, he enters the elevator, muttering quietly to himself-)

Lyn: . . .strange girl . . .

    (Slowly,  the elevator begins to ascend.)

     (seconds later, however, it stops abruptly at the 7th floor:

    and Asuka Langely enters as the doors open.)

Lyn:  Oh, great.  . .

Asuka:  Not again!

    (taking a shallow breath, the boy places his finger on the numberpad . . .)

Lyn:   Well—what floor?

Asuka:  The first.

Lyn:  But--This one's going up-- why don't you just wait for the other one . . .

Asuka:  The other one's broken stupid!  Didn't you see the sign?

Lyn: . . .

     (Lyn presses the button as the door closes.
He shifts uneasily as the car continues its assent. . .)

Lyn:  Well--  I saw that you weren’t in class today.

Asuka:  Really?  Quite perceptive of you.

Lyn:  (turning away) Okay, fine.  I guess I have nothing to say to you.

Asuka:  So be it.  Obviously, little has changed.

Lyn: Wh—what?

Asuka:  Of course, you boys have very little of any importance to say these days. . .

Lyn:  Huh?! A-And just what’s THAT supposed to mean?!

Asuka:  It’s nothing for you to worry about—

 (Lyn turns, somewhat surprised, as the elevator’s doors open on his floor . . .)

Asuka:  -Your floor?

Lyn: (exiting) . . Yeah.

     (They turn away from each other as the doors
begin to close.  Finally, Anouilh relaxes as the car begins to descend. . .)

     (He shakes his head)

Lyn:  stranger girl. . .

     (In the elevator, meanwhile, Asuka looks up as the floor’s seem to ascend…)

Asuka:   Feh . . .Dummkopf . . .

To Be Continued . . .