Evangelion and Eva concepts are copyright © 1995-1999 GAINAX and Project Eva. EVA:R
original fanfiction and all artwork here (unless otherwise indicated) are copyright © 1999 Maher Al-Samkari.




Episode 34: The Opening/  A Rainy day

     (It is late evening, a few days before the class trip.  Shinji, Touji, Kensuke,
Asuka, Hikari, Misato, and Rei sit in Misato’s apartment . . . as final plans are made . . . sort of . . .)

Asuka:  Will you two be QUIET!  I’m trying to hold a conversation here!

Touji:  Hey, lay off, we ain’t said anything to you-

Asuka:  But You’re still getting on my nerves!

Kensuke:  I didn’t say anything to-

Shinji:  Can’t they all just stop arguing for once?

Misato:  I don’t see how that’s possible . . .

Hikari:  Asuka—as I was saying, they said the weather’s
            gonna be great all during the trip-

Touji:  What she get all angry for?

Kensuke:  I think it’s the fact we’re here—

Asuka:  You mean it’s not going to rain—well what if it’s too hot?
            You can’t do anything about being too  hot!

Touji:  ‘Real jerk sometimes . . .

Shinji:  I wouldn’t go that far-

Asuka:  I mean, if it rains, you can cover up, or go under a tent-

Kensuke:  Sometimes?

Hikari:  I don’t know about that.  Rain always seems to ruin a good trip . . .

Asuka:  Oh?

Misato: (finishing her drink)—so!  Who’s hungry

     (At that instant, everyone becomes silent.)

Touji:  You mean-

Kensuke: There’s no food?

Asuka:  Das gibt's doch nicht . . . !

Hikari:  Oh no . .

Misato:  Don’t worry, I’m sure we can whip up something.

Shinji:  We?

Asuka:  Really! Having guests over and no food . . .

Misato:  Well, what do you guys want? I’ve got instant--

Rei: (Quietly)  Of course . . .

Touji:  I could go for something hot right now. . .

Kensuke:  Yeah. . .

Hikari:  How ‘bout some curry?

Misato:  Sounds good!  I’ll just-

All:  NO!

Misato:--ask Shinji here to make some.

    (There is a collective sigh of relief)


     (Meanwhile, down in Nerv, Ritsuko sits in one of the many labs, a cup
of coffee in one hand while the other is busy at a keyboard in her lap.
Maya sits at a console, not 5 feet away from her. . .)

Ritsuko:  Continue the diagnostic program on sections A9, L1, and L46.
            We can’t leave a stone  unturned . . .

Maya:  (Sighing)  I guess we should’ve expected a problem like this . . .

Ritsuko:  It can’t be helped.  We don’t have the time to waste-

Maya:  But still . .!  I mean, the threat’s passed, right?  Why do we need to
            worry about rushing this when  there are no more angels?

Ritsuko:  Angels aren’t our only concern.

Maya:  What?  But I thought—well,

Ritsuko: I know, I know.  I thought the same thing . . . probably.
            But commander Ikari has other  . . .plans.

    (At these words Maya stops typing, looking up at Dr. Akagi-)

Maya:   not. . . you don’t think . . .not the same thing he did with
            the last one?  The last system . . .

     (Indeed, Ritsuko can hear the worry in her voice . . .)

Ritsuko:  No.  That was one of many.  This is one and only one.
            I’ve made sure of that.

Maya:   I hope so . . .

Ritsuko: . . .

    (without another word, Maya returns to her work . . .)

Maya: . . . .

Ritsuko:  Don’t worry . . .


     (Back in Misato’s apartment,  Things have gotten a bit less chaotic—since
Touji felt the need to use the restroom.  However, as Shinji prepares the ingredients
for the curry, and Misato returns to the fridge for yet another beverage, muffled shouts
can still be heard coming from the other room . . .)

Asuka:  What?! How could you suggest something like that!?

Kensuke:  Wha?  Wha’d I say?

Hikari:  That’s not such a bad idea, actually --

Asuka:  Are you kidding?  It’s crowded enough in here as it is . . .

Kensuke:  It’s not like one more is gonna make a difference . . .

     (In the kitchen, Shinji has started the water boiling . . . by the window, he notices
it has started raining outside. .  .)

Shinji:  Misato?

Misato:  Yeah?

Shinji:  I take it since you’re letting us make plans that it’s
        okay for us to be going on this trip . . .

Misato:  Of course!

Shinji:  Well-

Misato:  What?

Shinji:  What if something happens while we’re gone?
            Whose going to be here to-

Misato:  Oh, don’t worry—one of you’ll be staying.

Shinji:  Huh?  Who?

Misato:  That new boy.

Shinji:  He’s not coming?

Misato:  He just got here, right?  And besides, he needs to go through a
            whole bunch of tests tomorrow— that’s what Ritsuko told me. . .

Shinji:  Oh . . .

Misato:  How have you guys been getting along with him?

Shinji:  Okay, I guess.  But he doesn’t talk much.

Misato:  You guys really should start —You will be working
            with him a lot in the future . . .

Shinji:  You know, you’re right . . .

    (In the next room, Touji has returned from using the facilities. . . )

Touji:  I’m back--wha’d I miss?

Asuka:  Hey—did you wash your hands? I didn’t hear any water running!

Touji:  What are YOU so worried about?  No one’s going to touch you anyway . . .

Hikari:  Now will you guys cut that out?! It’s getting disgusting. . !

Kensuke:  Well, I just suggested—

Asuka:  No way!

    (Asuka shifts to the side as Misato returns to her seat)

Misato:  Suggested what?

Touji:  Huh?

Asuka: I don’t believe this. . .

Kensuke:  Well, I thought it might be a nice idea to invite that
                new kid down here.  He lives in this  building, right?

Touji:  New kid?  You mean the transfer-

Asuka: (grumbling .  . .)

Misato:  Hey, that’s not a bad idea, Kensuke.

     (The sounds of cooking begin to spread from the kitchen)

Kensuke:   Really?!

Misato:  Shinji and I were just talking about that. . .

Hikari:  Well, I think its a good idea.

Asuka:  Well—I don’t think we’ll have enough food . .!

Misato: (Calls it the kitchen)  Shinji—do you have enough
                                            there for one more person?

Shinji:  (After several seconds) yeah, I think so.

Misato:  Then its settled.  Which room is he in?  I know it’s a couple
            of floors above this one, right?

Touji:  But—weren’t you the one who got them into this building?
            Don’t you remember which room you  put them in?

Misato: . . .

Hikari:  He lives two floors above this one, first door on the
            right from the elevator-I think.

Misato:  Great!  Could you go and get him, Hikari?

Asuka:  No!  Don’t leave me down here with these two!
            Why don’t you send them?!

     (She sits back, folding her arms in frustration)

Touji:  . .Rrrrrr

Kensuke:  He doesn’t know us . . . at all, really.

    (several seconds pass.  Eventually, all eyes fall upon Asuka.)

Asuka: . . . Huh?. . ! Well, DON’T LOOK AT ME!  I’m not going!

    (All is quiet once more and, for a few seconds,
all that can be heard is the rain outside . . .

finally, a soft voice near the window breaks the silence--)

Rei:  I’ll go. . .

    (nearly everyone is momentarily surprised by Ayanami's sudden inflection .  . .

    everyone, save for Misato, however . . . )

Misato:  Great!

Touji:  (As Rei heads for the door)  Wait—shouldn’t you invite that
                                                        woman that’s staying with him, too?   His guard or

Misato:  No.  She left Tokyo 3 a while ago, after the last test.  He’s
            been staying by himself for the past  few days.

Touji & Kensuke: Oh.


    (Several floors above, in The 6th child’s apartment, the lights are dim
as Anouilh lies in bed, listening to the drumming of the rain outside.  Slowly,
he begins going over the events of 3 days ago in his mind’s eye . . . )

    (Flashback)- entering the apartment.  Everything is as it should be, save for
the fact that all of Lt. Okazaki’s belongings are gone . . . then he notices a note on the table . . .

     (In the present, he stands, looking over at the table.
The note is still there.)

Lyn:  Open up to the others?  How am I supposed to do that?
        . . .I can hardly talk to them . . .

     (he takes the note in hand, reading the very last sentence)
     . . . Once more, I’m sorry. . .

     (He sighs, crumbling the letter in his hands and dropping it into the trash.)

     (He is then startled to hear a knock at the door . . .)

     (As he answers it, he is even more surprised to see the first child standing behind it.)

Lyn:   Um . ! .hello . . .

Rei.  Pilot Anouilh, you’ve been invited to a gathering downstairs in Major Katsuragi’s apartment.
        Would you like to attend?

     (Lyn is wide-eyed for a moment at the sudden turn of events . . .)

Lyn: Uh--I--a party?  I don’t—

 (Suddenly, he stops as, in his mind, he pictures the final words of the note . . .)
                . . . most importantly,  for you to adjust, you have to make friends!  Open
                        yourself up to others, Lyn.  You won’t regret it.
Lyn: (sighing) I don’t think . . .It would be a problem . . .I’d like to.

Rei:  Very well.  Come with me . . .

 (He is silent as he follows Rei, shutting the door behind him.)


     (Elsewhere, Maya and Ritsuko continue their work in the lab . . .)

Maya:  Doctor?  I’ve finished the probability assessment you requested.

    (Dr. Akagi does not look up from her laptop as she replies— )

Ritsuko:  And what did you find?

Maya:  Well, the initial projections being what they are, and assuming
            a level of tissue rejection equal to  that of a type F1hybridization,
            We can predict a 10% likelihood of success. . .

    (Surprised, Ritsuko looks up from her keyboard, removing her glasses)

Ritsuko:  TEN percent?!

Maya:  Yes.

Ritsuko:  Are you sure?  Did you check your figures?

Maya:  Yes, sir.

Ritsuko:  Run them again—

Maya:  I already have, and I’ve reached the same conclusion.

Ritsuko:  then how--?

Maya: I think it’s because the streamlining of the process has insured a
            higher fabrication efficiency,  which in turn  translates
            into a greater degree of tolerance for foreign matter—

Ritsuko:   Which means---

Maya:-- a "quantifiable feasibility". . .

    (Ritsuko is silent as the words and their meaning sink in . . .
she looks down at her screen once more. )

Maya:  Sir?  You know what this. . .

Ritsuko: . . . Yes.

Maya:  Then . . ?

Ritsuko:  Then we shall continue the experiment as scheduled.  Send the
                figures through  Melchior, and  begin compiling data
                for initial success calculations for each and every step
                of the procedure.   And run them twice.

Maya: (Returning to her screen)Yes sir.

Ritsuko: (thinking) This vessel . . .
    (the woman exhales slowly . . . )

Ritsuko:  This time, we’re going to do it right. . .


     (Meanwhile, several levels below, Nerv’s supreme commander sits alone
in his massive office, his hands folded beneath his chin as he is deep in thought.
His eyes seem to focus on a faraway horizon, obscured only by the orange tint
of the small, obliquely shaped glasses he wears. . . )

     (In time, we can hear Gendo’s thoughts . . .)

     (Strangely enough, there are TWO voices to be heard in his subconscious . . .)

Gendo: (thinking)  So, as suspected.
          An infinite causal chain, continuing forever
          into the sea of darkness that is the collective unconscious.
          A soul?
          No.  Such a thing is impossible.  Not for one such as this.
          There can be no light in this void.
         As we create, and destroy, we are created and destroyed by our own inventions.
         The machinations of the many-
         And the depraved fury of the oppressed few . . .
        or the oppressed many. . . ?
         The causal chain must end.
        A final effect—an end to all ends.
        the head of the snake.
        it hasn’t happened-
       yet it should have-
        but it will-
       Final judgment . . .
       what of retribution?
       There can be none.
       not for one such as him.
      what of penance?
      A mere afterthought.
      a shadow of accountability that has little meaning.
      what of sorrow?
      The ravages of guilt.
      not worthy of consideration.
      what of repentance?
      the product of an absence of forethought.
      what of atonement?
      Failed pride.
      the attrition of the spirit.
      What of forgiveness?
     Never. . .
 (He looks down at the slip of paper on the desk beneath him.
It is blank, save for a single, scrawled image in the very center . . . )

      There can only be one of many established paths.
      It has been written.
      There can be no other way.
      How. . .
      the causal chain is not constrained to the boundaries of time.
      Yes. . .
      there is a way.
      space . . .
      Form and flow.
      Force and flow.
      and a fourth!
      it is possible . . .
      to breach the form?
      Without the consciousness. . .
      or the force?
      Which means-
      the end of the end?
      Or merely a delay. . .
      They must be stopped.
      Or we have no hope.
      the last ones were merely vessels.
      when his time approaches.
      Then .
      Then I will know.

     (And with this, he returns his eyes to the symbols which cover the
walls, floor, and ceiling of the room  . . . and smiles . . .)


     (Back in Misato’s apartment, Rei has not yet returned
(only a moment has passed) . . .and though things have not deteriorated . . .
they have not improved)

Touji:  Will you listen to yourself!  ARRGH!

Hikari: Calm down, will you? Both of you!

Asuka:  Hah! Nerves of jelly, I see! Small temper—

Touji:  Get real-

Asuka:  Smaller IQ—

Kensuke:  . . . !

Misato:  Cut that out, the both of you.

Touji & Asuka:  BUT HE/SHE STARTED—

Misato:  That’s an order!

    (Asuka casts a piercing glare at Touji, then turns away . . .)

Asuka: Hmmph.

     (Suddenly, there is a light knock at the door)

Misato:  Come in!

     (The door opens, and Rei enters)

Misato: (somewhat confused) Rei?  You didn’t have to knock.

Rei:   I know.  He wanted to.

     (She steps inside, and behind her, Lyn looks sheepishly into the room.
Raising his hand, he manages an almost stifled greeting)

Lyn:  Um—hi everybody!  Thanks for --inviting me.

Misato: Welcome!  Come on in—

Lyn: Thanks . . Um . .Major?

Misato:  Just ‘Misato’ is fine.  This isn’t headquarters.

Lyn: Oh-

Kensuke:  Here—you can sit here.

     (Aida shifts to one side, clearing a space between him and Touji)

Lyn:  Thanks . . .
    (He takes his seat, nearly beaming.)
    (As he glances around the table, however, he avoids Asuka’s gaze)

     (The conversation is slow to begin.  Gradually, the sounds
of cooking seem to grow in the silence. . .)

Kensuke:  So . . .

Touji: . . so . . .

     (Inevitably, Lyn seems to find something interesting on the table to look at . . .)

Hikari:  Oh! I almost forgot—Pen Pen!. . . Pen Pen!

     (Seconds later, The sound of muffled footpads is heard from
the bedroom as Pen Pen waddles out )

Hikari:  He must be glad to be home . . .

Misato:  I hope he behaved himself . . . Hikari, I should thank you again—

Hikari:  It was no problem!  He was a good little penguin—but you
            wouldn’t believe the messes he made!

    (The girl eyes the short bird with, seemingly, slight disgust . . .)

Hikari:  Especially the tub . .

Misato:  Really?  That’s funny . . .

Hikari:  (mumbling) My dad didn’t think so . .

     (Lyn, meanwhile, has his eyes locked on the stout, warm-water
bird that has found its way to a small dish of food beside Hikari.)

Touji:  (nudging him) Surprised?

Lyn: . . . I won’t ask . .

     (At that moment, Shinji emerges from the kitchen—
a pot of food in his oven-mitted hand)

Asuka:  It’s about time!

Kensuke:  That was pretty quick, actually . . .

Hikari:  (standing) I’ll get some plates—

Touji: (also standing)  Hold on, let me help you . . !

     (As the two go into the kitchen, Shinji places the pot on the corner of the table.)

Shinji:  Let me go get the ladle . . .

     (As Shinji returns to the kitchen once more, Asuka glares
at Kensuke for a moment, then turns to Misato—)

Asuka: Well, Misato—Are we going to be allowed to go on this trip?

Misato: Of course!  God knows, you guys deserve a break. . .

Kensuke:  But—who’s going to be here if-

Misato:  Don’t worry-that’s been handled.

Lyn:  (To Kensuke)  So—does he eat tuna or something?
To Be Continued . . .