Episode 36: Mein Liebling? Get REAL!/ A very busy day . . .
(Far away from Tokyo 3 and Nerv, a shadowy
assemblage speaks of
designs hatched . . .and the coming of the fruition of their contrivance
. . .)
Kihl: The Child?
Seele: As expected.
Seele: Already within the organization.
Seele: Everything is as it should be.
Kihl: And what of the pestilence . . . ?
Seele: Perfection.
Seele: They know they are weak.
Seele: The next stage will finally be set
Seele: The child . . .
Seele: They suspect NOTHING.
Seele: The child has been accepted.
Seele: As readily as any other.
Seele: See how easily it gains their trust . . .
Seele: Very soon . . .
Seele: Both . . . a cancer within the greater body . . .
Kihl: Then everything . . . is as it should be . . .
Rei: Do not force yourself upon EVA. She will not follow if you do so.
Lyn: (over the radio) I'm-trying- . . . . .!. . . .Argh! what---how
do----What am I suppose to think about?
Rei: What do you mean?
Lyn: Should I imagine it? Do I have to picture it happening or something?
Rei: You do not. You simply allow it to unfold.
Lyn: Allow it? How? I don't know how-to make--
Rei: You do not "make" it . . .
Lyn: ?
Rei: . . .It is already there.
(The scene is the EVA test cage, early morning the
next day. Rei is
seated inside unit 00; An image Lyn Anouilh, who is inside unit 06,
in the air to her right. Outside her "windows" can be seen the
other EVA,
as well as the walls of bay . . . )
Lyn: Well-how do you know? I mean, I guess if it's . . .
Rei: It is always there. You must relax.
Lyn: Okay . . . Okay . . .
(Lyn closes his eyes. Several seconds
go by until, finally, the air
n front of Unit 6 seems to shimmer-to distort-as the AT field is raised
. . .)
Lyn: Got it!
Rei: Indeed. . .
Ritsuko: (over the radio) Have you got it under control, you two?
Lyn: Yes Ma'am.
Rei: Yes.
(inside the test control center, Ritsuko and Hyuga
monitor the two pilots
as the EVA's are once more put through their startup tests . . .behind
on a small clock above the door (which has a "Nerv" emblem engraved
upon it)
. . . the time reads 4:00 a.m. . . )
Ritsuko: Has 6's field unfolded yet?
Hyuga: Yes, he's just gotten it.
Ritsuko: Good. Start the tests. . .
(with this, Rtsuko leans over, speaking into the Radio)
Ritsuko: Hang in there, It'll be a little while.
Hyuga: Data stream already being received.
(On the monitor in front of him, thousands of lines
of information
travel up the screen, as it is gathered from the two EVA's at an incredible
rate . . .)
Ritsuko: What's the status of 6's injury?
Hyuga: The wound's closed up nicely--no sign of the infection present.
Ritsuko: Finally . . .
(inside unit 00, Rei's eyes move from unit 06, which
is bound tightly to the
wall of the cage, to the control booth above. In it, she makes
out the form of
Dr. Akagi looking out the window . . .
And, Strangely enough, she shudders . . .)
Lyn: Um---Is something wrong?
Rei: . . .
Lyn: . . . Uh . . Rei?
Rei: No.
(Above them, Ritsuko scans the data over Hyuga's shoulder)
Ritsuko: Hmm . . .Unit 0 looks a bit shaky-
Hyuga: That's probably because of interference from 6
His field's still not quite stable yet.
Ritsuko: Not a problem. Once you've finished data collection
on 6,
shut it down and concentrate on 0's.
Hyuga: Yes sir.
Ritsuko: (sitting back in her chair) We've had enough of
unit 6 as it is.
I'd like to just get done with it and worry about 0 for a
while . . .
Hyuga: Full-body regeneration was a complete success-Why dwell on it?
Ritsuko: When you get older . . .
(she pauses, taking a sip from the mug of cold coffee in her hand)
Ritsuko: . . .you'll learn it's always best to expect the worst.
(Nearly three hours later, as the sun rises over
the eastern hills, another
sort of test is taking place in the apartment of one Major Misato Katsuragi
. . .
A test of patience . . . )
Asuka: Come ON, stupid! We're gonna be LATE!
Shinji: (muffled) I-- I'm Coming!
(Asuka stands outside the door of Shinji's room,
hands on hips, tapping
her foot impatiently. From inside can be heard the sounds of scuffling,
and struggling as Shinji makes several last-minute additions to his
supplies for
the trip . . .Asuka, On her shoulder, holds a large carry-on bag, which
obviously been stuffed with her things.)
(Finally, the door slides open)
Asuka: Well it's about TIME!
Shinji: Sorry--I had to make sure I wasn't forgetting anything-
Asuka: (Pulling him along) come ON!
Shinji: Whoa-wai-
Asuka: (Loudly) Misato, we're taking off now!
(An inaudible "take- . - .. . Careful"
can be heard coming from Misato's room;
it is muffled by her Futon, which she has once again pulled over her
head . . .)
Shinji: We-oof!
Asuka: Yeah, yeah, we will-Come on, Schildkröte!
Shinji: I said I'm comi--
(He is cut off, however, as Asuka slams the door behind them)
(Moments later, the two can be seen running down
the sidewalk in the
direction of the train station where they are to meet the rest of their
Ahead of them, walking in the opposite direction, Lyn Anouilh has his
held low, an indication that he is very tired from the early
morning tests . . . )
(It is Shinji , however, who is the first to realize a collision is imminent . . .)
Shinji: Asuka! Hey! Look out!
Lyn: (raising his head) Huh?
(In that instant, as he sees the two pilots barreling
toward him at top speed,
the boy's survival instinct takes over--and the 6th child jumps out
of the way,
pressing his back against the wall, just as the two fly by. )
(Then, realizing who they were, he smiles, waving
and shouting to them as they
disappear down the street- )
Lyn: Have Fun! Don't get eaten by any bears!
Asuka: (Distant) Halt den Mund, idiotisch! . . .
Lyn: . . ? . .er . . Okay . .
(Meanwhile, five minutes down the road, Rei Ayanami
is also on her
way home after a busy morning. Dressed once more in a school uniform,
she too walks with a tired gait. . . )
(Suddenly, she hears an angry shout from up the street- )
Asuka: Halt den Mund, idiotisch! . . .
(Rei looks ahead, seeing the two children heading
straight for her at breakneck
speed. She stands absolutely still until the very last second,
when she calmly steps
aside, allowing the two to rush past.)
Shinji: Was that-?
Asuka: Shut up! No time-!
(with a shout, Shinji ducks--narrowly avoiding a light-pole)
Shinji: Hey! Asuka! They're not leaving for another half Hour!
Asuka: I know that, Dummkopf! I want to get a good seat!
Shinji: Oh--
(As the two disappear down the street, Rei Ayanami
turns, and continues
on her way home. )
(The sun has cleared the surrounding cliffs now,
casting its light over the
gleaming skyscrapers of Tokyo 3 - -the girl can sense the morning star's
on her pale skin, but she does not feel its warmth. . .
What she does feel is anything but warm . . . )
Rei: (thinking) So many people
. . . so many
. . . so much time . . .
. . . and yet much less than . . .
(She pauses in her steps, yawning. )
Rei: (thinking) Must find the time. . . to sleep.
(And, as the day begins and the city wakes,
Rei Ayanami continues on her way. . .)
(Meanwhile, Back at the apartment, Misato Katsuragi has finally awakened--
--to the sound of the telephone ringing . . .)
Misato: (muffled) hmmm. . . Hello? Oh. It's you. Yeah, they've already left.
Ritsuko: (on the other end) We sound well-rested.
Misato: (yawning) Oh . . . shut up . . .
Ritsuko: You're going to be here on time this morning, right?
Misato: yeah, yeah.
(exhausted, she drops the phone, covering her head with the futon once more)
Ritsuko: Huh?
(Dr. Akagi holds the receiver closer to her ear-)
Ritsuko: Huh?
Ritsuko: hello?
Ritsuko: Hmph. Good to know at least SOMEONE can sleep.
(She hangs up the phone, turning to the rest of the staff.)
Ritsuko: Okay, you guys! We're all done here! Go home
and get
some rest--day shift's going to be in soon.
Hyuga: (getting up to leave) um . . . aren't you coming, ma'am?
Ritsuko: (returning to her chair) No. I've got something
more to work on here.
You go on; I'll be expecting you in this
Hyuga: Of course.
Hyuga: (thinking) TRIPLE shift . . ! Ow . . .
(As the techs leave, the Massive area which holds
the Magi supercomputers
becomes silent . . .and Ritsuko can almost hear her thoughts echoing
off the
cold, empty walls)
( Several moments pass, until the serene quiet is
finally broken by the harsh
sound of the telephone ringing. . . Sighing loudly, Ritsuko takes the
receiver in hand . . .)
Ritsuko: Dr. Akagi . . .Oh, Maya . . . Yes. I'm waiting for you.
Maya: (over the phone) I'm already on my way . . .
Ritsuko: Be sure to get yourself something to eat--we've a long day ahead of us.
Maya: Then-
Ritsuko: Right. Unit 0's tests came out positive.
We can get back to
work on our primary project.
Maya: . . . Yes Ma'am.
Shinji: Asuka! Wait UP!
Asuka: Why do you have to be such a slug, Ikari! Come on, Get moving!
Shinji: They're all over there! Jeez, can't you be patient?
(Asuka shoots the look of death toward the 3rd child.
Shinji, in turn, immediately cracks under the force of the gaze.
. .)
Shinji: Uhm. . . Never mind.
(up ahead, a large, bustling crowd of students
can be seen gathering in the
terminal. All of them carry large backpacks, knapsacks, and otherwise
necessary carry-ons for their trip. within moments of their arrival,
Hikari Horaki
emerges from the mob, waving excitedly-)
Hikari: Asuka!! Over here!
Asuka: (smiling) Hikari!
(At long last, the young German drops Shinji's arm, sending him stumbling)
Hikari: What took so long? I wouldn't have thought you were going to be one of the late ones.
Asuka: I tried to get here sooner, but Ikari wouldn't get his lazy butt out of bed!
(Shinji, Meanwhile, has finally regained his balance--with
the help of Touji,
who has appeared readily at his side. . . )
Touji: Whoa, Ikari--it's no good if you bust your face BEFORE the trip.
Shinji: Aaargh . . .I know! I know! . . .Asuka's just in such a hurry--
(Suddenly, the boy pauses, looking about as if noticing something absent . . .)
Shinji: . . .where's Kensuke?
Touji: Oh, he's in there somewhere. . .
(Touji pauses, indicating the crowd . . )
Touji: just look for the guy with all the junk on his back . . .
(just then, as if to verify Suzihara's words, Aida emerges from the throngs of students.
. . . Indeed, he is laden with a knapsack bearing a massive amount of supplies)
Kensuke: (waving) Ikari! What took you so long?
(Upon seeing The boy's sizable knapsack, Shinji's
face turns
an interesting hue of red . . . It is Touji, though, who voices his
embarrassment . . .)
Touji: Why d'you got to take everything you own, Aida?
Kensuke: I've been in the woods before! It's best to be prepared.
Touji: Yeah, Well, c'mon Shinji--looks like they're getting ready to leave.
Kensuke: Finally!
(As the students pour into the train, Shinji
pauses at the door, looking
around the car. At first, there is nothing strange about it . . . It
resembles nearly
every other one that he has ever ridden in . . . However, The young
Ikari lowers
his eyes, mumbling to himself - )
Shinji: I hate these trains . . .
(Moments later, the train is full of chattering students
as it makes its way
down the line, toward the very outskirts of the city.)
(The trip is set to be three days and two nights
long--the students, having
been split into groups of four, are to learn the "beauty of the nature
around them,
as the area returns to its natural state of being 16 years after the
2nd impact" . . .
. . . Their minds, however, are on anything BUT that. . .)
Asuka: How far we gonna walk before we get there?
Hikari: The hike's only about 2 miles-but the forest's real nice
when you get deep down into it!
Asuka: deep?
Hikari: Yeah-that's where the campsite is.
(Several seats over, the trio of Shinji, Kensuke,
and Touji sit quietly by themselves,
as the students chatter around them. Touji fingers the joint
of his arm prosthesis uneasily . . .)
Kensuke: Hey-'it bothering you again?
Touji: No-'just thinking about somethin . . .
Shinji: (smiling) Er . . .That something --wouldn't happen to be the class rep, would it?
Touji: Uhm! No . . .
Kensuke: Yeah, right.
Touji: No really! 's Just the trip. I'm kinda worried.
Shinji & Kensuke: about what?
Touji: . . . Bears.
(Nearly two hours later, the sun is high in the morning
air. In the apartment
of Rei Ayanami, the young EVA pilot sleeps soundly-still dressed in
her school
clothes, it is evident that she is quite exhausted from the early morning
test. . . )
(In time, we can see her dreams . . . )
Empty blackness
There is
A cloud.
A cloud of many.
So many.
Many points
Many lights
A sphere
A globe
Round and perfect
It is pleasing
yet I do not see myself
I see many
Many as few
Not few
Six spheres
Spheres like mirrors
They rotate
They spin
They dance
Two, in the center
They are close
they hold close
Two more, farther away
They are close as well
They hold close
They are together
Another, farther still
It is alone
It circles the others
It wishes to be that way
I wonder
Is this me?
What is alone?
Alone among many?
Am I alone?
. . . Wait
Even Further
It is alone as well
But different
It moves
It spins
It comes closer
Closer to the other alone
Closer to me?
Now all are together
All circle
All spin
All dance
It is agreeable . . . .
The last one
Spins faster still
It is too much
It collides
It shatters
All shatter
Spilling forth
Covering all
is this my blood?
Is it their blood?
I hate
It swells
It churns
It boils
a shape
Many, one
The scent of blood
the smell like the liquid!
The liquid flows
liquid, Yellow, like the liquid
Yellow, glowing,
yellow . . .
Two . . .
Two yellow-
Rei: . . .
(The sunlight streams into her window as the sounds
of construction from outside
reverberate off the walls.)
(For a long time, she simply sits there, listening to the uniform pounding . . .
Soon, she inadvertently matches her breathing with it. . .Then her heartbeat
Then, it all seems to close.
And Rei lies back down, pulling her knees to her chest,
. . . And sleeps again. )
(Meanwhile, in the very center of the city, Lyn Anouilh
wanders the streets
of Tokyo 3. He has found that he cannot sleep during the day,
no matter
how early he has woken up. As he walks from one sidewalk to the
he looks at the crowds of people around him, as the people go about
daily business . . . )
Lyn: (To himself, in English) So many people . . . so many. They all are . . .alike . . .in some way
( He pauses, looking at the dozens of laughing, talking, smiling, faces which pass him by. )
Lyn: But . . . Not like me . . .
( He lowers his head as he continues onward )
Lyn: Is there no one like me here?
(For several moments, he walks from street to street, block to block, in silence. )
Lyn: God, and here I thought it'd be nice not to have school for three days. . .
(he stops, waiting for the streetlight ahead of him to turn green)
Lyn: . . . But-everybody's gone!. . . It was lonely enough when they were here. . .
(he crosses the street as the light changes, wading
through a crowd of
people moving in the opposite direction)
(His thoughts run on . . .)
Lyn: Can. . .Do I miss them already?
(he steps aside as an elderly couple hobbles by)
Lyn: . . . I was just getting to know them, too.
(suddenly he stops, as if having witnessed a revelation. . .then he shudders:)
Lyn: Man. . . I even miss 'Soryu.
(Several moments later, he clears downtown, and
finds himself in the area near
the newer living complexes and apartment buildings. As
he walks, he runs his
fingertips over the stucco surface of the stone wall which lines the
The noise of the city is gone, and there is only the chirping of birds
and the
occasional rush of air that accompanies a passing car left to upset
the stillness. . . )
(Suddenly, it is all broken by a voice from above. . . )
Girl's voice: So, How is the 6th child today?
(The sudden intonation from on high startles the child, and trips over himself . . .)
Lyn: Wh-what?!?
He turns, but finds no one behind him.
(Then, however, his eyes move upward, to the wall on his right, and there, they focus- )
Lyn: !. . . You?
(Elsewhere, Misato is in her car, heading in the
direction of the eastern
causeway to Nerv central. She has a placid look on her face for a change,
and drives at a slower pace than usual . . . Inside, however, her thoughts
churn . . . )
Misato: (thinking) So, 'going to be without Shinji or Asuka for
3 days. . . guess
I should be grateful for the chance of some piece & quiet . . .
(She stops at a light, As a crowd moves across the
crosswalk in front of her car)
(As she waits for the light to change, she looks
toward the new skyline of
Tokyo 3-sunlight gleams off the shiny steel and glass structures, as
white clouds
float across bright field of blue. )
(As the construction continues around the city,
Misato cannot help but
take notice of the hurried pace of the workers . . . )
Misato: (thinking) . . . We're building up for something.
Everyone seems so happy-
so relieved-but something's up underneath all of it . . . I know it.
(suddenly, her look hardens)
Misato : . . . Ritchan let them go just to placate me, that's for sure. . . God, hasn't she had enough of all the secrecy?
(She presses the gas pedal a bit harder as the light changes to green, and the buildings begin to go by with increasing speed.)
Misato: (Thinking) Well. . . as long as they can be happy
. . .even if its for a little while . . .still . . .
Can she actually be up to something? Again . . ?
Ritsuko: I don't believe this! You're not getting cold feet NOW?
Maya: No . . No ma'am, it's just th---it-I hoped the project . . .was canceled. . .because . . .
Ritsuko: What is it? Maya, we don't have the time for this!
(Far below the city, In the Project-E development
lab, Maya Ibuki
uneasily in her chair as Dr. Ritsuko Akagi stands over her. . .)
( The young protégée cannot look
at her mentor in the eye, however, as her
hands fidget nervously at the edge of her uniform. Her laptop,
sits folded on its side at her feet.)
Maya: I . . .I-
Ritsuko: (nearly yelling) Well, Spit it out!
Maya: You promised us. . . yourself. . .never again . . .
(she closes her eyes and stops. Several seconds pass in silence)
(Ritsuko turns away, and her look softens a bit, as she begins to understand. . .)
Ritsuko: Maya--You know I haven't forgotten.
(Ibuki looks up at Dr. Akagi--her face, seemingly, desperate for any form of consolation)
Maya: . . . Well ,
Ritsuko: This is our chance to make things right. This is my chance. We have to take it.
Maya: Make things right?
Ritsuko: Yes. You were right , before. From the very start. I know that, now.
Maya: But this-
Ritsuko: I told you--it's not going to be the same as last time.
Maya: . . . you sound so sure of yourself. . .
Ritsuko: I am.
Maya: But . . . how will we know?
Ritsuko: We will know when we know.
Maya: That doesn't make any sense.
Ritsuko: Of course it doesn't. That's just the way it is.
Maya: But ma'am-
Ritsuko: Maya, look. I promised myself, now I promise you: We are doing what's right.
Maya: . . .
Ritsuko: I can't finish this without you. There's no one left who's qualified . . .
(The woman pauses, smirking . . .)
ritsuko: . . . no one left who I can trust.
(a moment passes as Maya thinks it over.
Then, very slowly, she reaches for the laptop at her feet)
Maya: all right, ma'am. If you can be so sure.
Ritsuko: (turning, facing Maya) Thank you. . .
Lyn: You- - ? It was you? The whole time?
Girl: Your quick!
(The girl sits atop the stone wall that lines the
Lyn can see that she wears the uniform of The local school.)
Lyn: You were the one sending the messages? On the computer?
Girl: Right! I told you we'd meet soon, sixth child.
And here I am.
(With this, she continues her walk down the wall)
Lyn: Wait, Wait!--Who are you? What's your name?
Girl: Aoi.
Lyn: A--Aoi?
Aoi: Not bad, English! You got it on the first try!
(Lyn stands, brushing himself off. The girl
jumps down from the wall,
and with hands behind back, bows)
Lyn: Um . . .guess I'm pleased to meet you.
Aoi: (still bowing ) And I you, 6th child.
Lyn: Why do you keep calling me that? Why did you send
those messages? What
do you want?
(At his forewardness, the girl Suddenly stands up
Waving her finger in his face . . .)
Aoi: Ah- Ah- Ah! Slow down! Don't they teach you Britons manners?
(Lyn does not get the joke-he finds, strangely, that
he cannot help
but look at her deep blue eyes . . .he is silent for several seconds)
Aoi: Oh, have I offended thee, sir knight?
Lyn: (stammering)sic-gghm!-Wh-what?!
Aoi: (turning her back to him) And here you tell me you
want to
meet me, and then you've got nothing to say!
Lyn: Uhm-who-wait- ?!?!
Aoi: Boys these days are so easily confused!
(She turns around, facing Lyn once more)
Aoi: I am Aoi Tamashii. I'm in the second year A-class at
your school,
silly, and I'm pleased to
meet you as well.
Lyn: Uh, okay. . . er . . What do you want?
(An angry look crosses the girl's face)
Aoi: What do I want? What do you think? To be your
friend. You did say you wanted friends . . .
Lyn: Well, yeah, but . .
Aoi: So then its settled, 6th child.
Lyn: Fine, fine, but -! - WHY do you KEEP CALLING ME THAT???
Aoi: Because that's what you are.
Lyn: Er, That's true, but-
Aoi: So that's what I will call you.
Lyn: (obviously giving up) Oh. . .Whatever.
(Meanwhile, far outside Tokyo 3, the A12-line out
of Tokai has reached
its destination in the terminal near the very outskirts of the city.
As soon as the
doors open, dozens of students pour out, lugging their packs about
The excitement in the air is still apparent, as hurried giggles and
compliment the clamor already present in the crowd. )
(Asuka, Hikari, and two other girls are grouped tightly
together, emerge,
talking about where to set up camp- )
(Shinji, Kensuke, and Touji come from a door
on the other end of the train--
accompanying them is a taller boy, the fourth member of their group.
(He is a student by the name of Goro. ) )
(Touji looks around the station as they exit, and
immediately, notices
Hikari's group. He watches them for a moment, then smiles, nudging
Shinji hard- )
Touji: Looks like you won't get a shot at Asuka after all, Ikari-
Shinji: I said cut that out!
Kensuke: We'd better find our group leader-
Goro: I think he's this way--let's see-- we're in the L's, so we have to go over there-
(he points to a crowd of children gathered around
a man
wearing a green uniform-he is noticeably overwhelmed)
Kensuke: (in a disappointed tone) Man . .!
Touji: I get the feeling this is still a "class" trip.
Shinji: (shouldering his bag) come on . . .
Kensuke: (as they move toward the crowd) I'd have better luck off by myself . . .
Misato: Look, we've been through a lot together---you could even
call it hell---
especially in the last few weeks . . .so keeping
secrets is the last thing either of us need. . .
Ritsuko: I don't know what gave you the idea that I'm keeping anything from you, Major.
Misato: You don't? What about all these extra shifts you've
been pulling
in the lab-and all the shuffling you've done with the
science crew schedules?
Ritsuko: I'm merely trying to get things in order par commander
Ikari's request.
You know me, Misato-If its going to take a
little hard work to get it done on time, then so be it.
(Inside one of the corridors of Nerv, Misato and Ritsuko walk the hallway-)
Misato: That's true-but still-
Ritsuko; I don't see why you have to act so suspicious with me.
Look what I've got to deal with: one sick EVA--which is
something that's not supposed to be even physically possible--
Another which has been completely re-grown from a
few charred pieces of tissue and fabrication samples . . .
One pilot who is STILL below operational capacity after a
boffed training exercise, and another that's just had her second activation
test. . .
This, plus the role of overseeing part of the city's reconstruction,
as well as the
"relocation" of the Geo-front-All while trying to maintain things here
they are. Is it any wonder that I've been busy?
Misato: . . . I suppose not.
Ritsuko: (stepping into the elevator) All this build-up has put
everyone a little on edge.
You'll just have to trust me on this one,
(Misato eyes Ritsuko as the doors slowly begin to close)
Misato: . . . I guess so. . .
(The elevator doors shut, and it begins to descend.
stands there for a moment, watching as the numbers count down . . .)
Misato: (thinking) . . . but that's not something I do easily these days, Ritsuko . . .
Lyn: So. . . How long have you been in Tokyo 3?
Aoi: Much Longer than you.
Lyn: Oh, yeah, I guess.
(Lyn walks through the east district of Tokyo 3 with
the girl, Aoi,
walking along the wall beside him.)
Aoi: So, English, what do you think of our fair city?
Lyn: Well, it's, um . . . really nice, I guess. 'A lot of construction going on.
Aoi: You know why, right?
Lyn: Eh? Oh, yeah. I read up on it before I came here.
Aoi: (looking at the skyline) My father and my sisters had
to leave when
our house was destroyed-we weren't going to come
back, but then my uncle called us one day and said that
the danger was gone, and the city would rebuild our
home for us. So, here I am.
Lyn: . . . That's good for you, I guess.
Aoi: What do you mean?
Lyn: Having a home.
Aoi: Why do you speak so? From what I've heard,
you come from a wonderful
home. . .
Lyn: From what you've heard?
Aoi: Yes! They say you lived in a mansion-with maids and servants and tea-
Lyn: (annoyed) Oh, cut that out! That's not true.
Aoi: (disappointed) It's not?
Lyn: No! I came from a family a lot like yours, I'm sure.
We were-well off, but not
'rich or anything.
Aoi: Hmmm. . .? Sounds to me you don't like being from a rich family . . .
Lyn: . . .
Aoi: Well, Don't worry, 6th child . . . you're not.
Lyn: eh--what?
(Aoi stops, sitting on the wall)
Lyn: Say--Why do you keep saying that?
Aoi: (Suddenly pulling a smile) Oh . . I guess I'm just silly that way-
Asuka: You mean we gotta join up with THEM?
Group leader: That's right.
Asuka: But Why?
Group leader: There are more children here than expected . .
we don't have enough adults to watch over all of you.
(In that instant, smiles alight the faces of nearly every child in the crowd . . . )
Kensuke: (whispering to Touji) I've got no problem with that . . .
Touji: (indicating Asuka)Yeah, but why we gotta be put in with the demon ?
Kensuke: I'd hardly think you'd be complaining, what with Hikari-
Touji: (Loudly) Oh-Shut UP!
(The train station is nearly empty, save for one
last crowd of students,
who are gathered around their (nervous) group leader. There are
about 20
children in all, eager to get on with their trip . . .
The groups that make up the number are almost totally female . . .
. . . Save for Shinji's, however. . . )
Group leader: You will remain in these groups of eight at the campsite--Let's see-
Hikari: But--but they're BOYS!--
Girl: --We're all Girls!
Asuka: (indicating Touji and Kensuke) I don't want to be put up with these perverts!
Touji: Hey!
Kensuke: Who are you calling a pervert?
Shinji: This really isn't the time for this . . .
Goro: -!-
Group leader: This is the only way it can be done. If you'd
like, you can
always choose to go home . . .
(At this, The crowd of children becomes deathly silent. . . )
Group leader: (smiling) I thought so. Don't worry--if
there's any trouble,
you know where my tent will be. . .
Asuka: Oh, Fine! 'Lotsa good THAT'S gonna do!
Shinji: (with a weak smile) Oh, come on-it's not going to be that bad.
Asuka: Says YOU.
(the other children eventually leave, following their
group leader
out of the station-leaving the last group of Shinji, Asuka, Touji,
Hikari, Goro, and two other girls alone near the terminal)
Kensuke: I guess we'd better get going-
Goro: 'Don't want to get left behind-
Touji: Hey, Hikari--Let me carry your bag-
Hikari: Thanks . . !
(Touji pauses as the other two girls giggle to themselves, then takes the bag)
(Shinji looks at Touji for a moment, then at Asuka, and begins to ask)
Shinji: Well, um-I guess, do you-
(Asuka looks at him almost surprised, then closes
her eyes,
pulling her backpack tight around her shoulders)
Asuka: Oh, Get REAL-!
(Soryu is the first to exit-with the others not so
far behind . . .)
(Nearly an hour later, deep in the bowels of the
Nerv complex . . . )
Maya: It's no good. The link up seems to be ineffective. It's not accepting the signals-
Ritsuko: Boost the signal strength to 0.5 millivolts, and increase
the frequency of the stimulation by a factor of two.
Maya: Yes. . .still nothing.
Ritsuko: . . . increase stimulation frequency by a factor of 3.
Maya: . . . nothing.
Ritsuko: . . . a factor of five.
Maya: Nothing.
Ritsuko: . . . a factor of ten.
Maya: (surprised) Sir? Are you sure? Maybe the frequency is not the problem-
Ritsuko: Do it.
Maya: Yes, ma'am . . .
(Maya works slowly, typing in a new set of parameters in her laptop-within seconds, the computer beeps in reply-)
Maya: I've got a response! Plus a feedback of 30%--
Ritsuko: We've got it! Decrease frequency factor to 7.
Maya: Done. All inputs registering at normal levels.
Ritsuko: good--what's the gain?
Maya: 43.7
Ritsuko: (surprised) That high? After only two weeks?
Maya: Yes-It looks like he's developed another set of higher level connections-
(Ritsuko stands in front of the large vial which
takes up the very center
of the room. It is over 3 feet in diameter, and is filled with
an orange-yellow
liquid that illuminates the consoles that line the room with an eerie
the tube, a shadowy form floats, connected to hundreds of wires that
lead into
the tube's base and ceiling. Maya, seated behind her, reads
aloud the data as
it appears on her screen.)
Maya: . . . it appears each nerve can accept a greater input.
Ritsuko: (Smiling) That's a good boy . . .
(Elsewhere, Far, far above the city, Rei Ayanami wakes once more-
(She sits up--her room is no longer bathed in light,
as the sun is now high in the sky (it is noon).
Instead, an ambient glow fills the small corner of her apartment where
she has been sleeping. )
(She gets out of bed (her starched cloths are wrinkled
from being slept in)
and stands, undoing the bow on her neck. She tosses it carelessly
to the side,
loosening her collar. She turns toward the window, and listens
as the sounds of
metal pounding from outside ring monotonously in her ears. Eventually,
her eyes
fall upon the broken pair of tinted glasses which still lay on the
small metal table
near the bed--She steps over to it, takes them in hand, and, after
thinking for a
moment, holds them up to the light . . . she stands there, silent,
for several
seconds, staring at them, almost as if seeing them for the first time-
For, in the sunlight, they glow-
Like a pair of yellow eyes. . . )
To Be Continued . . .