Evangelion and Eva concepts are copyright © 1995-1999 GAINAX and Project Eva. EVA:R
original fanfiction and all artwork here (unless otherwise indicated) are copyright © 1999 Maher Al-Samkari.



Episode 37: Stormy weather/Stormy weather

    (In the Very center of Tokyo3, High above the Geo-front, in one of the shining new
towers which stand as a testament to man's resilience, The appropriations Committee for
Tokyo 3 Project: Restoration meets regularly to discuss the state of the city's rebuilding. . .
Usually, the objects of discussion are property claims, architectural
contract assessment, and planning tables. . .

    Today, however, Another, far more serious subject is under debate--and, in the
center of it all, is Nerv's own Sub-commander Fuyutsuki . . .

    At the very end of the right arm of the massive "U"-shaped table belonging to the
Project: Restoration Committee's council hall, Commander Fuyutsuki sits,
(accompanied by two men from Nerv security who can best be described as "imposing." . . .)

Across from them the committee, composed of 3 department heads and a
Chairperson, also sits, already bombarding the old man with a multitude of questions . . .)

Committee member A:  Are you saying, Vice commander, that Nerv DENIES a-"misappropriation"-of
                                    over 6.1 Billion dollars set aside for reconstruction costs of the
                                    southeastern quarter of Chubu?

Fuyutsuki:  Precisely.

Committee member B:  But was it not Nerv itself that oversaw the design
                                    and allocation of funding for that sector of the city?

Fuyutsuki:  It was.

Committee Chair:  Then how, Vice Commander, do you explain such a
                        glaring hole in the budget?

Fuyutsuki:  Nerv has found no such hole.  It is neither mine, nor Commander
                Ikari's, nor Nerv's place to try to explain every little gap in the committee's
                projections.  Perhaps the board should take it upon themselves to investigate their own
                books . . .

Committee member C:  Are you saying this is OUR fault?!

Fuyutsuki:  Are you saying it is ours?

Committee Chair:  At the present time, it would appear to be so.

Fuyutsuki:  Then I am not the one to whom you should be complaining, Chairman.
                Perhaps filing a complaint with Nerv's Public relations division-

Committee member C:  (interrupting, surprised) You would expect this committee to
                                                                        go through LOW LEVEL channels?!

Fuyutsuki:  Well, If you'd prefer, There's always the Magi--If, indeed,
                you have any questions about where Nerv's finances
                 are coming from--

Committee member C:  Hmph!  We are well aware of Nerv's influence over
                                    the Magi supercomputers-

Fuyutsuki:  Is that an accusation?

Committee member B:  Not quite.  But let it be known that this committee
                                    will not allow the matter to go unresolved.

Committee Chair:  Yes.  You are dismissed, Vice commander.

Fuyutsuki:  (gathering his papers)  Very well.  I thank the committee for its time.

Committee Chair:  (as Fuyutsuki exits)  Indeed.

    (the committee is silent as Nerv's Sub-commander's steps echo loudly off
the conference hall walls. Soon, they are silenced by the sound of
large doors opening and shutting.)

Committee Member A:  Arrogant old fool . . .

Committee member B:  (to committee member A)  Just what the hell is Nerv
                                                                            going to do with 6.1 billion?!

    (Two hours later, Nearly a mile below in the number 04 EVA containment cage,
the answer to that question sits locked into place, as it undergoes routine diagnostics
tests along with the three other Evangelions. . .

    Unit 06's head-brace has been removed, as repairs to it have finally been completed.
Also, it now stands fully upright-as the dorsal augmentation have finally been fully
incorporated into the design, the wings no longer pose an "inconvenience" to the security cage.

    Only two platforms over, unit 00 stands equally as tall.  Fully regenerated, the
prototype now stands as a monument to its progenitor, having been re-grown from
only the most rudimentary tissue samples that  still remained intact after the destruction
of the original EVA . . .

    On the adjacent pad, Evangelion unit 02 sits; All the damage from its confrontation
with unit 06 three weeks prior having been totally repaired. . .

    Finally, in a room separate from the other EVA's, Unit 1 is locked into place,
bathed in coolant fluid-- this Evangelion is under constant surveillance, it being the
most important to the cause of Nerv. . .

    . . . Although, if one were to ask one of the technical crews or department
heads what that cause may be, one might find only a confused shrug, or a
questionable look, in the place of a straightforward answer. . . for, only two
people know the true purpose of Nerv, now.  . .

    . . . And neither of them is telling . . .)

Gendo:  So The old men on the reconstruction committee found a "gap,"  did they?

Fuyutsuki:  Yes.  They were quite surprised at their little find, and it's safe to assume
                            they've started to dig in all sorts of places
                            they'd be best to keep their noses out of . . .

Gendo:  It is of no concern.  They only found out about the missing 6 billion
            because they were allowed to.  They will soon
            realize that Nerv has no use for such paltry sums of money . . .

        (Gendo Stands in the observation box, looking down at the form of unit 06
as it undergoes its daily maintenance.  Behind him, Fuyutsuki stands, having just
returned from the restoration committee meeting . . . The supreme commander
offers no indication of any kind that he may be nervous, or worried.  He simply stands
there, his hands clasped behind his back, watching the crews as they prime the lock-bolts . . .)

Fuyutsuki:  And if they find the other "holes?"

Gendo:  They will not.  They have been well-hidden . . . to the point of being
             nonexistent.  When the board's finds turn up empty, it will simply be
            written down as a massive accounting error, and swept under the
            rug like so much bureaucratic garbage . . .

Fuyutsuki:  As it should be, I suppose.

Gendo:  Those fools have no idea just what is at stake here.  Take away the
            obvious threat of the angels, and they see fit to quibble over building contracts
            and property values.  They do not realize that just because one danger is no
            longer apparent, that another is not waiting in the wings, ready to spring upon
            them when the time is right. . . and sometimes, from the most unexpected of places. .  .

Fuyutsuki:  Tigers in tall grass, eh?

Gendo:  Perhaps . . . although a wild cat will kill you mercifully, at least;
            tearing out the jugular of its prey, giving it a quick death.

Fuyutsuki:  Hmmph.

Gendo:  No, the threat I speak of is much slower, much more calculated.
            It seems they would have everyone suffer,
            rather than take the quickest and "cleanest"  route.  And that is their mistake.

Fuyutsuki:  You sound very . . . confident . . . in the predictions . . .

    (Turning toward the older man, Ikari pulls a slight smirk)

Gendo: . . . I would not have it otherwise.

    (Far above Nerv, in the forest zone situated nearly three miles outside the
city limits of Tokyo 3, Large rain- clouds have gathered, and have already
begun pouring their wet charge over the landscape, drenching plant and
woodland creature alike.

    In certain areas, the rain falls in sheets, kicking up mud and sending small
rivulets crawling down the hills and crags like tiny streams, collecting as
puddles in hollows and holes in the ground.

    The leaves on the numerous trees and undergrowth plants, having
"sensed" the coming downpour hours before its arrival, are upturned,
seemingly thankful for the watery release from the heat of the year-round summer sun. . .

    Despite the importance of the rain, however, There are those staying in
the forest who are "less than thankful" for the demonstration of nature's
water-cycle taking place around them.

    And there are those, in fact, who are angry beyond belief . . .

    But not beyond complaining . . .)

Asuka:  You mean it hasn't started letting up YET?

Hikari:  I don't get it-storms like this usually only last just a couple hours . . .

Touji:  I guess we can chalk this one up as being  UN-usual.

Kensuke:  Well, I never heard of it raining for two days Straight . . .

Shinji:  At .  . . least it's not too hot.

    (In a large clearing far up the hillside, 4 large tents can be seen
situated around what at one time may have been a bonfire-although
now the charred logs are soaking wet and useless. . .

    Asuka and Hikari are paying a "visit" to the tent of Shinji, Touji, Kensuke,
and Goro, as there is little else to do while the rainstorm rages on . . .)

Asuka:  Are you TRYING to annoy me?

Shinji:  Well-

Touji:  Hey, YOU can just leave, if that-

Hikari:  (interrupting) Touji!

Kensuke: (to Goro)  Two marital spats at once!  And me without my camera . . .

Asuka:  Well, what's there to do?

Hikari:  It's like I said--Rain always seems to ruin a good trip . . .

Touji:  Can't go fishing-

Kensuke:  Can't run around-

Shinji:  Can't sit by the fire-

Goro:  Well,  We could always study... ?

    (The ambient temperature in the tent seems to drop a few degrees as everyone else gives the
boy a cold look--)

Goro: Or not . . .

Asuka:  Well, I didn't wait for two weeks just to sit around-Who'll go outside with me?

Shinji:  What are you going to do?  It's pouring.

Asuka:  (frustrated)  well-there's gotta be SOMETHING!


Hyuga:  There's gotta be SOMETHING to do on our day off-at least one that doesn't involve sleeping!

Shigeru:  We can always watch them rebuild the shopping district . . .

Hyuga:  (sarcastically) Ha-ha.

    (Hyuga and Shigeru, two of the infamous control room trio responsible for tactical managment of the
Evangelions, stand on a street corner  in upper Tokyo 3.   Hyuga, dressed in clothes that only barely fit the
definition of casual, is in direct contrast to Shigeru, who is in a bright  blue T-shirt complimented by oversized
jeans . . . and the ever-present guitar strapped to his back . . )

Hyuga:  Well, there's always the Sanctuary-

Shigeru:  Are you kidding?  I'd rather spend my time in the cafeteria--or even the service club.

Hyuga: Ugh . . .

Shigeru:  Speaking of Service--where's Ibuki?  Isn't she off today too?

    (Hyuga frowns)

Hyuga:  No.  She's working on something with Dr. Akagi again--they've
            been at it for quite some time now, too.

    (As the words leave his lips, the 4:11 bus from downtown stops at the corner--
the door opens, and several passengers file out-Hyuga and Shigeru stand close
as the stream of people thins, ready to enter)

Shigeru:  Really?  What is it this time?

Hyuga:  (as they both enter) No idea.  But it would have to be really important, if  Dr. Akagi saw fit to
                                          pull her off leave to work on it . . .


Maya:  Is this really necessary, ma'am?

Ritsuko:  What do you mean?

Maya:  You've been working four shifts already-isn't it time you took a break?

    (Ritsuko looks up from her keyboard, eyeing Maya from behind her large, round reading glasses.)

Ritsuko:  I don't really think so-not when you understand what we've got to
                accomplish here.  But thanks for being so considerate, Maya.

Maya:  (smiling) Someone's got to be . . .

        (Ritsuko and Maya sit in the massive hall containing the three Magi
supercomputers, alone on the platform which holds Caspar.  On the other two
platforms, technical teams of over a dozen people go about their daily routine--
running a multitude of complex tests and scenario profiles through the other
two Magi . . .

Ritsuko:  (rubbing the back of her neck) So when are our test subjects going to be in today?

Maya:  They were scheduled to be here in about two hours.  But it'll be at least
            three before the test-plug maintenance is finished, so I told them to come
            in about four.

Ritsuko:  That was very considerate of you-

Maya:  (to herself) Someone's go to be . . .


Aoi:  How long we gotta wait here?

Lyn:  It'll be only a few more minutes-I want to see this film before my test today.

Aoi:  Test?

Lyn:  Yeah.

Aoi:  What kind of test?

Lyn: It's a real bother, but I'm not supposed to say . . .

Aoi: (disappointed) Awww. . .

        (Lyn and Aoi stand outside the entrance to the one and only local
movie theater that was spared the destruction of most of the city several
months earlier.  On the marquee high above their heads is a banner advertising
the film Love and Pop:  Special Edition.  A substantial line has gathered outside
the ticket booth, with the two children near the back.)

Lyn:  No, really.

Aoi:  (grabbing his arm playfully) You can tell me, 6.

Lyn: (gently shrugging it off) No, I can't--And  what's this '6' business?
                                        I thought you were calling me 6th child.

Aoi:  6 is shorter.  And besides, I'm familiar with you now, so you should get used to it.

Lyn:  Familiar?  I only met you yesterday . . .

Aoi:  (Jokingly)  And look!  All that's left is for you to meet my father, then-

Lyn: Oh, just stop it.

Aoi:  So, tell me, what kind of test is it?

Lyn:  Well-

Aoi:  Oh, come on!  It's not like I'm going to tell or anything!

Lyn:  It's-called a harmonics test or something.  They put you in an entry plug for 3 hours and check to
        see how you're interface is with the EVA is-or something like that.

Aoi:  Oh really?  How do you do?  Do you score high?

    (At this, Lyn's look becomes somewhat uncomfortable)

Lyn:  Not-really.  Though they tell me I'm just a beginner, so it's only natural that my values be lower than the others.
    (Aoi does not respond,; she is silent for several seconds, and only the chatter of the
crowd around them can be heard. . .until--)

Aoi:  (looking away)  You know that's not true. . .

Lyn: . . .

Aoi: Don't you?

Lyn: Ayanami once told me--When you've got your mind on other things, it's messes up the 'bond
        you make with the EVA.  I think that may have something to do with my . . . problem.

Aoi:  And what might you have your mind on?

Lyn:  . . . I don't want to talk about it.

Aoi:  (after several seconds)  I know Rei Ayanami-she's that real quiet girl that sits by the window
                                            at school, isn't she?

Lyn:  Yeah . . .

Aoi:  Hmph.  I'm surprised you actually talk to her.  She's not very outgoing.

Lyn:  What?  You mean like you?

Aoi:  Of course.

        (Finally, it is their turn in line to buy tickets.  Lyn hands the cashier in the small-booth
enough yen for two movie passes, then accepts the tickets, handing one to Aoi.)

Lyn:    Here.

Aoi:  Oh my, so courteous!  You'd think we were on a date . . .

Lyn:  Look, I said cut that out-

Aoi:  Calm down, English, I was only joking!

Lyn:  Hmph.

Aoi:  For such a proper bunch, you Brits sure lack a sense of humour.

Lyn:  Only when the joke's not funny.

Aoi:  Oh!  Touché!

    (No more is said as they walk into the theater . . . )


Shinji:  We shouldn't have come out here. . . this was really dumb . . .

Asuka:  Why do you always gotta be such a pessimist, Ikari?

Shinji:  Well, For one thing, we're the only ones out in the rain!

    (far outside the bustle of Tokyo 3, in the highland forest on the hills which surround the city, Shinji and
Asuka walk (or, one could say, trudge) through a muddy, beaten trail as the rain continues to pour around
them--the sky is still overcast and gray, and their yellow ponchos contrast with the backdrop heavily,
seemingly to accent the fact that they are not where they belong . . .)

Asuka:  It's not my fault if the rest of them want to waste their trip!

Shinji:  Yeah . . . but  still

Asuka:  Oh, fine then!  You didn't have to come . . .

Shinji:  No . . . You're right.

Asuka:  (hesitant) of . . .Of course I am.
    (She does not, however, sound sure of herself)

Shinji:  Where are we going?

Asuka:  I told you, you'll see when we get there!

Shinji:  Can't wait . . .

    (A long period of silence passes between them as they make  their way up the path.  )

Shinji:  Asuka?

Asuka:  What?

Shinji:  What-was it like?  I mean-when you were-unconscious?

    (Asuka is silent for a long time)

Asuka:  What do you mean?

Shinji:  I guess , I'm wondering. . .did . . .did you dream?

    (after a silent moment, the second child stops in her tracks, then answers very slowly)
Asuka: .  . .it really wasn't like dreaming-.

Shinji:  . . .

    (Asuka turns, facing Shinji with newfound curiosity . . .)

Asuka:  Why did you ask me that just now?

Shinji:  I dunno--it felt like the thing to say.

    (The girl shrugs, turning back to the footpath before them . . .)

Asuka:   you're a weird one, Ikari.

Shinji:  (quietly)  If only you knew . . .


 Misato:  Rei!  You're here early-

Rei:  I do not have school for the next two days. . . I am not very busy.

Misato:    Surly you've got something to do other than school or EVA?

Rei:  It is not as important . . .

    (miles away from the campsite, and nearly two miles below, Misato, on her way to the test center, has
encountered Rei in the hallway outside.  The young pilot is dressed in a school uniform, even though class is
not in session--and is making her way to the women's lockers)

Misato:  But--your test isn't for another hour at least-

Rei:  I know.

Misato:  Well, suit yourself.

Rei:  I will.

     (with this, Rei enters the locker room.)

Misato stands there for a moment, in a state that could best be described as mild shock-

Misato: (to herself)  I must be hearing things--Did she just make a joke?


Asuka:  (frustrated) RRRRGH!  It's not here!

Shinji:  What?

Asuka:  The stream-bed!

Shinji:  You'd expect something like that to move?

Asuka:  Of course not . . . You're always too literal, Shinji.

Shinji:  Do you have any idea where we are?

Asuka: . . .  Of course I do.

Shinji: Then you know we've been here before . . .?

Asuka:  What?

Shinji:  We've already been to this spot three times.

Asuka:  No we haven't!

Shinji:  yes we have.

     (through the pouring rain, he points to a nearby rock-face)
Shinji:   We passed that thing three times-We've been going around in circles.

Asuka:  (Frustrated)  Well-Why didn't you say anything?  Why is it you always wait till the last minute?!

Shinji:  um - -

    (All of  a sudden, far overhead, A bolt of lighting pierces the sky-and a monstrous thunder
echoes through the  valley--)
Shinji:  Uuwwaaa!!!
Asuka: Verdammt!!

    (At that instant, the clouds open up-pouring sheets of rain upon the landscape-around The two
children, thunder booms several more times, and the wind picks up, howling angrily through the
trees as the storm builds- )
Shinji:  We've got to find shelter!

Asuka:  ( frantically ) Where?!

Shinji:  Uh-There!

     (he points to the corner of the rock-face, where there is a stone overhang shielding a small,
cave-like depression in the side from the rain)

Asuka:  Okay--!

    (The two Eva pilots waste no time in running toward the "shelter" as the weather
rages on around them-- once inside the safety of the overhang,
they collapse upon the ground . . . )

Shinji:  Oh man . . . things just go from bad to worse . .

Asuka:  Oh . .  shut up . . !

    (far below the turmoil of the outdoors, in the very depths of the Nerv training complex,
another sort of storm is going on . . .)

Ritsuko:  Where have you been?  You're late!

Lyn:  I'm sorry, ma'am.  I was--in the city and--lost track of time-

Ritsuko:  Do you have any idea how much it costs to run these experiments?  How long it takes?
             We can't delay complex tests for people who 'lose track of time'!

Lyn:  (Looking at the floor)  I'm very sorry, ma'am-.

     (At that moment, the door behind Lyn opens and Misato enters)

Ritsuko:  (almost yelling) From now on, be here on time!

Lyn:  (Quickly)  I understand, ma'am.  It won't happen again.

Ritsuko:  See that it doesn't-now go get suited up.

Lyn:  Yes Ma'am.

     (Lyn exits quickly, heading for the lockers;  Misato watches him leave, then turns to Ritsuko)

Misato:  Having a rough DAY?

    (The woman turns away, sighing . . .)

Ritsuko:  What are you talking about?

Misato:  He's just a kid, Ritsuko.  You really didn't have to chew him out like that . . .

    (Ritsuko collapses in her seat,  rubbing her eyes-)

Ritsuko: . . . Argh!  I know . . .

Misato:  (folding her arms)  God, you're really on edge today.

Ritsuko:  You have no idea.

Misato:  How long have you been working?

Ritsuko:  What?  This is my-nnh- fifth shift-

Misato:  (in disbelief) F--FIVE SHIFTS?  Are you trying to kill yourself?

Ritsuko:  I wish I were.  At least then it wouldn't be this painful . . .

Misato:  What the hell've you been working so hard for?!

Ritsuko:  Oh, You already know.

    (Maya, who is at the main console near the glass wall which separates the fluid-filled test-plug
area from the control room, turns in her chair towards Dr. Akagi)

Maya:  Ma'am, both pilots are inside the test plugs.

Ritsuko:  Fine, fine-begin the test.  Set duration for 3 hours.

Maya:  Yes ma'am.

Misato:  (leaning against the wall) Why don't you rest up while the test is going on?

Ritsuko: (taking up a clipboard)  You know I don't have that luxury.

Misato:  Fine--You're only punishing yourself.

    (Ritsuko eyes the major)

Ritsuko: Someone has to . . .

    (Misato returns her gaze her for a moment.  Ritsuko becomes aware of this, then manages a smile)

Ritsuko:  Don't worry. . .


Hikari:  I'm worried

Touji:  I know--

Hikari:  They haven't come back YET!  And it just started raining harder!

Kensuke:  I'd like to say we should go look for them. . but in this weather, we'd just get lost ourselves.

    (Far above Nerv, at a campsite miles outside the city, the storm continues to rage on.  Inside the
Tent belonging to Shinji's group, Hikari, Touji, and Kensuke ponder the whereabouts of their missing
comrades . . .)

Kensuke: What were they looking for?

Touji:  (elbowing Kensuke) Maybe someplace where they could be ALONE. . .

Hikari:  Cut that out!  You know that isn't true.

Touji:  (scratching his head)  I don't know.  Soryu sounded pretty bored . . .

Hikari:  She was probably trying to find that stream-bed
            I showed her yesterday-it was a pretty cool place, even in the rain . . .

    (Suddenly, the tent flap opens, and Goro enters, soaked to the skin and shivering)

Kensuke:  Goro-

Goro:  The group leader said-

            ooh, thanks

(he pauses, accepting a towel from Hikari)-

Goro:  the Group leader said we can't do anything until the
            storm lets up-its t-too dangerous to look for 'em right now, and his
            radio can't get through the weather.

Hikari:  (distressed)  But--We can't just sit here and do nothing!

Touji:  It looks like nothing's all we can do.

     (they sit there in silence for several seconds)

Kensuke:  You think - they'll be okay?

Goro:  I don't know-it's pretty bad out there-

Kensuke:  Well, that's because you didn't bother putting on a raincoat!  Ikari and Asuka are a little
                better prepared, I imagine-

    (He pauses however, as he realizes that Hikari, incredibly, has tears in her eyes.)

Hikari:  Oh,  I should've tried harder to stop her!  I shouldn't have given in . . .

    (Touji looks at her for a second, then to Aida, pondering what to do next.

    Finally, uncertainly, he places his arm around the class rep . . . )

Touji:  They'll be fine.  I'm sure of it.

    (Horaki seems to hold it in, wiping her eyes)

Hikari:   What makes you think that?

Touji:  They're EVA pilots.  They've got to have -like- some survival training-right, Aida?

Kensuke:  (adjusting his glasses)  Well, actually, I don't think-

     (He pauses as Touji gives him a leering look that seems to say "Play along, stupid!")
    (Kensuke hesitates, glancing at Goro)

Kensuke:  I-um--I don't think they'll have any trouble at all.
                They've been trained to handle all sorts of situations.

Hikari:  (hopefully)  really?

Kensuke:  Yeah--I'm sure of it.


Shinji:  . . .

Asuka: . . .

    (Underneath their makeshift stone shelter,  Shinji and Asuka sit in complete silence:
Around them, only the drone of the pouring rain and the occasional crash of thunder
can be heard. . . )

Shinji: . . .

Asuka: .  . .

    (Finally, the thin wire holding in Soryu's anger seems to break:  )

Asuka:  Well, come on!  Go ahead and Say IT!

Shinji: (surprised)  Wh-Huh?  Say What?

Asuka:  What you've been thinking!  I got us lost, okay?  Lost out in the forest where no one
            will find us and we'll probably freeze to death-

Shinji:  I wasn't thinking that.

Asuka: (folding her arms)  Well . . . What, then?

    (outside, lighting crashes, echoing through the cliffs)

Shinji:  Um . . . I was just wondering-

     (he pauses as Asuka  looks on expectantly)
Shinji . . -what the others are doing right now.  . .

Asuka:  They probably forgot all about us--this is so pathetic!

Shinji:  Not really-

Asuka:  Oh?  And what makes you say so, Third Child?

Shinji: It's kinda nice out here--I mean, once you get out of the rain, it's kind of neat to watch.

    (Asuka looks at him for a moment, then turns her eyes to the sky-indeed, an incredible light-show
is taking place above them, as lightning crisscrosses the thunderheads as they billow eastward . . .)

Asuka:  yeah--you're right!  That is pretty cool.

    (The two are silent for several more moments asthe luminous display plays out in the clouds above . . .)

    (Finally, Shinji begins to stir again)

Shinji:  Asuka?

Asuka:  What?

Shinji:  Um . . . I've been wanting to ask you something.

    (the girl sighs, leaning back on her hands)

Asuka:   . . . and what might that be?

Shinji:  What are you planning to do--when you're finished with EVA?

Asuka:  (Surprised) Huh?  What makes you think I'll ever be finished?

Shinji:  Well--I mean--It's not all going to last forever.

Asuka:  (quietly) You don't know that . . .

Shinji:  Then are you saying-

Asuka:  What!?

Shinji:  That--you want there to be more--angels?!

Asuka:  (angry) Of course not!

Shinji:  But then-why would anyone need EVA?

    (Above them, Thunder crashes once more)

Asuka:  I don't know!  To fight against anything else that-attacks-us.

Shinji:  But . . . what's left?

Asuka:  I said I don't know!

Shinji:  I mean-if there are no more angels, then-

Asuka:  Then What?

Shinji: Well-what if Nerv decides to use them on --people?

    (Once again, a bolt of lighting streaks across the sky, with a rumble that shatters the air. . .)

Asuka:  (slowly) What do you mean?

Shinji:  I mean-What if they want to use the EVA's to fight wars?
            Would you-- want to be a part of that?

    (Asuka stares at the younger Ikari,  silent for a long time)

    (Finally, she turns her eyes toward the ground-)

Asuka:  I---of course not.


Maya:  The results are coming in now, ma'am.

Misato:  It's about time--so, how's Rei doing?

Maya:  As well as can be expected.  Her harmonics have
            gone up by 8 points since the last test.

Misato:  That sounds good.  Can you hear me Rei?

    (on screen, the first child's eyes slowly open)

Rei:  Yes . . ?

Misato:  Did you hear that?

Rei:  Yes . . .

Misato:  Good work.

Rei:  . . . Thank you . . .

Misato: (turning back to Maya)  Okay-what about the 6th child?

Maya:  (typing in commands)  Uhm-Here we go--His harmonics and synchro
                                                values have both risen by three points--but he's
                                                  still far behind everyone else . . .

Misato:  Well, you've got to cut him a little slack, I guess--after all, he is new here.

     (Misato turns her head, calling over her shoulder)

 Right, Ritsuko?

Ritsuko: .  .  .

Misato:  Ritsuko?

Maya:  Doctor Akagi?

Ritsuko:  Zzzzz. . .

    (Misato shakes her head, turning back to the glass partition that separates the plug-chamber
from the control room)

    (She is silent  for several seconds, then turns, eyeing Ritsuko one more time, as if to make
sure the woman is asleep)

Misato:  Maya?

Maya:  yes, sir?

Misato:  You've been  working closely with Dr. Akagi lately, right?

Maya:   . . . Yes, Sir.

Misato:   . . . What on?

     (Maya does not answer for a long time before replying)

Maya: . . What do you mean?

Misato:  You know--the thing that's kept her here for three days straight.

    (Maya looks at her console for a long  time, silent . . . then, she turns back to Misato,
but cannot meet the Major's gaze)

Maya: . . . I'm not supposed to talk about it, Major.

    (Misato frowns)

Misato:  I didn't think you could . . .

     (She eyes Ritsuko once more)

 Don't worry about it.

Maya:  Yes sir - - The test  is completed.


Shinji:  You don't sound too sure of yourself.

Asuka:  Well-how am I supposed to sound?!  I worked
            really hard to get back to where I am!

Shinji:  I know that-I just-

Asuka:  You don't know what's going to happen!

Shinji:  That's true, but-

Asuka:  (turning away from Shinji) Arrgh!  Can we PLEASE talk about something else!?

Shinji:  Okay . . .

    (above their heads, the storm begins to churn even more furiously than before)

Asuka:  Um---

Shinji:  . . . .

Asuka: . . .

Shinji:  . . . .

Asuka: . . .

    (The two are silent for a long time.  Finally, Asuka whispers)

Asuka:  Oh, I'm sorry, Ikari.

    (Shinji looks at the second child in a state of mild bewilderment as the words leave her lips)

Shinji:  S-sorry for what?

Asuka:  You know.  Getting us out here . . . and calling you stupid.

Shinji:  you didn't call me "stupid"

Asuka:  Not now, stupid!  I meant before!

Shinji:  Oh . . .

    (seconds pass.  Asuka pulls her knees up to her chest as she continues)

Asuka:  What you asked me before--It wasn't like dreaming.

Shinji: . . .

Asuka:   I-saw-I felt so much . . .

Shinji:  . . .

Asuka:  I thought I hated you.  I hated everybody.

Shinji:  .  . . oh . . .

Asuka:  Then I couldn't pilot unit 02, a-and no one needed me, a-and . . . . Kaji . . .

     (Her voice breaks--She cannot continue, it has become to difficult)

    (Ikari listens for a long time as she struggles to regain her composure, before finally--)

Shinji:  Asuka . . .  I . . . understand how you feel.

Asuka:  (shuddering) H-How can you understand?

Shinji:  (firmly)  I just do.

    (he pauses as Asuka Shudders once more)

Shinji:  Hey-are you okay?

Asuka:  (wiping her eyes)  I-I'm Fine.  I'm Just cold . . .

    (Shinji, hesitantly, begins to shift closer to the other pilot)

Shinji:  Well . . um . . . I'm not.

    (Asuka  Stares at him.  For a long time, the two simply look at each other,
while the storm rages on around them. Perhaps it is the excitement of their
situation, or the turmoil of the weather around them; but something in the air
makes the young Ikari . . . decisive.)

    Shinji lifts his hand-

    And places it on hers . . )

Shinji:  I was afraid too, Asuka.

Asuka:  Afraid?

Shinji:  Every time-I wanted-to run away.

Asuka:  .  .  .  !

Shinji:  (quietly) But every time I did, I felt I had to come back.

Asuka:  Afraid . . .

Shinji:  I came out here with you-

Asuka: . . .

Shinji:  Because I wanted to tell you-

    (He is shaking, as the words will not quite come)

Shinji:  I-

Asuka:  (moving closer) Tell me what??

Shinji:  I-!

Asuka:  ?

Shinji:  I

Asuka:  (frustrated)  IKARI! SPIT IT OUT!

Shinji: I --was afraid--I wouldn't see you again!  I N-  . .needed you!

    (Asuka falls silent as the words hit--

    incredibly, around them, the thunder has stopped altogether . . . )


Lyn:  I hate these things. .  .

Rei:  What?

Lyn:  These suits--they're so tight-

Rei:  . . .

    (The boy grunts as he pulls at the elastic plug suit clinging to his form . . .)

Lyn:  Ungh-

Rei:  (in passing) They must be that way.

Lyn:  I know. . . but I still don't like it.

    ( a moment passes)

Rei:  Dr. Akagi will release us very soon.

    (Rei and Lyn still sit inside the test plugs in the examination facility-the
test has just ended, and the two pilots wait to be released from their small,
cylindrical prisons . . . Inside Rei's plug, a small image of Anouilh
"floats"  next to her (the radio is engaged). . .

Lyn:  She--didn't seem to happy about my being late.

Rei: . . .
Lyn:  Is she always like that?

Rei:  . . . I don't know.

Lyn:  . . . Oh.  Should've guessed. . .

    (Rei eyes the other pilot for a moment)
    (Suddenly, with the hiss of decompression, the plug doors slide open.
Maya's voice rings in the chamber over the P.A.)

Maya:  The test is completed.  You may exit the simulation plugs.

Lyn:  Finally!

Rei:  . . . yes.


    (Moments  later, on the other side of the glass partitions . . . Rei and Lyn
stand at attention, as Ritsuko informs them of the results. . .)

Ritsuko:  (rubbing her eyes) That was a good test, you two.
                                            Our data shows that you've both improved your
                                            harmonics values substantially.

Misato:  (to Anouilh) True, but Lyn, you're going to have to work even harder
                                now that you've been bumped up to the next
                                level of training -You are up to it, right?

Lyn:  Oh! Y-yes. Major-

     (he pauses, glancing at Ritsuko)

Len:  And-I'll be on time from now on, too.  I promise.

Ritsuko:  (her look softens a bit)  Of course-

Misato:  You can go now.

    (Almost at once, the two pilots leave)

    ( Misato turns to Ritsuko, who has once more begun to look at the data- )

Misato:  Have a nice rest?

Ritsuko:  (Smiling)  I couldn't help it.  Mind over matter doesn't always apply to the weary.

Misato:  Well, I hope you've taken the hint.

    (Akagi sighs, taking her keyboard in hand and putting her glasses in her pocket.)

Ritsuko:    Don't worry, I have.  I'm going to sign out as soon as this is taken care of.

    (Misato nods, turning away from the Dr.)

    (As Dr. Akagi exits, she stops in the doorway, turning to Misato)

Ritsuko:  Oh, And Major?

Misato:  Hmmm?

Ritsuko:  You needn't worry about what me or Maya is working on, either.

    (with this, she leaves;  the door closes behind her with a hydraulic hiss . . .)





Goro:  Gaaah!  Not so loud!

    (The four children-Touji, Hikari, Kensuke, and Goro, have left the shelter of the tent, as the
thunderstorm seems to have abated for the moment.  Desperately wandering the site, they call for
their missing classmates, Shinji and Asuka)

Hikari: Oh God, What if they're hurt?

Touji: Don't worry-I'm sure they're probably off arguing somewhere-you know, marital spat and all that.

Hikari:  This isn't the time for jokes, Touji!

Kensuke:  Ikari!!!

Goro:  (who is standing right next to him, wincing) Not that loud!  The Group leader'll hear-

Kensuke:  No! no!  I mean IKARI!

     (Kensuke points excitedly to the hill top to their left-Indeed, two familiar shapes can be seen making their way wearily toward the campsite)

Hikari:  Asuka!

Touji:  Shinji!

    (The two pilots both smile as their comrades run to meet them)

Hikari:  Asuka!  I was so worried!

Kensuke:  Where WERE you?

Touji:  And what were you DOING?

    (Shinji and Asuka glance at each other for an instant, then, simultaneously, turn towards their classmates-)

Shinji and Asuka:  ABSOLUTLY NOTHING!

Touji:  (grinning)  Sure . . .

    (suddenly, directly overhead, Lighting streaks across the sky once more, as the storm begins again with a new fury-)

Touji:  CRAP!

Kensuke:  WHAT!?

Goro: -!-

Hikari:  (motioning to the others frantically) BACK TO THE TENT!  Come ON!

    ( As the children hastily run for the safety of the tent, Hikari makes pace with Asuka, who has a
strange look on her face- )

Hikari:  (panting) I'm really-- sorry this-- trip --didn't turn --out like you wanted-

Asuka:  It's all right.

Hikari:  (stunned)  What?

Asuka:  I said it's all right.  Things can't always go the way you expect them to, you know?

    (Hikari, however, is in a mild state of shock at her friend's words.)

Hikari:  Sure.  . .

    (no more is said as they finally reach the tent)


Gendo:  Take a look at this, then.

Fuyutsuki:  What is it?

Gendo:  It's the same image.  But look at how concentrated the disturbances are
            on the left side of the curve . . .

Fuyutsuki:  Hmmmm.  I see . . .  This isn't good. . . .

Gendo:  Yet, it is as I expected.

Fuyutsuki:  What about the translation?

Gendo:  No.  Anything further is beyond our realm of knowledge.
            Even so, It would reveal nothing.  All we need to know is here.

Fuyutsuki:   Then-

Gendo:  (nodding once) All signs point to the coming time.

    (Far from the turmoil of the storm, in the Office of Nerve's supreme commander, Gendo and
Fuyutsuki discuss a gale of a different sort. . . )

Fuyutsuki:  If the council found out about this-

Gendo:  A moot point, considering they are already after my head.

Fuyutsuki:  How did you come by this?

Gendo: Allies are present in the most unlikely of places.  Don't worry . . .This is the real thing.

Fuyutsuki:  Of course, they look nothing like the originals-

Gendo:  Even so, they will serve their purpose.

    (Fuyutsuki looks down at the scrawled image once more,
turning it over several times.)

Fuyutsuki: (without looking up)  I take it you've been informed of the state of "Lilith"?

Gendo:  Of course.

Fuyutsuki:  Then you know it has completely regenerated itself-

Gendo:  Yes.  Without the Lance, there is nothing left to hinder its growth.

Fuyutsuki:  (surprised at Gendo's calm demeanor) And-you're not worried?

Gendo:  There is nothing more we can do about the situation.
            All we can do is keep the plant secure.
            Therefore, I've chosen not to dwell on it further.

Fuyutsuki:  Of Course . . .

     (Fuyutsuki's voice seems  to echo off the chamber walls in the silence that follows.  . .then-)

Gendo:  How is the project with unit 06 going?

Fuyutsuki:  As well as can be expected.  It seems that it's makeup is far more confused then we'd hoped
                --it'll take some time.

Gendo:  And unit 01?

Fuyutsuki:  No change.

Gendo:  Hmph.  And what of  Dr. Akagi's work?

Fuyutsuki:  That's moving along according to schedule, at least.  Although I'm not sure the
                good Doctor has the same fate planned for her little creation that you do-

Gendo:  (interrupting) It is of no concern.  She will be dealt with
                                when the time comes.

Fuyutsuki:  You sound confident . . .

Gendo:  It is all written-

Fuyutsuki:  . . . You do know the early warning system found a storm in the mountains?

Gendo:  Yes.  . .

Fuyutsuki:  Then you know what's coming . . .

Gendo:  I have already made preparations.

Fuyutsuki:  Hmph.  Then I have nothing more to report.

Gendo:  Indeed.

    (Several seconds pass.  Finally, we hear The echo of Fuyutsuki's footsteps
as the old man leaves, the massive doors shutting behind him.  Gendo remains
at his desk, deep in thought.  Finally, he mutters something under his breath that,
even in the quiet of his office, reverberates off the walls)

Gendo:  The Tempest . . .
To Be Continued . . .