Evangelion and Eva concepts are copyright © 1995-1999 GAINAX and Project Eva. EVA:R
original fanfiction and all artwork here (unless otherwise indicated) are copyright © 1999 Maher Al-Samkari.



Episode 38:  "Close your eyes! / The sky is falling . . ."

    (High on a remote mountain peak, in a place situated far above Nerv, Tokyo 3,
and the rest of humanity, Staff and personnel of the Mt. Fuji observation center work
diligently to monitor the skies above Japan for any sign of terrestrial --or extra-terrestrial-- disturbances.

It has been several months, however,  since anything more than odd
weather patterns have been detected, as the angels—the very reason for which the Mt. Fuji
center was built -- no longer pose a threat to mankind . . .

. . . At least, that is how it seems.  . .

    Things have been very quiet for the past few months and, inevitably,  the state of the
center’s usefulness has come into question—this is, of course,  for good reason:
What need is there for an early warning system if there are no more angels  to warn of?

    Today, however, that question will finally be laid to rest;  for both the staff of the Mt. Fuji center,
and for the people of Tokyo 3 . . .

    The scene begins in a control room--not unlike that in Nerv HQ--where dozens
of techs patiently go about their daily routine, monitoring their assigned stations . . . )

Technician:  Commander Gedolf?  Doppler shows the storm front over Mt. Futagoyama is moving . . .

Gedolf:  Again?

Technician:  Affirmative.

Gedolf: (annoyed) Great. . . Direction and speed?

Technician:  Instruments show it moving Southwest at over 80 knots.

Gedolf:  Proximity to the city?

Technician:  It will pass directly over Tokyo 3’s northeastern quarter in approximately 82 minutes.

Gedolf:  What’s the severity of the storm now?

Technician:  It’s type 4—ambient air pressure lower than usual, strong electrical activity detected.

Gedolf:  Very well.  Notify Tokyo 3.  Inform them that L-STAT has monitored a type
            4 severe weather formation coming their way.  Also,  Contact EMS—tell them
            to engage the Emergency Broadcast System—But Tell them it’s not too serious,
            just recommend standard precautionary measures.

Technician:  Understood.

Gedolf:  (Thinking)  I don’t believe it:  No more angels, so they turn us into a blasted Weather service . . .

    (Moments later, in the command center far below Tokyo 3 . . .)

Fuyutsuki:  A thunderstorm?

Shigeru:  Yes sir—It’s moving in from the mountains.  The Mt. Fuji observation center reports it will be directly over the
                eastern part of the Tokyo 3 in less than 80 minutes.

Fuyutsuki:  How bad is it?

Shigeru:  L-STAT and EBSIS indicate a type 4 electrical storm.
            They are recommending the standard  severe weather protocols.

Fuyutsuki:  That doesn’t sound too serious.  Inform the E.B.S. center in the east district to begin broadcasting.

Shigeru:  Yes, sir.


Announcer:  We interrupt our regularly scheduled program for this special bulletin:
                    A severe weather advisory is in effect for the eastern New Kanto, Chubu,
                    and Tokai districts--A  thunderstorm has been detected moving southwest at
                    high speed from the Mt. Futagoyama region—high winds, stinging rain, and
                    dangerous electrical activity are expected.  It is recommended that residents
                    stay indoors for the duration of the storm . . . stay tuned to NTVN
                    TV-Tokyo 3 Radio for further updates on - -

    (There is a subtle "click" as the radio is turned off)

    (In the apartment of Lyn Anouilh, the 6th child and designated pilot of Evangelion
unit 06, the radio is silenced, leaving only the drumming of the falling rain outside to be
heard.  The young pilot sits quietly at a desk near the window, attempting to do homework. )

    (He folds his arms now, resting his head on the crook of his elbows as he watches the
falling rain outside.  The downpour seems soft and unhurried, as the real storm is still, in
fact, many miles away . . . )

    (In his mind, he runs over the Kanji and Katakana he has been studying diligently for
the past month . . . And, almost involuntarily, he begins to draw the characters in the
margin of his math homework . . . as his thoughts turn to other things . . . )

. . . Kietsu:  Joy. . .

Lyn:  (Thinking) This is such a waste of time . . .

. . . Aijou:  Sadness. . .

Lyn:  (Thinking)  What’s the point of worrying about your studies if all you
                            can do is try to keep up?

. . .Haradachi:  Anger. . .

Lyn:  (Thinking)  That Ayanami girl is . . . strange.  Nice, but strange . . .
                        Why is she always so . . . quiet?

. . . Yokkyuu:  Desire . . .

Lyn:  (Thinking)  Not like Aoi.  She’s weird too, but - - in a different way.

  . . . What’s with these Japanese girls?

. . .Ikari:  Hatred .

    (suddenly, his pen stops, as an image of Shinji pops into his mind.
Inevitably, the other pilots—Asuka and Rei—also hang on the edge of his vision.
He puts down his pen, pressing his face to the window—the rain has picked up,
now, and drums against the glass more loudly than before.  Lyn looks up at the
sky, at the clouds which have begun to gather overhead.  For some strange
reason, he feels something nagging him at the back of his mind . . .)

Lyn:  (aloud, to himself) . . .I think I’ll call home . .  .


Asuka:  Arrgh, why does it got to rain for four DAYS?!  This sucks!
            We just get home and the storm follows us!

Shinji:  I thought you said you didn’t mind the rain . . .

Asuka:  That was two Days ago!  It gets annoying after a while, alright?

Shinji:  Whatever  .  .  .

    (a few floors below, Asuka and Shinji, having returned with the rest
of their class from their hiking trip a day early due to the failing weather,
sit nearly bored to tears in the apartment, as the rain drones on outside . . .)

   ( Suddenly, the front door slides open- )

Misato:  (calling)  I’m home!  You guys?  Are you still here?

Asuka:  Un-fortunately!

Shinji:  Hey . . .

Misato:  (taking off her jacket) Whoa, it’s really pouring out there!

Asuka:  (mumbling)
    (As Misato throws her raincoat on the nearest chair, hear ears seem
to perk up—she stands still for a moment, as if listening to something . . .)

Misato:  Hey—what’s that?

Asuka:  What’s what?

Shinji:  huh?

Misato:  That --noise.

Shinji:  What noise?

Asuka:  I don’t hear anything!

Misato:  That noise!

Asuka:  What Noise?!

Misato: No, come on!  You mean you can’t hear that?

Shinji:  Hear what?

Asuka:  What are you talking about?

Misato:  I don’t believe you can’t hear that!

Shinji & Asuka:  HEAR WHAT?!

Misato:  Shhhh! Just listen!

    (Immediately, the two pilots become quiet—and, slowly, a sound
becomes detectable on the edges of their perception—it is faint at first,
almost indistinguishable from the drumming of the rain; but as they listen ,
it seems to grow louder—it is a hurried staccato of taps—
almost frantic even, in the background . . . )

Shinji:  Hey—I can hear it!

Asuka:  What is that?

Misato:  Hmmm—

    (Katsuragi holds her head high, listening for the sound, as
she creeps around the apartment . . inevitably, she begins to focus
her search to the area in the next room)

Misato:  (Whispering)  Sounds like it’s coming. .  .

    (Slowly, she goes into the next room—Shinji and Asuka look
at one-another for a moment, then follow)

Misato:  From in here.  . .

    (Indeed, the sound is much louder now—the same quickened,
frantic "taps".  This time, however, the taps have a certain "ring" to
them—a hollow sound, which brings to the major’s mind an image of  . . . glass . . . )

Misato:  (her eyes suddenly brightening up)  Aha!  The window!

    (Immediately, all three rush to the each of windows in the room—there
is nothing there, however, and the strange sound has not yet ceased—in fact,
it has grown louder and faster as the storm outside has begun to grow worse. . . )

Misato:  What the hell?

Asuka:  this is getting stupid!

Shinji: . . .

Misato:  If it’s not the window, then where—

    (Suddenly, Shinji’s eyebrows raise with realization—and he pulls back
the white vinyl curtain which has been hung over the sliding door of the
balcony, to reveal the source of the sound— )

Misato:  PEN PEN!!

    ( Indeed, caught outside in the raging storm, Pen Pen halts his tapping
at the sliding glass door as the curtain is pulled aside—immediately, Misato
undoes the latch, pulling the door open, allowing the soaked pet inside.
All three searchers are rewarded with a sudden spray of water as the
penguin shakes itself dry—Shinji and Asuka shield themselves, but to no avail. )

Pen Pen:  Qwuaaa!  Qwuaaa!!

    (When the penguin finally stops, all three are nearly covered, head to toe, with water.)

Misato:  (still shielding her face with her arm) How did he get locked outside?

Asuka:  (Wiping the water from her eye)  I don’t know!

Shinji:  (wringing his shirt out)  I didn’t lock the balcony door—

Misato:  (hands on hips) Well, Then who did?

All three become silent as looks are exchanged.  Finally, Asuka points to herself—

Asuka:  Well, I went out there to check on the storm about an hour
            ago—but I didn’t see him anywhere!

    (Asuka pauses as she realizes the small penguin is giving her a look that,
if it were human, would border on furious rage. Misato and Shinji follow in suit-- )

Asuka:  (Cracking under their combined gaze) well . . . ! How was I
                                                                       supposed to know he was out there?


Shigeru:  Commander?  Reports are just coming in—that storm has already
              entered the airspace directly above the northeastern quarter—
                but it seems to be slowing down.

Fuyutsuki:  Hmph.  Very well—Have EBSIS repeat the emergency
                broadcast, and tell them to impose a mandatory curfew for
                all non-military personnel.

Shigeru:  Yes, sir.

Fuyutsuki:  And make sure that, next time, the council goes through their
                own channels!  Nerv can’t be expected to watch over
                this city’s every petty concern like some sort of matriarch!

Shigeru:  Understood

Fuyutsuki:  (Thinking) No more angels, so they turn us into a blasted Weather service . . .


    (Elsewhere, far above, in what still remains of the old sector of the
city, a "matriarch" of a different kind stands at her window, watching the
lighting crisscross the clouds in the sky above . . . )

    (Rei looks on, unblinking, at the torrent going on above the street. )

    (She wears a look of complete indifference—it would seem that she is
watching the storm—simply because there is nothing else to do . . . )

Rei: (thinking)  Raindrops.

                         So many.

                        Like people.


                         But --

                        not too many these days . . .

    (her mind stops as she watches a single droplet of water travel a
twisting path slowly down the window)

Rei:  (thinking)  It is like

                    a . . tear.



                    Millions of tears.  . .
                    Upon millions. . .

                     Is it sadness?

                     Are the heavens crying?

                    I know this . . .
       (She turns away from the window)

Rei: (Thinking)    I know crying . . .


    (Elsewhere, something of a far, far more sinister nature contemplates similar matters. . . )

Seele:  The tempest?

Seele: In place.

Seele:  The time?

Seele:  Soon

Seele:  They suspect nothing.

Seele:  very Soon

Seele:  Hmm . . .

Seele:  you have given us your word

Kihl:  Do not fail us. . .


Kensuke:  Hey, Cool! Oh man,  there’s another one!!  Cool!

Touji:  What’s so ‘cool’ about it?  We’ve already seen about a million others like it already!

Kensuke:  Aw, not really!  Besides, I’ve never gotten something like this on tape before!

    (At the Souzehara’s new residence, Touji and Kensuke sit at the
window, as the lighting activity overhead increases.  Kensuke, camera
in hand, films the light show with a keen interest.  Touji, however,
is arguably less that impressed . . .)

Touji:  I don’t see how you can stand this for a whole hour!  It’s because of
        this stupid storm we can’t go to the movie . . .

Kensuke:  (still looking through the eyepiece, smiling)  Don’t you mean that you and
                                                                                Horaki can’t go to the movie?

Touji:  Hey—do you WANNA walk home?

Kensuke:  Calm down!  I was just kidding!

Touji: . . . . rrrr . . .


    (Meanwhile, overhead, the storm’s activity has increased dramatically—
thunder now shatters the air every few seconds, as sheets of wind-carried rain
drench the city below.  The sky is constantly alight with lighting flashes, as the
storm’s fury grows exponentially . . . )


Shigeru:  Sir?  I’m reading increased activity within the storm front—

Fuyutsuki:  Increased?

Shigeru:  Yes—according to L-STAT, electrical discharges have grown by over 50%.
              The storm is now a type six on the Brandeburg scale. EBSIS suggests
                we go to full severe weather alert.

Fuyutsuki:  Make it so.  And have the local PD clear the streets.

Shigeru:  Yes, Sir.


    (Meanwhile, in the upper stratosphere—as thunderheads collide, and arches
of electricity form, for an instant, between them - - - a single, oblique shape can
be seen weaving its way through the upper echelons of the storm . . . As it tears
by, only a single sound can be heard above the rumble of thunder . . .

    The sound of screams . . . )


Lyn:  No,  I haven’t ma’am.  Yes ma’am.  I do!  Have I been practicing? . . . um . ..  not really.

    (elsewhere, in the apartment of Lyn Anouilh, the young pilot -in- training
speaks uneasily into the telephone . . .)

Lyn:   . . . I . . . really haven’t had the time.  Well, school, and the
        tests—yes ma’am.  I will try, but—yes, I promise!  But I
        don’t think I’ll—

    (Suddenly, with the sound of static, the phone goes dead)

Lyn: . . . What?

Lyn:  Hello?  Mother?

    (he begins to tap the receiver--)

Lyn:  Anna? um . .Mum?

    (He pulls the phone away from his ear, looking down at it confusedly)

Lyn: .? . . What the hell?


Shigeru:  Sir!  Communication and telephone lines are down in the northern half of the city!

Fuyutsuki:  What?

Shigeru:  The report just came in!  Some kind of interference from the storm--

Fuyutsuki:  Damn. Can it be cleared?

Shigeru:  unknown.

Fuyutsuki:  Well then, get on it!

Shigeru:  Yes sir.

    (Elsewhere, Several thousand feet above, in the apartment of Major Misato Katsuragi—)

Asuka:  What are you talking about!  Are you calling me careless?

Misato:  No, No, of course not!  I’m just saying be more
            Careful when you lock the balcony door, okay?

Asuka: (throwing her hands into the air) Alright! Alright! I said I was sorry!

Asuka:  (mumbling) Jeez, one mistake and they crucify you . . .

    (Misato and Asuka sit at the kitchen table, as Shinji messes with
the radio dial, attempting to get a signal.  There is only static, however,
coming from its single, small speaker— )

Asuka:  (impatient) What are you doing?

Shinji:  I’m trying to get a weather report—but The radio’s dead.

Asuka:  (Surprised) What do you need that thing for?  I can tell what the weather’s like—it’s crappy!

Shinji:  (slightly miffed) I know that—I just want to know when it’ll END.

Misato:  (Taking a drink) The storm’s interfering with the broadcast signal,
                                      I bet—You probably won’t be able to get anything
                                      until it lets up a bit.

    (Shinji stops turning the dial, and looks to the widow—the rain still pours
in sheets, and lighting flashes light up the sky every few seconds)

Shinji:  It doesn’t look like its going to let up . . .

Asuka: (yet even more agitated)  That’s a sure thing!

    (Suddenly, there is a quiet knock at the front door—instantly,
Asuka is out of her seat, eager for something to do)

Asuka:  I’ll get it!!

Shinji: (Watching Soryu as she makes her way quickly to the door)


    (Asuka is nearly in smiles as she presses the switch, which
causes the door to slide open—her demeanor changes, however,
when she sees who is behind it--)

Asuka:  (frowning, almost in disgust)  Oh . . . it’s you.

Lyn:  Um . . .hi . . .

    (Indeed, it is Anouilh who now stands uneasily at the door)

Asuka:  (sighing)  What do you want?

    (The sixth child scratches the back of his head, slightly embarrassed . . .)

Lyn:   Oh!  Uh –was just wondering—

Misato:  (calling from the other room) Asuka!  Who is it?

Asuka:  It’s Anouilh.

Misato:  Really?  Well, let him in.

Asuka:  Yeah, yeah.

    (She eyes Lyn for a moment, then steps aside, allowing the boy in . . .)

Lyn:  Er—thanks . . .

Asuka: . . .

    (As they both enter the living room, Misato comes in from the kitchen--)

Misato:  Oh, Hi!

Lyn:  bowing formally—good evening Maj.—er—Misato.

    (Misato gives him a wink, sitting on the floor by the table . . )

Misato:  Give it a bit more practice, I see you’re catching on!

Lyn:  (embarrassed) Ulp!--yes . . .

Asuka:  (sitting down, arms folded)  What do you want?

Lyn:  Um—Oh!—well, I was going to ask you if—well—if your phone was working.

Misato:  The phone?

Lyn:  Yes—I was talking to my. . .um . .step. . . mom . .and it just . . . went dead.

    (Asuka walks over to the telephone on the wall by the kitchen door,
putting the receiver to her ear—listening. she then frowns, tapping it
several times—finally, she returns it to the wall--)

Asuka:  Oh! It’s not working here either!

Lyn:  Hmmm . . .

    (At that moment, the kitchen door opens, and Shinji enters)

Shinji: What’s not working?

Asuka:  (lying down, putting her hands behind her head)  The stupid phone.

    (Lyn looks at Shinji for a moment, then manages a greeting—)

Lyn:  Hi, Shinji.

Shinji:  (noticing Lyn in the main room, smiling) Oh!  hello.

    (Shinji turns to Misato)

Shinji:  The phone’s dead?

Misato:  Yup.

Shinji:  (Frowning) It figures . . .


Rei: (thinking)  So dark.

                        So very dark . . .

    (Rei still stands at the window—the torrent outside has gotten worse.
Indeed, even the very buildings seem to sway in the howling wind as the
storm pounds the city—lighting streaks overhead continuously, sending
concessive waves of thunder echoing through the streets—the very glass
of the window shakes at the noise, which, strangely enough—

    . . . doesn’t seem to phase the girl at all . . . )

    (Young Ayanami steps away from the window and sits on her bed,
pulling her socks on—there is a small pile of books at her side—
it is evident that she has been reading. . .)

Rei:  (thinking) When will this stop?

    (She lies down on the bed, knocking the books onto the floor.  She stares
at the ceiling, as her eyes slowly drift to sleep—with every flash of lighting,
a network of crisscrossed shadows appears, forming wild, angry, twisted
shapes on the walls of her apartment.  She watches, looking at the complex
forms with a calm, almost passing interest.  Her mind is elsewhere. . .
And as she finally finds sleep--)


Rei:  -:-:-:-:-

      (With this, her thought are drowned out by a noise, like thunder—
a roar in her ears--With nearly a shriek, the girl awakens—and realizes, to her horror—

    The sound is very real)



    The storm’s intensity has reached its apex—the massive towers of Tokyo 3’s
inner citadel sway back in forth in the wind, their glass and steel structures shuddering
at the force of nature which tears at them with the fury of a wild beast---

    And then—

    A shape,



    and round--

    --breaks through the clouds, at a speed so incredible,
the very air around its form burns with white hot intensity--

    And, with a roar of a thousand bloody screams,
it announces its presence to the rest of humanity—

    slamming into the very heart of the city—

    With an impact—

     That shatters windows for nearly 60 miles

     And shakes the fortress
     below its very foundation

     with a roar

     That is heard

     and felt

     In the very deepest corridors of Nerv - - - )


Fuyutsuki:  (on his hands, recovering from a fall)  Lieutenant!  WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?

Shigeru:  (also on the floor)  A—Unknown, sir!

    (In Nerv’s control center, nearly ever staff member has been knocked
to the floor by the impact—on the walls, the monitors blink wildly,
showing only static, some have shattered under the force of the blast, while
others that still remain in operation ring with emergency klaxons that deafen
the surprised crew—and worried concern has given away to frantic pandemonium--)


Fuyutsuki:  (shouting) REPORT!!

Shigeru:  Data coming in now—Something has broken Tokyo 3 airspace
                and impacted in the center of the northern quarter!

Hyuga:  (shouting over the alarms) The shock wave knocked out 70% of the
                                                    EVP conduits in the Geo-Front-- power is
                                                    unavailable to sections Geo12 through Geo39!

Maya:  Damage reports coming in from as far away as New Kanto—

Shigeru:  Impact zone is over .09 Kilometers in diameter—


Hyuga:  Severe damage to the  Emergency Defense Reconfiguration system--

Maya:  The Magi estimate heavy casualties in the northern quarter—

Fuyutsuki:  Tell me What hit us!! Give me the status of the object--!

Shigeru:  Main sensors are down!  Backups can’t cut through interference from the storm!

Fuyutsuki:  (shouting) Notify commander Ikari!  Go to Full-stage alert!
                                All personnel to their emergency stations!  And Turn
                                off that damn alarm!

All three:  Sir!

    (a few seconds later, the emergency klaxon is silenced)

Fuyutsuki:  (looking to Maya)  do we have ANY indication as to what it was?

Maya:  Unknown at this time, sir!

    (Fuyutsuki turns his gaze to the massive screen ahead, which displays
what little data is available.  He wears a look that has, lately, been
seldom seen in the control center—

    --a look of fear— )

    (Suddenly, behind him, the personal transport platform raises—
Carrying a stern faced Commander Ikari . . . )

Fuyutsuki:  We’ve just been struck by an object of unknown origin-

Gendo:  (sitting at his desk)  Unknown?  I think it is quite obvious what this is.

 Fuyutsuki:  (suddenly, under his breath) --it can’t be—

Ikari:  Yes.

    (the man smiles, turning his eyes toward the viewscreen)

Ikari:  The time has come.

Fuyutsuki:  Then--

    (without answering his comrade's statement, Ikari turns to Makoto Hyuga--)

Ikari:  Get me Major Katsuragi, NOW!

Hyuga: yes, Sir!

Ikari:  And take unit 01 out of the freeze . . . I want all four EVAs at the ready as soon as possible

Fuyutsuki:  (to himself)  Dear God . . .


Misato:  (shouting) SHINJI!  ASUKA!  LYN!  Are you okay?!?

    (she is answered, after several seemingly endless seconds, by three moans)

Asuka:  nnnnggggh---

Shinji:  Ooooohhh. . . .

Lyn: aarrgghhhh. . . .

Pen Pen:  . . . . . qwaaaaaah . . .

    ( . . .and a chirp)

    (In the apartment of Major Misato Katsuragi, the living room is in shambles—
the rain and raging wind now enter through the windows, which have been shattered
by the concussive force of the shockwave—the same force which has tossed the
unlucky tenants to the floor, overturned both refrigerators in the kitchen, and has
sent the living room furniture flying in all directions )

    (suddenly, the overturned table moves-and Lyn emerges, rubbing his head)

Lyn: (mumbling in English)  Aaaaargh . . . what  the . .. Hell?

    (nearby, the overturned couch begins to wobble—then is pushed away, allowing
Shinji and Asuka to crawl free--)

Shinji:  My head . . .

Asuka: Ach---D-Dammit!

    (Misato sighs in relief, brushing the broken glass from her shoulders . . .)

Misato:  (concerned)  Are you guys okay?!

Lyn:  Yeah . . .

Shinji:  what the—

Asuka: —hell was THAT???!?

    (Misato closes the curtains, attempting, in vain,  to keep some of the rain out)

Misato:  I don’t know--!

    (Anouilh clutches his right temple, standing . . .)

Lyn:   Oh God, that was loud . . .

    (Then, he shakes his head-as the sound of high-pitched beeps assault his ears)

Lyn:  (mumbling)  great—now my ears are ringing . . .

Misato:  No they’re not—that’s my phone!

Lyn:  But isn’t the line—ow—dead?

Misato:  That’s my cellular!  Control must be trying to reach me!

    (she looks around as the phone continues to ring—the sound is
muffled, and seems to be coming from everywhere)

Misato:  Oh, where IS it?

Misato:  (digging through the debris)  It’s in my jacket—quick!  Look for it!

    (Soon, all four are searching, righting the furniture as they do so—
finally, Shinji finds what they have been looking for-)

Shinji:  (lifting the jacket from beneath the couch) Got it!

Misato: (taking it quickly)  give it here!

    (She digs in the pocket, as the phone drones on—finally, she produces
it, pressing the "talk button"

Misato:  Ah!  Major Katsuragi—yes,-- I’m well aware of that!
            Yes, I’m alright—three of the pilots are here with me, they
            seem okay—but I don’t know about the first child—Hyuga,
            tell commander Ikari I’m on my way . . . And t-

    (suddenly, Misato goes silent as Hyuga tells her something more—
her eyes widen with surprise, and she can’t help but glance at the children)

Misato:   What?!. . .A-Are you sure? . . . By who’s order?  Commander Ikari’s?

    (Shinji, at the mention of his father. Scowls, turning his eyes to the floor)

Misato:  . . .understood.  I‘ll be there in a few minutes.

     (as she presses the "power" button,  ending the call, Asuka looks at her curiously)

Asuka:  What did commander Ikari want?  What’s going on?

    (Misato looks at the children, silent for a moment—
she now wears the face of her more disciplined, military persona.)

Misato:  (slowly) We’re moving out.

Shinji and Asuka:  WHAT?!

Lyn:  huh?

Misato:  You’ve all been placed on standby alert—We’ve got to get you
            to Nerv central immediately.

Lyn:   . . . why?

Shinji:  That—

Asuka:  Means—

Misato:  It’s possible -- this was caused  by an angel

To Be Continued . . .