Episode 44: "Innocence /Unforgiven"
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Lyn: Who’s there?
. . .
. . .
. . .
Lyn: Soryu?
. . .
. . .
. . .
Lyn: Asuka?
. . .
. . .
. . .
Lyn: HEY!
. . .
. . .
. . .
Lyn: . . . ?
. . .
. . .
. . .
Lyn: What in the Hell’s going ON!?
. . .
. . .
Voice: See. Impatient.
Voice: Impudent.
Voice: Careless.
Lyn: What?
Voice: He is still a burden.
Lyn: . . .
Voice: He cannot fend for himself.
Lyn: No . . .
Voice: an embarrassment. . .
Lyn: I . . .
Voice: Naïve . . .
Lyn: . . .
Voice: He is a coward.
Lyn: . . .
Voice: . . .
Lyn: Papa!?
Teacher: . . . And, on a cold February morning,
at the very height of the
world conflict, the once proud city of Tokyo was
completely and utterly destroyed. It is an irony that the United
would once more use a nuclear weapon—
Touji: (whispering) I don’t believe this—he was yakkin’ about
the same thing yesterday!
(It is late afternoon. Things have returned to a semblance of normalcy once more in the streets of Tokyo 3. As result, daily classes at Shinji Ikari’s junior high school have once again resumed. . .
Despite the academic air present in the room, however, it is clear that very little learning is actually going on . . .)
Kensuke: (whispering) I think teach is goin’ senile . . .
(Around him, a few muffled giggles are heard . . . followed by an angry whisper: )
Hikari: Be quiet, you two!
Touji: Yeah, yeah . . .
(Uninterrupted, the instructor continues droning
on—unaware of the
general lack of attention in the class behind him . . .)
Teacher: I. . . can remember the day clearly . . . there was a
bright flash—
brighter than the sun—that you could see from miles
away. The air was filled with an unholy thunder . . .
(Seated in the very middle of the classroom, Shinji Ikari is among the many who cannot concentrate on the teacher’s words. He can only eye Rei Ayanami, who is seated not two desks over . . .
. . . She, meanwhile, can only gaze out the window—which affords a clear view of the reconstruction taking place in the northwestern district . Above the rooftops in the distance, Large cranes and earth-movers can be seen pushing aside the rubble of the battle three days earlier, leaving room for large gantries that are to become the framework for new buildings. . .)
(Meanwhile, seated in the desk directly in front of Ikari, a forlorn looking Asuka Langely Soryu rests her chin in her hand, wearing a look of sheer boredom as she types idly into her keyboard . . .)
(Suddenly, however, her screen goes blank—and a message
appears in bright, bold letters--)
--<Asuka? Are you there? Y/N_?>
(relieved at the convenient distraction, Asuka answers the query-- )
(At once, another message appears on the screen from the unknown caller. . .)
--<Asuka, Where is 6 today?>
(Asuka scoffs at the sight of Anouilh’s name, then shakes her head, typing in a response--)
(The next message is soon forthcoming--)
--<You know. The sixth child.>
(Asuka sits back, contemplating the question.
Finally, she answers once more--)
<You mean no one’s told you?>
(Once more, her message is answered--)
--<What do you mean? Told me what?>
(Asuka pauses for a moment, hesitant to be
the relayer of bad news. . .
then, however, she accepts the responsibility-- )
<He’s in the hospital. The idiot was injured during the last battle.>
(An instant later, A startled gasp is heard at the
far end of the room. . .
a number of students turn around, surprised at the sound, as the instructor
stops the lesson. . .)
Teacher: Eh? Miss Tamashii, Is there a problem?
Aoi: . . No. . .No sir. . .I’m sorry . . .
Lyn: What!? What’s your problem?
Voice: Your problem.
Voice: Your problem.
Voice: Your problem.
Voice: Your problem.
Lyn: Stop it. . . Shut up . . .
Voice: . . .
Lyn: What is this place. . . am I dead?
Voice: No
Voice: You only wish you were.
Anouilh: . . . Like her. . .
Lyn: . . .her . . ?!
Lyn: . . .father . . .
Anouilh: As you see him.
Lyn: NO! I’m alone now! I’m fending for myself!
I--I don’t need him!
I don’t need his family!
Voice: You only wish it were so.
Voice: But you are needy.
Anouilh: Dependent. . .
Voice: Sloppy. . .
Voice: careless . . .
Anouilh: You have no direction . . .
Voice: No purpose . . .
Voice: no place among others . . .
Lyn: (Shouting) NO! I do—I . . . I have a place
I --- can do things. . .I—am--
Anouilh: A disappointment.
Voice: A child.
Voice: Frail
Voice: Nothing more.
Anouilh: Afraid.
Lyn: . . . Why are you doing this?!
Voice: . . .
Voice: . . .
Anouilh: BECAUSE . . . YOU ARE. . .
Maya: I don’t understand, ma’am—why are we doing this?
Ritsuko: (flatly) Because Commander Ikari sees fit not to
listen to my recommendations. . .
(Far below the streets of Tokyo 3, in EVA containment cage 07, Evangelion Unit 06 sits bathed in refrigeration fluid. Its head is gone, leaving only a pulped, twisted mass on what little remains of its neck—the result of a crushing blow only three days earlier . . .
Splattered blood still covers the EVAs neck and shoulders as technicians and work crews begin the arduous -- and perhaps impossible -- task of preparing the unit for regeneration . . .)
(on the catwalk high above, Dr. Ritsuko
Akagi and Maya Ibuki stand, assessing the extent of the damage. . .)
Maya: But Ma’am--this isn’t like the other times. We won’t have a point of reference to work from.
Ritsuko: I know that, Maya.
(She sits there for a moment, quietly looking at the headless creature below them. Gradually, an icy look crosses her face . . .)
Ritsuko: (coldly) But We’ll have to make do. We’ve got no other choice. . .
Maya: But this will take more staff than we’ve got on hand!
Ritsuko: We’ll pull some of the teams off of Unit 02’s regeneration Queue. That should help get it up to speed . . .
Maya: But Ma’am, Unit 02’s in a far better condition to begin—
Ritsuko: (interrupting) Just get the revised team assignments
for Unit 06’s
organics re-fabrication ready. I want the new
schedule on my desk by this afternoon.
(With this, Dr. Akagi walks to the door—the same, frigid expression on her face . . .)
Maya: . . . yes, sir . . .
Hikari: All Rise.
(At once, the sound of over two dozen chairs simultaneously sliding back can be heard)
Hikari: Dismissed.
(immediately, Touji Suzihara stretches his arm, sighing loudly)
Touji: Finally! I thought the end would never come!
Kensuke: Don’t count on it . . .
(Kensuke’s words come with good reason—as Hikari Horaki steps over to where they stand in the slowly emptying classroom . . . It is the end of the school day, and the students are in quite a hurry to free themselves of their academic bonds.
For Kensuke Aida, however, that release will not come for a little
while longer. . .)
Hikari: Um . . . Mr. Aida? You have clean-up duty today.
Kensuke: Aww, I DO?
(He looks about almost helplessly, trying to conceive of any way to avoid the labor. When no ideas come, he finally turns to the crowd of children filing out the door--)
Kensuke: Hey, Shinji! Touji!
Shinji: Eh? What?
Kensuke: Would you guys mind waiting up for me?
Shinji: I . . guess not.
Touji: (Sighing) But--you always take too long!
Kensuke: Yeah, but I don’t wanna walk home alone . . .
(Reluctantly, Suzihara tosses his hands into the air--)
Touji: Alright, alright, we’ll wait.
( as he sits back down, he folds his arms contemptuously,)
Touji: But don’t be askin’ us for help!
Kensuke: I won’t . . .
(Meanwhile, Seeing that Young Ikari is now indisposed, Asuka Soryu turns on her heel, setting her hand on the class Representative’s shoulder.)
Asuka: Hey Hikari—walk home with me, Will you?
(Hikari hesitates, for a moment, eyeing the ‘three stooges’ from across the room.. .)
Hikari: I . . . guess so. But I thought you’d want to wait for Ikari—
(Asuka scoffs loudly as she tosses her book-bag over her shoulder.)
Asuka: Hmmph! THAT dork? I’ve got plenty better things to do with my time!
Voice: . . . indeed.
Voice: Yes.
Anouilh: See what you have wasted.
Lyn: No . . .
Anouilh. . . given the chance . . .
Voice: seize the day.
Voice: do your best . . .
Lyn: . . .
Anouilh: you heeded no warnings . . .
Voice: chose the wrong path . . .
voice: that of Failure . . .
Lyn: NO! I –I can do things! I’m—I—I pilot-
Anouilh: Anyone can pilot EVA . . .
Voice: a fool can pull a trigger
Voice A mere tool is not the means by which to incite change. . .
Lyn: . . .A tool? . . . .
Anouilh: A device
Voice: implement.
Voice: Machine.
Lyn: Change. . .I don’t need to change!
Anouilh: Once more, he is wrong.
Voice: he rejects that which he know is he.
Voice: To live life is to embrace change
Anouilh: To embrace change is to better what you have become. . .
Lyn: Papa . . .
Voice: . . .
Voice: . . .
Lyn: I can do things . . .I’m smart! I can –I Made friends—
Anouilh: Friends?
Voice: Not likely
Voice: Not so.
Lyn: I learned to speak to them-
Voice: In broken phrases
Voice: and sloppy abstractions . . .
Anouilh: How can you truly know them, when You are
barely cognizant of your own race. . .
Lyn: STOP IT! I’m –I’m good at things-
Voice: . . .
Voice: . . .
Anouilh: You have no path.
Voice: worthless.
Voice: misguided . . .
Lyn: No! I—I can—I can use a gun! I can Shoot!
Voice: . . . But I did not give life to create . . . a killer?
Lyn: MOTHER?!?
(Meanwhile, on a sidewalk nearly a mile from school . . .)
Asuka: Thanks again for walking with me, Hikari—
I know you usually take a different route . . .
Hikari: Oh! It was no problem. . .
(Horaki is smiling—seemingly, her mind is on other things . . .)
Asuka: . . .
(It takes a full moment for Soryu to realize something is Awry. . .)
Asuka: Hey . . .
Hikari: . . . hmm?
Asuka: . . .you’re not still—
(Asuka pauses, frowning . . .)
Asuka: You Are!
Hikari: I’m what?
Asuka: You’re still---You still aren’t interested in—that dumb jock, are you?
Hikari: Well . . .
(Though she can say little, Horaki’s face has turned a bright shade of scarlet—complimented by an embarrassed smile . . .
This, of course, says more
to Asuka than mere words could . . .)
Asuka: Rrgh, I knew it!
(Soryu scowls, uttering in sheer disgust-)
Asuka: Gott in Himmel, schenk ine sinn fur . . . !
Hikari: (blushing) . . .
Voice: A killer . . .
Voice: Murderer
Anouilh: Betrayer . . .
Lyn: NO!! PLEASE!! I—didn’t! I’m not-
Mara: But you did . . . my child . . .
Lyn: I’m NOT-
Anouilh: With your very hands . . .
Voice: . . .to take that which is most precious
Lyn: (Screaming) I DIDN’T!!!!
Voice: But it was there. . .
Voice: Show your love
Voice: Show your faith
Mara: To me . . .
Lyn: . . .
Mara: Thank you, Lyn . . .
Anouilh: Why?
Voice: Why? Why did you?
Voice: Why? Why did you?!
Lyn: (shouting) Because . . . she was in so much . . .pain
. . .
(Meanwhile, almost 1000 meters below . . .)
Technician A : The Mitosis Process in the left clavicle of Unit
has cleared the first numerical goals.
Technician C : Necrosis proceeding at under 0.42%.
Technician D: Beginning first phase formation of upper trachea--
Technician B : No problems in the Apotheosis Process.
Ritsuko: Maintain the self-formation system for now, until the
cranial matrix and ocular bridge have fully regenerated. Then,
we’ll move on to the first neural connections—
Technician A: But ma’am—we don’t have a template to fall back on for error correction.
Ritsuko: We’ll use the gathered data history on units 00 and 02.
Compensate for the differences in cranial structure if you have to.
Technician A: But-- is that really wise?
Ritsuko: We can’t use unit 06’s file because the initial readings
contaminated by the virus it contracted 3 months ago.
And we haven’t had the chance to update the new sequencing since our last
attempt at grafting. . .
Technician D: Tracheal regeneration now at 53%
Technician A: Spinal fluid pressure currently at 1032.
Ritsuko: Very good. Now begin the second stage.
Technician D : Affirmative. Connecting the first receptor to the second signal terminal. . .
Lyn: So much . . .
Voice: But not enough to justify what was done.
Voice: To destroy that which God has given . .
Anouilh: Without cause . . .
Lyn: No! She said—she needed—she needed--
Anouilh: Release . . . ?
Voice: Death-
Voice: Is-
Voice: A -
Voice: Release?
Anouilh: But not one that can be granted Man’s hand.
Lyn: WHY?!
Voice: To take into one’s own hands the work of God is to Defy God-
Voice: That which you have then forsaken—for the sake of another—
Anouilh: And for yourself . . .
Voice: In releasing one soul--
Voice: you imprisoned another—
Anouilh: In a cage carved from the bones of the supreme sin . . .
Lyn: BUT—I didn’t WANT to!
Mara: My dear Lyn . . .
Voice: What you wanted is irrelevant
Voice: Irrelevant— falsehoods
Voice: Irrelevant— lies
Anouilh: Irrelevant!
Lyn: But--!
Voice: Intention is action
Voice: Yes--Action is born of intent!
Mara: My poor child . . .
Lyn: But—I don’t need to justify my existence! M--my place!
Anouilh: No?
Lyn: NO!
Voice: In the face of your actions—
Voice: Yes, in the face of your actions—
Anouilh: You justify your own destruction.
Lyn: Then . . . Why didn’t you just kill me!?!?
Shinji: . . .
Touji: . . .
Shinji: . . .
Touji: . . .
Shinji: . . .
Touji: Can you work any SLOWER!?
Kensuke: I’m goin’ as fast as I can!
(Meanwhile, in the classroom of Shinji Ikari’s school—Nearly
half an
hour has passed since the final school bell. At the moment, the
room is nearly empty—
save, of course, for three impatient
children . . .)
Touji: How hard is it for you to clean off a couple desks and stack some chairs?!
Kensuke: I’ve got to do it right—otherwise they’ll make me do it again tomorrow.
Shinji: . . .
Touji: (Grumbling) . . .
Kensuke: If you want it to go faster –
(He pauses—hefting a chair onto the desk beside him)
Kensuke: Mph! If you want it to go faster, you could always-
Touji: I Said No! That’s not my WAY!
Kensuke: Yeah, sorry. . . I forgot. . .
(The last chair in place, Kensuke moves on
the next of his duties:
taking the burnable garbage in hand, he goes out the door, in the direction
of the incinerator . . .)
(Another silence descends upon the room as Aida goes about his work—for a while, only the sound of the cicadas outside can be heard . . .)
(Then, a few moments later, Suzihara grunts—shifting in his chair as he curses under his breath.)
Shinji: Hmm? What’s wrong?
(Touji looks at his leg for a moment, then to Shinji--)
Touji: Um—you may want to turn around for a minute, Shinji.
(It is a moment before Ikari realizes that Touji is fingering his artificial leg. . .)
Shinji: Oh . . .
(The boy falls silent—turning in his seat toward the open window. Not a word escapes his lips as the sounds of a small latch being undone ring loudly the quiet air of the empty classroom. Soon, he can hear the sound of rubber being stretched—and pulled away from the stainless steel frame beneath it. . .)
(Touji sighs loudly as the pressure on his
thigh is finally released—allowing him to flex the muscle of what remains
of his left leg. Closing his eyes for a moment, he relaxes—listening
to the song of the Cicadas in the trees outside the window . . .)
(When he opens his eyes again, he turns toward
his friend—and he realizes:
Ikari is still staring outside . . .)
(Quietly, the boy re-attaches the artificial limb—pulling his pant leg down over it once more, concealing it from view. . .)
Touji: Hey. Ikari. It’s okay now—
(Suzihara then notices, however, that at the sound of his name, the third child Shudders . . .)
Shinji: . . . Okay.
(despite his response, however, Shinji does not turn around.)
(At this, Touji’s face becomes serious--)
Touji: Look, Shinji, we already talked about this!
Shinji: . . . I know . . .
Touji: (mumbling) Misato explained the whole thing—
We all already agreed that it wasn’t your fault.
Shinji: . . .
Touji: Look—if you blame yourself any more, I’m gonna have to
clobber you again-
(finally, the other boy turns—)
Shinji: I guess. . .
Touji: Come on—Kensuke should be finished with the trash right about now . . .
Anouilh: Betrayer
Voice: Killer
Voice: Murderer
Lyn: I am . . .
Anouilh: Killer
Lyn: . . .Not. . .
Voice: Murderer
Lyn: I am . . .
Anouilh: Taker. . .
Lyn: . . . not . .
Voice: Boy
Voice: Child
Voice: Born of man and woman--
Voice: Given life--
Voice: taken for granted--
Voice: Withered and dying--
Voice: sorrow is felt--
Lyn: . . .No . . .more. . .
Anouilh: You feel regret?
Lyn: . . .
Lyn: . . .
Lyn: . . .
Lyn: . . .
Lyn: . . .
Lyn: . . . yes . . .
Voice: In the name of the mother . . .
Lyn: Mama . . .
Voice: Kietsu?
Lyn: . . .no . .
Voice: Aijou?
Lyn: . . .No. . .
Voice: Haradachi . . .
Lyn: . . .NO!
Voice: Yokkyuu?
Lyn: NO!!
Anouilh: Ikari?
(Meanwhile, deep in the very bowels of Nerv. . .
Ritsuko: Begin the third stage.
Technician A: Unit 06 Cranial regeneration currently at 33%.
Initial myofibril connections with the upper neck and cervical
vertebrae are stable at .042.
Technician B: Beginning third stage.
Technician C: Third stage aponeuroses regeneration initiated. . . no problems detected.
Maya: I’ll be. It looks like its going to work. . . .
Ritsuko: The hardest part still isn’t over.
Maya: But we got this far.
Ritsuko: It means little if we don’t achieve our goal . . .
Technician C: Doctor!
Ritsuko: What’s wrong?
Technician C: An Anomaly’s been detected in the third stage—mitotic
division in the ocular matrix has gone well past the determined limit!
Technician D: We’re losing cohesion around the eye socket—the
cranial structure is distorting!
Ritsuko: Begin the first stage of programmed cell death—destroy
affected tissue before it spreads.
Technician D: yes ma’am----
Technician A: Apoptosis is no good!
The cells are still dividing!
Ritsuko: Cease all chemical stimulation! prepare to begin
cellular purge on my mark!
Technician A: Chemical stimulation halted . . . no effect!
Technician D: Mitotic rate has doubled!
Ritsuko: Where is it coming from!?
Technician A: Unknown--
Maya: What’s happening!? What is that!?
Ritsuko: Can it be . . . ?
(Before them, the newly forming head has indeed
now there are not one, but SIX eye sockets . . .)
Technician B: Wait— improvised matrix is stabilizing !
(The control operator stares at his screen
in disbelief)
Technician B: Third stage—completed . . !
(Ritsuko, however, can only stare at the strange creature forming before them . . .)
Ritsuko: What . . . in the name of God—?
(A child, no older than 6 years, stands at
the doorway of a sterile hospital room. Inside, a weary form rests
under the starched white sheets of a bed surrounded by complex machinery
. . . as the boy enters, the figure beneath the covers stirs . . .)
Mara: Lyn? Is that you?
Lyn: . . .
Mara: Lyn?
Lyn: . . .
Mara: Come here . . .
Lyn: . . . ?
Mara: (smiling) I knew they would let you come. . .
Lyn: . . .
Mara: There is no time. The doctors will be back soon . . .
Lyn: yes, mama . . .
Mara: Sit by me. I want to see your face.
Lyn:. . . .
Mara: (stroking the boy’s cheek) They have always said you have my eyes . . .
Lyn: . . .
Mara: But I have always wondered . . .
Lyn: . . ?
Mara: If you have my heart, as well . . .
Lyn: . . . What’s wrong?
Mara: You are only a little boy, child. You would not understand . . . .
Lyn: . . .
Mara: But now, you must be brave for me.
Lyn: Brave?
Mara: (whispering softly) Yes. Braver than anyone
Than even your father. . .
Lyn: Father . . .
Mara: You can be brave for me?
Lyn: . . .
Mara: Please, My Lyn. Can you be brave for me?
Lyn: Brave . . .
Mara: Can you?
Lyn: I am—I’m no coward . . .
Mara: (laughing) did Major Arnold teach you to say that?
Lyn: . . . no . . .
Mara: Good. . .
Lyn: . . .
Mara: . . .
Lyn: . . . Why are you crying?
Mara: . . . it is not important.
Lyn: . . .
Mara: Time is short. . .
Lyn: . . .
Mara: Do you see that, Lyn?
(With trembling hands, the young woman in the bed points the child’s gaze toward a small switch on the large H&L respirator behind the bed)
Lyn: . . .yeah . . .
Mara: You can help me, Lyn . . .
Lyn: Help you—do what?
Mara: It hurts so much . . .
Lyn: . . .
Mara: You can make it stop for me . . .
Lyn: . . .how?
Mara: this machine . . .
Lyn: But papa said that if—
Mara: Forget that man!
Lyn: . . .
Mara: You are still mine . . .
Lyn: . . .
Mara: . . .
Lyn: What do you want me to do?
Mara: Just as I told you . . .before . . ..
(slowly, the child stands, taking a hesitant step toward the machine
that sits at the very
head of his mother’s bed . . .
until, at last, his small hand hovers nervously above the large switch—the boy simply stands there, contemplating what to do next . . .)
Lyn: . . .I . . .
Mara: . . . Lyn, please . . . be brave . . .
Lyn: . . .
Mara: Please! Be brave . . .
Lyn: . . .I—
Mara: Lyn . . .
Lyn: I’m . . . no . . . coward,
(With this, the boy presses the switch—almost immediately, with the sound of a small motor slowly running down . . .
The machine dies . . )
Mara: Now , come to me, Lyn . . .
Lyn: . . .
(as the child walks over to his mother once more, his eyes happen to fall upon a simple wooden cross that has been placed on the wall beside the door way to the room . . .
. . .and, strangely, he shudders . . .)
Mara: You have done well . . .
Voice: Now, you see?
Voice: He must
Anouilh: You know.
Lyn: . . . yes . . .
Anouilh: But you still do not accept?
Lyn: NO!
Voice: Why?
Voice: Why?
Voice: What you wanted is irrelevant
Voice: Irrelevant—
Voice: Irrelevant—
Anouilh: Irrelevant!
Lyn: I DON’T CARE!!!
Voice: You can never truly be free-
Voice: You can never truly know-
Voice: Until the error is rectified
Lyn: NO!!
Anouilh: There is no alternative!
Lyn: NO!
Anouilh: NEVER. In your heart, you know it to be true!!!
Lyn: (Screaming) NO MORE!!!
(With a shout, Young Anouilh awakes—)
Lyn: . . . ?
(It is a long time before the boy realizes is, in fact, lying in a quiet hospital room—
The very same kind designated for all of the EVA pilots . . .
In the space of seconds, his mind informs him of his true surroundings.
And, slowly, he relaxes . . .
(the late afternoon sun hangs lazily in the air, its light streaming in through the western window and warming the bedcovers . . . As the afterimages of the dream finally begin to fade from his mind, he calms, and focuses on the dim, gray walls of the room-- which seem to cast a bluish haze on nearly everything . . .
. . . including his visitor . . .who sits in the chair next to his bed, wearing a surprised look on her face. . . )
Aoi: Lyn!!
Lyn: What?
Aoi: Oh, Thank God!
( Lyn is startled as the young girl falls over him, crying . . . )
Aoi: (weeping) They just told me today! I –I thought you weren’t going to wake up!
Lyn: (quietly) Hey—It’s—
(The girl’s embrace only tightens, however . . . accented by her relieved sobs . . .)
Aoi: I –I thought you were just avoiding me—but you were hurt! I--I didn’t even know . . .
Lyn: . . !
Aoi: (whispering). . . Thank you for being alright--! Thank you!
Lyn: . . .
Aoi: (crying) . . .
(For a long time, Lyn is speechless—as the
girl’s fear rushes out, replaced
by genuine relief for his well being . . .
And it is then, as the girl cries over him, that he realizes:
. . . it is a feeling he has never truly felt before . . .)
Lyn: Hey—
Aoi: . . . ?
Lyn: I . . wouldn’t avoid you . . .
Aoi: . . R . . . Really?
Lyn: yeah . . .
Aoi: . . .
Lyn: . . .
Aoi: God, I was so scared . . . are you okay . ?
Lyn: I’m fine—Aoi, you—can—let-- go . . .
Aoi: . . .
Lyn: Really. . .
(finally, the girl releases him—wiping away the tears that have gathered in her eyes . . .)
Aoi: I’m---I’m going to go tell the nurse you’re awake . . .
(slowly, she stands, heading for the door. . .)
(Suddenly, Lyn’s eyes perk up—and he grins
to himself . . .)
Lyn: Hey—
(At the sound of his voice the girl turns--)
Aoi: Yes?
Lyn: You know what?
(The girl cannot help but return a slight smile—wiping away another tear)
Aoi: What?
Lyn: You.
Aoi: . . . ?
Lyn: . . . you called me "Lyn"
Aoi: . . .
(at this, Tamashii’s face turns a bright shade of red . . . and the girl says nothing further as she turns to the door, quickly stepping out . . .)
(Inside, however, Lyn cannot help but chuckle . . .)
Maya: Regeneration . . . complete . . .
Ritsuko: Are you sure?
Maya: (quietly). . yes ma’am—the . . growth cycle has been completed.
All neural matter has been restored.
(Despite the data, however, Ibuki cannot hide
the sheer disbelief in her voice . . .)
Ritsuko: Then . . . it’s finally happened . . .
(In the refabrication facility located in the
very depths of Nerv, The regeneration of unit 06 has finally been completed
. . . although, at one point, the process had taken a most unexpected turn
. . .)
Ritsuko: I’ll Inform the Commander. He’ll have to see this.
Maya: What do you mean? I don’t understand—what’s happened?
Ritsuko: Success, Maya.
Maya: What?
(Ritsuko merely points, indicating the EVA’s
face . . . it takes Maya
only seconds to realize the significance of the gesture . . .)
Maya: you don't mean—
(Dr. Akagi nods. . .)
Ritsuko: Success.
(Meanwhile, in a darkened chamber far from
Nerv . . .)
Seele: Success.
Seele: Yes
Seele: Success masked in failure.
Seele: You have done well. . .
Seele: You should not be so easy to praise, however.
Seele: Yes. Though the stage is finally set . .
Kihl: Time. Preparations must be made.
Seele: For the coming. . .
Seele: Yes
Seele: We must wait once more—
Seele: For the child.
Kihl: All is, then, as it should be.
Seele: This scenario shall be sufficient.
Seele: You have done well.
Seele: . . .
UNSynaps: As you wish . . .
To Be Continued . . .