Evangelion and Eva concepts are copyright © 1995-1999 GAINAX and Project Eva. EVA:R
original fanfiction and all artwork here (unless otherwise indicated) are copyright © 1999 Maher Al-Samkari

Episode 50'  "WITHOUT / Coming Back to Life"

Doctor:  Are you experiencing any pain?  Any discomfort?

Lyn:  . .N . . no.

Doctor:  Well, you’re very lucky it was a clean break.

     (Anouilh, however, eyes the man coldly at the word "lucky")

Doctor:  Just don’t let it get dirty.  And it should stay in the sling most of the time.
            You can take it out for dressing and such, but not too often.

Lyn: . . .

     (The doctor, it seems, is unaware of the boy’s glare . .. )

Doctor:  You understand?

Lyn:  (impatient) Yes, yes.  Look, Can I please go now?

Doctor:  Of course.

     (without another word, Lyn stands from the examination table, taking
his small hospital bag in his left hand (as his right arm is bound in a cast hanging from a
sling on his shoulder).

Lyn:  Th . .Thank you.

    (With this, the boy quietly thanks the doctor and exits, making
his way down the nearly empty, twisting  hallway toward the elevator.. . .

     Midway, however, he stops . . . looking around either end of the vacant corridor, seemingly,
with a sense of disappointment in his eyes. . . as if, waiting for someone who will never arrive . . .)

 (then, without a word, he continues on his way, his head hanging a bit lower . . .)

Lyn: . . .

     (as he reaches the thin, metal panel, he presses the number
for the 1st floor , waiting for the lift to ascend. As the seconds tick by, he sighs to
himself, looking down at his pale reflection in the steel doors before him.)

Lyn:  . . .

     (almost involuntarily, he takes a deep breath-inhaling the air about him with a
gasp.  It does little to comfort his nerves, however, as the elevator doors finally
open-splitting his almost haggard image to reveal an empty room beyond . .. )

Lyn:  . . . Dammit.  Damn it all.

     (Hesitating at the threshold for a second, the boy finally steps inside-not turning
around as the doors close behind him . . .)


(It is early afternoon-The incessant droning of Locusts has once more filled the
air as it has many times before, creating an ever-present cacophony among the
buildings and streets of Tokyo 3 . . .

in the cordoned off roads of the southern district, cleanup crews can be seen from
miles around . . . their task, as momentously absurd as it at first seems, is to remove a corpse . . .

 . . or, more specifically, pieces of one.

Car-sized chunks of muscle, bone, and, occasionally, a ragged piece of pale gray
flesh dot the landscape for nearly two square kilometers.  These, coupled with shards
of broken, yellow armor, are all that remain to signify what was, once, EVA unit 06
prime . . . once, a weapon in the hands of man, now, a soulless
a victim of his very ambition . . .)

The stench of decay in the air is so heavy, it seems, that workers must wear protective
masks as they go about disposing of the dispersed organic matter.  Blood, which covers
the sides of buildings nine stories high and coats the houses and trees of the district center,
is slowly, and methodically, scrubbed away-leaving rust colored stains where it has
soaked through, as a solemn reminder to what has occurred here. . .)

 (As the men go about their chore, a general moroseness detectable from afar while they
go about their work, none stop to notice that they are, in fact, being watched . . .)

Aoi: . . .

 (Aoi Tamashii stands near the district central, among a few other bystanders and
nonessential personal who have stopped to take in the spectacle.   The civilians wear
varied looks of disgust, wonderment, and even awe at the scene playing out before them . . .

all but one. . .

 Aoi’s face is, strangely, a mark of seriousness . . . determined thought that
seems to gnaw at her with each passing gaze at the sanguineous red pools that
have puddled in the potholes and depressions of the street and sidewalks . . . Her
deep blue eyes narrow and focused, much like, it seems, her resolve. . .)

Aoi:  . . .

Misato: Shinji!  Are you going to stay in bed all afternoon?!

Asuka:  Wake up, you lazy oaf!

     (Meanwhile . . . in a small apartment complex a few miles away . . . on the seventh
floor of the east wing building . . .)

Shinji: You don’t have to shout.  My ears are still ringing . . .

     ( a dreary-eyed Shinji Ikari emerges from the hallway outside his room, into
the main living area of the home of Major Misato Katsuragi. . . )

Asuka:  Well, we wouldn’t have to shout if you didn’t doze off in the middle
            of the day, while the rest of us are trying to be productive!

Misato: (quietly) you can give him a break, Asuka, he’s up . . .

Asuka: hmmph.

     ( the girl turns away, eyeing Shinji one last time before she does so,
mumbling under her breath . . .)

Shinji:  Mis . .  Misato, why are you home so soon? You said you’d be gone all day . . .

Misato:  Something came up, and I didn’t have to go in this morning. . . I’m
            glad, too; gave me a chance to sleep in . . .

     (Rubbing his eyes, Shinji manages to find his way to the kitchen table,
nearly collapsing in a chair as he attempts to slow his still spinning head . .)

Shinji: wh . .what came up?

Misato:  Seyoko canceled her scheduled run of the complex today.

Asuka:  Who the hell is that?

Misato: oh, she’s that alley cat I’ve had to take all around Nerv this week . . .

     (Misato seems to almost chuckle to her self, as she takes a sip of her miso soup . .)

Misato: Then again, she probably found someone else more important
            to bug today . . which is fine by me.

Asuka: . . .

Shinji:  Who is Seyoko again?

Misato:  She’s Lyn’s guardian, remember? The redhead?

Shinji:  I never really noticed . . .

Misato: (sighing) that’s weird . . . I always thought you had something for redheads . . .

     (upon hearing this, Asuka slams the frying pan in her hand down
onto the stove, turning in a huff. . )

Asuka: What the HELL is that suppose to mean, Misato!?

Misato: -!-

Shinji: -!-

Asuka: . . .er . .I . . . mean . . .

Misato: . . .?

Asuka:  What the hell are you doing . .um . . bringing up that loser’s
            name in my presence?

Misato:  of course. . .

Asuka:  I mean it!  what has that idiot ever done except screw up!?

Misato: . . .

Shinji:  Asuka, nobody’s perfect . . .

Asuka:  yeah, well, it was nice the way his EVA splattered crap all over
            mine! What’s he gonna do now that he’s got nothing to pilot? Share?!

Misato:  He’s going to be put on standby until a replacement can be made.

Asuka:  Whatever.

     (Mumbling again, the girl turns back to her chicken stir fry,
which has begun to crisp to a sooty black in her absence . . .)

Asuka: (muttering)  Talk like the stupid pilots are worth more than the EVAs . . .

     (Hearing the girl’s words, Misato puts down her food--looking silently
at Shinji and Asuka, who go about their midday (and morning) routines unaware of her gaze . . .

     Katsuragi then lowers her eyes to her own food, shutting them slowly . . .)

Misato:  (whispering)  You’d hope it was that way . . . wouldn’t you . . .


     (Elsewhere . . . in a small blue rent-a-car hatchback, making its way down Yamaga
street almost 9 blocks away . . .Seyoko Okazaki sits at the wheel, weaving through traffic
as her charge sits in the passenger seat, gazing sullenly out the window . . .)

Seyoko:  Hey . . . what’s the matter?

Lyn:  Why are you even entertaining that question?

Seyoko:  Well I never expected you of all people to call for a ride.
            I had work to do today, you know. . .

Lyn: (sullenly) If you’d wanted me to walk, you could have said so . . .

Seyoko: (sighing) no, it’s not that, Lyn . .I   . . . well, to be honest, I expected
                        one of your friends to  walk you home. . . this just isn’t like you.

Lyn: . . .

Seyoko:  Look, just don’t worry about it.  I’m not really complaining, if that’s what you think.

Lyn: . . .

Seyoko:  Well?

Lyn: . . .

Seyoko: Hey, you there?

Lyn: . . .

Seyoko:  Lyn!

Lyn: !  what?!

Seyoko: (exasperated) what was that all about? You zoning out on me now?

Lyn: Sorry . . .

Seyoko: Look . . are you gonna be okay?

Lyn:  I don’t know.

Seyoko: . . .

Lyn: Just . . hurry and get us home.

     (An hour later . . . Far beneath the streets and homes of Tokyo 3, in the glass
and steel pyramid which sits at the very bottom of the Geofront interior surface,

     A meeting of minds has, once more, begun to take place . . .)
Fuyutsuki:  It seems that Dr. Akagi’s departure leaves us with some
                very glaring holes to clear up.

Gendo:  Have no doubt, I realize that.  Nevertheless, we’ll have to deal with it.

Fuyutsuki:  Just like we dealt with Unit 06?

Gendo: . . .

     ( Ikari looks over his shoulder, eyeing the older man behind him .  . .)

Gendo:  And what, pray tell, makes you think Unit 06’s departure was an accident?

Fuyutsuki:  besides the obvious . . .

Gendo:  Eva 06 was created for one purpose only.  To further the skills
            required to facilitate our completion of the human complementation project.

Fuyutsuki: . . .

Gendo:  A project which, as of last week, finally succeeded in what it was initiated to create.

Fuyutsuki:  All this time . . . the seventh child, all of it. . . was for that?

Gendo:  Don’t act so surprised.  The Evangelion Neural complement suits us well
            beyond the prospects of any EVA alone.

Fuyutsuki:  I simply cannot accept that.

     (Surprised by his confidant’s words, Gendo turns, meeting the aged man’s
narrow gaze with his own . . .)

Gendo:  come again?

Fuyutsuki: (flatly) The man hours, the lives wasted because of that . .  thing . . . were
                            all for that half human toy in terminal dogma?

Gendo:  precisely.

Fuyutsuki:  How can you begin justify that?

Gendo:  (firmly) How can it be questioned? In the light of what occurred with EVA unit 00
            and the last angel? You hazard to ask . .

Fuyutsuki: The ends do not justify the means by which you have created that . .boy!

Gendo:  I will remind you that that is your philosophy, professor.

     (confidant, the man turns away once more-back to the light of the
observation window beyond . .)

Gendo: . . .not mine.

Fuyutsuki: . . .

Gendo:  As for EVA 06, The incedent will be catalogued for future reference.  As part of the experiment,
            its loss was to be expected.

Fuyutsuki: And just how do you intend on compensating for it?

Gendo:  Simple.  We will concentrate on production, rather than development.
              The necessary utilities are already in our possession.

Fuyutsuki:  You plan on going about this without the head of E-project? The foremost expert in
                     Evangelion development?  To say nothing of what it will cost .  .  .!

Gendo: Who said anything about planning?  The project was set into motion long ago . . .

Fuyutsuki:  . . . I can’t understand why you persist on keeping me in the dark about all this . ..

Gendo: Simple, professor. . ..  It helps keep these conversations interesting.

Fuyutsuki: . . .

 (Elsewhere . . .)

Misato:  Asuka!

 (sound of doorbell)

Misato:  Shinji!! Would you get that?

     (Silence is all that answers Misato Katsuragi as she sits up from her place on the
all too comfortable living room couch . . . an open beverage can in her hand as she calls to
two children who do not answer, as the doorbell rings for yet the 3rd time . .)

Misato:  (to herself) did they leave already? They weren’t suppose to hit the
                            market until later .. !

 (sound of doorbell)

Misato: Shit . . .

     (cursing to herself, the major puts down her drink--standing on wobbly legs as the
doorbell rings yet again.  still uttering, she turns to the front door, fumbling with the
keypad on its frame . . )

Misato:  Yeah, yeah, coming . . . sheez, why can’t I actually get a FULL day off for once . . .

     (As the door slides open, however, Misato become suddenly quiet--
as her eyes fall upon the shorter feminine form standing before her in the now open portal . . .)

Misato: A . .Aoi, isn’t it?

Aoi:  Yes.

     (Katsuragi steps aside, to allow the uniformed girl entry. . )

Misato:  What can I do for you?

Aoi:  I have to speak with you, Miss Katsuragi.  About something important.

Misato:  Lyn was released from the hospital today-

Aoi: (interrupting)  I know. . . and . . .that’s why I’ve come.

Misato:  .  . .?

Aoi:  Major Katsuragi.  My name is Aoi Tamashii.  I'm a . .  friend of
        Asuka's . . .and  I am . . . I'm . .

Misato:  you're "what" . . .?

Aoi:  I am the  chosen sixth child.

 (Katsuragi seems to start, almost as if having been struck . . . )

Misato:  Say--what?  Come again?

Aoi:  look, it's ME, alright?  I want you to tell that lady with the blond hair
    that I've . .changed my mind . . .

    ( . . .Then, as the realization slowly encroaches upon her memories,
Misato's eyes narrow . . .)

Misato:  It was you!?  You were the one who refused!?

Aoi: (nodding) Yes . . . and .. I’ve come here to tell you  . . .I’ve changed my mind.

Misato: . . . ?  what do you mean?

Aoi: . . . I want to become a pilot . . .

Asuka:  Don’t buy that! That’s too expensive!

Shinji:  But it’s only 50 yen . . . and we already bought all the groceries we needed--

Asuka: So?  You can get it somewhere else for 20!

Shinji: Asuka . . . keep it down! You’re going to get us kicked out . . .

Asuka: oh, for heaven’s sake, stop worrying so much.

Shinji . . .

     (elsewhere . . .in the small market on the corner of the street 2
blocks down . . )

Shinji:  it’s just Ramen . . .

Asuka:  (sighing) They never have the flavor I want . . .

Shinji: . .um . ..  Asuka?

Asuka: What is it?

Shinji: . . a . .about the other day . . .

Asuka:  Look, Ikari, I told you once before I don’t want to talk about it.  especially not while shopping!

Shinji: I know, but . . .

Asuka: But nothing.   I don’t want to talk about it.

Shinji: . . . But . . .

Asuka:  (loudly) Ikari!  My problems are my own!!

     (Shinji looks about, sheepishly, his ears burning with

Shinji: . . . I was just going to say that we already have Tofu . . .you don’t have to buy that . .  .

     (Asuka starts, looking down at the plastic foam container in her
hand, her face a slightly redder hue . . .)

Asuka: . . . oh.


Misato:  Listen, Aoi, is it?.  I told you, I can’t even begin to authorize something like that . . .

Aoi:  Do you think I’m kidding, Miss Katsuragi?  I’m serious!
        Don’t you have strings you can pull!?

Misato:  Trust me, kid, this is not something you want to bring upon yourself . .

Aoi:  Yes it is!

Misato:  What brought this change of heart?? Anouilh’s almost getting killed?

Aoi:  . .that’s . .part of it.

Misato:  Do you have any idea what you’d be putting yourself through!?

Aoi:  Last week was enough.  I don’t want to see Lyn get hurt any more.

Misato: Give me a break . . .

Aoi:  I love him, Miss Katsuragi!

Misato: Even that’s not a good excuse!

Aoi:  I don’t care if that doesn’t mean anything to you.  If you’ve ever
        cared about someone enough that you wouldn’t want to see them almost get killed
        every few days, you’d understand!

Misato: wait a minute . .

     (Misato’s voice seems to soften, as she looks at this girl, seated across from her,
her hands folded in her lap.  Katsuragi’s mind, for an instant, reflects on the past . .
of a more ideal time . . .

    . . .indeed, of one she loved, seemingly, as deeply .  .)

Misato:  You're a little young to be worrying about this! hell, he'll
            probably be sent home . .. if you do this . .

Aoi: .  . yes.

Misato:. . . Look . . . I won’t lie to you.  even if there
            was someone I could talk to . .

Aoi:  . . th ..

Misato: I wouldn't do it.  For you own good, I won’t.

Aoi:  You know I won’t give up.

Misato: . . .

Aoi:  . . . When was the last time you found a person who wanted to do this??

 (Katsuragi rolls her eyes, considering the obvious . . .)

Misato:  It's not that simple .  .

Aoi:  Isn't it?

 (An uneasy silence falls upon the two as they look at one another,
once more.  Aoi’s determination now at odds with Katsuragi’s own,
the girl suddenly shivers--the fingers on her left hand unconsciously curling into a fist . . .)

Misato: . . .

     (Misato’s mind, meanwhile, screams for some sense of understanding; some
hint of a solution to come to her, from some power on high . . .

 There is, however, no clear choice to be made . . .)

Misato:  If I say yes, it would be like I was sentencing you to death . . .

Aoi: . . . I . . .

Misato:  Their lives aren’t easy, Aoi.  But they do it because they have no choice. . .

     (Suddenly, however, Aoi’s eyes narrow--)

Aoi:  That’s not true.  I know you’re lying.

Misato: . . .

     (the younger girl folds her arms, leaning back in her seat . .)

Aoi: and that’s what scares you, Miss Katsuragi.

Misato:  ..  . ?

Aoi: They know it’s a death sentence, too. . .

Misato: . . .

Aoi: And that’s why they choose to go on. . . isn’t it . . ?

Misato: . . .

     (Katsuragi can say nothing, however, for the girl has reflected
her own thoughts . . . Misato looks down at her drink sullenly for a
moment, then closes her eyes. . .)

Misato: I’ll . .. see what  . .I can do.

Aoi:  Thank you . . .

Misato: Don’t.  Don’t ever thank me for this.

Aoi: . . ?

     (her eyes still shut, Katsuragi stands, letting out a wearied sigh . . .)

Misato:  in a couple weeks thanking me is the last thing you’ll want to do.

     (Setting her drink down, she leaves the table-exiting the kitchen altogether . . .)

Aoi: . . .

Misato:  remember to turn off the light when you leave. . .


Rei:  . . .

Tenkei: . . .

Technician A: Synch ratio nominal--I'm reading minimal interference in the nerve impulses.

Technician B: Harmonics are stable.  Data rate is normal.

Maya: Begin the experiment . . .

     (Meanwhile . . . in the Pribnow box over 2000 meters below . . . the
hum of massive generators can be heard as power is fed to simulatory body II,
which sits suspended in stasis liquid before the massive window of the box
control center.  Maya Ibuki stands, watching the readouts before her with
an expression that can only be described as trepidatious . . .)

Hyuga:  Supplementary casing is online . . . Ev. N. complement is active.
             Activity margin green at . . . 10 percent.  . .
     (In front of Makoto Hyuga, a multicolored display can be scene underneath
his fingertips.  There, three representative double-helix waveforms can be seen--one red,
one blue, and one a pale gray . . . they shift back and forth, imposed upon one another,
with no perceivable pattern apparent . . .)

Maya:  What is our pilot's synchronization ratio?

Technician A: Stable at 50 percent . . . no change yet.

Maya:  Increase the activity margin of the S-casing.

Hyuga: affirmative . . . margin now at 20 percent and rising . . .
            code is now orange. . .

Technician A:  Nerv impulses fluctuating . . . the synapses are holding . .

Maya: Come on, Tenkei . . .


     (Inside the entry plug not 10 meters away. . . )

Tenkei:  NNgggh . . .

Rei: . . .

Maya: (over the radio) Rei . . . does it feel any different?

Rei: No, ma'am.

Tenkei: (gasping) . . .

Rei: . . .

Tenkei:  (gasping) . . .

Rei: . . .

     ( for a long time, Ayanami simply listens to the sounds of the child's
labored breathing on the intercom--the interior of her entry plug still bathed in red light . . )

     (Then, however, the girl turns--gazing at the blank communication
channel marked simply "S_casing 001" )

Rei:  Why are you resisting?

Tenkei:  I don't . . . I . . . don't . .want to . .

Rei:  Are you afraid?

Tenkei:  I am  . .

Rei:  Don't be.

Tenkei:   . . unngh!!  But . .

Rei:  don't be afraid .



Technician A:  I'm reading a fluctuation in the nerve impulses . . .

Maya:  Status!

Hyuga:  Rei's synchronization index just jumped up 40 points!

Maya:  That far?? in a simulation!?


Rei:  don't be afraid.

Tenkei:  I don't like this!  it's cold here! there is no -- touch . . .

Rei: . . .

Tenkei:  Rei . . help. . .m'nfudlake . . . please . .I . .  hate this

Rei:  I . . .

Tenkei:  ungh . .

Rei: I am here. . .


Hyuga:  The activation margin is up past 85 percent!  code is blue!

Technician B: The synapses are rearranging themselves--I've lost track of the connections . .

Maya:  Keep track of as many as you can!

Hyuga:   . . . Sir!

     (Hyuga's surprised shout comes just as the readout before
him rearranges itself, once more . . as all three patterns converge
upon the middle, creating a single, gray waveform in the center . . .)

Hyuga: Her synch ratio is above 100% and rising!

Technician B:  The margin for pattern error has dropped to below .005%!


Rei: It is almost over . . .

Tenkei:  please . . . please make . .make it . .

Rei:  . . .

Tenkei:  make it stop . .!

Rei:  . . .


Hyuga: Ratio has breached the 200% mark and rising!

Technician A:  biosynch patterns are stable--no discorporation detected!

Technician B:  high energy A.T. field detected . . . the power readout is off the mark!

Maya:  Keep monitoring . . . !

Tenkei:  p . .please!  Please, no more!

Rei: . . .


Hyuga:  250%!

Technician B: Secondary field now detected!

Technician A: Peripheral scans now read to loci of emission!

Maya:  Try to pinpoint the sources!


Tenkei: (weakly)  Please . .p . . please . .Rei!

Rei: . . . alright.

 (Suddenly, however . . .)

Hyuga:  What the hell!?

Technician A:  power input is dropping--I'm reading an interlock failure !

Technician B: field collapse imminent . .

Hyuga: Rei's synch ratio is falling--!  150 . . 120 . . .

Maya:  What's causing it!?

Technician A: unknown!

Technician B: A.T. field no longer detectable--

Hyuga:  This doesn't make sense--Pilot synch ratio has dropped to 0!

Technician A: We're back to where we started!

Technician B: . . .

Maya:  What--what happened?

Technician A:  Interface was halted by the pilot . . .!

Maya:  Dammit!  Rei!?

 (At once, a quite voice--calm, yet cold, can be heard over the comm. . . )

Rei: yes?

Maya: What happened in there?

Rei:  I . . .I did it.

Maya:  You--?

Rei: Yes.  I apologize, Miss Ibuki . . . I have deactivated my interface band . . .

Maya:  Why? we haven't finished the experiment. .!

Rei: . . .

 (strangely enough, Ayanami remains silent . . )

Maya:  Rei!? Well?

Rei: I had to stop the experiment. . .

Maya: Why?

Rei:  . . . He was frightened.

Maya: . . .

     (Maya freezes, for a moment. . . indeed, it seems to be enough, as
she gazes blankly at the glass window before her--
and she turns, nodding to the crew behind her . . .)

Maya:  let the report show that the experiment  . . . was successful.

     (Makoto Hyuga looks to his former colleague for a moment,
before acknowledging the order . . )

Hyuga: . .yes, ma'am . . .


     (Elsewhere . . . as the sky above is bathed in the bright orange hue
signifying the approach of sundown. . . )

Seyoko:  (in English) Lyn?  What are you doing?

Lyn: . . .

     (On the Balcony located on the 9th floor of the apartment complex
housing Lyn Anouilh and his guardian . . .)

Seyoko:  (sighing) you're not sulking again, are you?

Lyn: (mumbling) it's none of your business. . .

     (Seyoko Okazaki steps outside to find the young pilot haunched
over the balcony railing--his eyes fixed on nothing in particular in the
slowly dwindling daylight, the boy seems detached and melancholy . . . as per usual . . .)

Seyoko:  Lyn . . . come on, now, this isn't good . . .

Lyn:  Just leave me be, Seyoko . . .

Seyoko: (sighing) . . .

     (The young lieutenant looks at her charge for a long while, seeing,
for once, the full scope of his depression . . . for several moments, Seyoko
stands there, watching the boy's shirttails whip in the evening breeze . . .

 Before, however, a thought comes to her . . . and a wry smile passes her lips . . .)

Lyn: . . . . What the--Hey!?

     (The child's surprised shout comes as the girl's gloved hands
suddenly slide under his--lifting him bodily off the ground, struggling . . .)

Lyn: Seyoko!

Seyoko:  Oh, come on, Lynnie!  you think I'd let you go that easily!!?!

Lyn: This isn't a game, Seyoko, come on!

Seyoko: (shaking her head) pathetic, kid.  It didn't work when you were 3,
                                            so what makes you think  it'll work now?

     (The boy struggles a bit more--his feet dangling a foot
or so off the floor--to no avail . . .)

Lyn:  What, you're going to throw me in the bathtub!?

Seyoko:  HA! well, i had considered it.  But At you're current state, I decided not to . . .

 (the woman giggles to herself, backing toward the door with him in tow . . .)

Seyoko:  I don't want to get your cast wet . . .just your pride . . .

Lyn: WHAT?

Seyoko:  Tell me, is the big little English boy still as ticklish as he used to be?

 (Lyn's response to this, however, is as straightforward as it can be . . .)


Seyoko:  Oh, BULL!  As long as you're going to pout like a
                six year old, I'm fully authorized to treat you like one!

Lyn: St--stop it!

 (The boy's protests fall upon deaf ears as the girl throws him on the
  bed--mercilessly running her fingers over his ribs . . . which, in turn,
elicits the desired response . . .)

Lyn:  (laughing) kn--knock it OFF!!

Seyoko:  Surrender? NOW?  Did all those years at that stuffy
                military school teach you NOTHING about tactics?

     (As Okazaki continues her assault, the boy curls up--attempting to
defend himself from a ruthless onslaught . . .)

Lyn:  (laughing) D--dammit Girl!! I'm not kidding!!!

Seyoko:  GIRL!?  Oh, you DEFINITELY need some lessons
                in wording your negotiations, old china!

Lyn:  (gasping) S--Stop!!

 (undaunted, Seyoko straddles the child, continuing without falter.  . . )

Seyoko:  Shout Mercy FIRST!

Lyn: Fine! F-fine! M--mercy!

Seyoko: Now, address me as your queen, and ask for forgiveness!!

Lyn: (laughing) N--No WAY!

Seyoko: Have it your way . . .

Lyn: (gasping) I'm not calling you that!!

Seyoko:  You can't hold out forever . . .

Lyn:  (laughing)  . .! ! ! ! !

     (After another moment of this, Okazaki halts--allowing
Anouilh to catch his breath . . . panting, the boy sits up--regarding,
red faced, the girl sitting on the bed before him . . .)

Seyoko:  You sure pick strange places to hold your ground, kid . . .

Lyn: I'm . . not . . going  . to call you the queen  . .no matter   . . . what . .you do . . .

     (the girl turns, shrugging indignantly . . .)

Seyoko:  Pfft.  England hasn't had a queen for 11 years. it's getting boring . . .

Lyn:  (panting) . . . what . .did that . .prove, anyway . .!?

Seyoko:  Just had to let you know that you're still alive . . .apparently
                the doctors didn't beat it into  your little head before they let you leave
                the hospital today . .

Lyn: (mumbling) what is it with you girls and grabbing me from behind . . .

     ( the young woman turns, dangling her feet off the edge of the bed,
watching the sunset through the balcony with placid eyes . . .

Seyoko:  Call me crazy, but I half expected you to be happy to see me . . .

Lyn:  What makes you think I wasn't?

Seyoko:  (flatly) are you kidding?

Lyn: . .I'm . . . sorry if I made you feel . . .inadequate, Seyoko . . .

Seyoko:  It's okay, Lyn-chan.  I haven't been there for you
                in so long, I forgot what it was like, too . . .

Lyn: . . .

Seyoko:. . .

     (the two sit there for a moment . . surrounded by the ever
present sounds of cicadas chittering off in the distance below . . . then,)

Lyn:  What am I going to do, Seyoko?  My Eva's gone . . .
        what are they going to do with me . . .?

Seyoko:  You'll be put on standby until they need you . . . I think .

Lyn: Will  . . . will I be allowed to go home?

Seyoko:  (quietly) If you want, yes.

Lyn: . . .

     (wordlessly, Anouilh looks down at nothing in particular . . .
Seyoko seems to hear his disdain, glancing at the boy over her shoulder . . )

Seyoko: . . . hm?

Lyn: . . . I don't want to.  I don't want to leave, Seyoko . . .

Seyoko:  You surprise me, kiddo.  what brought this on?

Lyn: (quietly)  Even if I'm miserable . . . I have more friends
                    here than I do back home . . . and . . .

     (Okazaki sighs, turning her eyes back to the fading sun . . .)

Seyoko:  . . . and you don't want to see your father.  is that it?

     (Anouilh does not answer her, however . . .)

Seyoko:  You know you're not the first person to feel alienated from his parents.

Lyn:  I'm not alienated from my parents . . .just him.
        I never .  .  . felt anything against my mum . . .

Seyoko:  I take it you're not talking about Anna . . .?

Lyn:  No . . I don't care much for "dear Anna . . ."

Seyoko: (laughing) so much disrespect.

Lyn: Yes, well. . . You’re the closest I have to a family . . . really . . .

     (The boy stands, running a hand through his mussed hair . . .)

Lyn:  I'm going to take a shower . . .look . .if anyone calls . . .

Seyoko:  You mean any girls--

Lyn:  (firmly) if ANYONE calls--

Seyoko: I'll be sure to let you know.

     ( as Anouilh leaves the room, the woman
pulls her knees up to her chest, watching the sky outside. . .)


Asuka: Why do you persist on following me everywhere I go?

Shinji:` I'm not following you . .. !

     (Meanwhile . . . on an isolated hilltop, situated far above Tokyo 3 . . .)
Asuka: what do you want to call it, stalking?

Shinji:  Asuka, please just . .stop running away . . .I need to talk to you!

Asuka:  Look, Ikari, I already warned you once--I'm not in the mood.

Shinji:  (mumbling) You're never in the mood . . .

Asuka:  What?

Shinji:  About . . . . about what happened last week . . .I want . .

     (The boy pauses--swallowing hard as Asuka raises her
eyes to his, wearing a scrutinizing gaze . . .)

Shinji:  I want to thank you . . for saving my life. . .

     (The girl shuts her eyes, turning away . . .)

Asuka:  What are you talking about . . .

Shinji:  When you stopped unit 06 . .  you saved me.

Asuka: So what?

Shinji:  So . .what!?

Asuka:  So what . . . I got immobilized a couple minutes later!
                            And that wouldn't have been so bad if I  HADN'T Been saved
                        by that .. That . . .AARGh . . .!!

Shinji:   . . . Why do you hate Rei so much?

Asuka:  It's none of your damn business! that's something you'll have to learn
            eventually! And I didn't ASK her to help me in the first place!

Shinji: But--that doesn't make you helpless, Asuka!

Asuka: . . .

Shinji: You saved my LIFE!  I can't --

Asuka: Stop thanking me, Ikari! So what if I helped you . . .

     (Shinji is quiet for a moment, resigned to the obvious conclusion . . .)

Shinji: . . . I know you don't care if I live or die . .but I . .

Asuka: (interrupting) no, no, I don't think that, Shinji! I mean I do care . .!

     (frustrated, Soryu meets the boy's gaze once more--this time,
the facade of pride and stubbornness slightly faded from her own . . .

only slightly, however . . .)

Asuka: It's just . .This is all I got left.  Can't you see? can't you see how important this all is to me?
            I don't understand why this is so difficult for everyone else to get.  You . . . Misato.

Shinji: . . .

Asuka:  Can't you understand what it means to me?  Maybe you can exist
                without being the best, but you are not me!

Shinji: I . . .

Asuka:  (sighing)

Shinji: I do understand, Asuka . . .

Asuka: . . yeah, right . . .

Shinji:  I do.

     (Soryu's head raises a fraction as she hears the young Ikari say this . . .
her eyes widening a little, at the possibility presented . . . Ikari, however,
retains a look of calmness in his own eyes, as he continues--staring
off at the shining citadel far below . . .)

Shinji:  You want to be the best . . . you want to be praised,
            told--how good you are and how important  you are . . . you
            want to feel  . the most . . .

Asuka:  (quietly, to herself)  It's not about praise, you dummy . . .

Shinji:  . . .

Asuka:  (sighing) You know I don’t need justification from anyone . . .

Shinji:  No . .no . . I . .see.

     (No more is said between the two pilots when the sun finally dips beneath
the hills in the horizon.  As the moonless, starlit sky encompasses the view overhead,
Asuka Soryu does nothing more to avoid her erstwhile companion . . .

     instead, the two simply sit there, beside one-another, in welcomed silence,
as the last of the day's light fades. Below, the city of Tokyo 3 is  illuminated
by thousands of lights--tracing the buildings and highways in the darkness,
lighting the night like a solitary torch in an ocean of desolation  . . .)


    (Elsewhere . . . in a small urban housing complex, set close to
the central downtown area of Tokyo 3 . . .)

Maya: coming!

     (Maya Ibuki, dressed in a rather casual T-shirt and blue shorts,
calls loudly to the front door of her modest home . . . as the sound
of a doorbell once again rings in her ears, the young woman calls
again, tripping over the laptop small pile of computer disks in the
center of her room . . .)

Maya: (grumbling) Clumsy, messy . .dammit Ibuki!  Rrgh . .

     (At last, the doorway to her apartment slides open seconds later
with a subtle whoosh-- allowing her an unbarred view of her visitor,
who stands illuminated by the night-lighting in the hallway outside . . .)

     (which, strangely enough, causes her features to alight with surprise . . .)
Maya:  Major Katsuragi?

Misato:  Maya . . .I'm sorry to be bugging you so late --

     (Slightly embarrassed at her lack of uniform, the girl bows a little,
and stands to the side, motioning for Katsuragi to enter . . .)

Maya:  No ma'am, it's no trouble--I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting any company; please, come in . .!

Misato:  don't worry--and don't worry about that major business--that's for work only . . .

Maya:  Oh! of--um--of course . . .

Misato:  Thanks . .

     (Misato nervously thumbs the collar of her red flight jacket--idly
pushing back the tresses of brunette hair on her right shoulder as the
door shuts behind her.

     Maya hurriedly taps a combination into the keypad on the wall
next to the entrance, biting her lower lip as she recalls the numbers.
as soon as the parade of beeps end, she turns back to her guest,
smiling with an embarrassed look--)

Maya:  sorry about that--you can never be to careful around downtown . . .

Misato:  Oh! yeah, I understand . . .

Maya:  Didn't always use to be like that, but . . .

     (Just then, Ibuki seems to blink, as if realizing, once again, who is in her apartment . . .)

Maya:  Oh! sorry about the mess--it's been too busy here with . . .
            the new workload . . .So--what can I do for you . . ?

     (Katsuragi is quiet for a moment, her eyes falling to the computer disks
strewn about the small console on the floor--)

Misato:  something really important has come up . . . today, Maya.

Maya: . . .?

Misato : And now that you're in charge of  Ritsuko's work,
             you're the only person I can talk to.

Maya:  I'm listening . . .

 (Misato exhales slowly, looking at the young lieutenant worriedly . . .)

Misato:  I need some information . . . about . .the sixth child . . .

Maya:  Anouilh?

     (shaking her head slowly, Katsuragi seems to gather up her words--
her will, seemingly, forcing them out, as she finally seems to accept her
heart's decision . . .)

Misato:  No . . .  the real one.


     (Meanwhile . . . in a darkened hallway outside The home
of the aforementioned . . .)

Aoi: . . . I'm here . . .

     (Aoi's solitary figure stands, bathed in the glow of the night outside,
in front of the door to Anouilh's home.

     The girl's heart upon her sleeve, Tamashii paces back and forth in front
of the entryway, as if unsure of what course to take . . .)

Aoi:  (whispering) I mustn’t . . . avoid my fate any longer . . .

     (The sound of her footpads nearly undetectable, the child is like
this for a long time--her hands clasped about her shoulders as if chilled
by some cold wind . . . )

Aoi:  (thinking) I can't . . . I can't justify this for anything . . . for anyone else . . .

     (she stops, staring at the doorway, as her quiet words echo her own thoughts . . .)

Aoi:  Except that I must do this for you . .

     (with this, the girl smiles in the darkness--reaching behind her head,
she pulls free the small blue band holding her hair in a ponytail . . .

     . . . at once, the raven locks fall about her shoulders and down
her back, as she slowly places the ribbon, gently, on the doorhandle to Lyn's apartment . . .)

Aoi:  so it shall be.

To Be Continued . . .