The End of the Beginning . . . The
Beginning of the End?
Episode 50: "The Signs of the Hour / Denials"
(Far above the tiny orb of earth-- in the unending, boundless void . . .
the celestial body known simply as �the Moon� hangs, locked forever in gravitational pull of a small, blue world. . .
An occupant of the local space countless eons, the
small, pockmarked satellite has been without a sentient
visitor for many years . . . Long since the upheaval known as the second
impact, the beings called "man" , who
once set foot on this bastion of rock, have not chosen to venture forth
from their terran cradle for a long time,
leaving the moon nearly untouched and unexplored for almost 20 years.
Indeed, it seems humanity has found matters of much more dire importance to attend to . . .
These days, however, the moon is no longer alone in its journey across the night sky.
Recently, a visitor of a different sort made its presence known . . .
Long, cold, and silent, the lance of Longinus tumbles
peacefully through space on an unending journey across
the lunar sky�caught in the gravitational pull of the moon, the weapon
has, for many months, remained out of
reach of those who would use it to further their own gains . It has
been trapped in lunar orbit, the ludicrous result
of an overzealous maneuver on the part of one man, and one man alone
. . .
solitary, tranquil, and undisturbed, the lance has
become harmless�a quandary for stellar observers and
scientists alike, its true purpose not yet fulfilled as it floats,
uninterrupted, around its new keeper. . .
Today, however, this serene period in both the lance�s
and the moon�s history shall come to an abrupt and,
inevitably, tragic, end . . )
(As the Lance makes its thousandth vigil across the
lunar heavens, a small, cylindrical canister�no more
than 6 meters across and 4 meters in length�floats into the path of
the weapon. With an abrupt, silent, spherical
explosion, the device ignites itself�sending a shockwave tearing into
the path of the spear. Upon impact with the
sudden wave of force, the lance of Longinus is violently torn from
its heavenly bonds and once more sent tumbling freely through space. Twirling
out of control, the weapon is at last released from its celestial prison,
and thrown into
the void beyond . . .
. . .until, however, another canister appears in its path . . .
Like the first, a bright fireball lights up the reaches
of the local space for an instant-- bathing the lance in
blinding light as the atoms within the device are ripped apart, unleashing
yet another massive
outpouring of raw energy . . .
And, as result, the lance is pushed from its path
again�sent reeling through the empty blackness
on another course . . .
. . .before yet another cylinder floats into
its path . . .
This one, though, merely deflects the lance as it
explodes�straightening it out on its new course . .
And then, with a chain of explosions like a string
of pearls in the emptiness of space, the Lance of
Longinus is pushed faster and faster�guided by fiery hands to a new
destination: the place where,
almost 6 months prior, it was first sent forth from . . .
. . . Earth . . .
approaching speeds many times faster than the speed
of sound, the spear is hurled toward the planet�
and its unsuspecting inhabitants below . . .)
Rei: . . .
(Far below . . . on a small island in the very
corner of the pacific ocean . . .)
Rei: . . .
( . . . in the manmade fortress known as "Tokyo 3" . . .)
Rei: . . .
(Rei Ayanami awakens from yet another troubled sleep�)
Rei: . . .
(Her face still weary from the fitful dreams which
have plagued her endlessly through the night ,
Ayanami rubs her eyes, sitting up slowly among the crumpled sheets
and ruffled blankets of her
small bed. Her clothes creased and wrinkled from being slept
in, she fingers the edges of her dress,
looking apathetically at the window, where orange light from the morning
sun has begun to creep inside . . .)
Rei: . . .
(Finally, she stands�fingering the back of
her neck as momentary feelings of dizziness
suddenly grip her. When the initial throbbing in her temples
subsides, the girl sighs quietly,
feeling around absent-mindedly with her bare feet for her slippers.
. .)
Rei: . . .
(As her toes at last happen upon the elusive
footcoverings, she slips them on� shuffling to the
small sink that sits on the wall near her bed . . )
(As she comes face to face with herself in
the mirror that hangs over the dingy, ceramic washbasin,
the girl is at last jarred to reality by the sight of her pale face
and deep, alizarin eyes. She stands there
for a long time�regarding the curves and forms of her visage as they
seem to glide around the two
dark red orbs . . . both, seemingly a sharp contrast to the smooth
field of white that surrounds them . . .
Finally, her hand goes to the faucet. With
a high-pitched steel creak, the rusty tap opens, spilling forth
a continuous stream of cold water . . .)
Rei: . . .
(Strangely, as the first child�s gaze falls
to the liquid gathering in the sink below, her mind wanders,
for an instant, to a place far away�where alien images seem to greet
her for a split second:
unrecognizable, yet at the same time, familiar,
And Foreign . . .
. . . before vanishing as abruptly as they come. . . .)
Rei: . ..
(At last, shutting her eyes, the girl plunges her fingers into the water . . .)
Asuka: Nnnh . . .Nimm mich . . .
(Meanwhile, on the other side of town . . .)
Asuka: . . Nimm mich jetzt mein Gott . . .
(Asuka Soryu, second child and designated pilot
of Evangelion unit 02, awakens to the
sound of muffled noises coming from the kitchen. . . the girl, having
fallen asleep on a futon
in the living room, wipes her eyes, scratching her brow as she slowly
rises to an unsteady sitting position . . .)
Asuka: What the . . . who in the hell is awake at this hour . . .?
(She has not noticed, however, that the digital
clock on the table reads
well past 9 a.m. . . .)
Asuka: Nnnnngh! What�s going on?
(At last, a meek voice answers from the kitchen . . )
Shinji: Oh�good morning. I didn�t mean to wake you. . .
Asuka: (scowling) what are you doing? It�s too early for this . . .
Shinji: . .But--It�s . . . um . . . 9:35.
(immediately, the girl�s face twists into one of mild bewilderment . . .)
Asuka: Wh---what? is it?
Shinji: Yeah. You were up kinda late last night . . .
Asuka: . . .
Shinji: . . . Um, what were you doing, anywa-
Asuka: (snapping) None of your business!!
Shinji: . . .
(At last, the tired pilot stands, mumbling angrily to herself as she gathers her things in her arms--)
Asuka: (mumbling) Verdammte Idiotin . . . waking me up like this . . . inconsiderate . . dork . . Rrgh!
(Shinji watches placidly as Soryu staggers
down the hallway, finally making it to
her room. With the slamming of a sliding door, the kitchen becomes
quiet once again . . .)
Shinji: . . . I guess this is a good morning . . .
Pen Pen: . . .
Shinji: Huh?
(Ikari nearly trips as the short, warm-water
penguin scurries slowly past his feet.
The bird is, obviously, still tired from the "early" morning as well
. . .)
Shinji: Oh--Good morning. . . .
Pen Pen: . . .
(Pen Pen, however, simply gives him a look
that seems to indicate distinct annoyance . . .
. . . before taking his coffee and sauntering
wearily to his dish . . .)
(Ikari watches for a moment, then turns to his own bowl of miso soup . . .)
Shinji: . . . nobody�s a morning person today . . .
Seyoko: (stretching) Ahh! . . . Good morning, Mr. Shigeru . .!
Hyuga: . . . Actually, it�s Hyuga . . . but good morning, ma�am.
Seyoko: (embarrassed) Uh! Sorry about that . ..
(Meanwhile, several hundred meters below, in
the primary control center inside Nerv Central . . .
Seyoko Okazaki enters, clipboard in hand, with a smile on her face
belying an early morning vigor . . .
stretching her arms, she greets Makoto, who is currently by himself
at the control terminal . . .)
Hyuga: Pardon me, ma�am, but according to regulations, you�re
not supposed to be here
without Major Katsuragi.
Seyoko: Oh, She�ll be in soon enough, I�m sure. Don�t worry--
I�ll try not to blow up the
place while your around. . .
Hyuga: Er . . . . right . . .
(Obviously, the joke does little to soothe the control operator�s nerves . . .
Okazaki takes note of this, pushing further . . .)
Seyoko: Besides, I shouldn�t have to remind you that, technically,
I�m supposed have unlimited access to
anywhere in the facility that might prove a liability to the UN�s clause.
So, it only seems logical
that I come here extra early . . .
(She pauses, winking)
Seyoko: With or without the baby-sitter . . .
(As she says this, the control center door
opens once more, allowing a rather disshelved
looking Misato Katsuragi to make her way inside. From the cup
of coffee in her hand and
the tired bags under her eyes, it is quite apparent she is not having
the most productive morning, either . . .)
Seyoko: Speak of the devil . . .
Misato: . .nngh . . .
Seyoko: (brightly) Good morning, Major Katsuragi . . !
Misato: (mumbling) Nnnngh. . .bite me . . .
Seyoko: Hmm?
Misato: (yawning). . . Nothing . . .
(taking a sizable gulp from the small "Nerv"
mug in her hands, Katsuragi leans against
one of the empty control terminals, brushing her bangs aside . . .)
Seyoko: Let�s see . . .
Misato: (groaning) Can�t you wait until day shift before sticking your nose where it doesn�t belong?
Seyoko: Not today . . .
Misato: The agreement didn�t say anything about having to wake
up at the ungodly hour just to escort
you around this place . . . nnnh . . .
(she is pauses, however, as another yawn cuts her off . .. )
Seyoko: What can I say? It goes with the territory, I guess.
Misato: (yawning) Yeah, right. . .
(Elsewhere . . .)
Nurse: There. That�s the last of them . . .
Lyn: . . .
(In the base hospital several levels up . . .)
Nurse: Now, the doctor will be here in just a minute . . .
Lyn: . . .
( . . . 7th child Lyn Anouilh is finally being released from his sterile prison . . .)
Nurse: He�s going to tell you how to take care of that arm until the cast comes off, okay?
( . . .Unfortunately for him, the day�s release does not include one from the prison of his own fashioning . . .)
Lyn: . . .
Nurse . . . well. . . It�ll be just a minute.
(As she exits, the Nurse�s high-heels click
loudly in the small, dimly lit room. Anouilh makes
no sound in response . . . It seems his mind is elsewhere, as his eyes
stare blankly at the inverted
glass dome of the fluorescent lighting above his bed . . .)
Lyn: . . . Wonderful . . .
(Meanwhile, in the living room of the Horaki residence . . .)
Television: . . And, in further news, tensions between
The New Chinese republic and Russia, the former
collective body governed by president Nilkoviche�s democratic regime,
have escalated due to a further
shortage of food and supplies for both ailing nations. The Greenwich
treaty of 2013, which provided
much needed stability to the region, has proven ineffective in light of�
Television: . . .an�t you see that what you�re doing is tearing us apart? Think about our childre-
Television: . .aisy, Daisy, tell me your answer true�
Television: --used as to what may have caused the upper-atmosphere
disturbances last night. However,
NASA and SETI officials that spoke to TVT believe it may have been linked
to a similar
occurrence almost 3 weeks ago over the mid-Atlantic. Though officials
declined to comment about possible
causes, experts were quick to acknowledge that increased Carbon Monoxide
emissions from the post-second
impact third world collective may have played a serious role in the current
rise in atmospheric degredatio-
Hikari: (sighing). . . there�s never any good news on anymore . . .
(Meanwhile, on the other side of town, in Katsuragi�s somewhat cluttered apartment . . . .)
Shinji: Do you want any more soup?
Asuka: . . . no thank you.
Shinji: Uhm . . . how about some coffee?
Asuka: . . .
Shinji: Asuka?
Asuka: (sighing) what?
(Ikari swallows once, mustering his strength . . .)
Shinji: . . .what�s wrong?
Asuka: (wearily) Don�t ask me, Ikari.
Shinji: . .Is it . . .still what happened last week?
Asuka: . . .
Shinji: C�mon. . . you really shouldn�t beat yourself up over-
(Before Ikari can finish, however, Asuka does something that stops him�
she does not interrupt�
she does not shout�
she does not so much as scowl.
Instead, she simply stands from her seat,
and leaves the room . . .
. . . without giving the boy so much as a look . . .)
Shinji: (surprised) Um�uh�
(Looking at his plate, he bites his lip, muttering to himself--)
Shinji: (mumbling) what, should I have offered you a Yebisu?
(then Shinji puts down the food in his hands, following her . .)
Shinji: Asuka, wait!
Asuka: Don�t come near me.
Shinji: huh�what?
Asuka: You heard me, Ikari!
Shinji: But .. . why?
Asuka: . . .
Shinji: Why do you always have to get this way?
Asuka: . . .
Shinji: I didn�t do anything to you . . .
Asuka (snapping) It�s who I am, and you should�ve figured that out by now!
Shinji: But�
Asuka: If you don�t like it, then you can leave me alone!
Shinji: But I don�t want to.
Asuka: . . .?
Shinji: I�m worrie�
Asuka: Oh, cut that out!
Shinji: . . .
Asuka: Listen, I just--I don�t want anybody or any thing right now, okay?
(With this, the girl grabs her purse�making her way to the door as she slips her shoes on . .. )
Shinji: Wait�where are you going.
Asuka: Out!
Shinji: But where?
Asuka: None of your business!
(And, with this, Soryu opens the door, leaving without another word. . . )
(meanwhile . . .)
Rei: . . .
(On the other side of town . . .)
Rei . . .
(Rei Ayanami walks the sidewalk outside her apartment . . .)
Rei: . . .
(Her face is empty�covered with a drained,
listless look that seems to echo the troubles
plaguing her innermost thoughts . . .images of those she knows as well
as those she fears,
churning around in a whirlpool of confused questions and disturbing
Images Of Shinji . . .
Of Asuka . . .
Of Lyn . . .
Of Aoi . . .
Of Gendo . . .
Of Tenkei . . .
And Of herself. . . .
But, Ironically, there is also a sense
of serenity present in the child�s countenance�
a tranquil solitude that seems to comfort her amidst the turmoil that
revolves around her young life. . .)
(As she walks to the train station, Rei Ayanami
does not raise her eyes�she
does not regard anyone, nor is she regarded.
She is merely a figure, among the many.
. . . Alone.)
(Elsewhere, far below . . .
In the situation room below Nerv Central�s control center . . .
Seyoko Okazaki is by herself, seated in one of the
many chairs at the rightmost control
console of the empty chamber.
Hunched over, her eyes shift back and forth as she
scans over the lines of data, making small
notes on the clipboard in her hands. . .
Around her, the room is otherwise completely silent--save
for her the hum of machinery,
and her own, quiet breathing . . .)
Seyoko: (thinking) �TD. 001. . . ?� That�s Thirty two levels
below . . . let�s see�that�s two . . . no, three access
gates, a security checkpoint, then the main shaft. But beta level
doesn�t include all
points below central-
(The room does not remain quiet for long, however . . . )
Misato: What the HELL are you doing in here!?
Seyoko: Wha-!!!?!?
(Startled by the sudden sound of Misato Katsuragi�s
voice, Seyoko nearly jumps�
dropping her clipboard as she turns to face the sudden interloper.
Seyoko: . .!!!!
( Seconds later, as the initial shock passes, Okazaki
relaxes, her hand going to her chest in
an almost exaggerated sign of relief . . .)
Seyoko: Jeez . . .You . .scared me . . .!
Misato: (irate) Pardon me.
(as her heart races, Seyoko takes a deep breath,
shutting her eyes as the initial feelings
of fight-or-flight response begin to fade . . .)
Seyoko: Please don�t do that!
Misato: That�s just what I was about to tell you, Lieutenant.
Seyoko: . . .
(Seyoko immediately falls silent as Misato
reminds her of the current chain
of command . . . coming to her feet, the girl stands at attention as
the major goes on-- )
Misato: (bluntly) I�ve been looking all over for you. You�re
not supposed to go around this place
alone . . !
Seyoko: . . . Yes . . um . . . My apologies, ma�am . .
Misato: This is the second time today you�ve disobeyed those orders.
Seyoko: . . .
Misato: You realize this will be put on report . . .
Seyoko: I do.
(Misato scowls, shaking her head)
Misato: Did Synaps Tell you to go out of your way to give us a hard time?
(Seyoko starts, then checks herself, answering calmly . . .)
Seyoko: With the Major�s permission, I�d like to speak freely-- on my behalf?
Misato: (sighing) Go ahead.
(Seyoko crouches, picking her clipboard up
from the floor . The look on her face as she
eyes Misato, however, is no longer one of fear . . .
. . .it is one of suspicion.)
Seyoko: No offense, but you�re too slow, Ma�am. I�ve got
200 stories of this--this maze-- to cover, and
less than a week to do it in. Not to mention the fact that your people
aren�t exactly being
what I�d call "cooperative."
Misato: They�ve had their trust betrayed before. Don�t put the blame on them.
Seyoko: I�m afraid that�s just who I am, Major.
Misato: D.S.I. said your stay was two weeks. If your in
such a hurry, just what do you plan on
doing the extra 7 days that you�re here?
Seyoko: (quietly) Um. . .I�ve . . got an assignment of a more personal nature to take care of.
Misato: (laughingly) "Personal?" Would you care to �elaborate� on that a bit?
Seyoko: No.
Misato: Why not?
Seyoko: (quietly) With all due respect, sir, it�s none of your business!
Misato: Start nosing around again without supervision, and you can bet I�ll make it my business.
Seyoko: . . .
Misato: Is that understood, Lieutenant Okazaki?
Seyoko: Yes, sir.
(As she answers, Seyoko reaches behind her
to the console where, moments
ago, she had been sitting. In one fluid motion, she removes a
red security card from
the reader on the terminal, slipping it deftly into her pocket . .
(As Misato turns to the door, The younger woman follows, uttering to herself . . .)
Seyoko: (coldly) I understand. . . fully.
Doctor: Are you experiencing any pain? Any discomfort?
Lyn: . .N . . no.
Doctor: Well, you�re very lucky it was a clean break.
(Anouilh, however, eyes the man coldly at the word "lucky")
Doctor: Just don�t let it get dirty. And it should stay
in the sling most of the time.
You can take it out for dressing and such, but not too often.
Lyn: . . .
(The doctor, it seems, is unaware of the boy�s glare . .. )
Doctor: You understand?
Lyn: (impatient) Yes, yes. Can I please go now?
Doctor: Of course.
(without another word, Lyn stands from the
examination table, taking his small hospital bag in
his left hand (as his right arm is bound in a cast hanging from a sling
on his shoulder). With this, the boy
quietly thanks the doctor and exits, making his way down the nearly
empty, twisting hallway
toward the elevator.)
Lyn: . . .
(as he reaches the thin, metal panel, he presses
the number for the 1st floor , waiting for the lift to
ascend. As the seconds tick by, he sighs to himself, looking down at
his pale reflection in the steel
doors before him.)
Lyn: . . .
(almost involuntarily, he takes a deep breath�inhaling
the air about him with a gasp. It does little to
comfort his nerves, however, as the elevator doors finally open�splitting
his almost haggard image to
reveal an empty room beyond . .. )
Lyn: . . .
(Hesitating at the threshold for a second,
the boy finally steps inside�not turning around as the
doors close behind him . . .)
(Several Moments later, outside, Lyn slowly walks the street nearly 20 blocks from his home. . .)
(the boy�s eyes are half closed as he makes his way
down the sidewalk in the direction of the
northern district. As the noon sun shines down from overhead,
The child�s thoughts turn to a parade
of sounds�voices, really�from long, long ago. They are
voices which, until very recently, were
mercifully silent in the reaches of his troubled mind . . .
Voice: You must be brave, boy.
Voice: You do her no honor by crying . . .
Voice: how could you?
Voice: Did you hate her so much?
Voice: it was an accident.
Voice: An Accident.
Voice: why?
Voice: Be brave
Voice: You pathetic little wretch.
Voice: You coward.
Lyn: . ..
(It is then, however, that he senses the presence
of another . . .
. . .behind him.)
Lyn: . ..
(Anouilh stops, listening to the sounds of
footsteps like feathers on snow as they tread
the wall lining the sidewalk next to him. The boy coughs once
as a midday breeze picks up
from the east�blowing through his hair and ruffling the edges of his
Seconds later, as the wind slowly dies down, he speaks . . .)
Lyn: . . .Hi, Aoi.
(At first there is no response, save
for the sound of someone jumping down from the wall
behind him. A moment later, the sound of careful footsteps builds
as the girl nears him . . .
. . . her pace, it seems, is much slower than usual . . .
Finally, she answers him softly . . .)
Aoi: (quietly) . . .Hi . ..
Lyn: I . . didn�t think I�d see you until Monday.
Aoi: . . .
(instead of answering with words, however,
the girl does something sudden�sliding
her hands under his arms and around his chest, embracing him from behind
. . .)
(The boy�s initial response is a shudder, which
quakes through his body as her gentle touch
registers abruptly in his mind. Almost automatically, his
right hand falls to hers, gently
attempting to pry the fingers free . . .)
(Aoi, however, is not so easy to give in . . .)
Aoi: . .6 . . please . . .
(her voice is sad, quiet, and almost spent
as it reaches him. . . when he does not cease his
struggle, however, she pushes on�desperation looming in her words .
. )
Aoi: Lyn . .. please . . .
Lyn: . . .
Aoi . . .please don�t push me away . . .
Lyn: . . .
Aoi: You always push me away, and it hurts me so much . . .
(with this, the girl squeezes tighter�pressing her cheek to his back as she awaits his answer . . .)
Lyn: . . .
(Lyn, however, says nothing . . .
. . . As the sheer feeling and warmth in the girl�s
touch envelopes his senses. . . )
Lyn: . . .I . . .
(Perhaps it is the hurt in her words . . .
Perhaps it is the soft caress of her breath on the back of his neck . . .
perhaps it is the own pain in his own troubled heart . . .
Either way, Anouilh ceases his struggling.
. .
and, instead . . .
. . .rests his hand over hers . . .)
Aoi: . . .
(For a long time, they are both silent as another
breeze picks up, kicking up
the loose edges of their clothing . . .)
(Finally, the 7th child finds the will to speak. . .)
Lyn: I�m . . . sorry.
Aoi: . . .
Lyn: (whispering) I�m sorry I pushed you away . . .
Aoi: . . .
(The girl says nothing. Instead, she
slowly slides her hands away,
releasing the child from her grip.)
Aoi: . . .
(As Lyn turns to face her, he sees her eyes
fall to the heavy blue cast draped over his right
arm�inevitably, the girl�s hand reaches out to touch it, running her
fingers along its length as
a shiver passes through her own body . . .)
Lyn: . . . A . . .Aoi?
Aoi: . . . I tried . . .
Lyn: . . .?
Aoi: I tried to come and see you . . .
Lyn: . . .
Aoi: But . . .they wouldn�t let me. . .
Lyn: . . .
Aoi: They wouldn�t tell me if you were okay--o-or if you were going to die . . .
Lyn: . . .hey . . .it�s alright . . .
Aoi: . . .
(Without another word, the girl takes his left
arm in both of hers�resting her head
on his shoulder as he looks on, a bit confused . . .)
Lyn: . . . I . . don�t . .
(Aoi shakes her head, wiping her eyes . . .)
Aoi: Let me walk with you . . .
Lyn: Walk with�
Aoi: . . .I�ve missed you so much . . .
(Anouilh swallows, looking down at the girl
as a car passes nearby, kicking
up yet another sudden draft of air . . .
Finally, his look softens as he answers . . .)
Lyn: Okay. . .if--if you really want to.
Aoi: . . .
(the girl nods, stepping closer to him as the
two begin to head, once more,
in the direction of the Northern district . . .)
(Meanwhile, far above . . .
in the local space between the Earth and the moon . . .
The lance of Longinous has gained considerable speed on its journey. . .
Now straightened out on its new course, the spear
tears through the void like
a demon possessed, silently arcing toward its intended target
with what could be
described as a cruel vengeance . . .
But, despite its size,
despite the threat it poses . . .
despite the doom it promises for all in its wake. . .
The weapon goes on undetected . ..
as it nears planet earth . . .
unimpeded . . .)
Fuyutsuki: (sighing) . . . .
(Elsewhere . . . thousands of miles below,
beneath the cavernous interior of the Geo-Front,
Sub-Commander Kouzou Fuyutsuki stands on the catwalk which overlooks
the partially
submerged form of Evangelion Unit 01 . . .)
Fuyutsuki: What happened here . . .
(The EVA�s facial armor has once more been
removed, leaving a pair of newly
regenerated eyes visible from behind several thousand feet of
Gauze-like wrapping. Indeed, the
creature�s green orbs seem to shine with an inner evil�staring blankly
at the small man who dares
to stand in their path . . .)
Fuyutsuki: (thinking) How far have we come?
(Seemingly, he looks at the bound EVA�s face
for an answer . . . there is none,
of course . . .
At least, not at first . . .)
Fuyutsuki: How many lives have been destroyed?
(The EVA�s expression does not change, however,
as the words echo through the reaches of the
massive hold which contains the beast . . .)
Fuyutsuki: (Thinking) how many of those could I have changed?
(The man continues staring at the neoteric
demon�s vicious countenance for an answer . . .
but there is none to be found hidden among the bloodied cloth which
covers the Monster�s face . . .
A moment later, he repeats his thoughts out loud . . .)
Fuyutsuki: . . . how many could I have changed?
(In the powerful illumination of the containment
cage, EVA 01�s smile seems to broaden
for an instant . . .it is an illusion, of course. A chimera created
from light and shadow . .
But, to the old man on the catwalk, the mirage is real enough to evoke yet another question . . .)
Fuyutsuki: . . . Am I one of his pawns as well, Yui?
(EVA 01 remains still . . . silent and unmoving
. . .
an almost deafening state in light of the man�s thoughts .. .)
Fuyutsuki: . . . Or . . Is he one of theirs?
(Invariably, the EVA still makes no response . . .
Although, to Kouzou Fuyutsuki, the answer is
still disturbingly clear . . .)
Yuri: Maya? The final reports are in.
Maya: Oh! Set them over there.
Yuri: (chuckling) Yes "ma�am".
(meanwhile, in the project E Development lab several
levels below . . . Maya Ibuki and
Yuri Furikawa sift through the massive amounts of data that have appeared
to grace the
project chairperson�s desk in the past few days . . .)
Maya: (smiling) what? What�s so funny?
(returning a sly grin, Furikawa nudges her companion facetiously)
Yuri: The thought of me having to call you "sir. . ."
Maya: Don�t be silly . . .
Yuri: What? About the fact that Maya Ibuki�s going to get a promotion?
Maya: . . .
(When Maya does not answer, Yuri sighs, returning to the pile of reports before her . . .)
Yuri: It�s so unfair. You promise you won�t forget me when you�re on top?
Maya: Yuri!
Yuri: (chuckling) Well . . .We�ll still hang out together, right?
Maya: Sure . . .my hours may be different, but I�m not going to disappear . . .
Yuri: Oh?
Maya: Yeah. Try not to get--
(the girl grows quite as, while sifting through paperwork, something catches her eye. . .)
Yuri: hmm?
(Yuri pauses, puzzled, as Maya�s voice suddenly
trails off. Glancing to her quiet
companion, she finds the control operator looking morosely at a nameplate
beneath the piles of paperwork on the desk . . .
. . . It is one that reads "Dr. Ritsuko Akagi")
Maya: (quietly) . . . worried.
(Furikawa clears her throat, changing the subject . . .)
Yuri . .Um . . . oh, yes, as I was saying�R&D says the Supplement casing�s complete.
Maya: When did they finish it?
Yuri: last night, I think. It�s been installed on one of
the spare entry plugs . . . The department head said
it should be ready for the unison trial today.
Maya: . . .
Yuri: Maya? What�s the matter?
Maya: Hmm? Oh, I said it�s nothing.
(Yuri, however, seems to understand quite well. . .)
Yuri: You shouldn�t beat yourself up about her, kiddo. You certainly had nothing to do with it.
Maya: It�s not as simple as that.
(At this, the tech stops�setting down the handful of papers in her hands, and turning to her friend-)
Yuri: Really? Then how complicated was it? You two did work pretty close . . .
Maya: What are the Comm. Sy. People saying?
Yuri: you mean you don�t know? One day away at the new job
and your already out of touch with your
Maya: . . .
Yuri: I�m just kidding. You know what they�re saying.
Maya: what?
Yuri: Well . . .Word has it she disobeyed orders . . . and sabotaged
unit 06.
Frankly, we�re all surprised
Commander Ikari trusted her after what
happened to the Dummy system.
Maya: . . .
Yuri: Word even has it that she was a little . . . you know . . .
(Ibuki, however, shakes her head)
Maya: (firmly) She isn�t, Yuri.
Yuri: . . .
Maya: She just . . . she�s like everyone else . . .
Yuri: . . .
Maya: (thinking) and none of us are quite right anymore . . .
Yuri: I�m sorry.
(putting down her work, Maya shakes her head--)
Maya: I�ve got to go down to Research and Development to look at the new casing . . .
Yuri: I�ll finish up for you here.
Maya: Thanks.
(As Maya stands to leave, her friend nods�watching her
as she walks slowly
out the door. As the portal slides shut, Yuri shakes her head,
returning to her work . . .)
Yuri: . . . Poor girl . . .
(Elsewhere, high above the Geo-Front: Lyn Anouilh
and Aoi Tamashii have
finally reached the 7th child�s apartment . . .)
Aoi: . . . You�re sure?
Lyn: Of course. Since when have you had to ask to come over? Come on in. . .
Aoi: . . . thank you . . .
(The boy steps inside, allowing the girl in
with a meek smile . . .)
Lyn: I�m going to go and change . . . make yourself at home .
. .
Aoi: . . .6, I�ve been here before . . . why are you treating me like a guest?
Lyn: . . .
(without answering, Anouilh closes the door to the
apartment, going into
the next room. Aoi, meanwhile, glances over at his desk, where
writing from many days past sits, unfinished . . .
Several moments later, the boy returns wearing a white dress shirt and slacks . . .)
Aoi: Oh . . .
(Aoi�s gaze falls to the boy�s cast, which is now free of the sling on his shoulder . . .)
Lyn: what?
Aoi: . . . shouldn�t you be wearing your brace?
Lyn: Yeah . . . but . . my shoulder�s kinda sore, so . . .
(the boy turns, looking blankly into the television, despite the fact that it is currently turned off . . .)
Aoi: Yes . . . well . . .
(For uncountable minutes, the two stand there as
a uneasy stillness descends upon the room:
Both children seemingly alone with their own thoughts, yet each
well aware of the other�s presence . . .
(Finally, it is Aoi who breaks the repose . . .)
(the girl steps toward her friend . . pacing her movements in as she approaches . . .)
Aoi: . . .6 . . . ?
Lyn: . . .
Aoi: . . . um . . .
Lyn: (quietly). . . what is it?
Aoi: . . I .. really--
Lyn: . . .?
Aoi: . . I think . . .
Lyn: . . .
Aoi: . . .I think we should talk . . .
Lyn: . . . about what?
(Aoi is hushed for a moment as she considers what to say . . .
. . . then, it comes, in a voice that is strangely flat . . . )
Aoi: (quietly) Why . . . why have you been avoiding me?
Lyn: . . .
(the words hit the boy�s conscience like
a fist: Indeed, in that very instant, a dull,
ebbing guilt twists through his abdomen . . . It is so sudden that
Lyn almost shudders . . .)
Lyn: . . .I . . . what . . do you mean?
(The girl shakes her head,)
Aoi: . . . please, 6 . . .
Lyn: . . . I . . .
Aoi: . . . you . .
Lyn: . . .
Aoi: you have been avoiding me. . . haven�t you . . ?
Lyn: . . .
Aoi: You don�t answer your phone . . .
Lyn: . . .
Aoi: You�ve started walking home alone . . .
Lyn: . . .
Aoi: . . .You even had Shinji lie for you . . .
Lyn: . . .
Aoi: Didn�t you?
Lyn: . . .
(Without really knowing it, the boy slowly nods . . .)
Aoi: . . .But . . You can�t lie to me . . .
Lyn: . .y . .yes . . .
Aoi: . . .I want to know --
(Aoi�s words come slowly, however, as it seems this is equally painful for her as well as he. . . )
Aoi: . . .I just want . .to know . . .why?
Lyn: . .
Aoi: . . .
(strangely, Anouilh finds he still cannot turn his gaze to meet hers . . .)
Aoi: 6 . . . why?
Lyn: (whispering) I can�t explain it�
Aoi: why not?
(Her voice is close, now�only inches behind him . . .)
Lyn: I . .can�t .. .
Aoi: Do . . do you - --
Lyn: . . .
(Tamashii takes a quiet, deep breath, then speaks the words she has been dreading to say --)
Aoi: . . . do you hate me? Is that it?
Lyn: . .no . . .
Aoi: Then . . why?
Lyn: . . .
Aoi: Please, Lyn!
(At the sound of his name, Anouilh trembles
again . .this time, however, it is
visible to the girl behind him . . . Aoi, in turn, starts at
the sight, then looks down . . .)
Aoi: If you don�t want to see me any more . . .then tell me . .
Lyn: (quietly) that�s not it . . .
Aoi: (distressed) Then what?!
(the girl�s voice breaks
as the first traces of tears begin to come�holding it
in, she shuts her eyes in a vain attempt at halting their advance .
. .
. . . but to no end . . .)
Aoi: (shaking) do you want me to stop seeing you? . . .Because I will, if you wish . . .
Lyn: . .no! . . that�s not it . . .
(At last, the boy turns�facing the girl as she raises her gaze to his . . .
(. . . only to have his heart drop at the sight of the wetness in her deep, blue eyes . . .)
Aoi: Why, then?
Lyn: . . . I can�t talk about it . . . I just--
Aoi: . . .
(The girl steps closer as he answers, her expression changing to one of desperation . . .)
Aoi: Tell me . . . did I do something wrong?
Lyn: . ..
Aoi: Just say it . . .
Lyn: I can�t . . . I don�t know . . . maybe I just needed to be alone for a while . ..
Aoi: why . . . ?
Lyn: I�m sorry�I didn�t want to hurt you . . .
(The girl lowers her eyes, looking to her clenched hands if trying to find some answer held deep within . . .
. . . and then, however, a new question comes�Although, it is far more painful one . . . )
Aoi: Then . .do me this . .one . .thing . .. ?
Lyn: . . .
Aoi: Tell . . . tell me what you thought of . .
Lyn: . . .what?
Aoi: (quietly) tell me what you thought of when you first met me . . .
Lyn: . . .
Aoi: What did you see in me?
Lyn: . . .
Aoi: What did you imagine when you first saw me?
Lyn: . . .
Aoi: Did . . .did you imagine your arms around me?
Lyn: . . .
Aoi: Or did you imagine your hands around my throat?
Lyn: . . .
(The boy remains speechless, however, as he looks at the girl in a state of mild shock . . .)
Aoi: Tell me!
Lyn: . . .
(At last, her tears come forth in a swell of emotion so strong, The girl collapses against him, pounding her fist against his shoulder in weakened anger . . .)
Aoi: Tell me . . if you care about me!
Lyn: . . .
Aoi: Tell me!!
Lyn: . . .
Aoi: (crying) Do you love me?
Lyn: . ..
Aoi: (crying weakly) don�t you love me . . . ?
Lyn: . . .
(Anouilh shuts his eyes, creasing his brow
as her pain touches his own. . . with
every sob, the girl�s fist falls, pounding ineffectually against the
flat of his chest . . . )
Aoi: . . . If you don�t . . . then say it . .!
Lyn: . . .
Aoi: . . .say it . . .
(Her torment leaving her physically drained,
the girl at last falls silent�breathing heavily as her
cries turn into hushed panting . . .)
Lyn: . . .
(then, as her hands cease their struggles, the fingertips of her right come to rest on the boy�s bared collar . . .)
Lyn: . . .
(As Aoi makes skin-on -skin contact, Anouilh
shivers involuntarily�the sense of her delicate
touch sending a cold heat racing through every one of his nerves .
. .)
Aoi: . ..
(Tamashii stops as she feels the boy�s reaction
. . .indeed, at once, she steps back�a debilitating
coldness enveloping her own heart . . .)
Lyn: . . .
(finally, Lyn opens his eyes, looking down to the fragile creature standing before him. . .)
Lyn: . . .
(It is with this that the girl makes her final, despondent gesture�stepping closer, she turns her face to his, shutting her eyes in abject fear of what reaction his further reticence may bring . . .)
Aoi: . . .don�t . . .you love me?
Lyn: . . .
(It seems and eternity� loneliness and dread
her only companions as she stands
there, waiting, for his answer . . .
. . . and then, finally, as he watches her in this last, desperate act�
-- Lyn Anouilh does something unexpected . . )
Aoi: . . .
(Ultimately, it comes�
The single, gentle sensation . . .
of the boy pressing his lips to hers.)
Lyn: . . .
(the girl does not move�struck frozen by the
sudden feeling, she opens her eyes as
he pulls away . . . in doing so she sees that, in turn, his own eyes
are still closed . . .)
Aoi: . . .
(Once more, Aoi places a hand on his shoulder�this
time, however, there is no fear in
her touch . . .
slowly, her right is soon followed by her left
. . .and, almost unsure of herself, Tamashii rises--
drawing Lyn�s form close to her own . . .)
Lyn: . . .
Aoi: . . .
(Anouilh senses the hands placed upon his collar;
the fingers hooked and desperate in
a gesture which is gentle, yet contains a quality of fierce longing
. . .)
Lyn: . . .
Aoi: . . .
( the pressure of the girl�s nails distinct through the fabric against his skin, he starts, almost shying away from the unprecedented touch. . . . the reaction, however, is more than Aoi can bear . . .)
Lyn: . . .
Aoi: . . .nnh . . .
(A small sound escapes her throat--a moan or whimper,
it is pure pain. . .
She closes her eyes, not wanting to acknowledge his, and moves blindly,
seeking his face once more with her own. . . . )
Lyn: . . .
(There is a moment in which she is aware of his closeness:
a moment in which she
feels the stirring of his shallow, quickened breath, as well as subtle
trembling of his skin--)
Lyn: . . .
Aoi: . . .
( . . . and then, there is another brief touch of
lips, as delicate as a moth's wing.
It is enough to send a shudder passing from her body to his, before
their lingering
faces part once more . .. )
Lyn: . . . . !
Aoi: . . .
(Lyn gasps suddenly, in spite of himself: it
is a sign that he, too, has been touched
by the electric quality of anticipation inherent in the moment.)
Lyn: . . .
Aoi: . . .
(Then, In the sheer, all-encompassing stillness, Aoi senses his bending closer. . .)
Aoi: . . .
( . . . until There is an eager rejoining; a more
insistent contact on both parts as her hand
raises to caress the slope of his cheek. . . )
Lyn: . . .
(Slowly, the girl becomes aware of Lyn's arms closing
about her waist. For an instant,
there is a moment in which she experiences what could be called fear�
Fear, followed by resignation,
resignation, followed by acceptance,
and, in the end, a feeling that approaches joy . . .)
Aoi: . . .
(with a final whimper, she melts into him.
Strangely confident, she relaxes in his embrace,
her knees bending, allowing the weight of her body to slowly bear them
both to the floor . . .)
Rei: . . .
Tenkei: . . .
Technician A: Synch ratio remains unchanged�I�m reading minimal
in the nerve impulses.
Technician B: Harmonics are stable. Data rate is nominal.
Hyuga: I don�t understand�why isn�t it working?
(Meanwhile, in the Pribnow box nearly two thousand
meters below . . a union of a
different sort is being attempted . . . )
Maya: . . . I don�t know . . .
Technician B: Could it be the supplementary casing?
Hyuga: It was built exactly to Dr. Akagi�s specifications . . . what could be the problem . . ?
Maya: . . .
(on the readout before her, the image of Rei
Ayanami inside unit 00�s test plug appears.
Next to it, another, darker image of the Ev. N. complement
is visible . . . eerily enough,
neither of the young faces show any sign of emotion whatsoever . .
. )
Rei: . . .
Tenkei: . . .
(Maya glances up at the glass partition that
separates the small control area from the
liquid filled chamber beyond, where the massive forms of the EVA simulation
hang by dozens of wires and tubes in stasis fluid . . . )
Maya: What is Rei�s synch-ratio?
Hyuga: Maintained above 60.
Maya: can we raise it?
Hyuga: the computer anticipates a sizable increase in plug depth would be necessary . . .
Maya: Can the supplementary casing handle it?
Hyuga: . . . I�m not sure . . .
(Hyuga looks to his console, drumming his fingers lightly
as he concentrates on a possible
solution. At last, Maya shakes her head, looking to the glass
barrier once more--)
Maya: Increase it 10%. I suppose we should keep an eye on
the Supplementary
casing�s structural integrity . . .
Hyuga: Understood . . .
(With this, the young technician types in the
commands�sending the plug
depth into a slight decline . . )
Rei: . . . nn . . .nnnhh . . .
Tenkei: . . .
(At last, there is a response�
It comes first not from Ev.N, however . . .
but from Rei . . .)
Hyuga: I�m at 68%---But I�m reading slight fluctuations in the synapses . . .
Maya: (biting her lip) take it a little deeper . . .
(Hyuga complies and, with the push of a button, sends the depth on a continued drop . . .)
Rei: . . nn . . .nnnngghhh . . .
Tenkei: . . .nn . . .nnnn . . .
(simultaneously, both children shiver
with an inner cold as their neural patterns are
forced into one: intertwined in an unnatural, metaphysical joining
that seems to bring about
terrible waves of fear and pain crashing together from within them
both . . . )
Rei: . . .nnng----
Tenkei: . . .uuhh . . .nnn . .
(As the synchronization indicator at last reaches
the 70% mark, however,
something startling occurs . . . )
Tenkei: nnn!!! uuuh!! Aa�aaaaaaggghh!!
(The still, quiet anticipation of the Pribnow
box control room is suddenly broken by the sound
of a child�s scream. Surprise races through the startled personnel
like a wildfire, sending nearly a
dozen technicians jumping to their feet . . .)
Tenkei: uuunnh!! Nn�aaaaaagghh!!!
(As the operators begin working furiously at locating the cause,
Maya begins to
shout frantically over the boy�s terrified wails�)
Maya: (shouting) Prepare to cut the nerve links! Lower sych-ratio below 30!
Tenkei: (crying) Aaah�hhunh, hunh--aaaaaaaaaghh!! NN--- . . .
(Without warning, the grotesque form of the
simulation body begins to shudder�its colossal arms
heaving in unseen torment as the beast begins to claw blindly into
the air--)
Rei: What�s . . .happ�ening . . .!!?!?
(Inside the modified entry plug, Rei Ayanami
grasps her temples as the boy�s distressed
screams echo off the tube walls�
Then, suddenly, in the furor of the fluid filled capsule�
Rei Ayanami is given a vision . .
The face . . .
of a young boy . . .
With knowing eyes . . .
and a smile like the sun . . . .
then, another �
A young man . . . .
with the same eyes . . . .
and the same smile . . .
It is a face she has seen . . .
a man she knows,
Yet, she has never seen
and she also does not know . . .
and then,
the vision is lost--
in a curtain of blackness . . . .)
Rei: Uuugh!!!
(With a final groan, Rei doubles over, covering
her face with her hands as a new
agony grips her brain. The girl whimpers loudly as the visions
appear once more, sending
sharp daggers of pain shooting into her eyes and forehead . .
Tenkei: (Crying) Nnnnnhh---M�Maaaammaaa! Pleees---maik--- it--- stop! !
(At once, Maya recoils from the monitor and
turns to Hyuga, a new sense
of desperation evident on her face--)
Maya: (frantic) Cut all the nerve links!
Hyuga: Affirmative�
(as the synch-meter drops, however, the simulatory
body�s struggles only increase . . .
Almost as if the beast is desperate to break free of the �box walls--)
Technician B: Simulatory VI is out of control!
Technician A: Something inside the system�s activated the back ups! I can�t cut power!
Maya: Eject the entry plug!
(At once, the techs comply, the entry casing
shooting free from its place inside
the headless creature�s neck . . .As it speeds up the fluid-filled
chamber, the bright
blue flames of the small maneuvering jets in its bow light up the liquid,
slowing the canister�s sudden assent . . .)
Technician A: ejection confirmed�
Maya: (desperate) Okay, Expel the supplementary casing . .
Hyuga: understood�
(immediately, a large portion of the cylinder,
nearly one fourth its length and half its
width, detaches from the rest of the modified entry plug.
As the two systems are disconnected,
the casing loses power, becoming deathly silent as the complement�s
screams are cut off by
a loss of comm. Connection. . .)
Hyuga: Retrieval�s at port 12. They�re waiting for the word�
Maya: Tell them to hold--Arm the polysomes . . .
Technician A: Affirmative . . .
(inside the chamber, a large metal panel slides
back to reveal nearly half a dozen small,
compact submersibles, each armed with a deadly, pinpoint laser.
As they approach, the s
imulatory body suddenly falls silent�ceasing its struggles .
. . )
Hyuga: The �body�s gone silent�
(May looks to the now quiet beast as a cloud
of the small sentinels surrounds it, ready to fire�slowly,
the girl�s eyes fall to the darkened monitor where the image of the
Ev. N compliment had been . . .
Then, at once, her choice becomes mercilessly clear . . .)
Maya: I don�t care. Tell them to Destroy it.
Hyuga: Uh. . . understood. Setting lasers to maximum power . . .
Technician A: Purge underway�
(With a blinding flash of red light, a scarlet
barrage is unleashed from the floating sentries.
The instant the lasers strike the target, the water around the
form begins to boil as the tissue
is fused, then obliterated. In seconds, flesh is stripped away,
leaving charred muscle and bone to
disintegrate beneath the continued onslaught of the fiery lances .
. .)
(As the remains of the simulatory body at last
discorporate, Maya looks to her
companion�a much colder expression gracing her young visage . . .)
Maya: How are they?
Hyuga: Alive . . .
Technician A: Purge complete . . .
Hyuga: . . .what the hell was that?
(Ibuki falls into her chair, shaking her head
as a murky red hue begins to
diffuse into the water of the chamber. . .)
Maya: . . .I don�t know . . .
Hyuga: . . .
(Makoto says nothing, however, for his eyes
are locked on the dispersing
cloud of blood that was once simulatory body VI. . . )
(meanwhile, far, far above . . .
The lance of Longinous draws ever closer to the blue sphere of earth . . .
Its point of origin now only hours away, the divine
spear is at last caught up in
the celestial body�s outermost gravitational fields�which pull it ever
faster toward
the looming planet . . .
And yet, the object still goes on, undetected . . .
. . . almost as if intended to be so . . .)
Tenkei: (crying) . . . .
Rei: . . .
(Several moments later, in the waiting room
outside the Women�s locker, Tenkei sits
curled on a small chair, crying quietly to itself. Leaning against
the wall, still dressed in her own
plug suit, Rei Ayanami looks on, puzzled. . .)
(The girl seems a bit perplexed at the sight, as
the child before her rubs his eyes,
glancing at her several times with what appears to be a combined sense
of fear . . .
. . . and shame . . .)
Tenkei: (crying) . . .
Rei: . . .
Tenkei: . . .
Rei: . . .
Tenkei: . . .
Rei: . . .why are you crying?
Tenkei: . . .
(At the sound of her voice, The child stops-- looking at her once more . . .)
Rei: . . .?
Tenkei: . . .
(Rather than respond, however, the boy then
turns away. Without a word,
He pulls his knees up to his chest, burying his face between them .
. .)
Rei: . . .
(No more is said, and the room falls silent
yet again�it is a calm broken
only occasionally by a soft gasp from the frightened complement . .
. and the girl�s own breathing . . .)
Seyoko: What do you mean? Now I can�t go in there?!
Misato: You heard me.
Seyoko: Come Now, Major! rules are rules, but �
(Meanwhile, above decks, in the hallway connecting central Dogma to the main access shaft . . .)
Misato: But what, Lieutenant?
Seyoko: (irked) . . . Nothing, Sir. . .
(With this, Seyoko brushes past Katsuragi,
heading toward the elevator behind. . . .
Misato peers at the girl over her shoulder, shaking her head . . )
Misato: If you�re going to say it, then say it. I don�t like pulling rank on kids . . .
(At the word "kids," Okazaki stops in her tracks�spinning
on her heel, she
faces Katsuragi furiously--)
Seyoko: (surprised) What!!? Who in the hell are you calling a k-
Misato: . . ?
Seyoko: . . . er . . .I�m . . .
(The young woman bites her tongue, turning away . . .)
Misato: . . well?
(Okazaki finally glares at the woman, answering curtly . . .)
Seyoko: Look--This . . . is getting annoying.
Misato: Oh, and you just figured that out?
Seyoko: (irked) How am I supposed to get anything done with you
stopping me at every turn?!
Misato: Complaining already, Okazaki?
Seyoko: why not? I certainly have a right to.
Misato: I�m here to remind you that you do not have free reign of this complex . .
Seyoko: I don�t deserve this. I�m just trying to do my job�
Misato: (interrupting) and I�m doing mine.
Seyoko: (to herself) I�m sorry but I don�t think being a
mother goose was
outlined in the job description . . .
(Misato either ignores the comment, or does not hear it, as she continues . . .)
Misato: You�ve been here all day. Can�t you give it a rest, for a while?
Seyoko: (in disbelief) "give it a rest?" What, Is that an order, or just a suggestion?!
Misato: If you agree with me it�s a suggestion. If not,
then it is an order. In any case, While you�re here,
you�re under my initiative. Remember?
Seyoko: Limited initiative, yes . .. but--
Misato: Then I think you�d better leave for the day.
Seyoko: . . . I don�t believe this!
(The younger woman grits her teeth, attempting to contain her anger . . .)
Misato: . . .well?
(Reluctantly, Okazaki shuts her eyes, nodding . . .)
Seyoko: . .Y--yes .�am . . .
Misato: Good.
(Furious, Seyoko turns�punching the elevator button in a bound rage . . .)
Aoi: I know . .That was . . . nice.
Lyn: . . . Yeah . . .
Aoi: But you still haven�t answered my question, you know . . .
Lyn: . . . you really want me to say it?
Aoi: (laughing quietly) Well, actions certainly speak louder than words, but . . .
(elsewhere, at the Door of Anouilh�s apartment�Aoi
Tamashii stands,
her hands clasped behind her back, at the threshold of the entryway.
Lyn leans
against the now open door-frame, looking the girl over serenely.)
Lyn: . . .
Aoi: But, I guess you�ve said as much as you can, eh, 6?
Lyn: . . .
(When the child does not answer, Tamashii smiles.
Patting his cheek, she turns,
beginning a slow walk to the elevator . . .
. . . she stops in her tracks, however, at the sound of Anouilh calling after her . . .)
Lyn: Aoi . .Um . . .wait . .!
(The girl pauses, gazing at the child over her shoulder . . .)
Aoi: What? What is it?
(The boy glances at his feet, shyly, before continuing--)
Lyn: . . . why do you call me that?
Aoi: . . .Call you what?
Lyn: Oh . . .You know.
Aoi: no, I don�t. Call you what?
Lyn: You know . . "6."
Aoi: (laughing) Oh, I already told you, silly . . .
(To her dismay, the boy slowly shakes his head . . .)
Lyn: (quietly) No, No�I want to know the real reason.
Aoi: . . .
Lyn: Tell me Why.
Aoi: It�s a long story, 6th child.
Lyn: Please?
(Suddenly, the girl grins mischievously, turning away once more--)
Aoi: . .Call it . . "denial."
Lyn: . . ?
(But Tamashii reveals no more hints as she turns the corner, quickly disappearing from site.)
Lyn: . . .
( After a few moments, Anouilh steps back inside
the apartment, closing the
door. Thoughtfully, he goes to the window, opening the pale blue
curtain that shields
the room from the bright sunlight. Almost 9 stories below, Aoi�s
figure is visible
walking up the street, at an almost lazy pace, in the afternoon glow
. . .)
Lyn: . . .denial?
Shinji: I thought I�d find you here . .
Asuka: . . .
(Elsewhere, on the bluff that overlooks the
man-made majesty of the third new
Tokyo city, Shinji Ikari and Asuka Soryu confront a quandary of a different
sort . . .)
Shinji: How are you feeling?
(Soryu, however, seems to ignore his question altogether . . .)
Asuka: And just Why were you looking for me?
Shinji: . . .
Asuka: . . .What told you I�d be here?
Shinji: After . .what happened to Ritsuko . . . well . . . I didn�t think we�d have any tests any time soon . .
Asuka: . . .
Shinji: And . . . you weren�t at Hikari�s . . so . . .
Asuka: Well, you�ve found me. Now what do you want?
Shinji: . . .
(The boy falls silent as, abruptly, he realizes he really doesn�t know the answer . . .
. . .or, at least, he cannot bring himself to even consider it . . .)
(Finally, Asuka takes a deep breath�feeling her heartbeat through the fabric of her shirt . .. )
Asuka: What�s going to happen now that Dr. Akagi�s gone?
(relieved at the change of subject, Ikari answers quietly . . .)
Shinji: I don�t know . . . Misato didn�t really talk too much about it.
Asuka: . . . and . . . what about first child?
Shinji: . . .
(at the mention of Rei, however, Shinji falls
silent again . . .)
Shinji: I don�t know about her, either. . .
Asuka: . . . oh?
Shinji: I haven�t talked with her in a while.
Asuka: (quietly) Something�s up with her.
Shinji: . . .
Asuka: She�s acting thicker than usual . . . and she�s been absent more . . .
Shinji: (mumbling) I didn�t really notice. . .
Asuka: I didn�t expect you to.
Shinji: . . .
Asuka: (sighing) Why�d I even come here?
Shinji: . . .
Asuka: (flatly) Ikari, I�m not going to yell at you this time.
Shinji: Huh?
Asuka: I�m going to walk away, and I want you to leave me alone.
Shinji: (surprised) A--Alone?
Asuka: Do you understand?
Shinji: Well, I guess . . .
Asuka: It is a "yes" or "no" question, Shinji!
Shinji: . . .then . .. yes. . .
(Without another word, Asuka stands�turning
away from the third child
with little more than a "Hmmph," before walking up the mountain
road, in the
direction opposite that of the city . . .)
Shinji: (to himself) But . . . But you already are alone . . .
(The boy does not look on as his final attempt
at being open with the girl is finally
and inexorably crushed . . . Nor does he speak as, a moment later,
he finds a warm,
stinging pain slowly forming under his eyes . . .)
Shinji: (thinking) What the hell am I doing? . . . I can�t even look at her .. .
(Ikari wipes the tear away roughly, letting
not a sound escape his lips. Taking a
shallow breath, he turns his gaze to the farthest visible point in
the sunset -- where a
cascade of oranges, reds, and purples washes across the afternoon sky
in a blaze of nature�s glory.
Indeed, it seems that the blanket of color comes from the very gates
of heaven itself . . . )
Shinji: . . .
(The beautiful scenery is lost to him, however�
For he soon finds the tears obscuring his vision completely . . .
And, after a while, he simply gives up trying to wipe them away . . .)
As the day continues on its course into night . . .)
To Be Continued . . .