Evangelion and Eva concepts are copyright © 1995-1999 GAINAX and Project Eva. EVA:R
original fanfiction and all artwork here (unless otherwise indicated) are copyright © 1999 Maher Al-Samkari


(  or The End of the Beginning . . . )




"Earthfall/ Please Hold My Hand, while we watch the world die . . ."


Sura LXXII, (Infitar)  or The Cleaving Asunder

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

When the Sky is cleft asunder;

When the Stars are scattered;

When the Oceans are suffered to burst forth;

And when the Graves are turned upside down;

(Then) shall each soul know what it hath sent forward and (what it hath) kept back.

O man!  What has Seduced thee from Thy Lord Most Beneficent?--

Him Who created thee, fashioned thee in due proportion, And gave thee a just bias;

In whatever Form He wills, Does he put thee together.

Nay!  But ye do Reject Right and Judgment!

But verily over you (are appointed angels) to protect you,--

Kind and honourable,--Writing down (your deeds):

They know (and understand) all that ye do.

As for the Righteous, they will be in Bliss;

And the Wicked—They will be in the Fire,

Which they will enter On the Day of Judgment,

And they will not be able to keep away therefrom.

And what will explain to thee what the Day of Judgment is?

Again, what will explain to thee what the Day of Judgment is?

(It will be) the Day
When no soul shall have
Power (to do) aught
for another:
For the Command, that Day,
Will be (Wholly) with God.

    --the word of God,
     from the Holy Qu’ran


Voice:  It's far too cruel.   For her to commit suicide, leaving behind such a young girl.

Voice : Hmm, perhaps.

Voice:  "Perhaps?"

Voice:  I don't think that it was the only cause.

Voice : My darling Asuka, Mama cooked your favorite food for you. . .

Voice:  What?  You don’t mean—

Voice: . . .  If you complain about what you like and dislike, that girl will laugh you!

Voice:  Yes, I do . . .

Voice:  Now, be a good little girl . . .

Voice:  What is the matter, Kyoko?

Voice:  It is unspeakable . . .

Voice:  Be a good little girl . . .

Voice: Everyday, she's like that.  She talks to that doll, thinking that it is her beloved Asuka. . .

Voice:  A good little girl . . .

Voice : She might feel responsible, in her own way. Devoting her whole life to her research . . .

Voice:  Could the girl blame herself!?

Voice: . . . not spending the time to take care of her own daughter.

Voice : But they are like a doll-mother and a doll-daughter.  Both of them, puppets.

Voice:  And, in effect, the girl must also blame herself.
Voice:  Papa?

Voice:  I suppose there is very little difference between humans and dolls.

Voice:  Papa?

Voice:  This woman, this mad woman, is living proof. . .

Voice:  Proof of what?

Voice:  Proof that, in the end, if we suppress our innermost demons—they will consume us from within.

Voice:  Will you be strong, my Asuka?

Asuka:  I will be . . .

Voice:  That’s a good girl!

Asuka:  But . . . I don’t want to . . .

Asuka:  I don’t want to be strong . . .


 (In the lower southern section of Tokyo 3—far away from the bustling city streets of the inner citadel . . .)

Asuka: . . .

 (In Kyoto memorial park--a lush, green playground and shrine that is a stark contrast to the towers of steel and glass
that dot the landscape-- Asuka Soryu, the second child and designated pilot of Evangelion unit 02, is taking a stroll . . .)

Asuka: . . .

 (It is not in an easy frame of mind that she walks, however.  Beneath her naturally pleasant features, a worried, troubled
soul resides—her life further complicated by recent events, the girl has become solitary and alone . . .)

Asuka: . . .

 (Indeed, it seems, as she makes her way through the quiet serenity of the morning bloom, that she seeks refuge not only
from her enemies, not only from her friends, but also, from herself . . .)

Asuka: . . .

 (And , although her blank expression yields no hint to the wretchedness welling up within her, the girl’s behavior
unequivocally reflects the pain on which she is dwelling:

her shuffling gait,

her shallow breathing,

 . . .her clenched fists. . .)

Asuka: . . .

 (All seem to indicate a terrible burden—a yolk of pain and guilt that has been locked about her throat for
many years . . . one that, with age, has slowly begun to tighten . . .)

Asuka: . . .

 (At last, the girl comes to a stop at a park bench—her shoes damp from morning dew that seems to hang on
the grass like fresh tears.   She slumps, closing her eyes as the songs of morning birds begin to pierce the air . . .)

Asuka: . . .

 (And it is here, in the bountiful cradle of nature’s womb, Asuka Soryu looks for an answer . . .  )

Asuka: . . .

 (unfortunately, one is not forthcoming . . . )


Seele:  It is upon us.

Seele:  The hour is come.

Seele:  Have the final preparations been made?

Seele:  Yes-

UNSynaps:  It is estimated that contact will occur in the next 1 to 2 days.

Kihl:  You have taken all possible steps to assure our success?

Seele:  If you haven’t

Seele:  Yes . . If we fail—

Seele:  Then Death will be the only relief from the torment that you will suffer!

UNSynaps:  Your threats are unnecessary.  We are prepared.

Seele:  As are we

Kihl:  Our fate lies with you—and yours with us.

Seele:  Do not fail.

UNSynaps:  . . . Of course.

Seele:  What of our soldiers?

Seele:  Yes—and the 13 avatari?

Seele:  You assured us they would be ready . . .

UNSynaps:  Units 05 through 17 have been completed, as promised.

Kihl:  you still have not explained the delay!

Seele:  3 months and not a word . . .

Seele:  It seems you enjoy tempting the fates . .

UNSynaps:  The United States and its allies became a problem. . . A distraction among their number gave
      them confidence . . .

Seele:  Nerv 2 . . .

Seele:  And Unit 04 . . .

Seele:  do tell us . ..

Kihl:  Yes, tell us what measures have you taken to eliminate these possible sources of . . . interference.

UNSynaps:  If all goes as planned . . . they will not be a problem.

Seele:  "If all goes as planned."

Kihl:  Hmmph . . .

Seele:  It would be easy to misread your own confidence as arrogance.

UNSynaps:  . . . After verification, the necessary forces will be sought out . . .

Seele:  See that they are.

Seele:  That is your duty.

Seele: Yes.

UNSynaps:   . . . It is my will.

 (With a faint rush of Air, the monolithic representation of UNSynaps vanishes . .  .)

Seele: . . .

Seele: . . .

Seele:  Hmmph.

Seele:  A pity that the last must be from outside the circle.

Seele: Indeed.

Kihl:  but at least it is now, as it should forever be.

Seele: . . .

Seele: . . .

Seele: . . .

Seele: . . . trying to move the clock forward

Seele:  by his own hand. . . .

Seele:  And, in doing so, forces us to move ours backwards.

Seele:  But now  . . .

Seele:  Indeed, now . . .

Kihl:  Now, Ikari, your time is upon us.


(Sound of door opening)

Seyoko:  (muffled) Ahh, crud . . .

Lyn: . . . ?

Seyoko:  Anouilh?  Are you home, kid?

 (In the apartment of Lyn Anouilh, nearly 20 blocks away . . .)

 (Seyoko Okazaki, former liaison of the 7th child Lyn Anouilh, enters—in her arms, she carries a large grocery
bag that obscures her view as she staggers in the door, mumbling curses as items slip from the edge of the paper
satchel and fall to the floor . .)

Lyn:  Yeah, I’m—

(As the boy enters the living room, he pauses, startled by the sight of Okazaki burdened down with goods . . .)

Lyn: what the—?

Seyoko:  (hefting)  I went---Rrgh---shopping---Aah!


 (With a small grunt, she drops the bag down heavily on the nearest table . . . brushing herself off, she turns as Lyn gathers the fallen cans from the floor . . .)

Seyoko:  Oh, thanks . . .

Lyn:  You know--You didn’t have to do that . . .

Seyoko:  Yes, I did.

Lyn:  huh?

 (To his further surprise, the woman smiles . . .)

Seyoko:  Your father’s orders.

Lyn:  . . .

 (The boy only answers her with a glare, however . . . to which, she quickly responds--)

Seyoko:  Hey—how am I supposed to know if you’ve been eating right these past few months?  I promised
              your dad. . .

Lyn:  Whatever . . .

Seyoko:  Oh, come now!  You never complained before . . .

Lyn:  What do you mean "before"

Seyoko:  You mean you don’t remember?

 (Seyoko eyes him thoughtfully as the child considers the significance of her words . . . then,
as he realizes their meaning, he coughs, stammering--)

Lyn:  I--I was only 3 years old "before".

 (The woman begins to giggle, removing items of food from the bags . . .)

Seyoko:  (chuckling) Hey, now—I was good at my job.

Lyn:  (mumbling) So YOU thought.

Seyoko:  Besides, you were a very quiet child.  Far too easy for someone of my skills, really. . .

Lyn:  (mumbling) Whatever gave you that impression .  . .

 (suddenly, Okazaki bursts out laughing)

Seyoko:  Who would’ve thought I’d be baby-sitting you again when I went to work for UNS, huh?

Lyn:  Seyoko!

Seyoko:  Just kidding, sorry, sorry . . .

Lyn:  I’ve got to finish my homework before I go to class  . . .

Seyoko:  (turning to the groceries) Go on, I’ll put these away.

 (As the boy turns to leave, Seyoko eyes him once more as she takes the cans of food in hand . . . then, she pauses—approaching Anouilh . . .)

Seyoko:  Hey . . . wait a second.

Lyn:  What?

Seyoko:  turn around . . .

Lay:  Why?

Seyoko:  Just—turn around.

 (Reluctantly, the boy complies-- and is greeted by a curious stare as the woman comes within only inches
of his face. . .)

 (For several seconds, she looks at him—seemingly, scrutinizing every hint in his expression.  Soon, the boy
cracks underneath her gaze--)

Lyn:  What—what is it?

Seyoko: . . . are—

Lyn: . . . ?

 (The woman steps back, resting her hand on her chin as she looks at him from afar . . .)

Seyoko: Are—are you glowing?

Lyn: . .!!!

Fuyutsuki:  How are we on Com. 10, then?

Hyuga:  No problems.

Fuyutsuki:  Monitor all fourteen until further notice.

 (Meanwhile—in the Nerv Command center far below ground . . .)

Shigeru:  Understood.

Hyuga:  Should we be looking for anything in particular?

Fuyutsuki:  Just anything out of the ordinary.

Shigeru:  Begging the commander’s pardon, sir—but how far out of the ordinary?

Fuyutsuki:  If I knew that, we wouldn’t be using all 13 satellites.   If you still have any questions, feel free
                 to take it up with commander Ikari.

Hyuga: . . .

Shigeru: . . .

Fuyutsuki:  (sighing)  Very good.  Keep me notified.

 (As the man turns, walking toward the command platform, both techs nod--)

Hyuga:  Yes, sir.

Shigeru:  yes, sir.

 (As he slowly climbs the stairs to the place which overlooks the entire command center, however, Kouzou
Fuyutsuki’s mind dwells on questions of its own . . .)

Fuyutsuki:  (thinking)  "anything out of the ordinary."  . . . Yes Ikari.  Are we so afraid of Seele that we would be willing to
                                  follow you into purgatory?

             (The man pauses, glancing back at the busy control operators far below . . .)

Fuyutsuki: (thinking)  Or are we already in hell?

 (with a grunt, the man continues—finally reaching his place above the rest of the command center  . . .)


 (Elsewhere . . . )

Gendo:  Very well.  Have you procured the necessary accouterments?

 (In the Office of Nerv’s supreme commander . . .)

Gendo:  Of course.  Your people have nothing to fear.

 (The Man is seated at his desk, his ear pressed to the phone . . .)

Gendo:  If you have followed the creator’s guidelines sufficiently, then there will be no need for such
            drastic measures . . .

 (Ikari pauses as the person on the opposite end of the line goes on.  Eerily, he smiles . .. )

Gendo:   Is that so?  Then tell me. . . what of your commanders?  How far does the sedition spread?

 (The voice at the other end, it seems, has become abruptly silent.)

Gendo:  It is of no consequence, either way.  Do as you will.  We have no more need of such . . .
            personnel. . . any longer.

     (The man sits back in his chair, shifting in his seat as the voice drones on once more . . .)

Gendo:  Just go on as we discussed.  If you are found out, then it will be your own fault.

     (Seconds later, there is a final ‘click’ as the line is at last disconnected . . .)

Gendo: . . .

     (slowly, the man returns the receiver to the desk.  Standing from behind it, he walks to the very center of the room, where a     myriad of inscriptions is visible on both the floor and ceiling. . .)

Gendo:  So we create . . .

     (Absently, he encircles the symbols, eyeing the diagram above his head as his footsteps echo in the vacant room around him . . .)

Gendo: . . . as we are created.

     (Almost idly, he drops his gaze to the multiplicity of circles, letters, and inverted triangles that seem to wind
and twist about his feet. . . then, as he takes in the entire image, a smile begins to play about the corners of his
mouth . . .)

Gendo:  so we destroy. . .

     (At last, he comes to the last inscription—a circle atop many circles.   In the highly polished marble beneath his shoe, Gendo Ikari spies his reflection looking back at him with a cold, angry stare.)

Gendo:  . . . and so, we are destroyed.


Teacher:  Aida?
              Kensuke Aida?

Kensuke:  Here.

 (Meanwhile . . . in the IIA class of Shinji Ikari’s school . . .)

Teacher:  Anouilh?
             Lyn Anouilh?

Lyn:  Here.

 (a tired calm has descended upon the schoolchildren as the aged, and ever-aging, instructor reads
off the morning role-call . . .)

Teacher:  Ayanami?
              Rei Ayanami?

Lyn: . . .?

Hikari: . . .

Teacher:  Rei Ayanami?

     (Several seconds pass.  There is, however, no response . . . indeed, the girl’s chair sits vacant as the
teacher waits for a reply. . .)

Teacher:  (sighing)  Rei Ayanami, Absent again. . .


Rei: . . .

Tenkei:  Why. . . ?

Rei: . . .

Tenkei: . . .

Rei:   . . .I do not know.

     (Meanwhile . . . several thousand feet below . . .)

Tenkei:  (shaking his head) Ma’ fe . . .mmnnh . . . It  is . . . hard . .. to talk --you.

Rei:  . . .

Tenkei: . . .

Rei: . . ?

Tenkei:  . . .you do know . .  wh-at I . .am . .seeing?

 Rei: . . . saying?

Tenkei:  (nodding) . . .

     ( In the test center far below Tokyo 3, within the very depths of central dogma, Rei Ayanami stands,
in the woman’s locker, with the EV. N A-114 complement known simply as  "Tenkei."

      As the girl helps the smaller boy into his plug suit, The child is scratches his head, lightly, as if trying to
remember the words with which he can best express himself . ..

    As the boy’s quiet, young voice struggles with broken phrases and fragmented words, however, it
becomes clear that he is not having much luck . . .)

Tenkei:  N-now--must we . .  to go back . . . into the place?

Rei: . . . ?

Tenkei:  The . . warm place?

Rei:  The entry plug?

     (with these words, there is a slight "hiss,’ as the plug suit’s sealing mechanism is activated, causing
the garment to shrink—adhering to tightly to the contours of the child’s frame . . . .)

Tenkei: . . ..?

 Rei: . . . yes.

     (Suddenly, the boy shudders, shaking his head quickly . . .)

Tenkei: I . . Anna ma’bide ruh’i a-al . . .

Rei: . . ?

Tenkei: (struggling) . .I do—not

Rei: . . .

Tenkei:  I  . . do not wish . . to go . . .

Rei: . . .

Tenkei: . . .

Rei:  We must.

Tenkei:  But . . .

     (slowly, The child’s gaze falls to his feet—as his hands clench into small fists. . .)

Tenkei:  NO. . . I do . .  not . .  wish to.

Rei: . . .

Tenkei: Plees . . .

     (As she looks down at the face of the child, Rei comes upon a feeling . . . an odd sense of . . . kinship . . .
that causes her to drop to one knee –

 and face him . . .)

Rei: . . . Don’t worry.

Tenkei: . . .?

Rei: (Quietly) . . . I will be there with you.

     (questioningly, the child looks at her--)

Tenkei: . . . Rei will not leave me?

Rei: . . no.

Tenkei: . . make Rei . .  a --P-pomise?

Rei: . . . I will be there.

     (With this, the child turns away— evidently, in resignation—)

Rei: . . .

     (Ayanami  looks on curiously, at first, as the little boy’s gaze falls.  . .

 then, however, she finds something striking about it . . .

 something odd . . .

 and it is then, that she realizes--)

Rei: (thinking) . . what does this boy know of me . . .?


 (Elsewhere . . .)

Teacher:  Izumi?
              Achika Izumi?

Achika:  Here.

Teacher:  Ikari?
              Shinji Ikari?

Class: . ..

Teacher:  Shinji Ikari?

     (after a moment’s wait, there is still no response.

    It would seem that Shinji Ikari’s desk, too, sits unoccupied . . .)

Teacher:  Shinji Ikari, absent . . .


    (Meanwhile, on the Tokyo loop rail far outside the southern district . . .)

Shinji: . . .

    (Shinji Ikari sits, alone, in the number 06 car of the express transit line . . .)

Shinji: . . .

    (The train is almost entirely vacant, save for an old woman at the other end who has fallen asleep
against the quiet backdrop provided by the scenery as it rushes by the window . . .)

Shinji: . . .

    (The 3rd child is oblivious to the pleasant surroundings, however, as his head is lowered . . .

. . . and his ears covered by his headphones . . .)

Shinji: . . .

    (Hollow, haggard, and  empty, the child is silent—seemingly, aware only of the tinny music
that drones loudly in his ears . . .)

Shinji: . . .

    (As the tape ends and begins the automatic rewind, though, it becomes obvious that Shinji Ikari is
heedless even of that . . .)

Shinji: . . .

    (It seems the only thing he can hear or see, in his far away world . . . is his own pain . . .)

Shinji: . . .


Teacher:  Tezuka?
              Goro Tezuka?

Goro:  Here.

Teacher:  Tamashii?
              Aoi Tamashii?

     (Oddly enough, there is, yet again, no response.)

Teacher:  Aoi Tamashii?

     (Once more, the class remains silent . . .and the instructor takes down yet another name . . .)

Teacher:  Aoi Tamashii, Absent . . .


     (Elsewhere . . . in a small house located in the lower east suburbs of Tokyo 3 . . .)

Aoi:  . . . .

     (Aoi Tamashii lies on a simple, thin white sheet in the middle of a bare, hardwood floor.
Her face tired and sleepy, the girl is curled up, watching a small black and white television that sits not 5 feet from
her ‘bed’. . . .)

Aoi: . . .

Television:   . . . used to comment.  In response to the heightened turmoil in Northern Ireland, the United
                 Nations has agreed to increase the budget for special aid, Medical care, and famine relief for
                 the troubled region.  UN spokesperson Tom Becket, at today’s press conference, outlined
                 several possible solutions for the crisis gripping the religious division . . .

Aoi: . .Religious . . . division . . .

     (Around the girl, the room is vacant, bare and unfurnished.  Eerily, it seems this is so for the entire house,
save for a small freezer far in the corner, a sheet, and her small TV set  . . . )

Television:   . . . the opposing leaders, however, were not willing to accept any of the 13 proposed
                  settlements to the resources dispute, nor those intended to solve territorial difficulties  . . .

 (Yawning, the girl turns over—facing the blank wall as her eyelids become heavy with her weariness  . . .)

Aoi: (yawning) Killing your own people in the name of God . . .  Stupid creatures . . .
     (Reaching over with fumbling fingers, she manages to turn the volume down—cutting off the TV announcer,
and allowing a comfortable curtain of silence to surround her . . .

    Sighing, she shuts her eyes, pulling up the edges of the sheet around her . . .)

Aoi:  (softly)   . . . sometimes you make me wonder why I’m even here . . . .


 (Meanwhile . . .)

Teacher:  Suzihara?
              Touji Suzihara?

Touji:  Here.

Teacher:  Soryu?
              Asuka Soryu?

Class: . . .

Teacher:  Asuka Langley Soryu?

     (Once Again, there is no answer from the rows of tired children . . .)

Teacher:  She’s absent as well?


Asuka:  . . .

     (Elsewhere . . . on a balcony nearly 4 miles away . . . )

Asuka: . . .

     (The girl in question leans wearily on a cold steel railing; one which faces east from Misato Katsuragi’s
apartment.  Her eyes red and somewhat swollen, Asuka Soryu makes no sound at all as she stares at the
unusually peaceful city streets beyond . . .)

Asuka: . . .

     (Stricken with a churning well of inner torment, the girl allows her gaze to rest upon rows of power lines
lined up the street far below . . .and, by chance, they come to focus on a small group of large
black birds -- A modest flock of Ravens-- that seem to have perched on the large, cylindrical transformers atop the
towering telephone poles  . . .)

Asuka: . . .

     (Strangely, the girl’s falling heart seems to slow for a moment, as a single, wretched thought etches
itself on the wall enclosing her soul . . .

.. . it is one that is illustrated by a chorus of inner demons . . .)

                         (flashback)- Kyoko:  Die, My Asuka, and be with me . . .

                         (flashback)- voice:  Die, my Asuka, and be alone . . .

                         (flashback)-Kyoko:  Come to heaven with me . . .

                         (flashback)-Voice:  you poor little girl . . .

                         (flashback)- Kyoko:  Die, Asuka.

                         (flashback)- voice:  Die . . .

                         (flashback)- voice:  Die . . .

                         (flashback)- voice:  Die . . .  )

Asuka: (softly) süßer. . . t--tod  . .

 (With this last, quiet utterance, the girl begins to move . . . obscured with tears, her eyes are like clouded
glass as Asuka Soryu begins to climb the balcony railing . . . bringing the street below fuller into view as she comes to
a perch atop the thin iron bars . . .)

Asuka: . . .

 (It is then . . . at the threshold of this anguished brink . . . that she hears another voice . . .)

Misato:  (calling) Asuka?  Are you still home?

Asuka: . . .

 (It comes from inside the apartment—a thoughtful calling, one that seems to tug at Soryu’s footheels as she
stands on a parapet separating life . .

 . . .from death . . .)

Misato:  (calling) Where are you?  Did you skip school?

Asuka: . . .

 (Still entranced, the girl looks once more to the street below . . . and sees, oddly enough, the
same flock of birds . . .

 . . .except now, they have taken off—soaring, panicked, through the air with piercing, screeching caws  . . .)

Asuka: . . I . . .

 (Without taking her eyes from  the sky, the girl slowly leans back—at last, bringing her foot to rest on the
concrete firmness of the balcony floor . . .)

Asuka:  (calling) I--I’m still here.

 (with a final shudder, the girl climbs down—turning to face her guardian as the balcony door slides
open from inside. . .)

Misato:  Why did you skip class?  Are you feeling okay?

Asuka: . . .

 (Misato looks around for a moment, perplexed)

Misato:  What are you doing out here?

 (Asuka looks at her for a moment—her eyes on the verge of some important truth . . .

. . but then--)

Asuka:  (spitefully)  None. . . none of your business . . .

 (With this final venomous slip of the tongue, the girl pushes past Misato—making her way to her room without a hint of hesitation in her gait . . .)

Misato: . . ?

 (Katsuragi looks, confused, down the hallway as Soryu slams her door behind her—causing the sign
on its front to clatter noisily to the ground.  As the scene plays out right before her eyes, the Major is
speechless, at first . . .)

Misato: . . .

 (Then, however, she turns her eyes to the place where Asuka had stood . . .

 . . . and with this, she begins to wonder . . .)

 (Elsewhere . . . in the lounge located outside section  A6 . . .)

Maya:  I . . . still don’t know what I’m going to do . . .

Yuri:   I. . . I don’t know what to say . . .

Maya: . . . She’s trusted me with everything, Yuri . . .

Yuri: . . .

Maya:  Everything we’ve worked on . . .

Yuri: You know what’ll happen if command finds out . . .

Maya: . . . yes.

 (Maya Ibuki and Yuri Furikawa Sit at a table, as pleasant music wafts from speakers in the ceiling above.
The tone between the two friends is hardly congenial, however, as their conversation is no louder than a
hushed whisper . . .)

Yuri:  Is it really worth the risk?

Maya: . . . that’s just it.

Yuri: . . .?

Maya:  It’s not just for her.  It’s for him, too.

 (Maya pauses, taking a drink from the glass of water before her . . .)

Yuri: . . . the test subject?

Maya:  Yes.

Yuri: . . . I had no idea.

 (Ibuki shakes her head, rubbing her eyes roughly)

Yuri:  What’s the matter?

Maya:  . . .The first unison trial went all wrong . . .

Yuri: You mean-- what happened in The ‘box?

Maya: . . .

 (The girl nods, taking another drink . . .)

Maya:  The patterns refused to join . . .

Yuri:  refused . . .?

Maya: . . . like they didn’t want to . . .

Yuri:  . .  .

Maya:  And—when I looked at the AC records afterwards . . .

Yuri: . . what?

Maya:  (quietly) God, Yuri . . .

Yuri: . . what?

Maya:   there was evidence of . . .Mental contamination. . . in Rei . . .!

Yuri: . . from the Simulatory body?

 (dropping her eyes, the woman shakes her head . . .)

Maya: No . . .From the child . . .

Yuri: . . . from the Child?!

 (For a long time, Furikawa simply stares at her companion in shock--)

Yuri:  From . . .From the Ev. N?

Maya:  Yes.

Yuri:  But—the Ev.N’s supposed to prevent that sort of thing, right?

Maya:  Right. . .

 (astonished, Yuri leans back—looking at the former Control Operator as the music drones on . . .)

Yuri:  (quietly) Is this why you asking me to do this?

Maya: (nodding). . .

Yuri:  If we get caught . . .

Maya:  (interrupting) I know.  That’s why you don’t have to help me, if you don’t want to.

Yuri: . . .

Maya:  Now that Dr. Akagi’s been . . .

(The woman shakes her head . . .)

Maya:  .  . .the boy. . . he’s my responsibility now.  If I don’t protect him, She’d
never forgive me . . .

Yuri: . . .

Maya:  I’d never forgive myself . . .

Yuri: . . . Are you sure about this?

Maya: . . . I guess I am.

 (Ibuki stands, taking her glass in hand once more .  .  .)

Yuri:  Does that thing mean so much to you?

Maya:  Yes.

Yuri: . . .

 (Yuri sits, quiet, for a long time—contemplating her choice as Maya waits . . .)

Maya: . . .

 (Finally, the girl stands—facing her friend once more. . .)

Yuri:  Okay.  I’ll help you with the test records—but nothing more.

Maya:   (relieved) . . . Thank you. . .

Yuri:  And if command finds out, I had nothing to do with anything . ..

 (With this, Yuri turns, taking her leave . . .)

Yuri:  I’ve got shift in a couple of minutes . . . I’ll talk to you later.

Maya: . . . okay . . .

 (As Furikawa steps out, allowing the door to shut behind her with a gentle hiss, the music
playing above Maya Ibuki’s head suddenly stops—)

Announcer:  Attention all A.C.S. personnel, shift 12 will be ending in 5 minutes. . .

Maya: . . .

 (As the tinny voice drones down from above, Maya looks to the empty glass in her hands . . .)

Announcer:   . . . the junior heads of R-division, please report to the briefing center for new crew
                  assignments . . .

Maya: . . .

 (Shutting her eyes, Ibuki places the small cup on the edge of the table, quickly heading toward the door . ..)

Announcer:   . . .epeat, E-project chairperson, Maya Ibuki, you have a call on line 13 . . .)

 (As the door shuts swiftly behind her, however, the sudden vibration causes the glass to slip off the brink—tumbling through the air, it hits the hard floor below, bouncing once, then shattering upon its second impact . . .)

 (And, as the fragments finally come to rest, splayed out in a helter-skelter pattern around the table, the PA goes silent—allowing the pleasant music to begin once more . . .)

 (Unbeknownst to anyone at Nerv or Tokyo 3, however, the end of the world is at hand . . .)


At last,

high above . . .

The Lance of Longinous rips into the atmosphere of the tiny planet called earth . . .

As the spear tears through the stratosphere, the air circulating about its length begins to burn—the collective
molecules of carbon dioxide and Ozone becoming a blindingly hot plasma that surrounds the weapon, creating a
blazing, white glow that is accompanied by a  deafening chorus of continuous thunder . . . Indeed, in the milliseconds it
takes for the Lance to reach the planet’s surface, a fiery tail of light forms behind it—streaking across the purple sky
as the harbinger of death curves around the planet once, passing the daytime terminator into the western
hemisphere .  . .

and then, in a final, terrible upheaval,

above a city that has resigned itself to the night . . .

The lance hits --

 . . . with an impact that is felt around the world . . .


Aoi:  What—

 (With a surprised shout, Aoi Tamashii suddenly sits up from the floor—her eyes belying a terrible shock . . .)

 (Scurrying to her feet—the girl stands, clutching her forehead--)
Aoi: (shouting) WHAT THE HELL!!?


within seconds of the initial contact, thousands of people are instantaneously vaporized:  flesh, bone,
and blood torn into their component molecules as innumerable lives vanish in less than the wink of an eye.

In a single, horrid second, countless voices scream a combined, surprised wail, then are silenced in the ensuing
thunder as the trees,


and houses--

-- of the surrounding landscape are fused, then blown apart . . .

. . . in a wave of divine fire . . .




 (Without warning, a terrified, blood-curdling scream reverberates through the LCL of the fluid filled entry plug
inside unit 00, piercing the confines of the test cage as it is carried into the containment area from
the com. speakers. . .)

 (A visible shudder quakes through Rei Ayanami—the girl doubles over, grabbing her left shoulder ,
gasping desperately for air. . . )

Rei: UUUUghh---Uuh—uh—hh—

(With trembling, frenzied hands, she pulls at the collar of her plug suit, a horrible tightening quickly gathering
about her throat.

 As her lungs fill with LCL, however, it is evident that her body will not accept it . . .)

Rei: ..!..!..!..!..!

(It is then that, to her horror, she realizes –

--she cannot breath . . .)

Tenkei:  R—Rei!!!?

 From the epicenter, a shockwave nearly ten miles in diameter is released:  growing exponentially
as it radiates from the point of impact , obliterating everything in its path.

As bodies are incinerated, and innocent human souls violently consumed in the flames, a churning,
buckling wall of fire stretching thousands of feet into the air can be seen lifting into the sky.

With it, the ash and debris that remain of  what was once a living, thriving population center are carried to the heavens, as a horridly triumphant  announcement to the world—

--indeed, to all of mankind . . .

that the Lance of Longinous has  finally returned . . .


(Moments later—several thousand miles away . . . alarm klaxons ring loudly through Nerv Central . . .)

Hyuga:  (shouting)  I’m at station 3—what the hell’s happening!?

Shigeru:  Energy reading at –

Yuri:  What is it?

Fuyutsuki:  (shouting) Report! What is going on!!?

Hyuga:  A massive energy surge in North America—Com. Sat 1, 4, and 9 report gravitational field
            disturbances—EM signature is off the mark!

Shigeru:  Data indicates a detonation of  at least 30 megatons—

Yuri:  Object unidentified—SETI and the orbital defense network didn’t detect anything . . !!.

    (Far below Central Dogma—in the terminus that holds a titanic, white form suspended
on a gargantuan cross over a pool of orange fluid . . .

The being known simply as "Lilith" hangs, still, silent, and dead . . .

The seven eyes on its steely mask staring off into some unknown horizon, the creature is a
motionless juggernaut—an eminence of suffering in the shrine of pain . . .

and then . . .

in a mere instant . . .

a length of time shorter than a single breath  . ..

the beast moves . ..

it is a single movement—

the twitch of a finger,

the shudder of an arm,

the writhing of the body  . . .

and then,

it falls still once more . . .

with no one to bear witness to the event . . .)

 (Simultaneously, in the test center far above . . .)

Technician A:   . . . pilot’s life-signs have become extremely erratic—

Technician B:  I’m reading fluctuations in the entire 3rd level synapse net . . .

Maya:  What about the Complement?

Technician B:  Unknown—

Maya:  And Rei--!

Technician A:  Got it.  It’s----Oh, God . . .

Maya:  What  . !?

Technician A:  Computer reports a level III  cardiac arrest!

Maya:  Begin defibrillation immediately!  Eject the entry plug and have a medical crew standing by!

Technician B:  Roger--


Aoi: . . n . .no . . .

 (The girl begins to back away—clutching her hands to her chest as she begins to shake her head . . .)

Aoi: No . .NO!!!!
 (finally, she buries her face in her palms—attempting to shut out the sensations
pounding into the furthest depths of her mind . . .)

Aoi:  (shouting) No, No, NO!!!!!

 (A moment later, Aoi’s television set is hurled through the air—striking the wall, it explodes in a s
hower of sparks, smoldering plastic, and glass as Tamashii falls to her knees, sobbing .  .)

Aoi:  This was not supposed to happen . .. Oh, God . . .THIS WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!!!


(Meanwhile . . . In the supreme commander’s office far below . . .)

Gendo:  (into the phone) Where was the point of impact?

Fuyutsuki:  The Magi have pinpointed it within the center of the city of Chicago . . .

Gendo: . . .

Fuyutsuki:  What are your orders?

Gendo:  (shouting)  I’m coming down there—get the ministry at Tokyo 2 on the phone, and get in touch
                            with the head of the first branch and the UN coalition by the time I arrive.  We have to prevent
                            an incident before it starts—

Fuyutsuki:  Events would indicate that one has already occurred—

Gendo:  Predictions notwithstanding, what I speak of is far worse.  Do it!

Fuyutsuki:  Understood. . .


Fuyutsuki:  . . . Indeed.

 (As the man hangs up the phone, Makoto Hyuga turns to him—a desperate look on his face--)

Hyuga:  Sir!

Fuyutsuki:  what is it?

Hyuga:  The Magi confirm the American Tactical and Ballistic defense network has gone to Defcon 3—

Shigeru:  They’ve initiated the first stage of nuclear counterstrike protocols—They must think they were

Fuyutsuki:  (growling) Dammit, Get the heads of state on the phone immediately!  Initiate 2nd stage
                                 alert for all of Tokyo 3 . . .

Yuri:  (reaching for the phone) Yes sir--

Fuyutsuki:  We have to calm the fools before they kill us all—

Hyuga:  I’ve reached Nerv 1 – control indicates it’s total chaos over there--

Shigeru:  I’m reading increased EM activity—but no significant increase radiation.  Nothing approaching

Fuyutsuki: An N2 Mine?

Shigeru:  Negative—standard N2 signature is not present . . .

Yuri:  I have chairperson Griffith, Sir—

(Meanwhile, above ground .  . .)

Announcer:  Attention, Attention.  All citizens of the Downtown and surrounding districts
                  are to evacuate to their designated shelters immediately.  This is not a drill.  Stage 2 alert in
                  progress.  A state of general emergency is in effect until further notice.  Repeat:  Emergency.
                  Emergency.  All citizens of the Downtown and surrounding districts are to evacuate to their
                  designated shelters immediately.  This is not a drill . .

Seyoko:  What the heck!!?

 (Running to the window of the apartment, Seyoko Okazaki witnesses a writhing mass of cars and people
as they make their way to the numerous shelters strewn about the outskirts of the city.  Far in the distance,
the towers of the inner citadel slowly lower into the ground, the sound of their massive rotors and lifts
reverberating through the midday air . . . )

Seyoko:  Shit . . .

(cursing under her breath, she takes her folded laptop from its place beside the table, and makes her
way out of the room—running down the hallway toward the elevator . . .)

Seyoko:  I’m too late—Not Yet!!

(Elsewhere . . .)

Misato:  This is Katsuragi—report!

Shigeru:  (over the phone)  Com. Sat and the Magi just registered a
                                         large energy disruption in the Midwestern region of North America.
                                        The U.S. government is at Defcon 3 pending identification of the attacker—!

Misato:  (interrupting) which was?

Hyuga: (over the phone)  Unknown—

Misato:  I’m on my way--

     (Meanwhile, in the 15th evacuation shelter located atop one of the larger hills of Tokyo 3 . . .)

Touji:  Hey—aren’t you supposed to be going to Nerv right about now ?

Kensuke: Yeah  . . .

Lyn: . . .

     (. . . A bustling, chattering crowd of schoolchildren of various ages surrounds Lyn Anouilh, Touji Suzihara,
and Kensuke Aida . . . around them, it seems the state of emergency has unfazed their classmates, for the children
drone on as if they are participating in ‘just another drill . . .’

 . . .The 7th child, however, remains uneasily silent in light of his companion’s question . . .)

Touji:  Lyn—

Lyn:  (quietly) It won’t do any good . . .

Kensuke:  What are you talking about—you’re a pilot!

Touji:  He’s right.  You’ve got a responsibility-

Lyn:  (interrupting)  I don’t have anything to pilot, remember?  The EVA was destroyed . ..

Touji: . . .

Kensuke:  . . .

Lyn:  Now, everyone is just a lot better off if I stay here. . .

Kensuke:  Well, if I were you, I’d go down there anyway—just in case something happened and they
                needed a spare . . .

Touji:  Oh please, You’ll do just about anything to pilot . . .

Kensuke:  So?

     (Lyn, however, does not so much as look at Kensuke when he responds, coldly . . .)

Lyn:  (disgusted) Hmmph.  Well, not all of us are as eager as you to die, Kensuke. . .

Touji: . . .

Kensuke: . . .

     (without another word, Anouilh drops to a sitting position on the floor, ignoring the uneasy looks
on the faces of the two boys above him . . .)


Announcer:  Attention, all passengers:  due to the state of special emergency, all rail operations in this
                   area have been halted.  This train will dock at shelter 30-C.  When the vehicle has come to a
                   complete stop, please use the exits to the left of the car . . .

Shinji: . . .


     (elsewhere . . . Misato Katsuragi knocks hurriedly at the door to Asuka Soryu’s room . . .)

Misato:  Asuka!  Asuka, come on!

Asuka:  What do you want . ..

Misato:  We’ve got to report to central NOW!

Asuka: (thinking)  Why . .  what’s the point . . .

Misato:  (Shouting) Asuka!!

Asuka:  I . . .

     (At last, the woman loses her patience for the girl—gritting her teeth, she begins to yell--)

Misato:  (shouting) Pilot Soryu!  You are to report with me to central immediately!
                            That is a direct order!!

Asuka: . . All right, all right . ..

     (As the door finally opens, Katsuragi sighs with relief, pulling the girl out of the apartment . . .)



    (The scene is the control center, where the post impact frenzy has died down at last . . .

    Far atop the command area above the triad of supercomputers that is the Magi, Gendo Ikari sits,
uneasily, with Kouzou Fuyutsuki behind.

    The normally smug atmosphere among the two seems to have been lost for the time being, as the  looks
on both men's faces are ones of both apprehension and worry. . .)

Gendo:  . . . And what of word from our contacts at Nerv 1?

Hyuga:  Negative.

Gendo:  What about our observation satellites?

Yuri:  The explosion kicked up a large amount of airborne debris—we can’t get through the cloud layer,
           let alone the dust layer.  For some reason, infrared can’t penetrate, either.

Gendo: (quietly) But it is still possible there is activity underneath . . .

Fuyutsuki:  (surprised) Surely you don’t think this was intentional . . .

Gendo:  I do indeed.  But not for anything as petty as money . . . or political terrorism.

Fuyutsuki: . . .


Seele:  Impact was achieved . . .

UNSynaps:  Retrieval was a success . . .

Seele:  Are you positive . . ?!

Seele:  can it truly be?

Kihl:  Have you confirmed—

UNSynaps:  We have indeed made confirmation . . . Lancea Longini is in our hands.

Seele:  At last . . .

Seele:  And what of unit 04?

Seele:  Yes, what of the other thorn in our side?

UNSynaps:  Not so easy to confirm.  Our sources placed the EVA within the vicinity—but surely, it must
                   have been destroyed . . .

Seele:  What!?

Seele:  Fool . . .You are sure of nothing!

Seele:  Without confirmation . . .

Seele:  Yes, without confirmation--

Seele:  Your optimism is unsubstantiated!

Kihl:  By now, you must have learned the futility of such hopes . . .

UNSynaps:  In  . . . Indeed.  But, I remind you, I have kept my promises . . . A diversion has been created.

Seele:  And so, shall we keep ours.

Seele:  Yes  . . .

Seele:  What comes next?

Seele:  All that remains now . . . Is the audience with Judas . . .

Seele:  Yes . . . then, all will be ready.

Seele:  And it can truly begin . . .

Seele:  The end . . .

Seele:  Completion . . .

Kihl:  Death  . . .


(Elsewhere . . .)

Television:   . . . isaster relief has already begun sending out aid.  Current estimates put the death toll at
                  over 1 million, with the number of missing persons confirmed dead rising each hour. . .

Shinji: (thinking). . .  All this death . . . all those people . . .

Television:   . . . esident Monroe has declared marshal law for the entire state of Illinois, with the national
                  guard already moving into the region.  Within hours of the explosion, whose cause is yet to
                  be identified, The UN delegation agreed to confer over  half their annual budget for aid . . .

Shinji: (thinking). . .What do they mean?  They’re just . .  numbers . . .

Television: . . . spite protests from almost 12 countries, each claiming favoritism among the members of
                  the executive council . . .

Shinji: (thinking)What does anything mean anymore . . .?

     (With a subtle ‘click’, the television is suddenly shut off. . .)

Shinji: (thinking)Nothing . . . nothing at all . . .

     (slowly, the boy looks around the vacant walls of his small room . . . without thinking,
he begins rubbing his arms, biting his lip as an icy shiver passes through his body . . .)

Shinji:  Why’s it  so cold in here ?


    (Meanwhile . . .in the service hospital far below . . .)

Staff:  Patient was unconscious for the duration of the procedure. . .

Maya:  what about brain damage?

Staff:  None detected.  Our equipment shows no significant loss of brain activity  . . . active mass has
        remained constant.

Maya:  So you’ve discovered the source of the Cardiac arrest?

Staff:  In a way . . . entirely psychosomatic.

Maya:  What?

Staff:  She was frightened . . . almost scared to death . . .


Lyn:  Where were you today . . ?

Aoi:  (swallowing) I had . . . um . . business . . . to take care of.

Lyn:  "Business?"

Aoi:  Yeah . . .

Lyn:   . . .What kind of business?

Aoi:  (quietly) You wouldn’t understand . . .

     (Elsewhere . . . on the sidewalk outside the restaurant district of Tokyo 3 . .
Lyn Anouilh and Aoi Tamashii walk slowly through the somewhat vacant marketplace . . .)

Lyn:  Try me . . .

Aoi:  I’d rather not.

Lyn: . . .

Aoi:  Besides, I see now that you are not in school, either.

     (As she says this, Anouilh notices that, Oddly, it seems a bit of the life has drained out of the girl—

For her demeanor is no longer nearly as light-hearted in his presence . . .)

Lyn:  Well . . . yeah . . . I didn’t feel like going back to class after we left the shelter . . .

Aoi:  (quietly) Why were you in the shelter in the first place, 6th child?

     (stunned by the girl’s sudden question, The boy is silent for a long time before answering, curtly . . .)

Lyn: . . . You know why.

Aoi:  Yes, I do . . . but I don’t believe it was for the reason you want me to think it was for . . .

Lyn:  Just what the heck’s that supposed to mean?

Aoi:   . . .

Lyn:  Aoi—

     (The girl frowns, however, shaking her head . . )

Aoi:  It doesn’t matter. . . not anymore . . .

     (Without warning, she turns, walking briskly in the opposite direction . . .)

Lyn:  Aoi—what—where—where are you going!?

Aoi:  (thinking) What the hell am I doing . . . !

Lyn: . . .

Aoi: (whispering to herself)  I can’t do it . . . I can’t . . . not to him!!!

     (Disappointed, the boy watches on—his stomach twisting with feelings of rejection as the girl’s
form disappears around the corner . . .)

Lyn:  (thinking)  don’t go . . .


    (meanwhile . . .)

    (Sound of Heart monitor . . .)

Tenkei: . . .

     (In the service hospital several hundred feet below . . .)

Tenkei:  . . .

     (The Ev.N Complement stands, quietly, over the prone form of Rei Ayanami.  The 1st child lies still,
connected to various life--support machinery, as a heart-Lung machine drones on endlessly . . .)

Tenkei: . . .

     (The boy is equally as silent, as he watches, unmoving, the girl with whom he has bonded . . . )

Tenkei: . . .

     (As the moments tick by, the child’s eyes focus on the smooth contours of Rei’s face . . . now
covered by an oxygen mask, the girl’s visage seems haggard and worn . . . filled with a foreboding sense
of exhaustion and worry . . .)

Tenkei: . . .

     (At last, with an uneasy touch, Tenkei brings his hand to hers—wrapping his fingers about her limp
palm, he shuts his eyes, exhaling deeply . . .)

Tenkei: . . . ?

     (Within seconds of contact, a loud roaring—like the sound of the wind howling through the sheer cliffs
of a far away valley—fills the child’s ears. . . Slowly, and painfully, the floodgates that separate the two
minds are temporarily opened, allowing the tide of human thought to rush free from its frightened mental bonds . . .)

Rei: -:-:-:-:-:-

 (Then, however, something within Tenkei suddenly decides against his act—and he draws his
small hand away, returning it to his side, breaking the contact . . .)

Tenkei: . . .

 (slowly, he turns—returning to his seat at the foot of the bed . . .)


 (Elsewhere, as an uneasy calm once more descends upon the residents of Tokyo 3 . . .)

Hikari:   It’s so awful . . .

Touji:   . . ?

Hikari:  all those people . .  . dead, just like that.

Touji:  I guess . . .

 ( The scene is the crowded, noisy classroom at Shinji Ikari’s school . . . in one of the far
corners of the room, Touji Suzihara, Hikari Horaki, and Goro Tezuka sit, as the unsupervised
mass of students around them carry on . . .

    Noticeably absent among their number, however, is Kensuke Aida . . . )

Hikari:  You – ‘guess’?

Touji:   Well, It doesn’t seem real, really.

Hikari:  What?

Touji:  I didn’t know any of them . . .

Hikari:  So?

Touji:  Well, I don’t think I really care that much . . .

Hikari: . .!

Touji:  I mean, whose to say anyone of them would’ve cared if it had been us that were killed?

Hikari: (in disbelief)  T-Touji Suzihara, how could you say something so awful!?!

Touji:  (embarrassed)  But---but it’s the truth, isn’t it?

Goro:  Calm down . . . both of you.

Touji: . . .

Hikari:  It’s not right to make light of death like that . . .

Goro:  Face it:  most everyone here is just glad they were able to miss most of the school day . . .

Touji:  Yeah, where is the teacher, anyway?

Hikari:  Ah--There’s Mr. Aida . . .

 (Indeed, as Hikari says this, Kensuke enters the room . . . his face has lost its usual brightness,
however, as he looks a bit unnerved . . . if not somewhat surprised . . . as he approaches his
small clutch of friends . . .)

Touji:  Well?

Kensuke: . . .

Goro:  Did you find the teacher?

Kensuke: . .  sort . . sort of .

Hikari:  What?  what’s the matter?

 (The boy scratches his head—seemingly, unsure of how to bear the news . . .)

Kensuke:  He . . . collapsed . . . after they went to the shelters . . .

Touji:  What?

Hikari: Oh no!

Goro:  Is he okay?

 ( Aida, however, shakes his head—sitting down at the vacant desk next to Goro . . .)

Kensuke:  They wouldn’t tell me . . .

Hikari: . . .

Touji: . . .

Goro: . . .

 (For a long time, the children are silent - -  around them, the class carries on,
oblivious to the unhappy news . . .)

Touji:  Well . . .what do you think?

Kensuke:  I don’t know . . . he was kind of old . . .

Hikari:  Don’t talk like that. . .

Goro:  Maybe the thought of more bombs going off was too much for him—

Hikari:  Tezuka, Don’t say that!

Goro: . . . well, he did talk about it an awful lot . . .

Hikari: . . .

 (suddenly, Kensuke interjects, indicating the chaos going on around them . . .)

Kensuke:  Hey—aren’t you going to do something about this?

 (Hikari’s face falls, however, as she responds . . .)

Hikari:  I already tried. . . no one’ll listen . . .

Touji:  Don’t worry about it—it’s almost over anyway, right?

Goro:  What’s almost over?

Touji:  The school day, of course.  What did you think I was talking about?

 (As he responds, Goro takes a look at Hikari—and then, seemingly, he decides to let the matter rest . . .)

Goro:  Nothing . . .


Misato:  Come on, Shinji, pick up!

 (Meanwhile . . . in the officer’s lounge 12 levels below Nerv Central’s command center . . .)

Misato:  (thinking) Don’t tell me he’s gone again . . .!

 (Misato Katsuragi taps her foot worriedly, her ear pressed to the receiver of the telephone on the wall . . .)

Misato:  Come on, please pick up . . .

 (On the other end, the low, electronic sound of the telephone ringing can be heard . . . it would seem,
from the concern on her face, that it has been doing so without answer for a long time . . .)

Misato:  (thinking)  God, I hope he’s okay . . .

 (suddenly, there is an audible ‘click’ as the other end is at last answered . . . )

Misato:  Ah—Shinji!!?

Pen Pen:  (over the telephone)  Qwuaa, Qwuaa!!

Misato:  (stammering)W—what the Hell!?

Pen Pen:  (over the telephone)  Q-Qwuaa, Qwuaa!!

 (Recognizing the Penguin’s incensed Cawing  over the line, Katsuragi slaps her forehead--)

Misato:  (loudly) Oh, come on!

Pen Pen:  Qwuaaaa!!  Qwuaa Qwuaa!

Misato:  Rrrgh---Go back to bed . . .

 (With this, she hangs up the phone roughly—growling under her breath . . .)

Misato:  What a model guardian. . .

 (resigned to her apparent failure, the woman leans against the wall—groaning . . .)

Misato: Great job, Katsuragi . . .

 (As she tosses her head to the side in exhaustion, however, her eyes happen upon the small
computer terminal meant for access to personnel reports. . .

And, as she takes it in, she remembers something . . .

 . . . something she was supposed to do . . .)


 (Simultaneously . . . In The apartment far above . . .)

Pen Pen: . . .

 (The small, warm water penguin drops the telephone receiver back in place, waddling over to the
Television set once more . . .)

Shinji: . . .

 (Ikari looks on as the Bird returns to his position in front of the TV set, where a midday soap
opera is in progress . . .)

Shinji: (sighing) Er . . . thanks . . .

 (Shinji ignores the program entirely, covering his eyes with his hands as he lays out on the couch  . . .)

Shinji: (thinking)  What am I so scared of  . . .?

 (Regardless of what is on the surface, though, the answer is obvious to the boy  . . .)

Shinji:  Am I afraid of . . . pain?

Shinji:  Pain . . .

 (restless, the boy stands—making his way out of the room and, inevitably--

--out of the apartment . . .

Security officer:  I’m sorry.  Until the 3rd stage alert is over, I can’t let you pass.

Seyoko:  You’ve got to be kidding!

Security officer:  I’m sorry, ma’am.  You can’t go through.

Seyoko:  Of all the – where is Major Katsuragi?

Security officer:  You’re not Nerv Personnel.  I’m afraid I can’t give you that information—

Seyoko:  (interrupting) Like hell you can’t!

 (Meanwhile, At the security station outside the gates leading to central dogma . . . Seyoko Okazaki
stands toe to toe with a uniformed security officer who is much, much larger than she. . . It would
seem the young delegate is not concerned with matters of scale for the moment, however, as
displayed by her somewhat tenacious resolve in getting into the base. . .)

Seyoko:  Ever since I got here I’ve been given the run-around by you jerks!

Security officer:  Look, you can’t go in their without proper clearance.  Only with a higher level officer—

Seyoko:  (interrupting) Then GET MAJOR KATSURAGI, you oaf!

Security officer:  Okay, look--I can page—but—

Seyoko:  Then do it!

Security officer:  Yes ma’am .  .  .


 (Elsewhere . . .)

Asuka:  Why did I come here?

 (Still dressed in school garb, Asuka Langley Soryu sits on a long, metal bench in the woman’s
locker room outside the EVA containment cages . . . )

Asuka:  . . why?

 (Before her, the locker door hangs wide open, allowing her an unobstructed view of her neatly-folded plug suit. .

It would seem, from the numbness in the air, that she has been waiting here for the duration of the emergency . . .)

Asuka:  The Second child is still me, but . . .

( . . .As she sits there, contemplating  the scarlet and orange uniform, it seems to both beckon and shun her at the same time; with its covenants of glory, but promise of pain . . .)

Asuka:  But . . .But I . . .  (Slowly, the girls limp hands ball into angered fists .  .  .)

Asuka:  (thinking)  I don’t care anymore . . . I DON’T CARE ANYMORE .!!

Asuka:  Rrrgh!!

 (With an angered grunt, Asuka finally stands—slamming the door shut with such force that
the sound reverberates loudly through the empty chamber, defiling the sacred calm normally

present within. . .)

Asuka:  I don’t want to be her anymore!  don’t want to be me anymore!!!

 (The girl ignores the now throbbing pin in her palm, and storms toward the doorway . . . as
she fumbles with the handle, she growls almost unceremoniously under her breath . . )

Asuka:  It doesn’t matter . . . nothing else matters anymore!


 (Meanwhile . . . in the service hospital several levels above . . .)

Rei:  Uuunngh . . .

Tenkei:  Rei?!

Rei:   . . .

Tenkei:  wake!  Wake!

 (As the girl stirs, the boy is at her bedside immediately—intently gazing at her face
as her eyes finally open .  . .)

Rei:  I’m . . still alive . . .

Tenkei:  Yes . . .

Rei: . . .

Tenkei: . . .

Rei: . . . what happened . . .

Tenkei:  You felt . . .

Rei: . . .

Tenkei:  I was . . scared . . .

Rei: But . . I’m alive . . .

Tenkei: . . .

Rei: . . .

 (Sighing, the girl casts a weary eye to her hands—looking at them uncertainly . . .
It is then, however, that the boy says something startling . . .)

Tenkei: Do not be afraid . . .

Rei: . . ?

Tenkei: You-

Rei: . . ?

Tenkei:  you are still the third . . .

Rei: . .!



PROCESSING . . . . _


Misato:  (thinking)  Okay . . . probably not going to have another chance at this . . .

 (Elsewhere . . . in the situation room 13 levels below . . .)

Misato:  This should—do it . . .

(Misato Katsuragi has, once again, used the chip given to her by Ryouji Kaji . . .
around her, only 2 or 3 technicians man their posts, as most have been assigned to
their emergency stations during the alert procedure . . .

This, in turn, has left her an open opportunity . . . )

Misato:  Ah--!


PROCESSING . . . . _


- - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Misato:  Okay . . . let’s see. . .



Misato:  (thinking) Damn . . . !


Misato: . . . Let’s try this . . .

 (warily, Katsuragi looks around herself once more—seemingly, to be sure no
one is watching as she types her next command . . .)


Processing . . .



Misato:  come on . .come on . . .


"ANGEL"- 18




Misato:  . . . Engineered carrier system . . . but for what?


"ANGEL"- 19



Misato:  . . .


 (Elsewhere . . . in the office of the project E chairperson . . .)

Maya:  The first child is awake?

Shigeru:  (over the telephone) Yes.  The hospital called a few minutes ago . . .

Maya:  How is she?

Shigeru:  They said—as well as can be expected.

Maya:  that’s a relief . . .

Shigeru:  . . .

Maya: Shigeru. . .You didn’t have to find me, you know . . .

Shigeru:  I know.  But I thought you’d feel better knowing . . .

Maya: . . . thank you . . .

Shigeru:  We miss you down here.

 (Maya pauses for a moment, looking at the cluttered desk before her . . .)

Maya: . . . I know . . .


Seyoko:  Well?

Security Officer:  She’s not answered. . .

Seyoko:  Where the hell is she !?

Security Officer:  I told you, I can’t give you that information . . .

 (The young woman grits her teeth—incensed by the delay . . .)

Seyoko:  Rrrgh!! Feed me any more of this crap, and I’ll have something to give you!

Security Officer: . . .


"ANGEL" Classified as:  RESONANT

Misato: . .  R . .Resonant?

Misato: . . . No way . . .

 Outer shell identified as H.D.L.—High Density Lattice structure
 Angel core identified as I.L.F.—Incipient Life form

Misato:   . . .Life form  . . . ?

 <Due to high degree of mutilation of the corpse, visual identification was rendered impossible.
 Genetic results critical.>

Physical identification inconclusive
 DNA sample test confirmation.
 Subject identified as:

Misato: (thinking). . . Oh my God . . . !


 (Indeed, it is the name of the 5th child—and the 17th angel—that appears on screen . . .
Misato straightens, her hand going to her mouth in an effort to suppress a horrified gasp . . .)


 (Then, it is only sheer, morbid curiosity that drives the woman to read on . . .)


"ANGEL"- 20


"ANGEL" Classified as:  RESONANT

 Outer shell identified as L.D.L.—Low Density Lattice structure
 Inner core identified as I.L.F.—Incipient Life form

 <Like the previous find, subject for analysis was severely damaged>
 Physical Identification conclusive
 DNA sample tests confirmed.
 Subject identified as:


Misato:  (thinking ) An . . angel . . . delivery system ?!!

 (As the full extent  of the truth finally sinks in, Katsuragi leans back—her hand her gripping the
edge of the chair with whitened knuckles . . .)

Misato:  (quietly) No wonder . . . you didn’t want to tell me . . .!

 (Suddenly, however, Misato is pulled from her secretive contemplation by  a voice from above . . .
  . . . and behind . . .)

Hyuga:  Major Katsuragi?

Misato:  (surprised) Huh!?  Wh—

 (turning around, Katsuragi finds, to her surprise, Makoto Hyuga standing behind her . . . )

 (immediately, she hits the CLR key, causing the screen to go blank . . .)

Hyuga:  Uh . . . are you okay?

Misato:  Hyuga—!? . . . what’s wrong?

Hyuga:  Security’s been trying to reach you for the last 30 minutes . . .

Misato:  They-- what?

 (The man takes a step back, clearing his throat . . .)

Hyuga: --They’ve been paging for the past half hour—

Misato:  Oh . . .

 (Looking back to the terminal screen once last time, Katsuragi stands—)

Misato:  I guess . .I must have gotten distracted . . . I didn’t notice

Hyuga: . . .

Misato:   . .  thanks for finding me . . .

Hyuga:  Sure . . .

Misato:  I’d better get going . . .

 (As the woman turns toward door, however, Hyuga’s face falls;  pushing his glasses up
on his nose, he asks, quietly . . .)

Hyuga:  Major . . .

Misato:  hmm?

Hyuga: . . . did you find what you were looking for?

Misato: . . .

 (Abruptly, Katsuragi stops—looking over her shoulder . . .)

Misato:   . . . yeah .  For the most part.

Hyuga: . . .
 (The technician merely nods in response, returning to his post as the doors slide open, then shut . . .)

 (Elsewhere, atop the I/O tower that houses the Magus Melchior . . .)

Maya: Did you find them?

Yuri:  Yes . . . all 104.

Maya:  Can you--?

Yuri:  Yes . . .

 (Soberly, Furikawa looks up at the young woman standing behind her . . .)

Yuri:   . . You’re sure about this?

Maya: . . . More than . .  anything . . .

Yuri:  Okay . . .

 (with this, the emerald-eyed technician keys in the last commands—bringing up
something new on her terminal display . . .)


Yuri: (Quietly) After this, it should only take me about 30 minutes to compile some new variables
            based on the results of these tests . . .

Maya:  . . .

Yuri:  Maya?

Maya: . . . yes?

Yuri:  What do you intend to do after I’ve finished with this?

 (exhaling slowly, Ibuki turns from the control terminal—dropping her gaze to her feet as
she considers her answer .  . .)

Maya:  I’ll be . . making the errand.

Yuri: . . .


Shinji: . . . How did I get here . . .

(Later that day . . .)

Shinji: No . . I know . . .

(In one of the Deeper sections of the sprawling Nerv Subcomplex . . .)

Shinji:. . .

(Shinji Ikari stands in EVA containment cage number 06 .

 Before him, the monstrous Visage of Evangelion Unit 01 sits, dormant,  above the surface of the
pool of cooling fluid just below its shoulders . . .)

Shinji:  I didn’t know what to do . . .
             I‘ve forgotten . . .
            Why did-- I choose to live again?

Shinji:  Why do I keep surviving?

 (his words come out in a as if some dam within his resolve has suddenly broken loose—the floodgates open,
allowing a wave of questions to pour forth like the untamed tide--)

Shinji:  Why am I pursuing her now?
            What’s this feeling . . this impression on me?
            Is it hers?

Shinji:  Is it yours?

Shinji:  I don’t know where to go . . . I can’t. . .
            Ayanami is sick . . . they won’t let me see her . . .
     ( Slowly, the boy casts his gaze upward—to the observation booth high above the crest of the
Evangelion’s cranium . . . Through the glass window, the child can see the room is empty—

    For Shinji, this is an uncustomary sight . . .)

Shinji:  No . . I could never talk to him . . .
           Not him . . .

Shinji:  I wish Kaji were here . . .

 (The boy shudders—rubbing his arms slowly)

Shinji:  Pain . . . you said that if I knew pain, it makes it easier to be kind to others. . .  But I tried,
          I tried to love . . .and she . .she

    (The boy shuts his eyes, squeezing out the tears--)

Shinji:   . . I only know more pain!

Shinji:  What can I DO?
           Every time I look at her . . every time I see her . . .
            It’s like a part of me is hollow . . .
           She won’t speak to me . . .!
           She won’t even call me stupid . . .

     (Suddenly, he turns back to the EVA—shouting at the very top of his lungs--)

Shinji:  How can I know what this feeling is when I can’t talk to her?!
           I can’t ask her . . .
           I can’t ask anyone . Touji and Kensuke,
           Lyn and Aoi . . .
           Hikari . . .
          Misato . . .
          no one else understands . . .!
          No one but her . . .!

 (The child stammers in frustration—panting heavily as his hands clench into angry fists . . .

then, however, he slackens, falling to the surface of the steel catwalk, shaking his head  . .)

Shinji:  I talk to you like you can hear me . .
         But you’re just a monster . . .
         Like our enemy . . .

Shinji:  What did he say about you?
         I’ll never know . . .

Shinji:  I wish you were here, Kaji . . .

Shinji:  Or . . Nagisa . . .

 (Slowly, Ikari pulls his knees up to his chest—resting his head on them as his racing heartbeat begins to slow . . .)

Shinji: (softly) A million people died today . . .
                     Just like you.
                     A million people . . .

 (The boy closes his eyes, squeezing the tears from beneath his lids . . .)

Shinji:    (stammering) A million people—
                                 And I only care about one .
                                 I am a coward . . .
                                 Misato . . . you’d be ashamed of me . . .

 (At that moment, Within the confines of containment cage 06, there is no one to see the child relinquish himself to his emotions—

    No one to see him bury his head in his hands, or to hear the sound of his small fists banging against the mentalshod catwalk beneath him in angry torment . . .

No one to console his grief, or to condemn him for his cowardice . . .

No one, save for the silent beast that watches, coldly, in inanimate apathy . . .)

Gendo:  I should have seen this coming . . .

Fuyutsuki:  How could you?

Gendo:  It was there all along.

Fuyutsuki:  How?

Gendo:  It was written  . . .

Fuyutsuki:  Surely, the scrolls couldn’t have foretold of this!

Gendo:  Not exactly—but they lay the groundwork for such events.  Prophecies are not set in stone . .
            . they can be tailored to suite the committee’s needs . . .

Fuyutsuki: . . .

Gendo:  They are forcing back the clock . . . creating a situation in which they can control completion . . .

Fuyutsuki:  Something I thought was impossible.

Gendo:  Even so, they have achieved it.

Fuyutsuki:  Is it so obvious to you now?

Gendo:  Don’t you see?  It is being written!

Fuyutsuki: Yes.

Gendo:  From the very start—from the moment We pushed events forward, They have been furiously
            working against our goal.

Fuyutsuki:  (thinking)  Our Goal?

Gendo:  But they have not won . . . We can still succeed.

Fuyutsuki:  With what?

Gendo: (thinking)  I will . . bring her back to me . . .

     (Strangely, a smile begins to play on the edges of Ikari’s mouth . . .)

Gendo:  Simple, professor:
            We still have Adam,
            We still have Unit 01,
            We still have Lilith . . .
             . . . and we still have the Complement . . .


    (Elsewhere, above the sanctum of Nerv Central, in the arid streets of Tokyo 3 . . .

    Day has once more descended into night, as the moon hangs, in all its radiant glory, at the apex of its
orbit in the darkened, cloud enshrouded sky.  Surrounded by a elaborate tapestry of stars and obscured
by passing clouds, the orb casts a bluish light down upon the now sleeping city, as rain from the gathering
storm-front pours down on the buildings and streets  below. . .

    (Further above—in the apartment complex that houses the dwelling belonging to Major Misato Katsuragi,
the calm, low rumble of the weather outside is suddenly and irrevocably interrupted—

by the sound of a telephone ringing . . .)

    (Sound of telephone ringing)

Misato:  ZZzzzzz . . .

    (Sound of Telephone ringing)

Misato:  ZZzzzzz . .Zzzz . .

    (Sound of telephone ringing)

Misato:  ZZzzzzz . . . Mmmph . . .

    (Sound of Telephone ringing)

Misato: Zzzz . .Ggmm—wwwha. . .?

    (Sound of telephone ringing)

Misato:  (Yawning) Aaaaww . . . N-no, not now . . .

     (Sound of Telephone ringing)

Misato:  Stupid, who in the hell . ..

     (Groggily reaching out from atop her comfortable futon, Misato Katsuragi gropes blindly in
the blackness for the all-too-familiar shape of the telephone by her bed.  After knocking over
several empty cans (of various brands of beverages) the woman’s hand at last comes to rest upon t
he smooth contours of the receiver.

With one final curse, Katsuragi lifts it from its place, putting a stop to the incessant ringing that has
broken the silence . . .)

Misato:  Unnh—Katsuragi . . . .

     (As before, a familiar voice comes from the other end—

    The owner of that voice, however,  is somewhat—unexpected . . .)

Maya:  Major Katsuragi?  Is that you?

     ( for some reason unknown even to Misato, the sound of Maya Ibuki on the other end causes
the Major to awaken more fully, her face suddenly changing from one of irritation, to one of surprise .  . .)

Misato:  Maya?

Maya: Yes . . .

 (abruptly, Katsuragi sits up in bed--)

Misato:  It’s 2 a.m.!  . . .what happened?  Is something wrong at headquarters?
Maya:  No.

Misato:  No?  Then --what is it, then . . .?

Maya:  Major—could you come to your front door?

     (Confused, Misato pulls the phone away from her ear, looking at the receiver in her hands for a moment . . . then, returning it, she continues. . .)

Misato: . . . My—front door ? . .  Why?

Maya:  I really can’t tell you like this . . .

Misato:  Maya, what’s going on ?

 (Over the phone, the woman can hear Ibuki sigh, a bit distressed, before answering . . )

Maya:  It has something to do with a favor . . . that you promised someone important to both of us. . .

Misato:   . . .

     (Katsuragi, it seems, needs no further explanation as she hangs up the phone, moving quickly through
the apartment on hasty feet—the woman is careful not to make a sound as she makes her way to the front
door, depressing the button which causes the portal to slide open with a gentle hiss . . .

 The woman steps back, however, at the sight behind:

For, standing there, is Maya Ibuki, dressed in a dripping, oversized poncho-- In her hand, the girl
holds a folded cellular phone . . .

 Regaining her composure a bit, Katsuragi steps to the side, motioning the girl to enter--)

Misato:  Come in . . .

Maya:  Major—Um . . .
     (As Maya attempts to stammer an explanation, there is sudden movement behind her—

     And, to Katsuragi’s further shock, a small pair of hands is soon visible clinging to the edges of
Ibuki’s coat—they are soon followed by a the top of small head, then two frightened eyes that gaze
into the apartment timidly--)

Misato:  (quietly)  What the hell--?
Maya:  Maybe we should take this inside--

     (Several moments later, at the kitchen table inside Katsuragi’s apartment . . .
Maya looks around nervously as Misato places a cup of coffee before her guest --)

Maya:  Are you sure this won’t wake them up?

Misato:  I don’t think they’d really care . . actually . . . Shinji didn’t come home . . . again

Maya: Oh . ..

     (Maya is silent for a moment, eyeing the child who is still hiding behind her  . . .)

Misato:  Maya, what’s this all about?  Who’s that kid?

Maya:  (indicating the boy)  This, Major Katsuragi, Is Tenkei.

     (Misato suddenly straightens up—staring at the woman sitting at her table --)

Misato: . . .the Complement thing . . .

Maya:  Yes . . .

Misato:  The thing that you and Ritsuko—

Maya: . .the product of Dr. Akagi’s work. . . and mine . . .

     (For a moment, the two sit there in silence, as the sound of the drizzling rain drones on from outside.

 (Tentatively, Misato peers over the side of the table, catching a glimpse of the child—the boy is, for some odd reason,
dressed in slightly oversized everyday street-clothes . . A "Nerv" Cap covers the white shock of hair on his head,letting it peek
out only above his eyes and behind his ears . . . apparently, it is some sort of an attempt at a disguise . . .)

Misato:  Why did you bring him here?

Maya:  It was Dr. Akagi’s  . ..request  . . that I bring him to you in the event that . .

Misato: . . .

Maya:  (quietly) . . That Commander Ikari . . . uh . . .

 (Misato leans back in her seat, still eyeing the child.  Tenkei, meanwhile, seems to have become more bold,
as the boy begins to look curiously at the strange room around him . . .)

Misato:  She told you to do this?

Maya:  No . . . she asked me . . .  I found the message a little while ago . . .

 (As Ibuki says this, the child finally lets go of her coattails—walking toward the large refrigeration
unit in the corner of the room . . .)

Maya:  She said that . .by now, you’d have found out about him, anyway . . .

 (Misato starts at this, then relaxes, shaking her head . . .)

Misato:  She planned ahead, I see . . .

Maya: (taking a sip of coffee)  You’re the only one she trusts . . . the only person that can take him in.

Misato:  (surprise)  Take him in?

Maya:  . . .

 (Katsuragi sits down, watching the boy as he puzzles over the refrigerator door . . .)

Misato:  What am I suppose to do with him?

Maya:   . . Keep him safe .  .  .  Out of reach . . .

Misato:  But—

Maya:  Major Katsuragi, If he is forced into anymore experiments, he won’t survive . . . Even if I refuse,
            Ikari will find someone else to . . .

Misato:  But if any of them found out he was here—

Maya:  Yes, I know . . . that’s why I’ve arranged some false test records, and . . .

Misato:  (interrupting) But—They’ll still find out sooner or later—If anyone got the slightest hint--

Maya:   . . .  He won’t be here for more than a few days, I promise  you—

Misato: . . .

Maya:   .  . .

Misato:  What then?

 (Ibuki looks to the child solemnly, for a moment, before responding)

Maya:  I’ll take him . . . far away from here . . .

Misato:  But no one can leave or enter the city right now—

 (the girl shakes her head, continuing--)

Maya:  The accident earlier today caused enough of a shift in routine that it is possible . . . Once We’ve
            taken care of the Magi . . . I think I can get him out .

 (Misato falls silent—looking into her steaming cup with thoughtful trepidation . . .)

Misato:  You know what you’ll be sacrificing by doing this?

Maya:  Yes . . .

Misato:  Why?

Maya:  Because  . . . I made the same promise that you did . . .

Misato: . . .

Maya:  And I intend to keep it . . . for Dr. Akagi’s sake . . .

 (she pauses, gazing at the child once more . . .)

Maya:  And for his . . .

Misato:  . . . Alright . . .


 (Moments later, as  Maya stands at the open doorway to the apartment . . .)

Maya:  Be good, now.

Tenkei:   . . .

Maya:  I’ll be back soon, okay?

Tenkei: . . .

Maya:  Be good.

Tenkei: Bee . . Goood . . .?

Maya:  Yes. . .

 (With this, Ibuki pulls her hood about her ears, patting the child reassuringly on the shoulder . . .)

Misato:  Be careful . . .

Maya:  Thank you . . . I’ll guess I’ll see you at work tomorrow . . .

 (No more passes between the two as Maya steps back—allowing the door to shut at last. . . )

Tenkei: . . .

 (With a wide eyed, inquisitive expression, Tenkei turns from the door to the woman standing behind him—

Misato looks down at the child and, managing a smile, kneels over, bringing her face close to his .  .)

Misato:  Hi there. . .

Tenkei: . . .

 (The boy, however, merely looks back at her—not a hint of emotion present in his saffron eyes . . .)

Misato:  Er---are you sleepy?

 (Rather than respond, however, the boy lowers his gaze—stepping past her into the living room . . .

. . . And, as he does so, he utters quietly under his breath--)

Tenkei: (mumbling) M’infudlek, Anna bide Ni’am. . .

Misato:   . . .?

 (Momentarily perplexed, the woman stands, shaking her head . . .)

Misato:  (disgusted) Dammit, Ritsuko, you were right . . . I am the base baby-sitter . . .

To Be Continued . . .