Evangelion and Eva concepts are copyright © 1995-1999 GAINAX and Project Eva. EVA:R
original fanfiction and all artwork here (unless otherwise indicated) are copyright © 1999 Maher Al-Samkari





Part IV  "  Terminus: Engel / Ascension"

                    "The more complete and excellent your knowledge, the more severe will be God�s judgment
on you, unless your life be the more holy."

                                                          --Thomas A. Kempis, Counsels on the Spiritual Life, Early 15th century

    (Far below the now empty streets of Tokyo 3 . . .

     Beneath the paranoid chaos of The Geo front . . .

     and below the clamorous alert within Nerv Central . . .

     In the very heart of Terminal Dogma . . . at the center of a massive, yellow lake . . .

     A Giant sleeps.

    Affixed to a cross of proportions equally as enormous as itself, the silent behemoth lies as still
as death corporeal�the white contours of its tremendous frame offset by the mysterious black mask which
conceals its face beneath a facade of 7 eyes . . .

    Indeed, how like this deceitful guise is the mask of purpose that has enshrouded the secret organization that lies above since its very inception . . . how the false mien of Man�s defense and the greater glory of the human race has concealed the true purpose of the being that hangs here, and the men who wish to control it. . .

    The darkest savior, the key to the end of all ends . . .

    the focus of man�s life. . .

    No Longer . . .)

Hyuga:  (shouting) I�ve got multiple readings outside the Tokyo 3 perimeter!

Fuyutsuki:  Identify!

Hyuga:  A substantial military force�detection system verifies
            positive identification�it looks like the JSSDF . . .

Fuyutsuki:  So . . . the hour has finally come . . .

Yuri:  Evacuation of the City is underway.  Estimated time to completion�3 minutes.

Gendo:  Where are the pilots?

Shigeru:  They are on their way now, sir!


    (High above, several hundred miles away . . .)

Pilot A:  This is Hawk 1 to hawks 2 through 13, formation check is nominal.  ETA to drop zone
            checkpoint is thirty minutes � do you copy?

Pilot B: Affirmative.

Pilot A:  Initiate first system startup!  Code is Alpha, eight, zero, one.

Pilot B:  Confirmed.  Systems are go.

Pilot A:  Tokyo 3 airspace in zero-twenty.  Maintain current altitude and speed.
                Anno ridge checkpoint up ahead.

Pilot B:  Roger.



Seyoko:  Come ON, Dammit!  You have to go with me now!

Lyn:  NO!

Seyoko:  What the hell are you saying!?  I�ve got to get you out of here!

Lyn:  I am staying here, Seyoko!

Seyoko:  If I have to drag you with me, I will!!

Lyn: . . . no.

Seyoko:  Didn�t you hear the announcement?  Any time now they are going to glass this whole goddamn

     (As if to verify her words, a low rumble is heard across the valley enclosing Tokyo 3 . . . Seyoko raises her eyes from the still unresponsive child to the window, where a startling sight is there to greet them:

       On the very outskirts of the metropolis, buildings have begun to collapse beneath some tremendous, unseen force, raising massive dust clouds into the air . . . above them can be seen hundreds of birds, fleeing into the sky as the ground beneath their perches begins to shudder and crumble  . . .)

     (Seyoko grits her teeth, returning her gaze to the child.)

Seyoko:  (coldly) Lyn Anouilh, you are coming with me to Nerv central.

Lyn:  (quietly)  You can�t order me around like that.

Seyoko:  Like hell I can�t!  I don�t know what�s gotten into you, but it�s too late to get you out of here�

     (wrapping her arms around him, the girl pulls him to his feet, and drags him toward the door, despite his protests�)

Lyn:  I�m not going!!!

Seyoko:  That�s�uungh!--that�s not your decision to make, Lyn!!

     (As Seyoko elbows the door panel, however, the portal slides open to reveal a number of uniformed
figures barring the way, NERV badges prominent on their shoulders . . .)

SO:  Release the child.

Seyoko:  Who are you?!

SO:  Nerv special services. We�ll take it from here.

     (behind him, one of the men has his ear to a cellular phone.  Listening carefully, he nods, turning to the officer in front. . .)

SO 2:  The second child is in custody.

Seyoko:  Wait�there was another little boy.

SO 2: . . ?

Seyoko:  Did--did you find anyone else in Major Katsuragi�s apartment?

SO:  No.

SO:  what about the first and third?

     (The other man simply shakes his head . . .)

SO 2:  Whereabouts still unknown.


Hyuga:  S2 reports they have the second and sixth children!

Misato:  What about Shinji!?

Hyuga:  Negative.  They haven�t found him yet.

Misato:  Idiot! What a time to run away . . . !!

     (Suddenly, Aoba turns his head toward Katsuragi)

Shigeru:  the second team reports the first child is missing!

Gendo:  What?

Shigeru:  She was not in her hospital room when they went to retrieve her.

     (At that second, a disturbing silence falls upon the entire control center . . .)

Maya:  commander�The Ev.N will not function in tandem with anyone excep�

Gendo:  (interrupting)  I am well aware of that, Lieutenant!

Maya: . . .

Misato: . . .

Shigeru:  Sir . . . what are your orders?

     (Gendo, however, turns to Fuyutsuki ..  .)

Fuyutsuki: . . ?

Gendo:  Take the com., professor.  I�m going, now.

     (The older man seems a bit taken aback, then nods . . .)

Fuyutsuki:  Very well.

Gendo: . . .

     (As Gendo Ikari stands on the automated lift set to take him below the command post, the older man
remarks quietly--)

Fuyutsuki:  (quietly) Tell Yui . . . I said "hello."

Gendo:   .  . .

 (Ikari simply nods as the paltform begins to lower . . .)

    (Elsewhere, far Below . . .)

    (a pale blue hospital gown sits, folded neatly, at the edge of one of the LCL filled access tubes within
central dogma . . .)

    (The sound of liquid splashing echoes for an instant throughout the chamber,  as a small, feminine figure
dives into the still waters of the saffron pool. . . and swims deep into the lake below . . .)

    (outside, as the streets fall into a still, unnatural calm, A prolonged look at the surrounding forest area
beyond would reveal, to the careful observer, dozens of camouflaged figures taking positions among the trees
and crags of the overhanging bush.  Dressed in dark, unmarked garb, each of the men moves with frightening
swiftness, carrying, in his hands, a modified M-16 rifle . . .

    As the seconds tick by, one of the soldiers closest to the front raises a closed fist, signaling to the others . . .

     . . .and it is then that the piercing, clicking sound of nearly 40 safeties being unlatched rings throughout the forest .  . .

     Seconds later, with an ghostly cunning, the men move in . . .)


Hyuga: Major�S2 reports the children are on their way to the EVAs right now.

Misato:  Position the launch avenue to release them as far away from the intruders as possible!

Hyuga:  Roger.

Shigeru:  I�m not getting any readings from the first reconnaissance team! It�s like they�re not even there!

Misato:  What?

     (Aoba looks at his monitors for a moment, swallowing hard�)

Shigeru:  They�re gone!  They�ve been completely wiped out!


    (Meanwhile, high above . . .

    At the entrance to central Dogma, a skeleton crew of 2 NERV security officers guards the
heavily barricaded access ports which lead into the installation . . .

    As the men pace the perimeter of the area, they hold the light weapons in their hands close, their eyes
searching the streets beyond for any sign of intruders . . .

    And, as result, they fail to notice the camo-covered Special forces men as they prowl behind them
from the shadows, each holding an upturned, 7 inch serrated blade in their ready hands.

    Death comes swift, silent, and wet for the men, as gloved fingers suddenly come up from behind to
seal their mouths, pulling their heads back at unnatural angles as the knives trace wide arcs over their throats.
 An moist gurgling noise is the next thing to be heard, followed by the sight of the guardsmen�s own hands
clutching at open windpipes that pour copious red onto the concrete below . . .

    Seconds later,  a procured card from one of the now twitching forms is run through the security reader,
causing the massive, 8 foot thick steel gates to shudder, then rumble open . . .

    Allowing the bulk of the military force to enter . . .)


Shigeru:  Central dogma has been breached!

Fuyutsuki:  We are at condition red!  Seal off all entrances into the installation  from level 3 up!

Hyuga:  Roger�sir, we do not have countermeasures to deal with this kind of infiltration . . !


Announcer:  Attention, attention, all personnel.  Condition red.  Class 1 Quarantine protocol is now in
                  effect for Central Dogma levels B3 through B1. . .

    (The automated announcement echoes throughout the metal hallways, as innumerable gates and emergency
bulkheads fall from the ceiling and slide into place, sealing off the tunnels behind tons of reinforced steel . . .)

Announcer:  All security personnel are to maintain their current positions until further notice.  Repeat, All
                 personnel.  Condition red.  Class 1 Quar----*NNNNN#\\\\\


     (The message is suddenly cut off by a sudden series of ear-splitting explosions that rip through the emergency gates and countermeasures like paper, sending the hollow sound of splitting shrapnel ricocheting down the corridors.

    Moments later, the intruding army continues its advance, nearly unimpeded.

    Soon, their  steely figures emerge from the thick, choking smoke that fills the hallway, into the crowded
conduit marked CD-B4 . . )

     (Without hesitation, the soldiers fall to their positions, weapons ready, as terrified civilian and service
technicians back away in bewilderment . . .

     And then, to the further astonishment and terror of those still standing,  the men open fire,
raining projectile death into the crowd  .  . .)


     (Simultaneously, far below . . .)

Maya:  Ma�am, you have to find him!

Misato:  I sent Okazaki to get him�

Maya:  Okazaki!?

Misato:  It�s Ok.  She can be trusted.

Maya: . . .

Misato:  (shouting) Hyuga�

Hyuga:  Sir?

Misato:  Any sign of Shinji?!

Hyuga:  We�re still looking!

Shigeru:  (shouting)  Commander!  Barricades have been compromised!

Fuyutsuki: No . . .

Shigeru:  They�re in!

     (Shrill screams echo down the corridor of Central dogma, as the deafening sound of weapons
being discharged shatter the air.

     (In the northernmost conduit connecting the main ring of the maintenance sector, frenzied techs and
unarmed crewmen alike are gunned down indiscriminently, staining the hallway floors and walls with blood
as their killers spread through the installation like a plague . . .

     (Nearly two levels down, as the intrusion penetrates yet deeper, the �cleansing� sweep of the rooms only
quickens . . . shrieks of pain and suffering raise, then slowly die away in a slaughter beneath the barrage of
flame-throwers and concussive grenades . . . within the space of mere moments, the still warm bodies of Nerv�s
young operators fill the passages, the many masks of death�s cold slumber  cloaked about their faces . . . )

     (in the more crowded conduits, small, egg shaped devices are fired . . . each, spewing forth clouds of choking,
poisonous gas . . . shrieks of pain are quickly silenced as the systemic poison turns respiratory tissue into liquid . . .

      . . . drowning innumerable victims in their own fluids . . . .)


     (Soon, the smell of gun-smoke and gasoline hanging stagnant in the air of the facility is joined by
the thick stench of blood . . .)

     (It is this odor that greets the latest intruder into Nerv�s inner sanctum . . .)

Aoi: . . .

     (The girl walks among the corpses lining the corridor wearing a face that, to any that might still be living to
observe, could be described as indifferent. . . she faces forward, her hands at her sides, as the sounds of the massacre
rebound off the metal walls of some distant hallway, traveling to her position . . .

    Suddenly, she comes to a stop . . .)

Aoi:  (thinking) Once again, you make me wonder why I am even here . . .

     (It is then that Aoi reaches to the blue band at the base of the large ponytail atop her head.  With a twist of her
wrist, she pulls it free, causing her sable locks to fall about her shoulders and down her back.  Shutting her eyes, she
shakes her head, then looks at the manifestations of death at her feet.

    Seconds later, her hand falls limply to her side, and she drops the blue ribbon atop one of the younger corpses; a
woman with lifeless, peaceful eyes . . .  )

Aoi:  You will have more use for this than I.

     (Now, Tamashii faces forward, continuing her journey . . .

     . . . yet, oddly, as she walks through the ever expanding pools of blood on the ground beneath her, her
feet remain clean . . .and the floor shows no traces, whatsoever, of her ever being there . . .)


    (Meanwhile, several hundred meters below . . .

    On the elevator platform speeding down toward the launch cages below the Geo-front . . .

    Lyn Anouilh and Asuka Soryu sit, alone and together, in silence . .)

Asuka: . . .

Lyn: . . .

     (the second child stands, facing the steel grating, through which can be seen the tall, scarlet figure of her Eva . . .

     The girl�s plug suit, however, is loose and badly fitted�the product of it being hurriedly forced upon her . . .)

Asuka: . . .

     (Her young eyes filled with seething dread, the child hazards a glance to the boy in the opposite corner of the elevator�shuddering as she does so . . .)

Lyn: . . .

     (Anouilh, too, it seems, has been impelled into his plug suit . . . the boy sits on the elevator floor,
hugging his knees to his chest, rocking slowly back and forth . . .)

Lyn: . . .

     (His own face is pale, reflecting the pain in his stomach that is not unlike a heated blade digging into his gut . . .

    A pain that only increases as the sight of Unit 00, too, comes into view . . .)


Hyuga:  Sir!

Misato:  What is it?

Hyuga:  The second and sixth children are being inserted into their entry plugs�

     (Suddenly, Maya cries to herself, in dismay .  .)

Maya:  This can�t be right!

Misato:  What?

Maya:  Lyn�s Synch ratio with unit 00 is less than 16 percent�and Asuka�s has reverted to 0!!

Misato: How can that-

     (Before Katsuragi can finish her sentence, however, The entire control center is rocked by a concussive
explosion�it is enough to cause several monitors to flicker, then flair out as the lights inside the chamber
momentarily fade, then reappear . . . )

Shigeru:  43rd partition wall is down!  Invading force is now in the 2nd stage�

Operator:  The barricades on all the upper levels have been compromised!

Operator:  Fire Damage to sections B-42 and B-87�

Operator: contact with the 64th tactical division has been lost!

Operator:  Linear Rail a-13 has been destroyed . . .

Operator:  Negative contact with the security battalion�

Fuyutsuki: (Shouting) Seal off all Access to mid level gateways!

     (having momentarily lost her balance, Misato finds her footing, Shouting to Makoto--)

Misato:  Dammit!  Ok� We�ll have to send unit 00 topside . . .and Keep Asuka below the Geo-front!
             That�s the safest place she can be right now!

Hyuga:  Roger�

Misato:  Any luck finding Shinji or Rei --?

Shigeru:  Not yet�

     (At that moment, the door to the control center opens--)

Seyoko:  Misato!

Misato:  Did you find him!?

     (Nearly out of breath, the woman shakes her head--)

Seyoko:  (panting) The place was empty�

Maya: . . .

Misato:  Are we ready yet!?

Hyuga:  Almost---there!

Misato:  Send unit 00 up now�and discharge ALL the SS-launch chambers at once!

Shigeru:  All of them?

Misato:  That�s an order�keep the sons-of-bitches guessing for a while. . !

Seyoko:  What are you doing!?  Where�s Lyn?

     (Katsuragi turns to the younger woman, expressing more with her eyes than what mere
words could convey . . .)

Seyoko:  He�s in unit 00, isn�t he?

Misato:  (quietly) You know We have no other choice. . .

Hyuga:  Major!

Misato: .. .?

Hyuga:  I�ve found him!

     (12 levels above  . . . in the space between the 3rd and 4th T-junctions on the internal
partitionary ring . . .)

Shinji: . . .

     (Shinji Ikari sits, huddled against the corner, his hands covering the back of his head, which rests
between his knees . . .)


     (Seconds later)

Misato:  Hyuga�what�s the fastest way to the T-4 bypass!?

Hyuga:  that�s about 12 levels above us, and 30 meters north�The most direct route is the main lift,
            followed by the first access corridor here�

     (Katsuragi nods, then turns--)

Misato:  We�ve got to slow them down�Begin injection of the Bakelite suppression liquid into the upper
            levels�start with the 825th block and move back!

    (Already inputting the commands into his terminal, Shigeru Aoba nods--)

Shigeru:  Understood�Bakelite is at 30 percent completion in north B-810 . . .

Operator:  Bakelite is above 40 percent, rising in section B-706 . . .

Operator:  Bakelite is 70 percent toward completion, rising in sector B-700 . .

Hyuga:  It may not be enough�a substantial division has already bypassed the mid-level barricades!
             It�s only a matter of time before they�ve occupied all of Nerv--

     (At last, Misato looks to Seyoko, who watches the events unfolding in a state of sheer disbelief . . .
suddenly, the major reaches to the small holster at her side, producing her side arm.

      Inserting a Magazine, she motions to the younger woman.)

Misato:  You�re coming with me.

Seyoko:  What?

Misato:  Come ON!

     (As Katsuragi moves Okazaki toward the door, she turns to Hyuga--)

Misato:  I�m sorry, Makoto.  I�ll have to leave this to you.

     (The control operator turns to face her, then nods--)

Hyuga:  It�s no problem . . sir.  Be careful!


     (Meanwhile, in the upper sections, panic is replaced by pandemonium as red coolant liquid begins to gush forth
from air vents and ceiling ducts, filling the already ravaged hallways . . . some of the unlucky, both invader and invaded,
are caught in the flow, and either drowned beneath it or frozen in its icy, all-encompassing grasp . . .

     In time, the Bakelite mingles with the blood in the corridors, creating a false presence of calm in the hallways
already filled with floating dead . . .)


     (High above, as dozens of JSSDF ground elements roll, unimpeded, one-by-one into the streets of Tokyo 3,
innumerable flying units pass over head, leaving twisting con-trails behind them as they streak through the sky . . .)

     Atop one of the command vehicles, a stout, older-looking officer sits, eyeing the city through modified binocular
goggles . . . It is with a firm, angry voice that he talks to one of his subordinates through his radio . . .)

JSSDF Commander:  You�ve encountered a difficulty?

Radio:  Yes, sir.  Some kind of liquid in the upper floors�it�s slowing our progress. We may not be able
            to capture Magi 1 in the expected time . . .

JSSDF Commander:  Listen�you will proceed to the main command center and move further down
                                    from there.  We are to clear this installation with extreme prejudice.  Is that understood?

Radio:  Yes sir.

JSSDF Commander:  Inform your team that their priority is to find and eliminate
             the 4 Pilots.  I repeat, you are to eliminate the 4 childre�What the Hell!!?

     (The man curses out loud as, before him, nearly 30 identical buildings rise out of the ground at blinding
speed, each almost 50 meters in height.  As they come to a stop, steel thunder echoes across the valley, rattling
windows and sending vibrations through the plate-armor of the JSSDF tanks . . . )

     (Almost at once, the ground force comes to a complete halt�the main infantry falling back at the site
of the enclosed EVA Launch towers .  . . )

JSSDF Commander: (shouting)  Get back into your positions!  I want 3 air-strikes inbound on the target
                                                     area NOW!!

     (below him, one of the Captains speaks into his communicator, then turns to his CO--)

JSSDF Captain:  Sir�they�ve positively identified the buildings�

JSSDF Officer:  Patch in to HD- 1.  Tell them the enemy force is deploying their Evangelions!

JSSDF Captain:  Yes, sir.


Operator A:  This is Raven 1 to Raven 7.  Order has been given!

Operator B:  Roger.  Deploying heavy battalion�

     (Moments later, outside the city . . .

     A low, audible thunder fills the air as gargantuan transport units rumble into the area�

    squat, wide, and imposing, these four building-like craft arrive side-by-side, crushing the already damaged
pavement under multi-ton tank treads . . .)


     (simultaneously . . . in the depths of Terminal Dogma . . .)

Rei: . . .

     (The first child, Rei Ayanami, stands before the massive containment tank which, long ago, held the remnants
of  the EVA dummy-plug system core . . .

    By now, however, the LCL has become clouded and dark, -- as sanguinous remains of the mass-productions
clones having mingled with the yellow liquid over the span of many months . . .)

Rei: . . .

     (It is with a mysterious, ghostly stare that she gazes at the swirling cloud, which seems to form unearthly
shapes and spirals; her thoughts, in turn, are beckoned back to a time long before the moment.

     They are images, really, splayed out in her mind like a complex rosary�scenes from a life she has not known . . .
yet, she does know . . .  pictures of people, places, and events that have shaped her inhuman frame of thought, yet at the same
time have left her feeling cold . . . empty . . .

and incomplete . . .)

Gendo:  So, you are here.  Excellent.

Rei: . . .

 (The girl turns to find the old man standing behind her�a large metallic case in one hand . . .)

 (Rei offers no words to him�no sound that would indicate a sense either of fear, or trusting . . .)

Gendo: . . . you know, too, that the time has come.

Rei: . . .

 (instead, her face remains calm . . . almost serene, as the man before her nods�

and almost smiles . . .)


     (Meanwhile, far above . . .

     In the junction between the internal habitation area, and the main shaft . . .

     An interaction of a different sort is about to take place . . .)

Soldier A:  (shouting) Make sure the area is clear!  All rooms on this level must be purged!

Soldier B:  I cannot re-establish contact with bravo team--

     ( A masked soldier runs down the hallway, weaving over the perforated corpses of dozens of Nerv
Personnel . . . behind him, 3 similarly veiled invaders follow, their boots stained with the blood of the dead beneath their feet . . .)

     (It is then that, without warning, the lead man comes to a halt�the two directly behind him automatically falling to
one knee along the wall, while the rear fighter remains standing, bringing his weapon to bear on the figure stepping through the
smoke that fills the hallway before them . . .)

Aoi: . . .

     (The men hesitate for a moment as the sight of a young girl, dressed in a pale blue school uniform,
meets their eyes . . .)

Soldier A: . . . Drop her!

     (Without further equivocation, however, the men open fire�spraying the girl with thousands of projectile rounds . . .

     which, in turn, rebound harmlessly off an invisible barrier that enshrouds her young form . . .)

Soldier B:  what!!?

Aoi: . . .

     (Suddenly, the child raises her eyes to the men . . . narrowing, her deep blue orbs are filled with a merciless,
hateful glare as she continues her slow approach toward them  . . . )

Soldier A:  Fire!!

     (unrelentingly, the men open fire again�

    the Teflon-tipped rounds, however, ricochet off the same force-field, causing the air about the child to
shimmer brilliantly . . .)

Aoi: . . .

     (in an instant, she is almost upon them�her delicate hands raised to her chest level, as she approaches the leader . . .)


Maya: It�s no GOOD!  Pilot synch ratio is still below 16 percent!!

Yuri:  I�m picking up large heat signatures 3 kilometers from Unit 00�s position:

Shigeru:  Some kind of heavy artillery�recon feed is coming in now�

     (Shigeru says no more, however, as a collective gasp seems to raise within the control center . . .)

Maya:  Those aren�t� They can�t be!

Hyuga:  The Magi are in agreement. . .!

     (Aoba turns to the man seated in the chair opposite him--)

Shigeru:  I thought their entire program was halted!?

Fuyutsuki: Obviously they found another use for it!

     (Indeed, outside, this truth seems obvious as the object of the control teams fears are confirmed . . .)

Operator 1:  Targets have been confirmed�deploying Jet-Alone combat units 01 through 04 . . .

     (As the announcement rings over the loudspeaker, titanic lockbolts on the transport craft unlatch,
then release�opening the heavy titanium casings to reveal 4 heavily modified tactical automatons. . .)

 (Inside the command setup nearby--)

Technician A:  Jet Alone mark 1, reactor is at 40 percent and rising . . .

Technician B:  Mark 2 and 3 are at 30 percent and rising . . .

Technician A:  Power plants are nominal. . .


Soldier:  (gasping)

Aoi:  Why do you struggle so?

     (In the junction outside the main shaft, Aoi stands before the last of the JSSDF soldiers she has encountered . . .

     At her feet, the bodies of the 3 other men lie, their faces contorted into twisted masks of horror and death . . .

     Meanwhile, in front of her, the last of their team writhes in mute agony as the girl�s hands move about INSIDE his chest . . .)

Aoi:  Your breathing has become soft . . .

     (Tamashii smiles serenely as her delicate fingertips dance over the Collagen strings inside the man�s
heart�sending another wave of spasms erupting throughout his body, as an unnatural gurgling noise shudders
from his throat . . .)

     (Finally, the girl sighs, almost as if out of boredom, and wraps her palms about the ventricles of his cardiac muscle . . .)

Aoi:  I am tired of this. . .

     (increasing pressure, She leans close, whispering into man�s ear as blood begins to well up between his lips . . .)

Aoi:  (quietly)  You know, Being among the Lilim has taught me many things . for instance--. .

     (She pauses-)

Aoi:  Killing is easy--  when your victim is unfit to be living in the first place . . .

     (With this, she pulls free�allowing his body to slide slowly to the floor . . .)

Aoi: . . . enough of this.

     (Aoi looks down at her hands, which are strangely free of any blood, and exhales--)

Aoi:  Now, there only remains the soul.

    (glancing back at the corpses around her one last time, the girl turns--making her way to the passage
entering into the main shaft . . .)

    (Moments later, as she stands in the doorway opening into the massive, steel-rimmed chasm beyond, Aoi
Tamashii regards herself . . . thinking back, as far as she can remember . . . considering the chain of events that
have brought her to this point . . .

    Looking up, she takes in the sight as powerful down-drafts whip about the edges of her school uniform . . .

    And then,

    Shutting her eyes,

    The girl steps foreword,

    relinquishing herself to the void . . .)


     (Meanwhile, far below . . .)

Rei:  Why am I here?

Gendo:  You understand.

Rei: . . .

Gendo:  The time is now.

Rei:   . . . time . . ?

Gendo:  The final completion of Man.  Through the combination of Adam and Lilith, forbidden
              in man�s arrogance.  You must allow the completion�and take me to Yui.

Rei:  I . . . Yui . . .

Gendo:  Seele wishes to incite the final ceremony utilizing the lance and Lilith.  We must act quickly.
             Are you ready?

Rei: . . .

     (Ayanami�s expression, however, remains vacant;)

Gendo:  Let us go.


     (Elsewhere, in an elevator ascending to the T-4 corridor . . .

Misato:  Get ready--!

Seyoko:  (muttering) Dammit, I didn�t sign up for this . . .

Misato:  What are you talking about!?

Seyoko:  I never thought they would actually attack!

Misato:  And just why is that?

Seyoko:  . . .

     (Suddenly, the counter on the wall comes to a stop, causing the steel doors of the lift to slide open . . .)

Misato:  come on�

     (Cocking the barrel of her automatic, Misato steps out into the hallway�she flinches, for a moment,
at the sight of 2 or 3 dead personnel at her feet . . .

    behind her, Seyoko shuts her eyes, pulling her own small pistol from its place underneath her jacket . . .)


     (In the T-4 Bypass .   .  . Shinji has remained motionless, his back against the wall, as 4 enemy soldiers
train their weapons on him.

    As the lead moves toward him, one of the men behind begins to speak into the communicator.)

Shinji: . . .

Soldier B:  3rd child acquired.  Target is in T-4 Bypass.  We�ve secured the primary unit --�purple�, as well .

     (Slowly, the man places the barrel of his weapon to bear over the top of the child�s head. . .)

Soldier A:  Come on, kid.  You know I hate doing this.

     (Shinji makes no sound, however,

     Indeed, he does not so much as flinch--
     As the man pulls the trigger.)

Shinji: ---

     (A deafening thunder, louder than any noise he has heard before, fills his ears as the gun is discharged� the shot is accompanied by a bright, blinding flash that seems to engulf everything in sight . . .

     The bullets, however, are deflected off of an invisible field�embedding themselves in the wall behind him.)

Soldier B: . . .

Solder A:  What in God�s Na---AAAAAARGH!!!

     (Before he is able to finish, The man�s voice contorts into a scream,�

     --as his right kneecap suddenly explodes--)

Misato:  Sons of Bitches!!!!

     (It is in a blaze of fury that Katsuragi sprints down the hallway, unleashing an unrelenting barrage of gunfire
from the pistol in her hands� behind her, Seyoko kneels to the floor, taking aim and firing as, in one terrifying
instant, the men fall beneath the sudden, deadly onslaught--)

     (Seconds later,  Shinji at last raises his eyes �only to see Misato discharging a final round into the first
soldier�s chest--)

Misato:  (maliciously) I don�t hate doing this--

     (There is a last hollow �CRACK� as the weapon is fired, causing the man�s body to jump at the point-blank force . . . )

Shinji: . . .

     (suddenly, the woman turns to him�falling to one knee as she looks him over . .. )

Misato:  (relieved)  Are you OK?  God, I thought they�d had you . . .

Shinji: . . .

     (Grunting, Ikari pushes her hands away�wrapping his arms about himself . . .)

Misato:  Come on, Shinji.  You have to get to unit 01--

Shinji:  No.

Misato: (in disbelief) What?

     (Shinji closes his eyes tight, burying his head in his arms . . .)

Shinji:  (quietly)  I�m tired of all this.  I don�t want to fight anymore. Leave me here. Just leave me here.

Misato:  God dammit, We don�t have time for this!  STAND UP!!!

     (With these words, she stands�pulling the child to his feet.)

Shinji:  Where is she?  She won�t be with me . . .
             I don�t want to Live anymore!  I don�t care!

     (Suddenly, Katsuragi grabs a handful of the boy�s collar�slamming him against the wall--)

Misato: (shouting) Then kill yourself on your own time!  Right now, You�ve got a job to do!

     (At last, the child stands�Misato looks over her shoulder to Seyoko, who is still at one end of the hallway . . .

     Oddly, the woman�s face is one of profound wonder, as she stares down a corridor perpendicular to theirs . . .)

Misato:  Okazaki!  What�s wrong?

Seyoko: . . . um . . .

     (The woman does not answer, however, for, before her, she sees a strange sight�

     A small boy with ashen-white hair, deep yellow eyes,

     And a very familiar face . . .

     At the sound of Katsuragi�s voice, the child shuts his eyes�turning away as, suddenly, he vanishes.)

Seyoko:  It�s---

     (Shutting her own eyes, Okazaki shakes the apparition from her memory�coming to her feet
and running up the junction to join Misato . . .)

Seyoko:  It�s nothing . ..

Misato:  Then come on!


Technician A:  Jet Alone mark 1, N2 reactor is at 98 percent. . .

Technician B:  Mark 2 through 4 are at 99 percent

Technician A:  Internal units fully charged .

Operator 1:  Launch units!

Technician B:  Roger�Beginning attack cycle . . .

     (The sound of massive hydraulics fill the air as the flatbeds carrying the Jet-Alone robots tilt forward,
allowing the walking behemoths to stand . . . clouds of dust and debris are burst forth as the colossal feet
strike the ground, causing the transport to shudder . . . )


Maya:  (over the com)  Lyn!  Lyn, can you hear me?

Lyn: . . .

Maya:  Lyn!

Lyn: . . .

Maya:  Listen carefully�there are 4 targets north of your position.  We don�t have enough data--* * *

     (Maya�s image disappears abruptly, however, as Anouilh presses a button on his control panel--)

Lyn: . . .

     (Lyn sighs to himself as The entire entry plug then falls silent�save for the deceptively
soothing hum of the power generators and LCL purification system behind him . . .)


     (Meanwhile, in the control center�

     Maya Ibuki shouts desperately into the now unresponsive radio . . .)

Maya:  Lyn!  Lyn!!

     (Beside her, Makoto Hyuga shakes his head . . .)

Hyuga:  He�s shut off his radio!

Maya:  Can�t we override?

Yuri:  It�s No Good!  The system�s been shut down from within!

Maya:  What about the enemy targets?

Shigeru:  Moving in . . . !


    (Slowly, methodically,  the Battalion of the Jet Alone androids  begin to close in;  collapsing smaller structures
in their path beneath their relentless advance . . . atop the left shoulder of each, a flat, ring-shaped structure sits�
residual energy crackling between the very borders of the hole in its center . . .

    Suddenly, one of the reactor-driven Robots encounters the first of the EVA launch silo.  with incredible force,
it lashes out�obliterating the building beneath an onslaught of metal-shod fists . . .)

Operator A:  first column has been destroyed�verification negative.

Operator B:  Deploying heat-detection system . . . Mark IV, verification is also negative.

Operator A:  Too much interference from secondary and tertiary units.  Fan out from current position . . .

Operator C:  Roger.  Marks II and III engaging columns 7 and 8 . . .


     (Inside unit 00�s entry module, as the sounds of the destruction outside slowly grow more and more distinct,
Anouilh pulls his arms about his shoulders . ..

     as, relentlessly, the voices come yet again . . .)

Lyn:  Turn away.  Just turn away.

Voice:  Horrible.  Absolutely horrible . ..

Voice:  when they found him�he was still in his dead mother�s arms . . .

Voice:  her body was already cold, by then . . . holding her dear Lyn close to her . . .

Aoi:  My Lyn . . .

Lyn:  . . . Aoi . . .

Voice:  Someone so young taking a life . . .

Voice:  Perhaps, then, he was born to kill . . .

Voice:  And the price of a life?

Aoi:  I hate you.

Voice:  And the price of a life?

Lyn: . . . I have nothing . . .nothing left to lose.

     (With these words, Unit 00 suddenly comes to life�a tremendous crash is heard as, suddenly, it bursts free
of its steel prison. . . the Eva pulls clear of the building, scanning the cityscape for its would be executioners . . .

     He does not have to look far, however . . .)


JSSDF Commander:  There it is!

JSSDF Captain:  sir, pathfinders are inbound�

JSSDF Commander:  Tell them to launch at once!  Target the blue Evangelion!

JSSDF Captain:  But sir, the Heavy division may be within range of the blast�

JSSDF Commander:  (interrupting) We may not have another chance!  That�s an order!

JSSDF Captain:  Yes, sir . . .


    (Within seconds, the contrails of hundreds of JSSDF ordinance craft tear across the sky, filling it
with an unnatural thunder�

    (And suddenly, a barrage of thousands of missiles�rockets and cluster-bombs�is unleashed.

The volley whistles through the air like a cloud of locusts .. . .

 . . . before it impacts . . .

    In a split second, the once proud city of Tokyo 3 is, once more, engulfed in a tide of fire�

    Buildings, glass, streets, and concrete turned to slag as the ordinance finds its target�)

Lyn:  Aaaa-----aarghhh----gghh!!!

     (Anouilh screams to himself, his EVA reflexively coiling into a fetal position beneath the surging wall of flame . . .

     Perhaps it is fate,

      Perhaps it is divine intervention,

     or perhaps it is chance,

     But, for reasons unknown to Even the pilot himself,

    The EVA remains undamaged:

     Protected by a familiar, hexagonal shield of force known as an AT field . . .)

Lyn: . . .

     (As the remains of the city flow and burn around it, Unit 00 slowly stands�looking up as, an instant later,
a single, oblong object is ejected from the sky;

     The solitary bomb seems to tumble toward the ground in slow-motion, its highly-polished surface reflecting
brilliantly the noon sun . . . and all around it, the circling planes scatter�gathering about the edges of the horizon at
a safe distance . . .

     before, seemingly, all the world goes mad�

     As the N2 mine detonates . . .)


Maya:   NNNnnngh!!!!

Hyuga: . . .!!!

Shigeru: . .!!!

Yuri: . .  .

     (inside the control center, the lights go dim once more�shutting the base  in momentary darkness, as the
shock-waves from the mine-blast throw them from their feet . . .)

     (Above, the surface of downtown Tokyo 3 is vaporized�the force of the weapon ripping through the
armor layers protecting the haven of the Geo-Front entirely, annihilating the hanging structures in its ceiling.
Buildings are blown free of their moorings, and sent hurtling into the air before smashing down on the cavern floor
below, as the cave is suddenly rent wide open.

     (So great is the explosion, that the ground simply ceases to exist beneath unit 00, and the Eva, too, is sent
tumbling through the air . . .falling into the Geo front as the ruins of Tokyo 3�s inner citadel are replaced by a massive
hole in the ground . . .)


     (Unit 00 lands in the Geo-front: the force of impact embedding it several feet within the earth of a tree
covered hill.  Around it, the forest is crushed to matchsticks, as Anouilh is nearly knocked unconscious by the fall . . .)

Lyn: . . . Nnngh . . .

     (Seconds later, 4 more equally massive shapes land nearby�as the Jet Alone robots slam into the ground,
Yet more ruble and wreckage rain down from above, landing in the Geo-Front lake with a tremendous upthrust
of water .. . one of the robots, in the throes of movement, is suddenly and inexorably crushed underneath one of
the larger of the falling buildings�its limbs splaying outward at ludicrous angles as its body is pulverized beneath
the chunk of debris weighing hundreds of thousands of tons . . .)

     (Several moments pass as the light from the N2 weapon begins to fade�As Lyn comes to, he can see, through
unit 00�s viewer, the sky is once more visible through the Geo-Front ceiling.

    Coughing, the child at last begins to move�slowly bringing the EVA to its feet . . .)

     (in various areas Around it, 3 of the Jet Alone, too, begin to move�the fourth too
damaged to stand, they are also soon on their feet . . )


Operator A:  Shockwave is clear�resuming normal operation!

Operator C:  Mark III is down�power readings are negative.

Operator B:  What about the rest of them?

Operator A:  Fully functional.

Operator B:  Status of the Target?

     (The woman pauses for a moment, scanning her console . . .)

Operator A:  negative . . .


    (Behind the hills in the Geo-front�s eastern zone, EVA 00 hides . . .

    (It looks not unlike a anxious child as it crouches there, watching the enemy mecha as they once
more begin their search . . .

    (High above, Military VTOL craft begin their descent into the Geo-front;  arriving, one by one,
strafing the remaining Geo-Front structures still standing on the cave surface . . .)

    (And, inside the EVA�s entry plug, Anouilh curses himself . . .

     not for what he has become,

    but for what he knows he has always been . . .)


Maya:  What�s Lyn�s status!?

Hyuga:  Unit 00 appears undamaged, for the most part�but it�s only a matter of time before they find
            him.  His power connection�s been lost--

Yuri:  casualty reports are still coming in�their force has breached the 16th, 18th, and 24th barricades�
         Mid layer has been compromised!

Maya:  What about radio communications?

Shigeru: negative.

Fuyutsuki:  Do we have any airborne units left?

Yuri:  No, sir.

     (Suddenly, the sound of gunfire can be heard in the hallway outside the control center�followed by
that of screams.)

Hyuga:  They�re here!

 (without further warning, the doors leading into Nerv Command explode�blown open as
gunfire begins to erupt from outside--)

 (Shouting warnings, Makoto, Aoba, and Yuri take cover behind their consoles as the soldiers begin to infiltrate
far below.  Security personnel posted nearby begin to open fire�taking out the first few JSSDF special forces
operatives as they come in . . .

     (Within seconds, however, the Control team find themselves pinned down beneath a barrage
of thousands of bullets . . .

     As Maya ducks behind the terminal, she pulls the laptop down with her�while, beside her,
Hyuga and Shigeru arm themselves . . .

     as the sounds of gunfire build, Yuri is quickly at her friend�s side�watching the screen as Ibuki types furiously . . .)

Maya:  According to the Magi, they�ve infiltrated 70% of the complex . . .!

     (As Furikawa looks on, Maya face falls�her eyes, it seems, are filled with a sense of total
defeat . . .

     slowly, the girl looks up to the now empty command deck�the vice commander now
having taken cover, the chairs are empty . . .

     At last, Yuri looks back to her friend�and is not surprised to see her methodically typing away.

     After several seconds, the girl finds the words to voice her suspicions . . .)

Yuri:  You--You plan to arm the self-destruct, don�t you?

     (Ibuki glances at her companion, a look of hopelessness on her face,
before she closes her eyes and nods . . .)

Yuri: . . .

Maya: . . .

     (at once, she continues to key in the necessary commands, as Hyuga hands
Furikawa a pistol, loading a fresh magazine into the handle . . .)


                    -(flashback)-Seyoko:  Why are you hiding?  Are you afraid of me?
                    -(flashback)-Child-Lyn: . . .
                    -(flashback)-Seyoko:  I�ll find you eventually, Lyn-chan.  You can�t run forever . . .
                    -(flashback)-Child-Lyn:  (giggling) . . .
                    -(flashback)-Seyoko:  Aha!!
                    -(flashback)-Child-Lyn: (laughing) . . .
                    -(flashback)-Seyoko:  I told you . . .little boys can�t hide from their baby-sitters . . .

Lyn: (quietly)  I was never good at this game . . .

     (Inside unit 00�s entry plug, Anouilh finds himself passing in and out of reality�as the search moves
onward around him, coming closer to his position . . .)

Lyn:  (Thinking) why don�t I just let them find me . . . it will all be over with, then . . .

     (The boy rubs his stomach)

Lyn: Maybe it�ll stop hurting once I am dead . . .

     (At this thought, the boy releases the handgrips entirely�sobbing into his gloved hands as the specter
of death looms ever-closer . . .



<The Completion of the 7th Child>
   Here it comes.  The Supreme Folly.  This is the Hour.
                                                                                                            --Jean Anouilh, Becket, 1960

     (In the transport far above, instrumentation suddenly comes to life with activity . . .)

Operator A:  This is Raven 1.  Target has been cited behind the 8th ridge!

Operator B:  Affirmative.  Arming anti-A.T. field weapons . . .


     (In a sight that is terrifying to EVA 00�s already frightened pilot, the three remaining JA mecha
abruptly turn�facing the Evangelion from three different angles . . .

     As they do so, the cylindrical weaponry mounted on their shoulders begin to crackle with electricity�creating
a high pitched whine as they build in power . . .)

     (Lyn Slowly begins to back away�his EVA tensing as the 3 steel behemoths take position . . .

     . . . and move in for the kill . . .)


     (in the transport above . . .)

Operator A:  first Anti-A.T. Field weapon is fully charged.  N2 core is at maximum output.

Operator B:  Fire.


     (It is in a split second that a fiery lance of light�nearly 10 feet in diameter�is released from the
first of the three metal avatars.  As it streaks through the air, Unit 00 ducks�narrowly avoiding the beam.)

Lyn:  Aaargh . . .!!

 Voice:  why are you running away from me, Lyn?

     (the column of light tears past unit 00, superheating the air around it as it drills into the cave wall.  Upon impact,
the rock is reduced to a molten slag, spewing dirt and flame in the wake of the blast . . .)

Lyn:  Oh God!!!

 Voice:  Why do you hate me?

     (At that moment, the second of the Robots fire�the beam cutting its way through the treeline, setting the
very forest afire as it strikes home�shearing EVA 00�s left arm off at the elbow  . . . )

Lyn:  Nnnnh---AAAAARGHH!!!!!

     (Anouilh screams through clenched teeth as his hand falls to his arm, a searing, burning pain shooting
through the limb, dulling the edges of his very senses .  . . the shot is enough to send Evangelion unit 00 reeling,
toppling it in a heap . . .)


Children:  (Screaming)

Touji:  Hikari!!

Hikari:  Unngh---what�s happening!?!?

     (inside the shelter located in the hillsides and valleys of the Geo-front floor, the frightened inhabitants of
what once was Tokyo 3 cower, as the hangar-sized room falls into complete darkness.
    The very walls seem to shudder as the panicked cries of schoolchildren are drowned out by a low rumble . . .)

Hikari:  Suzihara!?

Touji:  I�m here!

     (Through the teeming, frenzied crowd, Hikari Horaki finds Touji Suzihara.

    The boy sits at the far end of the room, underneath the shelter designation number ( 06 )  which glows as an
emergency light in the sudden darkness.  As Hikari comes closer, she finds the boy has removed his artificial leg
and arm�lying with his back against the wall, illuminated by the giant radiant numbers. . .

    in the dimness of the emergency lamps, the class representative falls to her haunches before him�the traces
of tears detectable in her eyes . . .)

Hikari:  Touji . . . everyone�s afraid . . . I can�t�I can�t get them to stop from being scared .  .

Touji:  It�s okay. You did your best.

Hikari: .  .  .

Touji:  Hikari?

Hikari: . . ?

Touji: sit next to me?

     (The girl nods once, shifting to a seat on the floor beside him . . .)


     (Meanwhile, far below . . .)

Yuri: (shouting over gunfire)  I�ve lost readings on Lyn!!

Maya:  It won�t matter . . . I�ve finished.

Yuri:   . . .

Maya:  Self destruct is activated.

Yuri:  How much time?

Maya:  six minutes . . .


Maya:  What!?

Yuri:  What�s happening?

     (Ibuki, however, shakes her head in confusion . . .)

Maya:  Something---something within the Magi is halting the countdown!

Yuri:  ???

Maya:  It�s Caspar!  It�s rescinding my commands!

Yuri:  Can you work around it?

Maya: . . . I can�t�I�m being denied access!


Operator A:  Evangelion has ceased movement.  Threat assessment is negative. What are your orders?

JSSDF Commander:  If you can salvage it, do so.  If it moves, destroy it.

Operator B:  Yes sir.


Lyn:  (crying)  Please, mother.  Please make it stop. . .

     Voice:  The price of a life?

Lyn:  JUST KILL ME!!!  I Deserve to die, Do you Hear!!?

     Voice:  But---the price of a life?

Lyn:  The only girl I loved hates me.  My father. . . my mother.  WHAT IS LEFT?!!?

     Voice:  . . .

Lyn:  There�s nothing left worth fighting for! Not for me!  NOTHING!!!

     Voice: . . . wrong  . . . You are wrong, Lyn Aaron Anouilh.

 (Suddenly, inside the Entry plug, all seemingly becomes silent . . .)

Lyn:  Then . . what?  What?

     Voice: . . .

     (It is then that the anti-AT field beam once more bathes the entry plug cockpit in an eerie blue light.
Reflexively, the EVA�s pilot drops to the ground�the laser blast narrowly avoiding the damaged unit 00�

    As the beam streaks past, however, it soon finds a target�

    --ripping into the hills in the northern quarter.

    but, as the blast drills a fiery hole into the hillside,

    Anouilh freezes with mute horror�

    for he realizes what is located within . . .)

     (As the distant rumbling beyond the shelter confines suddenly grows to a deafening pitch, and the ambient
temperature of the room begins to rise, Hikari Horaki leans close to Touji Suzihara.  As the walls begin to
discorporate into superheated slag, the girl whimpers once�

    The boy, however, pulls his arm about her�gently but firmly turning her eyes away . . .)

Hikari:  t�Touji . . .

Touji:  Shhhh . . .it�s gonna be okay.
     (As the girl relinquishes herself to the embrace, Touji Suzihara watches as the opposite wall becomes a fervent red.

    He does not so much as flinch when the metal twists, then buckles,

    then yawns open . . .

    revealing a light to end all lights,

    indeed, as the screams of the people are finally drowned out by an all-encompassing roar,
    and all are blinded in the ensuing blast,

    there is only the briefest sensation of pain . . .

    then nothing.


     Voice: . . . innocence.

Lyn:  N-----NO!!!!!!

     (The 7th child�s anguished scream seems to reverberate the very walls of the entry plug as the 6th shelter
is annihilated�the hillside itself exploding in a brilliant inferno, scattering flaming fragments into the sky . . .)

     Voice:  The price of a life . . .to kill . . .

Lyn: . . . BASTARDS!!!!


    (Suddenly . . . in the command transport far overhead�)

Operator A:  Sir!!  I�m reading an object approaching Mark IV at high velocity--

Operator B:  Evasive Maneuve�


Lyn: (screaming)  I�LL SHOW YOU HOW TO KILL!!!!!

     (Before the controller can finish, however, the bright blue form of Evangelion unit 00 slams into the 4th Jet
Alone robot--  The invader is knocked from its feet with a resounding crash that is heard across the valley, and
sent tumbling for several hundred meters into the forest beyond . . .

     still crouched from the attack, Unit 00 turns�its single eye now brightly ablaze with a rageous fire from within,
the cycloptic beast locks the remaining two Robots in a red, hateful stare.

     And then, with a sudden burst of speed, the EVA bounds the short distance between it and them�Before
either of the Jet Alone units can react, Unit 00 is upon them:  colliding with the 2nd with enough force to send
them both crashing into the ground . . .

     As a swell of smoke and dust from the impact fills the air, the EVA stands. . .Suddenly, its right arm thrusts foreword--digging its fingers into the chest of the now prone behemoth beneath it.

     the rending of metal and the creaking of rivets fills the pilot�s ears as the EVA pulls with all its might�its back
twisting as the synthetic muscles inside the its right arm strain to their absolute limit . . .

    . . .and, seconds later, incredibly, the multiton robot is slowly lifted into the Air--)


     (It is with a final, enraged yell that Lyn brings the EVA about, launching the body of Mark II at the first�

     so great is the force of the throw, the Evangelion falls to its knees�illuminated by the light of the ensuing
explosion as the Robots collide.

    The first is violently torn in half upon impact,

    its armored head crushed into oblivion as its torso is cleaved apart�

    seconds later, the N2 cores within both at last overheat,

    then erupt . . .

    bathing their grotesque forms in flame . . . )

Lyn:  (Panting) . . . .

     ( Around the EVA, a barrage of thousands of tracer rounds from the airborne units above is unleashed�
striking unit 00�s armor and rebounding harmlessly as it rises�facing the onslaught . . .)


     (Inside the entry plug . . .)

Lyn:  NNgh . . . Asuka!!

Asuka: ---

Lyn:  Asuka!  C--can you hear me?

Asuka: . . .

Lyn:  Listen to me, God Dammit!

Asuka:   . . .

Lyn:  Asuka,  You�ve got to help me!!!!  I can�t�I can�t fight them alone!!

Asuka: . . .

Lyn:  ASUKA!!!

Lyn:  Go to hell, then!!!  I�ll do it!!!

     (With these words, Lyn shuts off his radio once more�turning to the gunnery
bombardment all around him . . )

Lyn:  (shouting)  Do you hear me!?  I�m not afraid of Dying anymore!!!!!

     (Upon this declaration, the twisting, wavering visual distortion of an AT field once more is
seen around Evangelion unit 00 . . .

     along with the high-pitched scream of its formation . . .)

Lyn:  The price of a life is A life.

    (And suddenly, the air is filled with a new sound�

    One that is heard over the noise of the machine gun blasts and cannon rounds--

    Echoing across the confines of the Geo front,

    it is the sound�

    of EVA 00�s enraged roar  . . .)

Lyn:  If I die, then maybe it will be enough. . !

     (It is then, That the EVA moves in�pulling its progressive knife from its shoulder housing . . .)


ACESS CODE # 01101010101110


Maya:  It�s not working!!

Yuri:  Nngh�sir!  Enemy has been sighted past the 30th barricade!

Maya:  !!

Yuri:  What�

Maya:  The Magi have begun a deliberation again!

Yuri:  I don�t understand�

Maya:  Balthazaar!

Yuri: . . .?

Maya:  It�s attempting to override Caspar�s initiative!!

Yuri:  (shouting)  Then you got in?

Maya:   No!

Yuri:  But---The Magi aren�t programmed to do that on their own!

Maya:  something�inside The Magi?! Another will?

Yuri:  Then�where did the other one come from!?

 (Maya, however, does not answer . . .

 For she can merely stare at the screen before her . . .)


     (Elsewhere . . .)

Seyoko:  Come and get some, Dammit!!!

     (A Barrage of bullet fire from 30 feet down the corridor which Okazaki, Misato, and the reluctant
Shinji make their way is the only answer, however, as the three fall to the deck . . .)

Misato:  Would you Shut up!!

Seyoko:  I�m almost out of ammo and all I got left are my words!

Misato:  AArgh!!  You�re going to have alot less than that if you don�t get your ass in gear!!

     (It is with this that Misato stands, pulling the younger boy to his feet.  As the three duck into an
elevator, the sounds of battle die away . . .

     As the titanium doors lock shut, Misato produces her cel-phone--)

Misato:  Hyuga!?

Hyuga:  (Shouting)  Major!  Did you find him!?

Misato:  Shinji�s with me�what�s going on?!

Hyuga:  They�re in the control center!  This entire level has been occupied!

Misato:  Hyuga�I�m at�

     (The woman pauses, eyeing the numbers stenciled conspicuously on the wall above
Shinji�s head . . .)

Misato: (continuing) �the elevator in the 13th linear junction!  What�s the quickest way to unit 01�s cage?

     (There is a tense silence for a moment, interrupted only by the sound of gunfire coming from the
telephone�s small speaker . . .then--)

Hyuga:  All routes in the lower layer but one are cut off!  You�ll have to take him to the parking level, and
             through restricted Area E�

Misato:  Right�

Seyoko:  Wait!!

     (without warning, Okazaki pulls the cellular away from Katsuragi�keeping her eyes on the woman
as she speaks into it . . .)

Seyoko:  What about Anouilh?!

     (A shrill metal screech shatters the air as Unit 00�s progressive knife tears into the hull of a JSSDF Airborne
VTOL�as the blade sinks in, the thin armor on the ship yields easily beneath the assault; shuddering once, then
disintegrating beneath the high-sonic edge as the entire craft is sheared in half.  The two pieces of the vehicle separate
and tumble through the air, exploding into two brilliant fireballs on the ground far below �

    Falling to a catlike crouch, the EVA drops its progressive knife;   The ultrasonic blade sinking several meters into
the dirt as, without a further instant�s hesitation, Unit 00 suddenly turns�its metalshod fingers lashing out at the nearest
of the circling craft, wrapping around its bow with surprising speed.  At once, the hand closes, crushing the cockpit in
a blaze of sparks and fire. . .)

Lyn:  !!!!

     (As gunnery placements open up from the hill beyond, the EVA spins, throwing the damaged craft at the
artillery cannons. Upon impact, the massive plane erupts in flame:  raining death upon them . . .)

     (Inside the entry plug, the 7th child clenches his teeth as yet more high-caliber explosive shells detonate on the
EVA�s hide.  Beneath the deafening booms in the external pickups, he turns to find a JSSDF HWZR Gunnery
division on the opposite ridge, their rail-cannons blazing.

     As the EVA is rattled by wave after wave of the concussive blasts, Anouilh turns once more to the hill�where
the prone form of the 4th Jet Alone Tactical robot still lies, motionless.

     Beneath the continuous assault of the cannons, The EVA grasps for the handle on the machine�s back:  heaving
the massive Robot off the ground, and finally launching it at the source of the gunblasts.  )

Soldier A:  (wireless radio) (screaming) COUNTERMEASURE INBOUND!!!!!  FIRE!!! FIRE--*//\~

    (In the horrifying seconds it takes for the titanic projectile to travel through the air, the artillery blisters in its path
retrain, firing frantically at the improvised missile.  Succeeding only in chipping its armor, Their efforts prove futile
as the impossibly huge frame slams into the ranks� Crushing them while catapulting tons of dirt and
rock into the air . . .)

     (Up on the hill, Unit 00 slouches as the pilot within attempts to catch his breath.  He is not yet given the chance
to consider the full scope of his act as, within seconds, a 5 story tactical air-to air missile is launched from one of the
remaining circling craft . . .

Lyn:  Hhuungh!!!

     (The boy yelps with surprise as the warhead hits�the explosion rattling the Evangelion�s armored hide,
causing it to fall several steps back . . .)

    Anouilh�s response, however, is equally as cold and automatic, as suddenly, outside, the EVA�s free
hand reaches for the opposite shoulder housing�producing its pistol.

     (Bringing the blue guardian about once more, Lyn takes steady aim, squeezing off burst after burst from the weapon.
The ultra-high caliber shells rip through the air at three times the speed of sound, hitting their targets dead center,
their high-energy explosive rounds annihilating 3 more of the VTOL craft in the distance. . . )

Lyn:  Oh---God!

     (At that moment, The boy exclaims quietly in the Evangelion�s cockpit as the plug lighting suddenly goes red�bathing
him in vermilion as the emergency klaxon rings wildly.

     Slowly, he lowers his eyes to the control panel, dreading that which he knows is there.

     For below, the indicator reads:


     (Swallowing hard, the boy turns to his radio�speaking quietly into the comm. as the seconds count down . . .)

Lyn:  . . . Asuka . .

     (Strangely, as he calls out to a voice that refuses to respond, Lyn Anouilh fails to notice that, around him,
the barrage has ceased, allowing a fearful silence to once again enshroud the Geo-front . . .

Lyn:  . . . Asuka . . . My EVA�s out of power �

     (And it is in this, that Anouilh also fails to notice the proximity indicator, as it flashes wildly with warning of
multiple targets overhead�
     This leaves him only to gasp in shock as, an instant later, a rain of high powered blasts streaks down from the sky,
tearing through unit 00�s armor like rice-paper.  The sheer power of the shot is enough to send the critically damaged
EVA hurling several hundred meters back, into the very center of the Geo front lake.  A thousand gallons of liquid are
suddenly tossed into the sky as the gigantic, limp form slams into the surface, Quickly enveloped by the buckling waters . . .

     And it is then that, high above, in the orange glow of the afternoon sun,

     13 massive shapes can be seen�

     Circling the sky like unworldly birds of prey,

     unwavering from their path,

    as they begin their slow descent . . .


     (Far below . . . in a luminous place deep within the very matrix of terminal dogma known as �Heaven�s Door ". . .)

Gendo:  Let us begin.

Rei: . . .

Gendo:  What began long ago, shall be finished.  I had not expected it to go yet so far.

     (slowly, the man approaches the pale figure before him�)

Gendo:  I have already attempted the first stage of completion with Adam.

     (It is then that, slowly, Ikari removes the glove from his hand� revealing a twisted, gray shape
and single, glazed eye ingrained in his palm.

    Rei does not move, in turn, as he places the pale, disfigured palm on her cheek . . .)

Gendo:  Rei . . .We will complete instrumentality with you. First must come the joining of Adam and
            Lilith, by tearing away the form that imprisons man�s heart.  You must cast off this form, Rei, so
            that our souls can unite�and then, you can take me to Yui.

Rei:  Unite . . . with you . . .

Gendo:  Yes.

     (Ikari�s words come gently as his hand falls to her shoulder, then finally, to her chest.

    Ayanami turns her head to the side, whimpering in pain as the hand slowly enters� The girl nearly
doubles over, as the fingers pass through flesh and bone as easily as if passing through air  . . .)

Rei:  (quietly) I � I do not want to unite with you . . .


Voice:  I am sorry . . .

Gendo: . . ?

Rei: . . .

Voice:  (quietly) It . . . pains me to interrupt this union . . .

     (withdrawing, slowly, Ikari turns�his eyes falling upon a figure standing in the massive doorway far behind . . .

     a girl in plain blue dress, her form partially enshrouded by the shadows that crisscross the spacious chamber as she steps closer; )

Aoi: . . . or should I say reunion . . .

     (a girl with deathly pale skin and deep, blue eyes . . .)

Rei:   . . .

     (slowly, raises her gaze to the two figures before her. . .)

Aoi: . . . It smells of the Lilim in here.

     (For a moment, nothing is said as the girl makes this simple declaration.  Ikari steps to the side, locking
her in a cold, curious gaze.

     Finally, he speaks . . .)

Gendo:  So, you are the last?

     (The girl returns his look, then slowly shakes her head . . .)

Aoi:  (softly) The last is not me.  I am the messenger.  Merely The guide.  I will make sure what
                    must be done is done.

Gendo:  I hardly find it as such.

Rei: . . .

Aoi:  My promise . . .such is the purpose of my creation.

     (With these words, the girl falls to her knees�her hands grasping her shoulders as her entire body
shudders once . . . rocked with painful convulsions that seem to emit from deep within . . .

    then suddenly, the cloth on her back seems to stretch,

    then rip,

    then tear open,

    as two, luminescent, celestial forms rise from her shoulders,

    bathing the vastness of Heaven�s door in a paradisiacal white light.

    All of it, in the ever constant presence�

    of the girl�s agonized scream . . .)

    (As the last remnants of the garb fall away, The specter stands:  its wings of light stretching seemingly to the
very edges of the spacious compound, reflected brilliantly off the lake of LCL in its center.

    It is then that her now pure red eyes focus on Rei, and Rei alone . . .)

Malachi: . . .

Rei: . . .

     (Nearly an eternity seems to pass between the two�the third watching the wordless exchange in utter silence . . .)

     (Then, with particulate light dancing around her figure, the Angel speaks . . .)

Malachi:  There remain four.

Rei: . . .

Malachi:  Four until the last.

Rei: . . .

Malachi:  Until Completion as one.  Completion through death.

Rei:   Death.  I am--

Malachi:  You . . .You are incomplete, Rei Ayanami.

Rei: . . .

Aoi:  You . . .are then the first I must deal with.

     (Suddenly, the creature�s deep red eyes dart to the man standing between them, watching intently . . .)

Malachi:  For what you hold, yours will be different.

Gendo: . . .

Malachi:  Adam will not join with her.


    (far above)

Pilot A: This is Hawk 1.  Target area has been cleared.  Beginning descent.

Pilot B:  Roger.


     (Meanwhile, in the sealed launch tunnel beneath the Geo-front . . .)

Asuka:  (whimpering) . . .

     (Asuka Soryu has at last relinquished herself to her despair�huddled fetally  at the very darkest corner of her
entry plug, she covers her eyes and ears, closing off what remains of the world around her in a horrifying field of
red . . .)

Asuka: . . . not worthy . . .


Asuka:  Synch ratio zero . . .


Asuka:  unfit . . .


Asuka:  Not worthy to live. . .


Asuka:  Not worthy of love. . .

                     -(Flashback)- Shinji:  I need you!

Asuka: (screaming) DON�T LOVE ME!!


Asuka:  All the people that love me die . . .


Asuka: (thinking) mama . . . your dear daughter died with you . . .


Maya:   They are locked in deliberation�I can�t �

Yuri:  What about the secondaries?!?

     (cursing, Ibuki slams her palms down on the console in frustration--)

Maya:  Balthazaar has engaged all nine-hundred-thousand input barriers in the mainframe� !

Hyuga:  (gasping)  We�ve pushed them back!

Fuyutsuki:  Seal that door!  How long do we have!?

Shigeru:  10, maybe 15 minutes at best!  We�re being completely overrun!

Fuyutsuki: (to Yuri) Lieutenant!

Yuri:  I�m still not getting any readings from unit 00�and Asuka�s synch ratio isn�t even registering!

Shigeru:  Sir!!!

Fuyutsuki:  Report!

Shigeru:  We have multiple objects entering Geofront Airspace!  They are descending into the perimeter!

Fuyutsuki:  On Screen�

Pilot A:  this is Hawk 1.  Heat signature has been detected below the Geoid surface.

     (on the underside of each of the large, circling craft, a white, hump-like shape is suspended�curled
not unlike the curve of a mother�s womb, each of the 13 carapaced shapes  motionless, unfazed by the
incredible winds of high altitude flight . . .)

Pilot B:  Orders have been verified.  Altitude is at maximum.  Launch sequence underway.
     (Suddenly, it is with the unlocking of bulkheads and jutte latches that the mound-like forms simultaneously
change position�hanging onto the craft now by their hands and feet, the familiar ghostlike shapes of 13 05 series
Evangelions become apparent . . .

     As the second portion of the drop sequence begins, the long, red, rodlike shapes of over a dozen entry plugs,
which are visible protruding from the arched backs of the 13 EVAs, and marked with the single word "KOWARU",
are suddenly and automatically inserted�pulled in by some unseen mechanism, the pilot modules locking into place,
protected by the heavy armor of the EVA�s hides . . .)

Pilot B:  final launch phase complete.  Synchronization index is verified.
Pilot A:  Launch!

     (Upon the man�s wireless command, the grinding sounds of nearly a hundred lockbolts being unlatched can be heard:
so loud and numerous, they are detectable over the roar of the plane engines.

    And then,  Like ghostly birds of prey, the 05 units are suddenly released�their stretched limbs contorting into
place, they descend through the air in silent freefall . . .

     Until, seconds later, the white, kite-like shapes of their reverse-articulated wing systems extend.  Silhouetted against
the orange sky, these 13 harbingers of death begin their own descent�passing the rim of the Geo-front cavern in
a matter of seconds . . .)


    (below . . .)

Asuka: -:-:-:-

Asuka:  Nnnngh!!!!

     (The girl screams to herself as the peaceful, womb-like embrace of the entry plug is shattered by a sudden
earthquake . . . she is nearly thrown from her place on the floor, tossed against the arm of the pilot chair as the
LCL is rocked back and forth  . . .)


     (Outside, another of the horrid blasts tears into the geofront hillside�spewing tons of dirt and matter into the
sky as the circling demons take their aim, unleashing the fervent of bolts from the massive spears held in their hands . . .

     (Around the perimeter of the blast area, 4 of the specters touch down�slouching like inhuman beasts as the land.
Their wings fold into concealment once more as they bring their lance-like weapons about . . . and a low, animal growl
can be heard coming from their throats as they cautiously and robotically approach . . .


Maya:  (breathlessly) I had no idea they�d completed all 13 of the mass-production units already !

Fuyutsuki:  (to himself)  Of course . . . Seele intends to use THEM  . . .

Yuri:  She�s not answering, sir!

Fuyutsuki:  Bring Unit 02 back to the cage!!  We can�t risk losing it!

     (Below, Hyuga tries desperately to comply�

Hyuga:  We can�t sir!  The recovery system�s lost power!

Fuyutsuki:  Try to reroute it through the adjacent pathway!

Yuri:  I�m trying, sir!

     (frantically, the woman attempts to key in the proper commands . . .
     a moment later, she slams her fist into the console--)

Yuri: (shouting) DAMMIT!!!  I�m being completely shut out!!

Maya:  Then Asuka�


Asuka:  Uuugh!!!!!

Asuka:  I want to die . . .

Asuka:  Mama, take me with you!!!


     (The girl�s thought are nearly drowned out as, yet again, the dark, still form of EVA 02 is
once more rocked by the concussive particle blasts . . .)


    (Outside, as the hillside is once again hit by the luminescent beams, the four mass production series on the ground
finally reach its base� each of them sheathing their spears and producing a long, curved progressive blade, they
proceed to tear into the hill�snarling like wildcats in search of their prey, kicking up a massive cloud of dirt and debris  . . .

    Yet, in doing so,

    they remain unaware of movement from behind . . .)


     (Far below . . . as Emergency alarms once more ring in the Control center . . .)

Maya: (shouting)  Sir!! I�m registering another A.T. field in the immediate vicinity!

Fuyutsuki:  what!?

Maya:  Spectrum analysis!

Yuri: (shouting) The pattern is blue!

Fuyutsuki:  An Angel!?

Shigeru: . . .?

Maya: . . .?

Hyuga: (shouting)  It�s Unit 00, sir!!!!



     (Still glistening with water from the lake, the cracked hide of EVA 00 shines brilliantly in the streaming
sunlight, as it seemingly appears out of nowhere, wrapping its single arm about the throat of the nearest production
Evangelion and dragging the surprised beast to the ground.

     Screaming from insurmountable anger from within, the EVA straddles its prey�ramming its fist into its
reptilian face again and again as its pilot shouts at the ashen monster . . .)

Lyn: (screaming) I never wanted to see you again, you son of a bitch!!!!

     (It is then, that we see the EVA that he is attacking�

 Is production unit 06 . . .)

Lyn:  (Screaming) You blamed me---BUT YOU MADE HER WANT TO DIE!!!!

     (With these shouts, EVA 00 seizes the enemy EVA�s face in its hand.  The stretching of sinews and distention of
muscle can then be heard as Anouilh begins to pull�attempting to wrench the beast�s face away from its body . . .)



     (It is then,

     As the white EVA�s neck begins to open up beneath 00�s fingers,

     that a single, long shape is thrown from one of the shadows encircling the sky . . .

     it takes it only a millisecond to strike home�

     shattering EVA 00�s AT field completely,

     and embedding itself through its heart . . .

     as the Evangelion arches its back in silent agony,

     the double spear tips of the lance of Longinus can be seen�

     covered with its blood, protruding from its Chest. . .

Lyn:  !!!!!!!!!

     (inside the entry plug, a new level of pain wrenches itself through Lyn Anouilh as a stream of blood
begins to fall from his mouth, mingling with the LCL around him . . .)

     (Beneath EVA 00, the Production model unit 06 begins to move�shedding off the now still attacker,
it comes to its feet, recovering its progressive blade from the ground beside it . . .

    and then,

    as it is joined by the 3 other 05 series,

    it looses a low, animal growl . . .

    before the four descend upon the EVA,

    hacking away, like woodcutters

    then falling upon it,
    like ravenous hounds. . .)


     (inside the pilot�s compartment,  As the EVA is brutally dismembered by the 4 beasts,  the world begins to
vanish in a sea of white pain as Lyn Anouilh rises from his chair, turning to the emergency console behind him--

Lyn: (thinking) Got to buy her some time . . .

     (keying in the short numerical sequence, the boy activates the last functioning system within the
Battered EVA itself . . .

     Then, turning back to the now hazy-red forms on the viewer around him, he falls into his seat�
swallowing the blood welling up from his throat as the Entry plug is rocked with the endless blows,  . . .)

Lyn:   Where is England?


Lyn:  I�m Sorry, Aoi.

     (It is then, that  around him, the screen goes blank.
 Replaced by the words:




Lyn: (smiling) . . . I�m innocent again.

 Voice: Yes . . .


 As the countdown reaches 0,

 All four forms of the 05 series Evangelions are bathed in the light of the explosive device�their bodies
incinerated in a flash of brilliance brighter than a thousand suns, as the remains of Evangelion unit 00 once
more become heat and death�

 And it is in this fiery release,

 . . .that the Geo-front is filled with its pilot�s final, noble act . . .

And far below, as the rumble from the blast rocks the very heart of the Nerv installation,

the being known as Tenkei smiles to himself in the shadows,

breathing a sigh of relief . . . .



<The Completion of Asuka Soryu>
"For a little time the hungry hawk will only soar and hover, circling lower, waiting excuse, pretense, opportunity.  End will be simple, sudden, God-given.  Meanwhile the substance of our first act will be shadows, and the strife with shadows.  Heavier the interval than the consummation.  All things prepare the event.
                                                                                Watch. . . "

                                                                                      --T.S. Elliot, Murder in the Cathedral, 1935.


     (Inside the Entry plug of EVA 02 . . . as the explosion outside once more plunges the world into silence . . .

     . . . the sweet song of death can be heard in Asuka Soryu�s ears . . . )

Asuka:  child of . . . child of heaven . . .

     Shinji:  Don�t hate me . . .

     Asuka:  I don�t hate you . . .

Asuka: unprotected, alone . . .

Asuka:  I am alone with death . . .

Asuka:  I should have died with you, mama . . . then I wouldn�t be alone . . .


    Voice:  No.

Asuka: . . . I should have died with you . . .

    Voice:  No

Asuka:  I should have died with you . . .
    Voice:  NO.

Asuka:  I should have died with you . . .

    Voice:  NO.

Asuka:  I should have died with you . . .

    Voice:  NO.

Asuka:  I should have died with you . . .

    Voice:  NO.


Asuka:  . . .  Mama?

    Kyoko:  Do not die yet.

 (Elsewhere . . .)

Seele:  Word from our forces.

Kihl: . . .?

Seele:  four of the Avatari have been lost.

Seele: . . .

Seele: . . .

Kihl:  It is no matter.  Their existence was not required.  A convenience no longer efficacious.

Seele:  What of The Messenger?

Seele:  In Heaven�s door.

Seele:  The Red Earth ceremony is at hand, now.

Seele:  We may begin.

Kihl:  Our freedom is at hand.


     (meanwhile . . . running among the concrete forest that is the Nerv personnel parking level, Misato Katsuragi,
Shinji Ikari and Seyoko Okazaki weave between row after row of cars�most of them, their owners no longer
alive, they sit dormant . . . seemingly, watching the life and death struggle playing out before their inanimate ranks . . .)

Misato:  Dammit, they�re down here, too!  Keep moving!

Seyoko:  How much further?

Misato:  My Car�s on the floor below this on, over there!  There�s an elevator right�

     (The woman freezes, however, coming to a sudden halt�

 For, Before, them, stands a group of nearly 20 men . . .)

Misato: (screaming) MOVE!!!

     (It is with these words that the woman dives�pulling the younger boy with her, behind the door panels of
one of the many parked cars in the garage.  Seyoko, taking cue, does so as well�albeit behind a row of cars
on the opposite side .  .

     A flurry of shouts, then the deafening staccato of automatic weapons fire quickly ensues, as bullets whiz past,
embedding themselves in the concrete pillars behind them . . .)

     (reloading a fresh and final magazine into her gun�s chamber, Katsuragi glances at the boy next to her . . . Shinji
merely holds his head in his hands, revealing no movements of life, save for quickened breathing and the
occasional whimper . . .)

     (Not lost for cause, Misato grits her teeth�returning fire from behind the car�s already
pockmarked bumper . . .

    It is answered, however, by a thousand shots�)

     (But then, as the utter hopelessness of the situation dawns upon them all, the very structure begins to shake, as
aftershocks from a massive explosion above sends vibrations shuddering through the very heart of the Nerv
subcomplex . . . fluorescent lighting fixtures overhead flicker, then black out as the sudden fury detaches them
from their moorings, sending them crashing to the floor.

     And, for a moment, the gunfire stops�

     Allowing the three to stand, and make a quick break for the stairwell on the far side of the parking area.)

Seyoko:  (panting)  What was that!?

     (as she runs, Misato reaches for her phone--)

Misato:  The�they must be using N2 mines again--

Shinji: . . .

     (pressing the autodial, the woman yells into the cellular . . . )

Misato:  Hyuga!

Hyuga:  (over the phone)  Major Katsuragi?

Misato:  we�re in the third parking level�what the hell is going on!?

Hyuga:  The JSSDF�they�re using the production series Evangelions!

Misato:  Production types?

Hyuga:  Affirmative. . .

Misato:  hold on!

     (as the three reach the familiar blue coup, parked in between two of the heavily armored gray transport
trucks, Katsuragi pushes the despondent Shinji in the back seat, getting behind the wheel with Okazaki at her
side . . . within seconds, the car is in motion, speeding down the winding exit ramps to the car-train terminal
below . . .)

     (With one hand at the wheel, Katsuragi returns to her phone--

Misato: Hyuga, how many of them are there!?

Hyuga:  13  . . . but Unit 00 succeeded in taking out four of them�

Misato:  Lyn?  What�s his status?!

Hyuga:   (quietly) . . . He destroyed them using the self destruct . . .

     (without thinking, Katsuragi glances at Okazaki�only to find the woman�s eyes locked on her in
morbid trepidation . . . )

     (Slowly, Misato turns away, as Seyoko slouches in her seat, staring at the nearly empty
Beretta in her lap . . .)

Misato:  Then he�s . . .

Hyuga:  Yes.

Misato:  How many are left . . .?

Hyuga:  nine�and ma�am, they have the lance.

     (The woman is quiet for a long time, as the car lurches around turns, its engine rising and falling
with the fluctuations in acceleration . . .

     then, finally--)

Misato: . . . I�ll call you when we reach the cage.  Katsuragi out.

     (closing the cel, Misato drops it in her lap, as, beside her, Okazaki remains still . . .)

Seyoko:  (Thinking, horrified). . . I dragged him . . .off to his death .?!?!?

Misato:  I hope they haven�t gotten to Asuka yet . . .

Shinji:  (whispering) Asuka . . . ?


     (Far above . . . in the entry plug of Evangelion unit 02 . . .

    Kyoko:  It is not your time.

    Asuka:  Mama . . . I want to go to heaven with you now.

    Kyoko:  You are not alone.
    Asuka:  Mama . . . I want to go to heaven with you now!

    Kyoko:  Do not die yet, My precious Asuka.

    Asuka:  Please Mama . . . I want to go to heaven with you.

    Kyoko: It is not yet time . . .

    Asuka:  Mama . . . I want to go to heaven with you.

    Kyoko:  Do not die yet, Asuka.

    Asuka:  Mama . . . I want to go to heaven with you.

    Kyoko: It is not your time . . .

    Asuka:  Mama . . . I want to go to heaven with you.

    Kyoko:  Do not die yet, Asuka.

    Asuka:  Mama . . . I want to go to heaven with you.

    Kyoko:  Do not die yet, Asuka.

    Asuka:  Mama . . . I want to go to heaven with you.

    Kyoko:  Do not die yet, Asuka.

    Asuka:  Mama . . . I want to go to heaven with you.

    Kyoko:  DO NOT DIE YET, ASUKA!!.

    Asuka:  Mama . . . I want to go to heaven with you.

    Kyoko:  I will not take you with me yet.

    Asuka:  I want to go with you!!!

    Kyoko:  I AM HERE, ASUKA.

    Asuka:  Mama!?

    Kyoko: It is not time for your death yet!!

    Asuka:  MAMA!!!

    Kyoko:  I am always with you.

    Asuka:  (Screaming)  MAMA!!!! MAMA!!!!!

    Kyoko:  Always with you

    Asuka:  WITH ME!!!  MAMA!  YOU ARE WITH ME!!!

    Kyoko:  that which cares for you . . .

    Asuka:  OF COURSE!!!  MAMA!!!  THE AT FIELD!!! UNIT 02!!!

    Kyoko: . . .


    Kyoko:  Now, my child.


    Kyoko: Now.

    Asuka:  I DON�T WANT TO DIE!!!!

    Asuka:  I DON�T WANT TO DIE!!!!

    Asuka:  I DON�T WANT TO DIE!!!!

    Asuka:  I DON�T WANT TO DIE!!!!

    Asuka:  I DON�T WANT TO DIE!!!!

    Asuka:  I DON�T WANT TO DIE!!!!

    Asuka:  I DON�T WANT TO DIE!!!!
    Asuka:  I DON�T WANT TO DIE!!!!

    Asuka:  I DON�T WANT TO DIE!!!!

    Asuka:  I DON�T WANT TO DIE!!!!

    Asuka:  I DON�T WANT TO DIE!!!!


    Asuka:  SHINJI!!!  SHINJI!!!  MISATO!

    Asuka:  I�I am ASUKA LANGLEY SORYU!!!

    Asuka:  I am the Pilot of EVA UNIT 02!!!

    Asuka:  I AM HER!!!

    Asuka:  I AM HER!!!

    Asuka:  I AM ME!!!

Asuka: (screaming) I AM I!!!!!!

       ( And, with this joyful declaration, the ground on the geofront surface begins to rumble�

        massive earthquakes shudder through the vast cavern, sending debris crashing into the floor from above as
they cast the entire landscape into violent convulsions . . .

        indeed, as the upheaval grows in strength, so does the sound, which has become a deafening thunder that can
be heard for hundreds of miles around,  shaking the Geofront cave itself to its very core . . .

    Within the cavern itself . . .

    as 9 white vultures encircle above,

    the very hillside begins to glow,

    with a Heavenly fire from within . . .

    Suddenly,  house size boulders are cast into the air,

    as a beam of energy as large and as wide as the ridge itself,

    tears the mound asunder-- ripping  the ground wide open,

    and streaking into the heavens like a divine comet.

    It is a 6 mile pillar of brilliance that stretches into the firmament,

    setting the very air around it on fire,

    before bursting into a 3 pointed cross at its climax,


    bathing the entire cavern in celestial light . . .



    (and then . . .

    Like a resurrected demon rising out of the grave,

    EVA unit 02 climbs from its earthly prison.

    As Tons of dirt and pulverized metal fall from the edges of its sloping armor, the red juggernaut  stands, unleashing a
frightening roar into the churning wind as it casts the last pieces of debris from its body. . . the fiery cross above its head
finally dissipating into the void . . .)


     (Inside the control center . . .)

Maya:  Asuka!!!  Can you hear me!?

Asuka:  Loud and clear!!

Maya:  Asuka, those are nine of the EVA 05 series�

Asuka:  (slowly) The production types?!

Maya:  Yes---Asuka, the peripheral defense network is down�you�re all we have left!

Asuka: . . . . Not a problem!


Misato:  She�s Awake!?  Patch me through!

Yuri:  yes sir�

Misato:  Asuka!  Are you Ok!?

Asuka:  Misato?

Misato:  Asuka, Listen to me�whatever you do, Keep them out of the main shaft at all costs!! You have
            to destroy them!

Asuka:  (darkly) I�ll stop them or die trying�

Misato:  Be careful of your power supply!  Those are series 05 Production types . . . they have built in S2
            organs, so they don�t need external power! I�ll send Shinji and Unit 01 as backup as soon as we
            reach the cage--

Shinji: (quietly) . . .A�Asuka?


    (Inside the entry plug, as the swarm of winged shapes begin to dive for her position,

    Asuka Soryu grips tightly the butterfly handles of the entry plug controls.

    Leaning close to her viewer,

    the girl smiles slyly,

    narrowing her eyes at the familiar rush leaping through her young frame. . . )

Asuka: (whispering) Let�s go, Asuka !!!


music:  Choral Finale, Symphony no. 9 (Beethoven)


    (Ionic thunder tears through the sky as Eva unit 09 slams into unit 02�s AT field--  The two parallel waveforms
sending a rain of sparks screeching across the air as they make contact, casating the waters of the central lake heaving
upward in a cloud of superheated steam . . .

    Inside the fluid filled entry plug, Soryu laughs loudly at the attempt�arming her EVA�s short range
missile defense system�)

Asuka:  You�ll have to try harder than that!!

     (It is with this shout that the rockets launch�ripping into the encroaching EVAs hide at nearly a dozen places,
tearing the shrieking creature from the very sky itself.

     As the Evangelion tumbles to the ground in a fiery ruin, two more breach the field�the first landing directly in
front of unit 02, it releases a low growl, bringing its primary weapon about . .

    And, at the same instant, the second streaks down from directly overhead�the glowing speartip of its massive lance
aimed directly for EVA 02�s torso . . .)

Asuka:  HA!  Almost fair!!

     (in a blur of movement, the Red Evangelion sidesteps the falling lancet�tackling the production type before it to
the ground . . .)

Asuka:  AaaaAAARRRGHH!!!!!!!

     (The girl within shouts to her enemy as her EVA�s fist pulverizes the head unit of the one beneath, sending a
spray of oversized gore and blood splashing onto its armor as the skull implodes�

     before, in one fluid action, she brings her guardian about�drawing its pistol from the arm casing concealing it,
aiming the weapon at the oncoming demon behind.  Armor piercing rounds tear into the creature�s core from point
blank range, sending the beast sprawling backwards as a shower of sparks dances off its hide . . .

     as the Evangelion falls to the cavern floor, EVA 02�s bloody hand reaches for its opposite weapon pod--pulling the
selfsheathed progressive knife from its housing.  As she brings the dagger to bear, the blade extends, releasing the
familiar, high pitched ultrasonic hum . . .

     A sound that, it seems, is pure music to Asuka Soryu�s ears . . .)

Asuka:  Three down�


Gendo:  Rei . . . move away from her.

Malachi: . . .

Rei: . . . no.

Gendo: . . ?

     (Ikari�s eyes fall to the girl�his face a portrait of near total shock . . .)

     (Ayanami, however, remains resolute�staring at the celestial spirit standing before her . . .)

Rei:  I . . I am not your doll.

Gendo:  Rei?

Malachi . . . you sense them . . .

Rei: . . .

Malachi: . . .you sense it . . .


Asuka:  SWEINHUND!!!!

     (With a sickening crunch, the flailing figure of EVA unit 07 is torn in half�the progressive knife of Unit 02 slicing
it down the middle from head to tail, releasing a spray of internal gore and fluid that soars over the two battling EVAs
in a bloody spectacle as it falls to the ground . . .

     Landing Behind EVA 02, the 5th of the white 05 series discharges a blast from its energy spear�catching the red
Evangelion full in the shoulder-guard, sending it sprawling to the cavern floor�as it hits, the force of impact is enough
to knock the progressive blade from its fingers, causing the weapon to be lost in the sudden cloud of dust kicked into
the air. . .)

Asuka:  (enraged) You can�t hurt me!!!

     (returning to its feet with incredible speed, the EVA turns to face the attacker�its arm tracing an angry arc in the
sky as its AT field suddenly bends, then expands:  tearing toward the enemy in a mile wide tidal wave of total
distortion . . .  as it hits, the white Evangelion erupts in a mess of armor, blood, and broken bone--)

     (    turning again, another of the energy waves is unleashed�Roaring with the death knell of a thousand screams
as it warps the very light around it, ripping into the swarm of EVAs overhead and knocking them from the sky.

     As two more of the Evangelions attack unit 02, the field bends again�this time, stopping the tip of one of the energy
lances mere feet away from the blood-stained armor of EVA 02�s face . . .

      . .  .as the lightning traces across its field, Asuka�s guardian lashes out once more�grabbing the spear from the beast�s
hands, and then turning the weapon on it--  the lance slides easily through unit 17�s chest, erupting out the other side
coated in black and red.  The EVAs fingers contort into an eerie grasp of death as the weapon is twisted, ripping out the
side with a loud crunch as the Evangelion is disemboweled . . . Casting the still quivering form away, EVA 02 is immediately
upon the second of the intruders�jamming an armor-clad elbow into the creature�s face.  The red Guardian�s fingers
fall upon the white EVA�s shoulder, digging into it with monstrous strength while simultaneously pulling the Evangelion�s
arm . . .

    within seconds the muscles split open, then separate as the limb pulls away messily from the rest of the body.
Unit 02�s attack is relentless as it continues its advance, tackling the opponent to the ground with a savage roar . . .
small sanguinous bursts eruct from the EVA beneath it as it continues its onslaught�rending unit 13 limb from limb
with its bare hands . . .

     red wetness glistens off of EVA 02�s carapace armor as it returns to its feet�hunched over like an ancient berserker
mad with frenzy of battle . . .)

Asuka:  (panting) �!

     (When the last 2 of the remaining enemy EVAs touch down on the perimeter, however, a horrifying moment
begins to unfold:

     as the broken and mangled corpses of the vanquished Evangelions,

     begin to rise�

    their limbs fusing back into place, as the eerie blue glow of regeneration surrounds them . . .)

Asuka:  Gott  . . . Im Himmel!!!


Yuri:  I-I don�t understand!!

Maya:  How can they�Asuka destroyed their core units!!

Fuyutsuki:  Seele�s EVA series . . .

Yuri:  I�m reading high level focus regeneration!!!

Maya:  Asuka!


Asuka:  They�They�re not dying!!!!

     (Seemingly answering the girl�s stricken cry, a low, moaning roar can be heard coming from the throats of the
resurrected demons . . . as the EVAs stagger to their feet, one of them alights upon the scorched earth where the
epicenter of the last N2 explosion was centered . . .

     and, plunging its fingers into the scalded ground, the emissary of death pulls the familiar, long shape of Lancea
Longini into its hands . . .

     As Unit 02 ceases movement, it is suddenly surrounded on all sides---the enemies approach like a pack of ravenous
wolves as they close in, the burnished teeth in their bloodstained jaws exposed in terrifying anticipation, as the closest
of them raises the dread weapon to bear . . .



Maya:  ASUKA!!!


Asuka: !!!!!!

     (A desperate scream is heard over the tactical net as the weapon is thrusted foreword�colliding with unit 02�s soul
barrier, sending repercussive waves rebounding off the very edges of the field and into the pilot�s mortal heart . . .

     As Asuka Soryu submits her dire will to the act, her efforts slowly begin to ebb as the twin tips of the weapon
begin to break through�sending a myriad of phasic fractures crisscrossing over the AT field�s luminous surface . . .

     and then, as the force field buckles, then shatters,

     the Hawks swoop in�

     But, before the killing blow can be dealt to either side,

     the charge is suddenly and inexplicably quelled:

     by a overpowering thunder from on high . . .)


     (inside Nerv central, as the fulguration rumbles through the control center . . .)

Maya:  What the Hell!?

     (Yuri covers her head, her laptop falling from her seat, its screen shattering on
the floor below . . .)

Yuri:  Ungh!!


     (the world above the hole opening into the geofront cavern is set afire in waves of blinding light, as a cloud of flame
washes over the lip�once more, hundreds of fragments from the cave ceiling are shaken loose by the resulting
shockwaves and sent raining onto the occupants below. . .

  . . . as EVA02 reflexively falls to one knee, its hands protecting its head, massive chunks of debris slam into the ground
around it,  sinking several meters into the earth,

    crushing the Geoid structures on the cave surface,

    rebounding off of the Evangelion�s protective armor,
    And severing the delicate umbilical cable feeding energy into its frame . . .

    As the upheaval commences, all 9 of the invading Evangelions take to the sky once more �abandoning their
objective for a moment as they climb, dodging the falling matter all around them . . .)


Misato:  Unngh!!!

Seyoko: . . .

Shinji: . . .


     (Thousands of feet above what was once the surface of Tokyo 3 . . .

    among the churning vapor and heavy winds of the upper stratosphere,

    a large, black, flying wing-like craft emerges from the white plume of a grand cloud bank . . .

    As lingering, wispy trails of the blanket mist vanish from the ship�s surface, we can see numerous drag lines
suspended from its belly . . . pulled taught by something massive hanging from their length  . .

    As the plane clears the firmamentory haze altogether, however, the object which it tows becomes frightfully clear . . .

    for, suspended beneath this unfamiliar, F-Type craft,

    is a titanic cross.

    Affixed to that crucifix, like some lifeless harbinger of doom, is the inert form of Evangelion UNIT 04.

    As the western sun glints off its polished gray hide, unfamiliar markings can be seen dotting its surface�

    among them, though, the most conspicuous of all is a single grouping of 4 letters . . .



<The Angel of death>

     "In the darkest hour, the angel of death will descend . . . Close your eyes, child, lest the light be drawn
from them forever . . ."
                                                                                                        --Anonymous, late 20th century

    (On board the new interloper into Tokyo 3 airspace, two pilots dressed in high-altitude life support gear monitor the
status of their deadly cargo�the first watching over a wall of instrumentation and equipment, and the second in wireless
contact with an unseen third . . .)

Pilot A:  (in English) Roger that.  Drop area has been cleared.  Geo Front integrity has already
                             been compromised. Communication with outside elements has been jammed.

Control:  The orders have been approved.  We are go for launch.

Pilot B:  Is that an affirmative?  are we go?

Pilot A:  Affirmative.

Pilot B:  Power system is nominal.  linkup with module 1-A is nominal.  Disengaging clamps---

     (A loud �THUNK� shudders through the plane as giant hydraulic bolts binding the EVA�s wrists and feet suddenly
unlatch�dropping the unmoving form through the clouds . . .)

Pilot B:  MARI has entered freefall.

Pilot A:  Uplink with MARI core is complete.

Control:  11:66:61 .  This is comm. 1.  Your orders are as follows:

Core: . . .

Control:  You are to infiltrate Geo-Front airspace and engage the Mark V series Evangelions.

Pilot A:  10,000 feet and dropping . . .

Control:  Once their threat has been eliminated, you will engage and destroy the remaining NERV

Pilot A:  8,000 feet and dropping . . .

Control:  At which point you are to enter the axial passageway of the complex itself and nullify any
                remaining forces within.  Damage to critical structures must be kept to a minimum.

Pilot A:  6,000 feet and dropping . . .

Control:  Do you understand these orders?

     (It is then that, suddenly, a cold, mechanical voice�quiet and feminine�can be heard.  It speaks softly and vacantly,
barely audible over the roar of the planes engines . . .

    and, oddly enough, the sound is strangely familiar . . . )

Core:  Yes.

Pilot A:  5,000 feet�deploying flight system. . . .

     (As the massive, scorched opening to the geofront becomes visible from behind the clouds, the steel wings of
EVA 04�s flight system extend�gigantic, twin carapaced-armor sails that shine in the orange sunlight as they catch the
wind beneath their airfoils . . . )

Pilot B:  Synchronization index is at maximum!

Pilot A:  We are at absolute borderline.

Control: . . . Engage.

     (Seconds later Eva 04�s eyes flare to life�a brilliant red light burning with sudden intensity from deep within,
they waste no time in finding their first objective . . .

    which is the highest of 9 circling shapes in the skies below . . .

     As it passes the scorced lip of the Geo-front rim, the Evangelion, at last, raises its arms,

     and shrieks like a savage bird of prey . . .)



    (The collision comes out of nowhere�Evangelion unit 12, at the apex of the encircling flight column, is the first to be
struck as EVA 04 dives. . . the impact is enough to dislodge the energy lance from its fingers as their two interlinked
forms tumble through the air . . .

     in the heat of struggle, as the ground rushes up to meet them at frightening speed, Unit 04 rams its fingers into the
midline of its victim�s spinal ridge.  Unleashing an angry snarl, the EVA pulls with all its strength�and a loud ripping
noise ensues as the vertebrae are suddenly wrenched free�chunks of torn muscle and armor still clinging to the bone
as the Evangelions finally slam into the cave floor below.

 Seconds later, Eva 04 emerges from churning the cloud of smoke, its back arched as the wings extended once again�)

Asuka:  What the hell is that thing!?

     (No answer comes as it takes off once more, mere milliseconds before nearly a dozen bolts of light tear up the surface
where it stood. . .)


Maya:  Where are the signals coming from!?

Hyuga:  We�ve lost main sensors---but the secondaries indicate the presence of a first-generation dummy

Fuyutsuki:  can we block their transmissions?

Hyuga:  Negative�they�re jamming us�we can�t lock onto it!


Malachi:  You sense her.

Rei:  Yes.

Malachi: . . .

     (slowly, the 19th angel approaches Rei Ayanami�her hands clasped over her heart as the first child
remains still, unwavering at her approach . . .)

Malachi:  The time has come, Rei.

Rei:  I know.

Malachi: . . .


    (Inside the darkened, fluid filled cylinder within EVA 04 . . .

    A lone, illuminated readout covers the distorted images crisscrossing the surface of the main viewer. As a green
targeting reticule locks onto one of the shapes, something appears on one of the adjacent �windows� :


 It is then that, outside, a burst of glowing rounds is fired from EVA unit 04�s arm�perforating their target as they blow it from the sky . . .

 but, as EVA 09 falls, two more of its kind take its place�weaving through the air as they avoid the continuous stream of bullets pouring from the EVA�s forearm augmentation . . .)

     (As the two draw ever closer, Eva 04�s wings tilt�turning the massive creature 180 degrees to face its enemies. .


     (Unit 04 is suddenly obscured by a cloud of smoke as missile packs within its shoulder housings are bared, then launch�releasing a flurry of warheads to meet their targets head on . . .)

     (The explosion is enough to rip the twin EVAs� wings from their moorings, sending them, too, falling from the sky onto the
earth below.  seconds later, EVA 04 alights upon the ground�its own airfoils fully extended as it searches the battlefield with
its scarlet eyes . . .)

     (It stops, however, upon the sight of EVA 07�which holds, in its fingers, the lance of Longinous. . )


Seele:  Our fears have been realized.

Seele:  Eva unit 04?

UNSynaps:  This was beyond our control.

Kihl:  It is of no consequence, either way.

Seele: . . . ?

Seele: . . . ?

Seele: . . . ?

Seele: . . . ?

Kihl:  They are too late.  The perfection of the EVA series is already complete.



     (Growling, EVA 04 reaches over its right shoulder�pulling a long, arced object from the mounting on its
dorsal armor . . .)


     (With a high-pitched, sonorous whine, the weapon extends to its full length�a glowing, curved ultrasonic
blade unfolding from its very top . . .)

    ( Bringing the weapon about, the EVA dashes toward its enemy�its wings folding back into place as the first
of its objectives raises the lance--)

     In the space of a heartbeat, fate�s judgment is passed between the two . .

     . . .and the blade arcs over EVA 07�s stomach�splitting the creature wide open an instant before it can attack.
The spear falls from its fingers as it crumples to the ground, as a second blow shears its head from the rest of its body . . .)


     (Far below . . . as the Car train elevator doors open in restricted area E, the sound of a revving engine
can be heard . . .

    this is quickly followed by the squealing of tires as a blue sports coup emerges,
exiting the lift not unlike a bat out of hell . . . )

Seyoko:  (thinking) Nothing . . .nothing left.

Misato:  Almost there.  The cage elevator should be just beyond this area . . .

Seyoko: (quietly). . . stop the car.

     (Surprised, Misato manages a glance at the woman next to her . . . Okazaki�s eyes are obscured by the
bangs overhanging her forehead as she slouches in her seat, her hand covering her face . . .)

Misato:  What the hell are you talking about�they�re right behind us�

     (Suddenly, Katsuragi is answered by the barrel of a gun pressed against her temple . . .)

Seyoko:  (shouting)  STOP THE FUCKING CAR!!!!

     (Tires once more screech as the vehicle comes to a sudden halt�the passenger door opens, allowing
Okazaki to step out . . .

    But, only seconds later, Misato does the same . . )

Misato: What the hell are you doin�

Seyoko:  Shut up�get back in the car.  You get him to the cage, Misato.  I�m staying here.

Misato:  (shouting)  There are about a dozen soldiers behind us and you think you�re going to hold
                            them off with that pea shooter!?

Seyoko:  maybe for a minute, if I can.

Misato:  WE don�t have time for this!

Seyoko:  Then get moving!

Misato:  Don�t do this!

     (As Katsuragi takes a step forward, Seyoko raises the gun once more�clicking the safety to the �OFF� position . . .)

Seyoko:  Get moving, or God help me, I�ll shoot you.

Misato: . . . Okazaki! . . .

Seyoko:  You know you can move faster without me.  GO.

Misato:  But why!?

Seyoko:  Don�t you get it?! Ryouji was right.

Misato: . . ?

Seyoko:  There are some things worth dying for.

     (Misato, however, does not seem to share her sentiment . .. )

Misato:  (shouting)  Are you kidding-!?

Seyoko:  GO!

 (Frustrated, Katsuragi curses the air�hitting the car�s roof with her fist.)

Misato:  DAMMIT!

     (At once, the Car is moving again . .  tearing down the passageway faster than before . . . )

 (As they fade into the darkness, Okazaki drops the weapon to her side�brushing the hair from her face, revealing
eyes full of tears . . .

Seyoko:  (thinking)  Bravery or stupidity . . . I don�t want to be there when he dies.

     (nearly a moment passes before the sounds of a gunfire exchange echo down the chamber . . . falling silent as the
main gates to restricted area E close behind the speeding car . . .)


     (As the small blue coup makes its way down the straight path into the darkness, its headlights illuminate the massive
corridor before it . . . the beams catching, also, the graveyard of the failed EVA series surrounding them, hanging silently
from above . . .)

Shinji: oh . . . oh god . . .

Misato:  Shinji . . . Shinji, you have to listen to me.

Shinji: . . . oh god .  . .

Misato:  I have to tell you something�you have to know�

Shinji: . . .

Misato:  Shinji, the second impact---It wasn�t an accident.  Shinji, it was all planned from the beginning.
            All of it.  By one man.  They planned to use the first angel to take man to his next stage of Evolution.
            They thought that by reverting it to an embryonic state, it would minimize the damage caused. And now, they
            are trying to use the EVA series and the Lance to incite the third impact.

Shinji:  . . .

Misato:  The angels�they�re the reason. The angels are other forms---like man�that cast away their bodies in order to
            move to a higher plane of existence. . . Mankind is the same as the angels. We are born from the being, Lilith�we
            are the same as Adam! WE are the true 18th!!!

Shinji: . . .

Misato:  People can�t exist alone.  They can�t be away from others, or they can�t live at all.  But man has a
            sad existence, Shinji�he rejects the ones he needs, and the ones that needs him. He fears love,
            All for fear of rejection.  Even though we are all one in the same.

Shinji: . . .

Misato:  You . . you have to be different, Shinji!

Shinji: . . .

Misato:  Shinji, you HAVE to destroy the EVA series before they reach Lilith�otherwise we�ll have no
            future left!!


Asuka:  Sheist!!

     (The second child screams to herself as yet another of the winged 05 series falls beneath her EVA�s  fist.

    Below her, the instrument panel reads:


     (Cursing under her breath in her native German, Asuka raises her eyes to the battlefield once more . . .
all has seemingly become still in the wake of her final blow, a diffuse, gray haze hanging over the scarred
terrain of the Geofront interior.

     It is then, however, that Soryu sees it�

     An ominous form emerging from the obscurity beyond her vision . . .

Image By Christopher Stoffel

     in its hands, it carries a curved weapon�

     and, in its eyes, burns a soulless fire. . . )

Asuka: !!!
     (the girl tenses, bringing the EVA about as the form of Evangelion unit 04 suddenly quickens its approach . . .

Unit 02 raises its recovered progressive knife, shifting its weight to meet the oncoming demon as it breaks into a run, screeching at the top of its lungs . . . )


     (Nearly a mile below . . .)

Rei:  Nnnng---ggnnnnn---!!!
     (Rei Ayanami hangs, suspended in the air nearly a foot off the ground by a pair of hands wrapped about her
throat.  The girl struggles weakly as her windpipe is forced shut, her hands clutching ineffectually at the angel�s
wrists as the life is slowly crushed out of her . . . )

Rei:  M�ghm . . Nnnnngh . . .!!!

     (Gendo Ikari cannot move�knocked several feet back by the ensuing AT field, he can only watch, in horror,
at the cold display before him . . .)

Malachi:  (quietly) It  . . must . .be done . . . !

Rei: . !!!!!!!


Unit 04:  AAAAAArgh!!!!

     (Another depraved scream rips through the air as the handle of EVA 04�s progressive scythe collides with
the hilt of EVA 02�s progressive knife�sparks dance off the EVAs� armor as the two Celestines lock their eyes
in a long, malevolent gaze, snarling at one-another from behind the crossed weapons . . .

    Seconds later, they separate�each stepping several paces back,

    before, without warning, EVA 04 lunges once more.

    Seeing an open opportunity, Unit 02 feints to the left, letting the armorclad fist pass by within feet of its head,
missing entirely�

    then, without waste of movement, Unit 02 grabs the arm, dragging the cutting edge of its progressive knife
along its side. . .


    in a shower of crimson, the armor is penetrated�Unit 04�s angry screams filling the air as it falls back, raising its own
weapon to the fore . . .there is no time to dodge as the gigantic blade cuts through the air�embedding itself to the hilt in
the Red Evangelion�s collar. . .)

     (Gritting her teeth, Soryu wrests the weapon free�the EVA pushing it aside as it surges at her attacker, landing
a kick to its ashen face . . .

     Unit 04�s head is thrown back by the blow�an instant later, its entire body thrown back as Unit 02 delivers
a second roundhouse kick to its abdomen . . .

    Chest armor is smashed to pieces as the foot collides, casting immeasurable force into its midsection .
Falling to a crouch, the gray avatar remains on its feet . . .)

Asuka:  FALL!!

     (The second child screams as her EVA continues its assault�slamming its fist into unit 04�s face.  The blows
come again and again, each one driving the EVA from its feet, sending it crashing into the earth.

     Now driven to the very edge of berserker fury, EVA 02 bestrides its opponent,  and pulls its fingers about MARI�s throat�squeezing with increasing strength as the gray Evangelion�s fanged mouth begins to creak open underneath the incredible pressure . . .)

Unit 04: GGrgh---GGGGRRGHH!!!

     (As the armor around its neck begins to buckle, EVA 04�s hands lash desperately at its foe.  Soryu, however,
is in a state of near hysteria-- ignoring the Evangelion�s anguished struggles as she increases the pressure . . . muscle
and bone begin to grind together as the neck begins to crunch loudly underneath the EVAs fingertips . . .

     Suddenly, however, The EVA beneath hers stops its panicked efforts�its gaze connecting with her own.

     It is then, locked in the throes of life and death, that a most horrifying feeling passes through the second child�a
thought that becomes disturbingly lucid upon coming face to face with her foe, mired in the heat of battle, at the very
brink of fate and decision . .

      . . . it is an overwhelming sense of familiarity . . .)

Asuka:  What THE!!!

     (With this shout, Soryu�s Evangelion returns to its feet and hurls the EVA aside�sending the creature crashing
through the hillside in a cloud of rock and boulders.  Seconds later, It stands�its skull-like grin visible through
the dusty haze like a metallic death�s head as it rises to its feet, stalking toward her once more. . .

     EVA 02 leaps to the side as MARI brings its forearm about, releasing a barrage of armor-tipped rounds
from its cannon.  The bullets rip into the earth, sending up plumes of dust and ash as they miss their target.

     Asuka does not waste a single movement�her reflexes having long since taken command of her will.  As the
Enemy EVA brings its weapon about once more, Soryu Shuts her eyes�and the lay-lines of the Absolute Terror
field once again ripple through the air.

     Sparks fly as the bullets slam into the barrier�bouncing off harmlessly as round after round is discharged from
the weapon.  At last, the barrel of the augmentory  Pallet gun overheats, causing the EVA to cease its attack . . .

     It is then, as the staccato of thunderclaps falls silent,

    and the onslaught of projectile rounds cease,

     that Asuka Soryu Opens her eyes,

     Allowing hell itself to pour forth . . .)

Unit 04:  Rrrrrrrrgh . . .

    (EVA unit 04 makes a guttural noise, facing the oncoming A.T. field shockwave with knowing in its face.

     It merely stands there, hunched over, clutching the underside of its arm . . .

    As the wall of distortion draws ever closer, however, it does not move . . .

     for, seconds before it hits, it is dissipated,

     by EVA 04�s own A.T. field . . .)


Gendo:  (shouting) RELEASE HER!!

Malachi:  My . . . Promise . . .!

Rei: !!!!!!

     (now desperate, the girl thrashes about wildly�opening her mouth for a scream that will not come,
her clenched teeth only issuing forth a single, final whimper --

    before Rei�s cries are suddenly cut off,

     by a soft, wet snap . . .

 . . .

 . . .

 . . .

 . . .

    Abruptly, the girl�s young form goes limp,

    ceasing its struggles altogether,

    as its essence departs from its mortal frame . . .)

Rei: -----

Malachi: . . .

Gendo: . . .

     (The angel does not move for several seconds, maintaining its grip about her neck,

     before, finally, it releases her . . .

     allowing the body to fall to the ground,

    crumpling to the floor like a broken doll�her limbs splayed about her at odd angels on the
cold steel platform below.)

    (Rei�s eyes are like two clouded red stained glass orbs-- gazing off into some distant horizon as Malachi
slowly lowers its hands, staring at the unmoving corpse on the floor before her . . .

    She is silent, looking expressionlessly at the body sprawled at her feet, As Ikari finally manages to stand. . .)

Malachi: . . .

Gendo: . . .

Malachi:  I have cut your puppet�s strings.

Gendo: (hatefully) I would have expected no less from one of Keel's pawns.

Malachi:  (softly)  how little you understand.

Gendo:  You commit such an act.

Malachi: . . .

Gendo: You have no idea what you have done.

     (Falling to one knee, the creature places a hand on the curve of the girl�s cheek�tracing its gentle
curve thoughtfully, before shutting her eyes . . .)

Malachi:  . .  this is the way the wheel turns for you, Rei.  You knew it long before I.


    Like the wind blowing over a field of ashes,

    the soul departs, not seen, but leaving traces of its presence . . .

    rising high above the steel tunnels and hallways, soaked with the blood of a hundred dead . . .

    closer to a place where such things are unheard of . . .

    beyond the plane of mere thought, to a world where strange shadows bathed in glorious light dance at the very edges of its vision . . .

    closer to a place where all matters . . .

    it is then, at the very threshold of ascension itself,

    the soul reaches a crossroads .  .

    a place not unlike what it has left,

    which brings it closer to understanding.

    closer to meaning,

    closer to innocence,

    closer to completion . . .


 Asuka:  NO MORE GAMES!!


     (Now bathed in the red glow of the entry plugs emergency lighting, Asuka Soryu rages at her foe like fury
unbound�her Evangelion swinging madly at the vision of death, each blow connecting with the force of a small bomb . . .)

Asuka:  I�ll Kill you!!!!

Asuka:  I�ll Kill you!!!!

     (Toppling Unit 04 to the ground once more, EVA 02�s hands now concentrate feverishly on the creature�s
breastplate�pulling back the heavy armor with demonic strength, and casting the steel fragments away as the break free.  )

Asuka:  I�ll Kill you!!!!

Asuka:  I�ll Kill you!!!!

     (at last, the EVA�s fingers dig into the pale brown flesh of unit -4�s chest�sinking into the muscle and
bone with dreadful ease . . .)

Asuka:  I�ll Kill you!!!!

Asuka:  I�ll Kill you!!!!

     (ribs snap as the hand enters further�penetrating into the EVA�s thorax with a shuddering creak . . .)

Asuka:  I�ll Kill you!!!!

Asuka:  I�ll Kill you!!!!

Asuka:  I�LL KILL YOU!!!

     (Soryu begins to scream these words again, and again, as the EVA�s fingers draw close to MARI�s heart�)

Asuka:  I�LL KILL YOU!!!

Asuka:  I�LL KILL YOU!!!

Asuka:  I�LL KILL YOU!!!

Asuka:  I�LL KILL YOU!!!

Asuka:  I�LL KILL YOU!!!

Asuka:  I�LL KILL YOU!!!

Asuka:  I�LL KILL YOU!!!

Asuka:  I�LL KILL YOU!!!

Asuka:  I�LL KILL YOU!!!


Asuka:  NO!!!

     (The sheer terror within her horrified scream is seemingly magnified as, one by one, piece by piece, the
EVA�s system falls  silent�casting her into cold darkness as the viewscreen images begin to flicker, then waver.

     Then, Without warning, the entire world seems to go mad in a sea of vertigo as the entire entry plug is jarred by
a massive blow�one which knocks the girl out of her seat, into the curved walls of the cockpit itself.  As she is
thrown from the pilot�s chair, she is flung against the butterfly handgrips of the EVA�s control interface . . .

    the twin knobs break off, sending hot knives of pain shooting through her side as a rib cracks . . .

      . . .before she is jolted by yet another blow as the EVA hits the ground, the concussion of its fall barely
cushioned by the LCL fluid contained within.)

Asuka: . . .

     (Perhaps it is a cold conscience left within EVA 02,

     or perhaps it is the last iota of energy left within its dwindling power supply,

     Whatever the cause,  The viewscreen in unit 02�s entry plug remains operational for
a few more seconds,

     allowing the pilot to take a long, fearful glimpse at the sky above,

     before an angry silhouette blocks it from view.

     By chance, The monitor windows remain operational,

     long enough for her to see the gray EVA lift its scythe from the ground next to it,

     its finger, hitting a switch within the topmost portion of the handle�causing the long part to fall away, leaving
behind what could only be called a progressive Sickle.

     And it is then,

     as the creature�s now white eyes stare deep into EVA 02�s,

     and as it raises the blade high into the receding evening sunlight,

     that the viewer image finally flickers once, then vanishes.)


<The Completion of Rei Ayanami>

                 "Now my good Angel, whom God appoints to be my guardian, hover over the swords� points"

                                                                                                       -- Anonymous, late 15h century

Malachi:  You know and do not know, what it is to act or suffer.  You know and do not know, that action
                 is suffering, and suffering action.  Neither does the agent suffer nor the patient act.

Malachi:  Both are fixed in an eternal action, an eternal patience . .  . to which all must consent that it may be willed  and which
              all must suffer that they may will it, that the pattern may subsist, that the wheel may turn and still be forever still.

Gendo:  You speak . . . Using a human�s voice and a human�s shape.

Malachi:  It is a shape I regret.  Nay, one that I detest.

Gendo:  Yet your words, too, are not divine.  Truly, the workings of man.

Malachi:  And The fool, fixed in his folly, may think he can turn the wheel on which he turns . . .

Gendo: . . .

Malachi:  Don�t you see? It was the only way.  How can man see his flaw . . . except through its
              very embodiment.

Gendo:  To what End!?  What do you know of man . . .

Malachi:  I know Man . . . I have experienced the passions of his existence . . .his Joys, sadness, anger . . .
            desire . . .his hatred.  I know now that These are what shapes the condition of humanity.  This, I
            know, is what defines him.   What separates him from Angels.

Malachi: In my folly, I allow it to define me.

Gendo:  Mankind lives by free will.  Like man, your hand is not truly being forced!!  Man can Resist!

Malachi:  And it is this which has earned him death.

Gendo:  Death . . . What you speak of is utter and total destruction!

Malachi:  Bound by the constraints of time�s flow, touched by the force of his actions, man�s form is all
               that remains.  Soon, you shall have not even that.

Gendo:  No.  There can be one other.

Malachi: You see it as so much more.  But the body is merely a vessel.  The vessel of the soul.

     (Slowly, she drops her eyes to the still form below . . .)

Malachi:  One that is easily broken.

     (At last, the Angel turns entirely, facing him)

Malachi:  You will soon see, Gendo Ikari.


Yuri:  I�ve . . .I�ve lost contact with unit 02.

Maya:  I don�t . . . I don�t believe it . . .

Fuyutsuki:  Lieutenant?

Maya:  Balthazaar . . .

Hyuga:  (quietly) Melchior�s almost been completely overwhelmed . . .

Fuyutsuki:  Is the self destruct still in place?

Maya:  Yes, sir.

Yuri: . . .

Fuyutsuki:  Then it�s only . .a matter of time . . .

     (At that moment, an exchange of looks between all the members of the control room staff takes place�
as regrets, hopes and fears are wordlessly communicated across the spacious command center . . .)


Misato:  This way�

Shinji: . . .

     (Elsewhere . . . outside the containment cage housing Eva Unit 01 . . . Major Katsuragi and her charge run
through the winding hallway, as the overhead lighting flashes on and off, casting vertiginous
strobe upon the two . . .)

Misato:  You�ll have to override the Lockdown commands from inside the Eva�I can�t raise the


Misato:  Shit!!!

     (With this scream, Katsuragi turns�shoving the young Ikari into an open doorway with all her strength,
throwing herself off balance . . .

     Shinji lands hard on the cold tile floor, barely cognizant of Misato turning on her heel, drawing her pistol . . .)

Misato:  . . . ! ! !

     (7 meters down the hallway, an armed soldier struggles to raise his M-16,  he, too, having been caught
unawares . . .

     As Misato arms the weapon, so does her foe�)

 . . .
. . .

     Milliseconds are stretched to minutes as two triggers are pulled, and nearly simultaneous bursts of
gunfire fly from two barrels . . .

     Misato barely has the chance to scream as the rounds rip into her abdomen, knocking her a meter back
onto the floor . . .

     . . .as, an instant later, the back of the soldier�s head explodes in a shower of pink matter and skull fragments,
a barely audible grunt coming forth from his lips as he tumbles to the ground . . .)

. . .
. . .
. . .

     (Silence ensues, as the gunshots echo down the hallway, rebounding off the steel twists and turns of the
corridor for several moments . . .)
. . .
. . .
. . .

Misato: . . .Shin. . . ji . . . ?


Unit 04: (panting)  Graaargh . . .Rrrgh . .Rrgh . . .
     (Far above . . . on the surface of the Geofront Interior . . .)

Unit 04: (panting)  Grrrgh .  . ..Rrrgh . .Rrgh . . .

     (the sound of fibrous tearing can be heard as the progressive sickle of EVA unit 04 sinks into the now open
chest of unit 02 . . . the EVA�s Ribs, coated with internal fluids, glisten brightly in the evening  light as the weapon
descends again . . .

    and again . . .

    and again . . .

    and again . . .

    sending a geyserus  spray of crimson shooting into the air, coating the EVA�s armor in red . . .

    unfazed, the creature continues almost robotically . . . ripping away handfuls of gore, seemingly driven to the
very edges of cruel intent . . .
    Before, finally, it ceases . . .

    Turning its head, it peers over its shoulder,

    for, as 9 shapes emerge from darkening haze,

    MARI realizes it is not alone.)

    (Quickly, it turns back to the massive eviscerated corpse beneath it . . . cutting away twice more, before
lifting its weapon high, cleaving it into the EVA�s lifeless head.

    Then, steeling itself, it turns back to the Evangelions surrounding it . . . its ivory eyes flashing once, before,
suddenly, its gigantic wings extend, and it takes to flight . . .

    At once, 6 of the thrice resurrected demons take off as well, giving a relentless pursuit.

    Yet, as the 3 remaining productions types descend upon the remains of what was once Evangelion unit 02,
a curious sight meets their emotionless eyes . . .

    it is a simple canister, rammed into the slashed opening below the EVA�s neck . . .

    splattered with blood and bone, there is but one marking yet readable on its metal surface . . .)



     (The shockwave from the explosion is enough to send the pursuing EVAs into turbulent maneuvers, as
Unit 02�s body erupts in a cloud of pure energy, flinging the 3 behind to the very edges of the cavern by sheer
force of blast . . .


     (With dark satisfaction, EVA 04 lowers its eyes, climbing high into the air  . . . its precious cargo clutched tightly
in its hand as its pursuers regain their balance, pressing onward at incredible speed. . .

    For, contained in Evangelion 04�s iron grasp,

    is the long, cylindrical entry plug,

     of EVA Unit 02 . . .)

Asuka: (thinking) . . . I knew . . . I knew . . .

     (huddled in the very end of the plug, Soryu hugs her knees to herself, the pain in her side momentarily
out of mind as the canister turns in flight, wrenching her around as the LCL shifts.)

    (Elsewhere, Inside Unit 04 . . .

    Awareness, it seems, has dawned,

    for the dummy core of control module, it seems,

    has been inhabited by a breath of life . . .

    a spirit bound to earth by forces prophetic and ethereal,

    a soul in tension.)

Rei:  . .W . .weapons. . .!

     (Now, with masterful precision driven by the desire to protect her charge, EVA 04 swivels in flight�its wings
spreading to their paramount as augmentative weapon packs throughout its metalshod frame open up, sending forth
a halo of tracers and rockets at the oncoming demons . . .

     3 more of the 6 on its tail are knocked out of the sky before the EVAs disperse�lances of light firing from their
energy cannons.  Unit 04 weaves through the network of laser blasts as they cut into the air around it, missing by
only inches . . . )


Shinji: . . .

Misato:  Shinji . . . Shinji . ..

Shinji: (weak desperation) . . . no . . .

     (Shinji Ikari does not move from the doorway.

     His limbs, it seems, are frozen . . .)

Misato:  Shinji . . .

     (Misato Katsuragi calls, weakly, to the young boy as she struggles to crawl toward him . . . her abdomen
leaving copious amounts of blood on the floor in an ever spreading pool as she  cries to him . . .)

Misato:  Shinji . . . Shinji please . . .

     (At last, the fear within Shinji Ikari seems to snap�his feelings for this woman screaming at him from
the depths of his very soul, He scrambles toward her . . .)

Shinji: Misato . . .MISATO . . .!!

     (Katsuragi gasps in pain as she manages to pull herself to her knees�Shinji, rising to his own as his arms
wrap about her, supporting her in a desperate attempt . . . )

Shinji:  Miss .  . Misato no . . . please . . .Please . . .
     (Tears begin to rise as the horrid truth dawns upon the boy�his clothing stained with the blood pouring
from her wounds,  Shinji�s face becomes one of utter terror mired in absolute despair . . .)

     (until, however, a soft voice echoes in his ears . . .)

Misato:  Shinji . . . Am . . am I real late?

     (Ikari gazes up at her eyes, which have begun to cloud over, as the woman�s peaceful words sink
deep into his heart . . .)

Shinji: . . .

Misato:  (softly) You have to go, Shinji . . .

Shinji:  . . .no . . .!

Misato:  You have to go, Shinji.

Shinji:  . . .

Misato:  . . .

Shinji: (crying) M-Misato . . .  You�re bleeding . . . What do I do!?

Misato:  Shhhh. . . .  Shinji. . .

Shinji: (crying) . . .

     (The child resigns himself to his despondency . .  weeping with unhindered pain as he clutches the
folds of her jacket tightly in his fists.

     Slowly, Katsuragi brings her hand to the boy�s face . . . pressing her fingers to his cheek, raising his eyes to hers . . .)

Misato:  You�re a man now. . . you have to stop this.

Shinji: (crying). . . I�m a coward . . . I ran away from Asuka . . . I ran away from you . . .I killed . . .
                     It�s all my fault!!!  I can�t  . .

Misato:  What have I taught you . . . Shinji . . . It won�t help to cry now . . .!
             You�ll only succeed in hurting yourself more . . . Shinji . . .
             WE .  .We all have regret . . . we all have pain . . .
             you can�t give into it now!!

Shinji:  You�re wrong, Misato . . .you can�t depend. . . on me . . .

 (Suddenly, however, Katsuragi�s eyes take on a more fierce mien . . .)

Misato:  (angry) How can you say that!?  After all that we�ve done, all that has happened,
                          You can just quit!?  Throw it all away?  Like your feelings for Asuka?!
                          You will betray them too, just to hurt yourself!?

Shinji: . . .

Misato:  (coughing) You know . . .You know in your heart that you are wrong. . .
                              When I have done something wrong . . .when I am not true to myself,
                                I . . repent.  This is what life is about . . . we learn.  This cycle . . .
                                Chain . . .of cause and effect . . . hatred made me lose happiness, Shinji.
                               Hatred and fear . . .

Shinji:  But I don�t want you to die . . .

Misato:  You have more important things to worry about now, Ikari.  You have to ride in EVA 01 again.
             You have to finish what started with you so long ago . . . You must do this for yourself.
              . . .Uunnggh !!!. . . complete what you began . . .and I promise . . . all things will be fair . . .
             and good . . . I promise . . .

     (slowly, Katsuragi�s hand wraps about the cross pendant hanging from her neck . . . as she pulls, the
chain snaps,  causing her to gasp once more . . .)
     (Looking into his eyes once more, Misato presses the small  cruciform into Shinji�s palm . . . )

Misato:  There . . . the truth behind my words, Shinji . . . my promise . . . when you finish, all things will
            wonderful for you . . .

Shinji:  . . .

Misato:  Unngh . . .

     (The young Ikari does not move as Misato suddenly straightens, pressing her lips to his forehead.
Slowly, she traces them downward over his face, until they meet his own mouth . . .

    lingering there for a long , silent moment . . .

     before, at last, she pulls away . . .)

Misato:  I love you.

Shinji: . . .
Misato:  That felt good, didn�t it?  The Eva is waiting . . .And this conversation could go on indefinitely.
            But I want to keep you alive, so. . . we can continue it one of these days.

     (Shinji Ikari does not cry as Misato�s hold slowly weakens, then ceases . . . her body slipping to the
floor as she curls up, her hands clutching her stomach . . .

     As her life ebbs away, and her rasped breathing begins to cease, the final thoughts floating about her
mind manage to come forth from her lips . . .)

Misato:  Ritsuko . . . Don�t you think . . . If I had children . . . like . . him . . .

Shinji: . . .

     (at last, he comes to his feet---wobbling on numb legs as he backs away from her body, his shirt and hands
soaked red in blood . . .

    swallowing hard, he closes his palm around the small pendant . . . )

Shinji: . . .

     (As the child turns away, running down the hallway with sorrow streaming from his face, he makes no sound . . .

     nor, however, does he see a small, ashen form standing far behind . . . A white haired child with Eyes like
the sun, that kneels over Misato�s body with a warm smile on his face . . .)

     (and, as the Elevator doors leading to the containment cage close, the lift beginning to descend, Shinji Ikari
does not see the boy stroke her hair delicately, wiping away a single tear from under her eye. )

Tenkei:  sleep . . ?

Malachi:  You seem worried.

Gendo: . . .

Malachi:  Do not mistake my actions for cruelty.  Such is not my way.

Gendo:  . . .

Malachi:  It took but one gaze into your soul to know your intention, Gendo Ikari.

Gendo:  What of it?

Malachi: . . . you desire to see her again.

Gendo: . . .

Malachi:  Just as I desire to see Adam.

Gendo:  . . . Hmmph.  you attempt to draw lines of congruence where none exist.

Malachi:  fear not.  I will not join with him.  Such is not the true course of fate.

     (Slowly, the creature turns her back to him . . . staring at the gigantic form suspended on the cross above . . .)

Gendo:  Seele manufactured you well . . .

Malachi:  I was not created by a man.  Not like these puppets you so brazenly invent from our matter.

Gendo:  Then why do you follow the scenario set forth by men?

Malachi:  I follow . . no such scenario.

Gendo:  . . ?

Malachi:  Don�t you see, Gendo Ikari?  After all that has occurred . . . Humans deny the truth, even when
               set before their very eyes.

Gendo: . . .

Malachi:  The third impact began . . . the day your son first united with Lilith�s other self . . .

Gendo: . . .!

Malachi:  What I await is not its beginning . . . but its climax.

Gendo:  . . . .

Malachi:  I am sorry . . .


Rei:  Ugh!!

     (Rei Ayanami screams as Unit 04 is rocked, yet again, by energy-blasts . . . her young mind is filled with
null pain as a bloody arm sails in front of the viewer, falling through the air trailing a stream of red behind . . .)

     (MARI�s core begins to flash frantically�its alert systems going wild as bolt after bolt hits, tearing
off armor and flesh with each strike.  The pain reaching her, it seems, is dulled, as
subdermal tubes feeding into her body suddenly come alive, releasing medical fluids into her frame . . .)

Rei: . . .

     (at last, the girl looks down at the long, bloodstained entry plug clutched in the EVA�s hand . . .her eyes
a hallmark of anguished thought as she considers what is held within  . . .)

     (it is then that MARI�s leftmost wing unit is severed�sending the Evangelion into freefall . . .)

Rei:  . . .

     (Rei will�s one final command to the EVA�s system, as a final barrage of energy bolts streaks toward her . . .

    this causes the EVA to twist, hurling the Entry module toward the center cave , where it disappears into the haze. . .

    before the beams tear into the Evangelion,

    annihilating it in a bright ball of unearthly fire,

    and erasing its pilot from existence . . .)


Maya:  Takeover is at 90% . . . 92% . . .

Yuri:  I�ve lost contact with all sectors!

Shigeru:  Secondaries indicate a breach in the main shaft---multiple targets entering�

Fuyutsuki: Estimated time of�

     (the man is interrupted as the primary viewer explodes inward in a shower of
glass shards and metal . . . )

Fuyutsuki: . .!!!

Maya:  AArgh!!!

 (As the smoke from the explosion clears, the main shaft can be seen across the vastness of the control center . . .  a powerful wind billows over them, knocking chairs over and sending the control room personnel tumbling to the deck  as nearly a dozen Massive white shapes tear past, flying downward, toward Nerv Central�s very heart . . .)

Fuyutsuki: . . . Good Lord . . .

Maya: . . .

Yuri: . . .

Shigeru: . . .


Shinji: . . no . . .


Shinji:  (screaming)  NO!!! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!!!!!

     (Shinji Ikari, upon arriving in the containment cage of EVA 01, has made, it seems, a disheartening discovery . . .)

Shinji:  (sobbing)  No . . no!!!!

     (overwhelmed, the boy falls to his knees on the steel catwalk . . . pounding his fist weakly against the cold metal . . .

     Before him, Unit 01 sits, still bathed in stasis fluid . . .

     yet, the entire plug interlock system above it has been destroyed�twisted and mangled by a concussive blast,
its nearly 30 tons of metal lies on top of the entry shaft, obstructing it completely. . .

     unheeding his cries, The beast remains silent; as the sounds of distant explosions begin to build . . .)

 (Meanwhile . . .)

Seele:  Now.

Seele: . . .

Seele: . . .

Seele: . . .

Seele: . . .

Kihl:  Now . . .

Seele:  The EVA series have entered . . .

Seele:  let us begin . . .

Seele:  They must form the figure . . . that which brings the promise to us
             of sincerity and truth.

Seele:  The covenant must become the people . . . man himself must form the symbol,

Kihl:  The separate soul as one.  We shall begin the ceremony now.


Malachi:  They are here . . .

Gendo: . . .

     (Gendo Ikari remains silent as, in the distance, the sounds of heavy feet splashing into the LCL lake
beyond the darkness can be heard . . . this is complimented by the sounds of almost animal like, guttural growling . . .)

     (Unfazed, Malachi turns, indicating the figure stretched out on the massive cross above . . .)

Malachi:  And she is here, as well . . .
     (It is then, however, that Ikari�s eyes go agape . . .
     for, defying all explanation, he can see,

     the being on the cross has begun to move.

     Struggling against the iron bolts driven into its palms as its head rises, a sepulchral wail coming from
beneath its mask of seven eyes . . .)

Malachi:  Seven eyes, three triangles of inversion.

Gendo: . . .

Malachi:  what better proof of your own ambitions, when the are turned upon themselves . . . driving you
                to your final end.

Gendo:  Stop this.

Malachi:  It is too late to stop it.  YOU KNOW THIS.

Gendo:  WHY.

Malachi:  There is no why, Ikari.  There never was.  It simply must be!

Gendo: . . .

     (The man ducks involuntarily as, around him, 9 ashen white shapes over 30 stories in height emerge from the
darkened perimeter . . .each of the production type EVAs carrying its energy lance in hand, they slow their
approach, taking positions at the foot of the cross bearing Lilith.)

     (suddenly, Malachi turns . . . calling to the EVA series . . .)

Malachi:  Now.  .  . Form the tree.  The symbol of sincerity itself.  Cosmic Form and flow, the lines of
                force be your own.

    (at once, the beings respond�raising their wings, which interconnect throughout the symbolic network of paths,
and then, raising their lances�plunging them into one another, forming the lines of force promised in the form of the
Kabbalah itself . . .

    then, before them, the struggles of the creature known as Lilith abruptly cease . . .

    . . . and soon, the entire cavern is filled with their agonized wails . . .)

Shinji:  (wailing)  mother . . . all I wished was for you to be here.

     (Distant rumbling can be heard in the distance as Shinji faces Unit 01 . . .)

Shinji:  I want to avoid being alone ever again.  I have only you left.

Shinji:  Is this what I want?  More than anything . . .

Shinji: (shouting)  COME BACK!!!


Hyuga:  (Shouting) I have confirmation---I am registering a building energy inversion within terminal

Fuyutsuki:  Explain!!

Hyuga:  It is rising exponentially---field signature is negative!!

Shigeru:  The geofront perimeter . . . it has begun to show signs of matter conversion!---the nature of the
             Change is Waveform�

Yuri: Molecular adhesion in the complex is breaking down!!

Maya:  Balthazaar�s takeover is at 98% !

Fuyutsuki:  It is the nature of this place. When found, The Geofront was a spherical structure . . .
                 It makes sense now. . .

Maya:  What?

Fuyutsuki:  We constructed a self contained haven within this enclosure.
                 It had been foreordained from the start!!! Mankind�s last stage would be here!!
                 THIS is where we were to rise to our next echelon!  This womb within the earth itself!
                 From the very beginning!

     (The man is silenced as, around them, a titanic rumble begins to build in the heart of the Cavern . . .)

Seele:  The tree is ready . . . and at the focal point?

Seele:  Lilith.

Seele:  Through man�s demise, we shall find his soul.  The soul from which sprang forth his very will.

Seele:  Use the lance Now!!

Seele:  Four must become six!!

Seele:  the six wounds that will awaken�

Seele:  Return to man�s innocence . . .

Seele:  Retribution for the original sin . . .

Seele:  Rejection of faith, in light of truth . . .

Seele:  Repentance for the follies he has wrought . . .

Seele:  Rendering of his form, to allow a new extension of his essence . . .

     (Suddenly, the monolithic representation of Kihl wavers, then vanishes�replaced by the man�s true figure, which
stands at the head of the room of steles . . .)

Kihl:  Resurrection as one being. ONE CONSCIOUSNESS

Kihl:  A new world is at hand.


Shinji: . . .mother . . . mother . . .

Unit 01: ----

Shinji:  Mother.

Unit 01: ----

Shinji: . . . I love her.


Malachi: . . . Two as four.

     (At the very head of the Sephirothic formation of the EVA 05 series, the three remaining Evangelions raise
their weapons . . . the outer two holding particle lances,

     While, the middle, holding the Lance of Longinus itself. . .)

     (With her words, the tips of the energy weapons split and reform�becoming identical, twin-tipped, miniature
versions of the divine spear itself . . .)

Gendo: (shouting)  Wait!!  Stop this!!

     (The girl pauses for a moment, glancing at him . . .

     at first, she seems indifferent to his plea . . .

     there seems, however, to be a part of her . . .

     equally as desperate to end it . . .)

Malachi:  form and flow, force and flow.

     (Lunging forward, the two EVAs plunge the speartips into The great creature�s ribs on either side . . . sinking
them to the crosspieces . . .

Malachi:  Now, must come the final piece.

             You must use Lancea Longini.

             To modify the final part

             The source of consciousness itself . . .

             the � . . .


     (suddenly, The being stops . . .

     as a latent memory,

     buried within the last vestiges of humanity left within her,

     suddenly comes to the surface.

     An ephemeral thought,

     of a moment long ago,

     Cast away in a tide of pain and selfish pity. . .)

                        Flashback:  Aoi:  It will be a welcome release, won�t it?
                                             Rei:  no.

                                             Aoi:  . . .

                                             Rei:  (thinking)  you are a prisoner to what you do.
                                                                      I am a prisoner to what I am . . .

                                            Aoi:  (thinking)  you are . . . you are . . .what is in your mind, Rei?

                                            Rei: I am a prisoner to what I am . . .

                                            Rei: blood . . . from a woman who does not bleed . . .

                                            Rei: I am a prisoner to what I am . . .

                                            Rei: I want to unite with Ikari . . !

                                            Rei: I am a prisoner to what I am . . .

                                            Rei: You are like us . . .

                                            Rei: I am a prisoner to what I am . . .

                                            Rei: I am a prisoner to what I am . . .
    (And then, like a spirit on the verge of truth,

    The creature�s eyes open wide,

    With divine Revelation . . .)

Aoi:  A  . . soul in tension. . . ?!?!!?!?

Aoi: (Thinking) REI!!!!!

     (Inches before contact,

     the winged Angel turns on her heel�

     raising her hands at Lilith . . .)


     (With a scream that resonates from the very luminous wings stretching from her back,

     The Girl�s eyes focus,

     and a bright flash, diamond in appearance,

     flares, for an instant, at her fingertips . . .

     before, milliseconds later,

     Lilith�s chest explodes,

     erupting in a orange shower of bone and gore,

     as the beast herself is split in half,

     the cross behind it bursting into flame . . .)

     (behind, the EVA series is silent,

     frozen in place, staring at the fiery ruin . . .)

     (Quickly, Aoi turns to the man before her,

     taking his hand in hers . . . )

Aoi:  He needs you.  If man can be selfless . . .then It does not have to end this way.

     (Strangely, as the superstructure of the Nerv subcomplex itself begins to buckle,

     the look in Gendo Ikari�s face is not one of fear or loathing . . .

     it is one of understanding. . . )

Gendo: . . .Yes . . .

     (And, it is with this word,
     that the two vanish . . .
     as, an instant later,

     Terminal dogma collapses in upon itself . . .)

Maya:  100% . . .

Yuri:  (screaming)

     (As the last sector of resistance vanishes from the indicator displaying the representation of the Magus Melchior,
the lights in the complex go dim ,then black out, as the distant rumbling, ambient in the background, suddenly builds
to a terrifying roar . . .)

     (trapped in the darkness, alone among the many, each of the control room personnel finds themselves confronted
with their own souls . . .

     Given shape and form, each sees, standing next to him, twin phantasmic representations of Rei Ayanami. . .

     as each approaches, reactions among the humans are varied . . .

    Some, like Makoto Hyuga, react with joy . . .
    And some, like Kouzou Fuyutsuki, nod, in disdainful acceptance . . .

    Others, like Aoba Shigeru, cower in fear as the apparitions near . .

    yet others, like Yuri Furikawa, watch in almost scientific curiosity . . .

    But, among them all, only Maya Ibuki�s is different . . .

    for, the representations that confront her, are quickly dispersed,

    by the small, innocent form of the child, Tenkei . . .

    With tears in his eyes, the boy runs to her�raising his arms as a single word falls silently from his lips. . .

    Maya, in turn, kneels�taking him into her arms with a look of overwhelming relief on her face . . .

    as she stands, hugging him close to her, the boy looks into her eyes  .  .  .

    then kisses her cheek,

    before the two vanish entirely . . .

    When, an instant later, in a ball of fire, the command center ceases to exist . . .)


Seele: What---What is happening!?


Seele: . . . the chain . . ?

Seele: . . .

Seele: . . .

Seele: . . .

Seele: . . . broken?

Kihl:  No.  It's course . . . is now independant of us.

Seele: . . .

Seele: . . .

Seele: . . .

Seele: . . .

Kihl:  The ceremony . . . is undone.


<The Completion of Shinji Ikari;
The Ascension of Mankind>
 "Viele zusammen, als einz, finden die staerke fuer den grosser Ruhm des Gottes."

                                                                                    --Anonymous, late 20h century

     (Throughout the carnage ridden hallways of the sprawling subcomplex of Nerv Central, fire washes through
corridors as a cleansing wave, engulfing everything in its path . . .

     bodies, soldiers, and even the very walls disintegrate as the explosions radiate outward from the central shaft,
engulfing section after section as the self-destruct sequence runs its course . . .)

     The sound of roaring peals can be heard high above the Geo-front, as structures on its surface shatter, collapsing
in on themselves as their foundations are reduced to molten slag . . .)

     (Throughout the quickly collapsing compound,

    There is but one, single, remaining sign of life .  . .)

Shinji: . . .

     (Shinji Ikari stands, unmoving, with his eyes locked on the darkened face of EVA 01 . . .

     even as the catwalk beneath him resonates with the approaching explosions,

     even as the coolant fluid surrounding the dark beast begins to churn and buckle,

     he remains still.  )

Shinji: . . .

    (And then, as the walls around him start to shudder with the implosive force of a hurricane, and the seams
connecting them together begin to tear open, spilling forth steam and smoke into the room,

     Shinji clutches tight the small cross in his hand, digging its edges into his flesh . . .

    uttering only a single word . . .)

Shinji:  Mother. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

     (suddenly . . .

     All becomes silent . . .

     as the light in the room fades . . .)

Shinji: (pleading) . . .mother . . .

     (it is soon replaced . . .

     by a blinding, white luminescence from the eyes of EVA unit 01 . . .)

Shinji: . .  .Nnnngh . . ..

     (The boy squints, shielding his face with his hands as a powerful wind picks up, ruffling the edges of his
clothing in the ever brightening light of EVA 01�s eyes . . .)

Shinji: . . .

     (At last, the child lowers his hands . . . staring straight into the building maelstrom before him, as the room
begins to quake, the coolant fluid boiling away . . .)

Shinji: . . .!

     (Shinji�s eyes widen, then, as they happen upon the observation deck above the EVA�s head . ..

     for, standing behind the window,

     is the shadowy form of his father. . .

    Standing behind him, a brilliant, winged figure . . . )

Shinji: . .!!

     (Shinji Ikari looks even more astonished, though,

     as Gendo smiles down upon him . . .

     with a look of approval . . .)

Shinji: . . .

     (Determined, now, the child stares at the beast before him . .

     as its armor starts to crumble away, revealing yet more blinding light underneath . . .)

Shinji: . . .

     (And finally, all comes to a head . . .

     Unit 01�s armor simply dissolves,

     filling the room with white . . .)

Shinji: . . . mother.

All once more grows silent as the giant of light emerges from the red liquid,
its eyes a hue of scarlet, the same color as the bright red core on its stomach . . .
Shinji Ikari does not run,
he does not cower,
and he does not hide,
as the creature looks down upon him, regarding his small form for a moment,
then lowering its hands, enclosing him in them . . .
Seconds later, as the fingers separate once more,
he is gone . . .
Looking upward, the ethereal form begins to ascend,
as the room around it finally vanishes in a blazing inferno . . .
The Geo front erupts with the force of a hundred thousand N2 mines, as the creature emerges from the epicenter, its arms raised in glorious hope.
Trailing behind it, a thousand points of light, each individual, yet together as one, follow�
gradually, as they collide with it, immersing into its titanic form, the being arches its back,
and soon, something begins to take shape . . .
The explosion can be heard as far as central china,
shattering windows in a hundred cities as panicked people flee through their streets, terrified by a growing light in the sky far in the east . . .
in a far away chamber, as frenzied reports of the being�s emergence reaches the members of Seele,
one by one, the monoliths dissolve, and disappear,
leaving, to the last, the man known as Kihl.
When the upheaval at last reaches him,
his body simply collapses,
his mechanical components falling away piece by piece,
leaving only a cracked, red sphere behind . . .
At last, as the giant of light arises through the churning stratosphere,
it can be seen that the final form it has taken,
the true appearance of the essence within it,
is that of Rei Ayanami,
the gigantic core below her chest now heaving, as the ranks of souls combine with it, causing the creature to grow exponentially . . .
And then, the true ceremony begins,
as a red light sweeps over the entire planet, engulfing everything on its surface . . .
Soon, the creature can be seen rising above the curve of the earth, its hands hovering above the world,
as 12 luminescent wings erupt from its back, each as long as the planet itself . . .
spreading first to their full birth, the fiery sails then turn�encircling the world beneath as they push their tips through the atmosphere in 12 different regions . . .
the first, emerging over what is now Iraq,
the second, stabbing through the clouds over the French countryside . . .
the third falling from the heavens into Rome,
the fourth, appearing over the Yucatan peninsula,
the fifth, emerging from the sky above the Yang-Tze river valley of China,
the sixth, tearing into the very center of the city of Jerusalem,
the seventh, following the sixth,
the eighth, following the seventh . . .
the ninth, plunging into the country of Greece,
the tenth, descending onto the city of Mecca,
the Eleventh, sinking into the heart of Africa,
and the twelfth, diving deep into the center of Japan . . .
Like heavenly siphons, the wings pull souls from around the planet,
drawing them from the living billions . . .
and the billions dead . . .
And, as the spirits converge on the 12 points,
what is left behind, in their place,
is a sea of crosses,
each, pointing proudly into the sky as the souls coalesce into the shining giant at the planet�s apex . . .
Strangely, the sound to be heard in the air, rising in volume, is not that of screams . .
It is the sound of child�s laughter,
from billions upon billions of voices,
Each individual,
yet together as one . . .
At last, as the light engulfing the tiny world changes from red, to blue,
the celestial figure atop it smiles,
raising its hands now in supplication,
closing her eyes . . .
and, a moment later,
All is silenced,
by a flash brighter than a million suns . . .

To Be Concluded . . .