For ORBIT productions :
Writer/ Producer/ Director/Designer/ Lead artist
Maher T. Al-Samkari
Editor/ English Consultant
David Adams
Editor/ Japanese Consultant/ Rogziel Angel Design
Toshihisa Charles Nakamura
Reviewer/ HTML Specialist/ FTP Coordinator
Harvey "Hamster" Chang
Technical support/ Computer Specialist
Eric Klinc
Artist/ M.A.R.I. Design
Christopher Stoffel
Primary Artists
Maher Al-Samkari
Elaine Cardenas
Dustin Morris of ALCHEMY
Sasha Arnkoff
Old Music
Maher Al-Samkari
Character consultant/ plot support
Benjamin J. Wallace
German consultants
Tobias Dieckmann
Tiffany Grant
Tyler Starline
French Consultants
Olivier Thereaux
Axel Terizaki
Chinese Consultants
Yuan Chou
Steven Wen
Duke Do
CG animation
Maher Al-Samkari
PRIMARY CG animation
Maher Al-Samkari
James Chu
EVA-01 3-D CG Model
Trung Ma
Christopher Heilman
Site Mirror
Olivier Thereaux
Applications design specialist
Dead Pete
Very Special thanks:
Elaine Barlow and AnimeOnline,
for making this Domain Possible, and
for funding our efforts!!
Special thanks to:
Laura "Kooky Misato" Vasilion
Sasha Arnkoff
Dustin Morris
Ben Wallace
Jacob Dickenson
'The Dark Lord'
'70's man'
Will Murray
Kris & Misato
'Third Child'
Aida Kensuke
'The English Shinji'
(And we mustn't forget)
The irrepressible Chef-kun
"Special thanks to the Rei Ayanami's Room Neon Genesis
Evangelion English Message board, for your help and support"
Dedicated to the entire English Evangelion voice-cast and production
staff at ADVision,
The VERY BEST in the business . . .