Eriol Hiiragizawa

Birthday: March 23
Bloodtype: AB
Favorite Subject: None
Worst Subject: None
Clubs: None
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Flower: Cherry Blossom
Favorite Food: Sweets
Least Favorite Food: None
Favorite Type of Food: Confection Cakes
What he wants most right now: Secret

        Eriol is another new character in Card Captor Sakura. I don't know much about him other then he's just recently started attending Tomoeda Elementary and he's some sort of Card Catcher himself. Like Sakura's key, he has his own that transforms into a wand when he "releases" (the same way Sakura does). He's accompanied by Spinel Sun and Ruby Moon (aka Nakuru). Spinel Sun looks just like Kero-chan only he's black. I'm inferring that Eriol and his group are not from Japan because when Eriol returns home from school Spinel asks him what Japanese school is like. Nakuru also thinks the girl's uniforms at Japanese high schools are so cute. And a comment that Eriol makes to Shaoran-kun about being welcomed to Japan.
        I think that when Eriol is transformed he goes by Hide, but I could be wrong -- not too sure of that. As a student he has befriended Sakura and made Shaoran-kun very wary of his prescence. In his transformed mode he has attacked Shaoran-kun when card captoring with Sakura (he used a spell). And watched Sakura while she was being tested by Yue. I hope to add more information about him as I find some.


Card Captor Sakura Characters

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