You are the visitor since February 20, 1997.
Welcome to the "Yuka Ni Omakase" Homepage! Not many people know about Yuka, but I hope this website will make her a little more famous. If you've ever picked up a Newtype magazine, you've probably noticed a cute redhead drawn in front of a real background, and usually found in the back of the magazine. At first, my friends and I took little notice of her, but slowly, we all began to call her "The generic Newtype girl". ^_^ I guess that's a little bit true, but there's actually more to this girl, obviously called Yuka.

Drawn by artist Tatsuya Egawa, Yuka has been featured in almost every Newtype magazine from April of 1994 to March of 1996. Her face has appeared on posters, calendars, in manga, and many other places. Recently, she has a cameo in the anime Golden Boy, based off of the manga. It seems that she has hit the big time . . .

She was replaced in April of 1996 with a new feature, "Yui ni Oshiete". This time, a girl named Yui appeared in front of a real background. She has long, reddish-brown hair, and seems to be in high school. In my opinion, she doesn't seem as cute as Yuka, but maybe she will become cuter as Egawa draws more pictures of her. ^_^ She has been featured right up to the latest issue of Newtype magazine.

A word of warning to those of you who've come from theCute Page or elsewhere. Although Yuka and Yui may seem as "cute" characters, generally speaking, Tatsuya Egawa's characters in his manga and anime are a little "H" or risque. These webpages don't have any suggestive pictures, but be warned if you find some Egawa manga and think it contains cute stuff. Trust me, I own some volumes of his manga -- they do NOT contain anything cute at all. ^_^

At this moment, this webpage is little more than a large collection of images of Yuka, Yui, and other characters from his manga. I was planning to add some more info about Yuka and Yui, and maybe even translating the features from Newtype magazine, but due to time constraints, this looks distant. If you are interested in helping out the webpage please e-mail me at If you can contribute any of the following I would be grateful:

Why Devote This Page to Yuka?

First of all, there didn't seem to be a webpage out there on the World Wide Web that was devoted to Yuka and Tatsuya Egawa. If there already was a page I'd visit there often rather than making my own and duplicating an effort. Secondly, I was struck by Egawa's artwork and thought that I should share my fascination with his unique style with others so that they could appreciate it more. His artwork and line art is very simple with minimal shading lines (as compared to Shirow Masamune) but is still very attractive. Finally, Yuka is just so darn cute. ^_^ Seriously, this webpage is devoted to fans of Tatsuya Egawa, and perhaps make him a little more well known and famous, as well as making Yuka and Yui a little more recognizable to anime fans.

That's all for now. Stay tuned for updates!


February 20, 1997
I changed the pages to use frames. I hope that doesn't upset too many people. I've created separate pages for Yui Images, Yuka Images, Manga, and Anime. I've also include the Cute Page mascot in the top left corner for quick access to the Cute Page. I've scanned in more than twenty new pictures since the last update and they are scattered around the various pages. Finally, some information has been clarified and edited.
Last updated April 5, 1997