Kodomo no Omocha is the name of an animated show currently airing in Japan. It was created by Miho Obana and animated by Gallop Studio in Japan. As far as we know, neither knows of this page's existence. Further credit information can be found off the homepage, and as far as we know, nobody else listed in it are aware of this page either.
Statement of Purpose
We undertook this endeavour to expose more people to the Japanese Anime show Kodomo no Omocha. Our intent is to gather information that we can find from various sources, and present it accurately and in context for the edification of fans of the show, and for people who would like to know more about the show.
Summary Objectives
- We are not in this for any sort of financial purposes, whether it be a profit or a loss. We are doing this out of the goodness of our hearts and the love of the show, however hokey it may sound.
- Our aim is NOT to infringe on copyrights. The images that we scan and make available on our page are from numerous sources, some known, some not. Should there be a Copyright infringement, we will gladly remove the offending material.
- Promoting the show is our main goal. We enjoy Kodomo no Omocha, and we'd like others to do the same, so we try and impart information to them through our page in the hopes that they may take an interest in it.
- The second main goal is to keep fans informed. At least half of the people visiting our page are from North America, and for them it's very difficult to keep up to date and informed on what's happening with the show. Our goal here stems from the rare situation we find ourselves in (having a contact IN Japan), such that we can inform people of commercial release information, and so they can follow along with what's happening in the show.
If at any point, or on any issue, what we are doing seems to be "wrong", we would like to hear from you. From our point of view, we are volunteering our time to provide a service of gathering information about Kodomo no Omocha and passing it on to visitors of the site.
The email address you can reach us at is kodocha@kerris.com.
Mike Kerr
Larry Porter
As always, if there are any problems, questions, suggestions, or comments, please direct them our way!