![]() Today, for example, Kintaro is on his way to interview for a new job as a computer programmer at T.N. Software. True, he's never actually done computer programming before or, for that matter, actually ever used a computer, but he's determined to do his best. Ambition alone, though, won't make him into a computer programmer. ![]() ![]() For the moment, however, he as a job interview to get to. After a quick stop at a nearby bicycle shop to get one of his pedals adjusted which was damaged when he wiped out, he's off to land his new job. When he arrives he's pleasantly surprised to learn that if he gets hired he'll be the only male in a company full of attractive females. You can imagine his surprise when he learns that the woman who ran him off the road is also his new boss. She wasn't really too impressed with him during their first meeting. Chances are nothing is going to happen in the immediate future to help change that impression. As it turns out, our hero manages to land a job, but not as a computer programmer as he had hoped. Instead he's put to work as a janitor and told to start with the toilets. It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it and some work is better than no work. Disappointed by being relegated to the status of Janitor, it doesn't take our hero long to allow himself to be distracted by a lusty daydream about his new boss. The fact that he's busy scrubbing away at his new Queen's very personal "throne" doesn't help him to keep his mind on the work at hand. ![]() Alas, it turns out all he had access to was a book on BASIC programming. A language aimed squarely at beginning computer programmers and way below what this development house codes in. After a little confusion over the meaning of C Base, our hero once again finds himself in danger of losing his position. Will his quick thinking once again keep him employed long enough to prove his worth? Will he realize his dream of being a love slave for his new boss? Will the ladies in the office catch him trying on one of their black lace bras in the locker room? To find out the answers, you'll have to see the video for yourself...
Golden Boy is a 6 part OAV series
based on the manga of the same name by Tatsuya
Egawa. The series is being released here in the States by A.D.
Vision in both dubbed ($19.98) and subbed ($24.95) formats as
well as hybrid laser disc ($39.95). Each volume is approximately 30 minutes
long, is not rated, and contains nudity and mature situations.
![]() The first time I saw this video I was on the floor in tears and my sides
seemed like they would split from laughing too much. This is one funny
series with a hero who really is more than he appears to be. It's definitely
aimed at a more adult audience and some fans will even classify it as hentai
although it probably doesn't really qualify for that label. Other than
Kintaro's affection for toilets (which is almost a running gag in the OAV
series), there isn't too much in here that is really out of the ordinary
for a healthy 25 year old male with working hormones to be doing.
Line: If you like bawdy humor and
a decent story then be sure to pick this one up.
When I first heard about this title, I thought it was going to be another
hentai title created for the sole purpose of tantalizing prepubescent boys. As it seems that is the only purpose for most hentai, having next to no
story content, but lots of naughty bits. Not that naughty bits don't
have a place in anime, but lets make sure they are part of they story,
not in place of one. So when Les called me raving about this great title,
I was expecting a soft porn anime with a few jokes thrown in for good measure.
Bottom Line:
I wrote my review without looking at Les', and found that my bottom line
was almost word for word the same.
Eric's review is pending... |
From the description I got from Les, I figured Golden Boy was another hentai title and that I would be asking him to turn it off after 20 minutes. Was I surprised! I was laughing so hard I nearly asphyxiated before the first episode was over!
Bottom Line: I really enjoyed Golden Boy. This is one I would actually purchase for my own collection. The worst fault I can find was that it was too short. With the primary concept being the study of life, this series could have gone on and on, and all the TCO folks wish it did!
Yuka Ni Omakase Home page is more about Tatsuya Egawa than Golden Boy, but does provide some interesting background on the artist.
A.D. Vision Home page - It won't tell you much more than you'd find on the back of the box, but it's a start.
Obligatory Copyright
Images from Golden Boy copyrighted by Tatsuya Egawa/Shueisha/KSS/A.D. Vision Films.
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