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Okay folks, it's rumor busting time! It seems some of the regulars who stop by and read up on the bits o'news (now with extra chocolatey flavor) that we publish here on the site have come to rely on us to snuff out some of the popular rumors floating around the USENET newsgroups. Recently we were asked to check on two possible rumors dealing with A.D. Vision and the possibility of them having "What I can say is that ADV is going to make several big announcements at Project A-Kon this year. Assuming we get the final signed contracts in on time, we'll have 2 or 3 new TV series and a truck load of OVAs and one-shots to announce." -David Williams of ADV
the rights to either Martian Successor Nadesico and/or Magic Knight Rayearth so we dropped a line to the folks at ADV to see what the official word is. Martian Successor got the big NO COMMENT, which when you read between the lines means something along the lines of either "we don't have the rights... yet" or "we do have the rights, but we love to torture you guys and see what kind of silly rumors you'll start over it". Take your pick. As for the Magic Knights, David Williams says that ADV was looking at the heroic threesome at one time, but ultimately decided not to license the series. So, that makes one big maybe on MSN and one definite no on MKR.
However, before everyone goes running off to either be bummed out big time or start spreading all sorts of new rumors about ADV and Martian Successor, David did say that ADV would be letting the official cat out of the bag at the upcoming Project A-Kon, as you can see by the quote off to the side. Project A-Kon 9 will take place at the end of the month so we won't have long to wait to find out what new goodies ADV will be putting out next. Maybe they'll announce MSN, and then again maybe not...
Speaking of conventions, one of the few decent conventions we have around here in the Metro Detroit area is the Motor City Comic Con which takes place at least twice a year. This past weekend was the first MCC of the year and Hairboy and I made it a point to attend. Being an American comic book convention I don't normally expect to find too much in the way of anime related things to buy. Boy was I in for a shock this time. The dealer's room easily had at least half a dozen, probably more, dealers selling nothing but anime merchandise. Needless to say, Hairboy and I spent more money than we really own and came home broke, but pleased with our haul. I was especially pleased because, as those who know me can attest, I am not a fan of American comics in general so had anime dealers not been present I would have been like a junkie in need of heroin fix surrounded by cocaine dealers. It's just not the same.
I am, however, appreciative of several of the comic strips which appear in the Sunday Funnies section of the newspaper. Strips such as Fox Trot, and Arlo and Janis rank among my favorites. One strip in particular, however, can claim the crown as my current all-time favorite and it's called the Adventures of Aaron. Now, if you were particularly good in a past life then the Gods of Comic Mayhem may have blessed you with a local newspaper that carries the Adventures of Aaron as well and you already know what a great strip it is. For those who were naughty, the strip is drawn by a fellow named Aaron Warner and it's all about Aaron Warner and his amazing adventures with his slightly dysfunctional family. Turns out that Aaron happens to live right here in Michigan and happened to be at the MCC the day Hairboy and I went so we got to meet him in person, so to speak. His drawing style is very much like what you'd see in a typical American comic book and I've often wondered why he didn't have his own comic book. Well, as it also happens to turn out, he does. I immediately snapped up four issues on the spot, which was about all I could afford after having run the gauntlet of anime dealers. Had I known he was there in the first place I would have bought one of just about everything he had in his booth. He even autographed my copies for me so I got to do the whole fanboy thing just to keep in practice. Aaron now has the distinction of being the only American comic book I actively collect. If you see it at your local comic book shop I suggest you pick it up and check it out. It's a hilarious read. So, you're wondering, what does it have to do with anime? Nothing at all. But it's good enough that I thought I should mention it. Now stop asking stupid questions and just go buy all the issues you can find. Thank you.
I'll keep this short seeing as I've spent so much space rambling further up the page. Just a couple of quick notes to let you know that TCO now has a full-blown BBS and Live Chat Area where you can post messages to each other and engage in real-time chats with nothing more than your browser. There is a sign up requirement, but it won't cost you a thing to use. The link for it is just below the Anime News logo along with the new link to the Convention Pics page where you can see pics from our trip to Animazement. Check both of them out and let us know what you think.
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