Supers + Combined attacks

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MoonPrince (thuey@UCDAVIS.EDU)
Sat, 26 Sep 1998 10:15:35 -0700

Date:         Sat, 26 Sep 1998 10:15:35 -0700
From:         MoonPrince <thuey@UCDAVIS.EDU>
Subject:      Supers + Combined attacks

> > The combined supers only starts happening from episode 6, I think. Can
> > someone clarify this?

        This is something I've been really wondering about. I won't get
into Sakura Taisen 2 supers but in Sakura Taisen, it seemed as if you are
right. around 6 or 7, you'd be able to do supers with your #1... However,
sometimes... and I mean sometimes, i'd be able to do supers with the
character focused on that episode. For instance, i think in my 4 times of
playing through the game, one time on the Maria-focused episode, I got to
do a super with her against the boss. How? I don't know. When I
finished that episode, Maria wasn't #1 either(Idon't remember what she
was). So I really don't know why I could do it then and not other times.
I think this is similar with Sakura Taisen 2. In certain battles, you
could do supers with a specific character(based on episode) but I can't
figure out why it works sometimes and not others.

Sakura Taisen 2 stuff below...

> About the assisted attack... Under what condition does it take place?
> Aside from getting a lucky roll, does the assistant need to be
> immediately adjacent to the target, or is being in striking distance
> enough? Does the assistant need to have attacked the target already?

        I think it does have to be striking distance. For instance, I've
noticed Kouran usually has a better chance. Since she has a wide range,
that would explain it. So I guess it's a little harder to do than the
lucky hits in Sakura Taisen, however, I think these assisted attacks
happen more frequently once positioned than the lucky attacks in ST.

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