Paul Chi (paulchi@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU)
Wed, 30 Sep 1998 18:38:57 -0500
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 18:38:57 -0500 From: Paul Chi <paulchi@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU> Subject: Welcome and Topic of the Week
First, I'd like to welcome all the new subscribers to the list. Feel
free to contribute to the list; we're too small for lurkers (not that
there's anything wrong with lurking, of course ^_^) !
Next: in case people have just not had any ideas to discuss, I've
decided to make up a Topic of the Week. This is not any kind of official
thing and will not necessarily continue in the future, it's just that
there's been almost no traffic this week! ^_^; So without further ado:
Topic: What did you think about the way the plot turned out in ST1?
Did you feel that the true identities of certain characters were, well,
wrong? Did you think it was it an interesting example of how RPGs work
(mostly other people's) mythologies into their plots? Did you find it
offensive/perfectly natural? Do you think that that could impede its
arrival/success in the US market (as if it would ever come to the US)?
This was the least frivolous topic I could think of. Maybe if you would
prefer a more easy-going topic, you could give your thoughts on:
Iris: Hero or Menace???
Comments on both topics are welcome and encouraged. Of course, if you have
a better Sakura Taisen-related topic to talk about, by all means send it to
the list!