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Richard E. Rae (76174.1410@COMPUSERVE.COM)
Wed, 30 Sep 1998 21:43:29 -0400

Date:         Wed, 30 Sep 1998 21:43:29 -0400
From:         "Richard E. Rae" <76174.1410@COMPUSERVE.COM>
Subject:      Internet Message Header

To Paul Chi:

>> I'm really interested in seeing the musical now. The title is "Ai
>Yueni Kayou Song Show"? I'll see if I can find it at UCI...let's see, UCI
>has something called "SAKURA WARS MUSICAL BES 1823", does that sound like
>it? Japanese VHS is so expensive though, I wonder why. $63.00 will hurt.
>How did you get it, if you don't mind my asking?<<

The title of the live musical show is, "Sakura Taisen Kayou Show 'Ai Yueni'",
and I believe it's a Bandai/Emotion release- I'd check with UCI to see if
that's the right catalog number. I believe there's a bit of markup on that
from UCI, but I think you'll find it worth the money!

I got my copy from Japan, thanks to my anime sensei- who got to see it *live*,
and in the front row. Oh, what I would have given to be there! <g>

If you have the Steam Radio Show set, you can see clips from the show there,
too, on CD-ROM 2. I should mention, though, that SOME of the clips show
entirely different staging and business in the same situations than in the
released video version- so you should have them both <g>!

Note, too that there is also a live soundtrack CD of the show (same title)
which needs to be kept distinct from the audio drama CD- which represents a the
Teigeki "performance" of their PLAY "Ai Yueni" (starring Maria as Ondoret, and
Sakura as Clementine!).

Thanks for your interest!

--Richard E. Rae

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