Ria Padua (RiaChan@AOL.COM)
Sun, 25 Oct 1998 02:22:19 EST
Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 02:22:19 EST From: Ria Padua <RiaChan@AOL.COM> Subject: Re: What would you like and don't like to see in ST3?
Here's one thing that I'd SURELY like to see in ST3...
New MALE members!! *L* I was REALLY disappointed in ST2 that Leni turned out
to be a girl.... seriously though, before ST2 came out, I was excited that
they finally have a new male member--- but it turned out to be another girl
instead.... O.o;;
Please..... the story would absolutely be better if Oogami have at least a
rival in winning the hearts of the hanagumi girls! *lol*