Wing H. Yi (yokosima@EROLS.COM)
Mon, 23 Nov 1998 01:44:37 -0500
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 1998 01:44:37 -0500 From: "Wing H. Yi" <yokosima@EROLS.COM> Subject: Re: Sakura Taisen CD question
Tom Cheng wrote:
> Doesn't she do most of the singing in the actual ST2 OP? It's just in
> some remix version on the ST2 CD that has the entire cast.
No. On game disk 1 she does most of it, then on disks 2 and 3,
Tomizawa Michie (Sumire) and Takano Urara (Maria) get turns. I don't
their order for the game disks 2 & 3, but on the ST2 cd I mentioned
previously it's the same thing as the version in the game combined,
though the order goes Maria, Sumire, then Sakura.