Re: Listserv downtime + Poll

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John Hokanson Jr. (isamu@USAGI.COM)
Mon, 21 Dec 1998 23:27:57 -0800

Date:         Mon, 21 Dec 1998 23:27:57 -0800
From:         "John Hokanson Jr." <isamu@USAGI.COM>
Subject:      Re: Listserv downtime + Poll

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Chi <paulchi@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Date: Monday, December 21, 1998 11:13 PM
Subject: Listserv downtime + Poll

>Just wanted to share this message I got from my school's CIT department:
>The listserv host will off-line for maintenance (OS upgrade) from
>8am-5pm on Monday 28-December-1998.
>Presumably, this means that one should avoid sending mail to the list
>during those times, unless one wants to risk having one's message lost.
>Now for the poll (you knew this one had to come up sooner or later): What
>Sakura Taisen merchandise do you have?
>Here's my humble list:
>Sakura Taisen
>Sakura Taisen 2
>Hanagumi Tsushin
>Steam Radio Show
>Shinguji Sakura Real Model (Series-14)
>The Kayou Zenshu 1 and 2 CDs are on the way, as is Teigeki Graph (which
>should be released tomorrow!). I'm still looking around for Hanagumi
>Columns. I called about 10 stores in California last week, but no dice. :(
>BTW, I recall reading somewhere that there are some date-sensitive events
>in either Hanagumi Tsushin or Radio Show or something. Special startup
>screens on Christmas and Hanagumi member birthdays? Anybody know off the
>top of their head?

I don't remember which one, but I know in a review I read there are some
events that correspond with the birthdays of the major characters.

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