Richard E. Rae (76174.1410@COMPUSERVE.COM)
Sat, 16 Jan 1999 08:40:49 -0500
Message-ID: <> Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 08:40:49 -0500 From: "Richard E. Rae" <76174.1410@COMPUSERVE.COM> Subject: Internet Message Header
>>Wow... she didn't find the language barrier to be daunting? And she won all
the battles, too? I'm impressed!<<
No, she'd watched me play a lot and slowly was understanding many of the tricks
and even some of the meanings. She has a great ability to follow the events and
even the moods. She was, BTW, actually 7 when she finished her game. She now
loves to get into the minigames on a regular basis.
>>So much so, that Iris said something about it during the battle! At least, I
think that's what happened. (Ack! Must... learn... Japanese!) Did that happen
to anybody else, or am I just utterly mistaken?<<
She probably did! That's the beauty of the engine. Many of my pathways to the
final episodes involved me playing with the top characters... Oogami accepting
the offer to go to the New Years festival, then going and asking someone else,
or refusing THEN asking someone else (top three only will go, you know. The
bottom three will refuse). I was astonished at the wide variation of
possibilities they'd allowed for. Behavior tags!