Richard E. Rae (76174.1410@COMPUSERVE.COM)
Sat, 16 Jan 1999 12:17:51 -0500
Message-ID: <> Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 12:17:51 -0500 From: "Richard E. Rae" <76174.1410@COMPUSERVE.COM> Subject: Internet Message Header
>>I was supposed to have picked up *all* the
bromides in order to access all the mini-games?! Doh! Ah, well-- good
excuse to start over again<<
No, in the "Teigeki" only get to access the mini-games you actually
have seen and played. Once you find them all, you can play them all. Same with
the 6 different endings for the characters. If you get all the bromides from
each episode, you get the chance to get a "special" bromide from Tsubaki- one's
available of each of the main girls and a 7th, special bromide (you have to get
the others before Tsubaki will offer it to you). If you save before episode 8,
that can serve as a focal point to get all the special bromides and the endings
of your top three.
>>Anyway, I'm playing around with Ayame's quiz. I can understand many of the
questions, and have memorized by sight many of the ones I cannot read. Is
there any point to the quiz (ie, unlocking some hidden bonus if you get a
perfect score), or is it just for fun?<<
No, there's a Hanafuda tournament which will become available after you finish.
Of course, once you get done with the first batch of questions successfully,
Ayame will throw another batch at you <g>. There's a similar game in Teigeki
Graph, too, but it runs under the "Timed LIPS" system and is even more
challenging than this quiz.
>>I also would've enjoyed interactive endings... maybe an 11th mini-episode
where you could just hang around with the characters without some major
distaster looming over your heads. Though I would imagine this is where
the fan discs come in...<<
Exactly. Hanagumi Taisen Columns has 9 episodes of that nature which also give
you even more insight into Oogami's colleagues' lives, backgrounds, and daily
interaction, and the episodes in Steam Radio Show and Teigeki Graph do that as
well. The "Christmas" episode in Sakura Taisen 2 is of that nature too.