Re: Teigeki Graph

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Wing H. Yi (yokosima@EROLS.COM)
Wed, 27 Jan 1999 01:39:18 -0500

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Date:         Wed, 27 Jan 1999 01:39:18 -0500
From: "Wing H. Yi" <yokosima@EROLS.COM>
Subject:      Re: Teigeki Graph

Jose Barragán wrote:
> >I haven't mastered Maria's game either. It has something to do with
> aligning
> >the colors on the Klieg lights, but, like you, I didn't read the
> >instructions <g>.

Hmm, I was too lazy to read them too. :)

> Basically, you have to have the little ninja guys (or whatever they are)

They're called kuroko, essentially stagehands.

> clean all of the colored lights in each of the lighting machines, making
> sure they don't clean the same light twice (well, I _think_ that's what you
> have to do, anyway...). The ones that have already been cleaned are
> 'shiny'.^_^

I eventually figured out that all you have to do is rotate the shiny
back in to the light since their cleaning knocks them out of alignment.
That's all.

> I was just wondering, how do you manage to get the girls to play the roles
> you want 'em to play? I mean, say I want to see Kanna in the role of
> Aurora...any advice you can give me regarding making that happen?:)

Someone else answered this already I think, but let me add that you
can also try letting the time run out when Kaede asks you the questions.
Since Leni and Orihime are new they haven't been in any of the old
productions she mentions. I'm still working on ST2 and some other thing
so I haven't tried this yet.

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