Paul Chi (paulchi@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU)
Sat, 30 Jan 1999 23:01:05 -0500
X-Sender: Message-ID: <l03130303b2d985d318b4@[]> Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 23:01:05 -0500 From: Paul Chi <paulchi@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU> Subject: Re: ST3 on Dreamcast - announcement?
Whoops! This was supposed to go to the list. Sorry!
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Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 22:12:13 -0500
To: Steve McAllister <>
From: Paul Chi <>
Subject: Re: ST3 on Dreamcast - announcement?
Welcome to the list, Steve! :)
About that page... I think it's in Chinese. ^_^; From what I gather, it's
news about the Tokyo Game Show, but that's about all I can figure out. From
the pictures it looks like there was an open panel/interview thing going
on, and Sakura Taisen 3 was mentioned a few times (to much excitement by
the audience? "WOO..."?) The Real Video clip didn't work for me, though. :(
Ahh, Sakura Taisen 3.... If I ever get a Dreamcast, it will be for that
game. I still want to see a ST fighting game, though. ^_^;
> I just joined the mailing list today, and while looking around, found a
>supposed annoucement of Sakura Taisen 3 on Dreamcast. The page which
>supposedly has this info (I can't read Japanese) is
> It was only posted today.
>Steve McAllister
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