Re: Sumire gets slamed!

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Ray Huang (jhuang@UCLA.EDU)
Thu, 4 Feb 1999 01:08:51 -0800

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Date:         Thu, 4 Feb 1999 01:08:51 -0800
From: Ray Huang <jhuang@UCLA.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Sumire gets slamed!

> > Jealousy can be a good thing. A sign of "faithfulness?"
> >
> Well it depends if you want Sakura or not in the first place.

Good point.

> This is kind of a weird comparison but since Sakura = Kyoko from MI, and
> Bellandandy = Kasumi from Ranma... Kyoko = Kaumi + Akane(The stbborness,
> jealousy and violence). So... if anyone still gets me, Sakura +
> stubborness + violence + jealousy - the goddess license = Bellandandy.

This comparison makes sense. I kinda liked it. One question
though, who's Kaumi? or did you mean Kamui and which one?

> I agree! But the problem is, it's hard to notice it until you pick her.
> Hm... do you think Oorihime = Sumire in ST1? While Sumire matured some
> what... (Feel sorry for Ichiro when he had to go shopping with Sumire)
> other than that, yeah she has matured.

Orihime = ST1 Sumire is a close comparison, except I would say
Sumire is the "more" refined character in terms of speech and such.

> > The accent is stereotypical "Osaka/Kansai-ben."
> >
> Hm... strange considering Kouran is from China.

Well, that's the joke. All people from China are considered to speak
"Osaka/Kansai-ben" or some kind on non-standard Tokyo dialect.
Haven't you noticed how Shampoo from Ranma talks, etc.?

> I don't know about more open
> in the end considering everyone is more open in the end, so that's a
> given.

Yeah. Maybe bad point on my part.


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