B.P. Suverkropp (bastiaan@HAWAII.EDU)
Thu, 4 Feb 1999 09:31:10 -1000
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01-C-MACOS8 (Macintosh; I; PPC) Message-ID: <36B9F57C.630E@hawaii.edu> Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 09:31:10 -1000 From: "B.P. Suverkropp" <bastiaan@HAWAII.EDU> Subject: Re: Sumire gets slamed!
>>> > The accent is stereotypical "Osaka/Kansai-ben."
>> >
>>> Hm... strange considering Kouran is from China.
>>Well, that's the joke. All people from China are considered to speak
>>"Osaka/Kansai-ben" or some kind on non-standard Tokyo dialect.
>>Haven't you noticed how Shampoo from Ranma talks, etc.?
>Got a point there, I haven't thought of it that way.
Doesn't Osaka have the largest Chinatown in japan, and one of the
largest Chinatowns worldwide? Maybe this is the reason that all people
from China are considered to speak Osaka-ben.
-- Bas P. Suverkropp