aka senshi (senshi@IHUG.COM.AU)
Sat, 13 Feb 1999 01:01:49 +1100
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.05 [en] (Win95; I) Message-ID: <36C4344D.6F23F811@ihug.com.au> Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 01:01:49 +1100 From: "Chou or CC (aka senshi)" <senshi@IHUG.COM.AU> Subject: Good or Bad? GBC ST compatible with DC ST3......
Ah, what better thing to start a discussion other than the GBC ST :)
Anyway, more news/rumor on GBC ST.
The GBC ST is made by a company call Marigul, which is said to be a
company formed with aid from Nintendo itself.
The pres of Marigul had got together with Shoichiro Irimajiri and both
agreed upon that the GBC ST will be compatible with DC ST3. However
it's rumored that they have not completely agreed upon how it will be
Shoichiro Irimajir, of course, stands on that the GBC should be made
directly linkup-able with DC to share save data. However, Margul opts
for something different, rumor says maybe passwords to unlock some
omakes or different story paths (totally understandable, don't think
Nintendo will want to invest in R&D to develop something that is not in
favor of their own system).
What's everyones' view on this? One thing for sure, if it's true that
GBC ST is compatible with DC ST3, it's gonna cut deep into my