Re: Sakura Taisen: How did you find out about it and decide to buy it?

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Paul J Chi (paulchi@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU)
Thu, 4 Mar 1999 23:38:13 -0500

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Date:         Thu, 4 Mar 1999 23:38:13 -0500
From: Paul J Chi <paulchi@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Sakura Taisen: How did you find out about it and decide to buy it?

>I was just did people here on the list find out about the
>Sakura Taisen game series and finally decide to buy one of the games?
>Anyone willing to share his/her introduction to the Sakura Taisen

    Well, I got my Saturn in August of 98, mainly because I saw an AVI of
the opening of the Magic Knight Rayearth game. (Wow!) After I got my
Saturn, I started searching the web and Usenet for other games that I ought
not to miss out on. (Terrence, Jose, Danny, Raymond McKeithen, and others
in r.g.v.s. have my thanks for info. ^_^) After that searching, Sakura
Taisen clearly stood out from the others, especially after watching a movie
of ST 1's opening that I downloaded from Ming's outstanding web site. I
guess I'm just a sucker for a good opening. ^_^

    By the time ST 1 arrived at my house, I had already fallen in love with
the character designs and the voices. So when I first popped it in, I was
really excited. That excitement began to wear down a little as I began to
wonder what the heck I thought I was doing, playing a game without knowing
what was going on, since I hadn't read Nickel's or Ming's translations yet;
not to mention that ST 1 was my first import game. But after a while, the
language barrier didn't matter much anymore. While playing, I actually
learned a few Japanese words and could recognize at least the hiragana of
the characters' names. I didn't always please the Hanagumi with my LIPS
choices, but it was also fun to watch Oogami get in trouble. ^_^ A few
times I was a bit clueless, but even at then, I always thought to myself,
"Man, I wish I knew Japanese" rather than "Man, I wish this game was in
English". It just would have felt wrong to experience Sakura Taisen any
other way.

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