Jennifer Crispi (MARI90@AOL.COM)
Fri, 5 Mar 1999 21:18:13 EST
X-Mailer: AOL 4.0 for Windows 95 sub 236 Message-ID: <> Date: Fri, 5 Mar 1999 21:18:13 EST From: Jennifer Crispi <MARI90@AOL.COM> Subject: Re: Sakura Taisen: How did you find out about it and decide to bu...
<< >I was just did people here on the list find out about the
>Sakura Taisen game series and finally decide to buy one of the games?
>Anyone willing to share his/her introduction to the Sakura Taisen
well, a person i was trading with put by accident the first 2 ova's of sakura
taisen, and i fell in love with it right away!! :) i wanted to get more and
more, and since i have a saturn, i said to my self, heck i LOVE the "show"
so the game must be even better! i've heard such great reviews of it and i
bought it 2 weeks ago <sakura taisen 1> and I love it!!!! it's the best game
i've played in my life! i CANT wait to get sakura taisen 2!! :)
p.s.- if anyone knows where i can get a cheap sakura taisen 2 or cheap sakura
figures let me know!! :)