Re: Sakura Taisen: Hey,so there's a bunch of what?^_^

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Wing H. Yi (yokosima@EROLS.COM)
Mon, 8 Mar 1999 05:56:22 -0500

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Date:         Mon, 8 Mar 1999 05:56:22 -0500
From: "Wing H. Yi" <yokosima@EROLS.COM>
Subject:      Re: Sakura Taisen: Hey,so there's a bunch of what?^_^

"Lance M. Hatami" wrote:
> I was going to keep quiet about the whole "Nippon" thing since I >didn't ...

I was going to keep quiet too since I didn't have time to reply to
your original messages, but since you brought it up again... :)

I'm not sure why "Nippon" upsets you and why you think it's a
modern thing. I've always read that it's just a different and more
formal pronunciation of Nihon. And I could swear I've heard it
used in speeches and the like back during and before WW2 when they
often referred to Japan as "Dai Nippon Teikoku".

What's more, isn't the name "Japan" itself derived from Nippon?
The Portuguese who were the only ones to trade with them for a while
were told "Nippon", but it became twisted as these things usually do
into "Zipang" which eventually became "Japan".

Have you consulted your walking dictionary, Lance? :)

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