Paul J Chi (paulchi@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU)
Sat, 13 Mar 1999 12:06:26 -0500
X-Sender: X-Sender: paulchi@ Message-ID: <l03130301b31047b30431@[]> Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 12:06:26 -0500 From: Paul J Chi <paulchi@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU> Subject: Re: page for ST JWin95
> Anyone checked out the Sega site? If not, check out the ST for
>JWin95/98 page at
> I think it lists on the PC games index that it'll be coming out next
>month. Can anyone make out what this says?
>Steve McAllister
I just saw it, and I think your hunch is correct. However, it doesn't give
a date in April (as far as I can tell), so if that means the rate of
progress hasn't been such that the day of release can be predicted, it's
possible that it could be delayed past April. I'm not saying it will, I
just like to expect the worst and hope for the best. ^_^
On a side note, National Console Support has said on their web site
( a while ago that they plan to source this game for its
customers. So if you want it, you can buy or pre-order it from them.
They're very trustworthy and have good customer service.