aka senshi (senshi@IHUG.COM.AU)
Thu, 18 Mar 1999 15:57:15 +1100
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.05 [en] (Win95; I) Message-ID: <36F087AA.F6C274C6@ihug.com.au> Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 15:57:15 +1100 From: "Chou or CC (aka senshi)" <senshi@IHUG.COM.AU> Subject: Re: Sakura question
Jon Stern wrote:
> At 12:18 PM 3/17/99 EST, you wrote:
> >PLEASE LET'S CHANGE THE SUBJECT!!! OKAY can someone tell me the names of the
> >sure kill powers and combo attacks of the gang ?:P thanks!! :) <and
> >translation if has one! > jen
> >
> >
> Here you are. All the Japanese is S-JIS. Just to let you know, the English
> translations don't sound all that good; I would recommend using the
> original names.
> ~~ KEZ Hissatsu Waza ~~
> -- Koubu (Kai) --
> Sumire _蕗o A̕ Kanzaki Fuujin-ryuu Renjaku no
> Mai
> ('Kanzaki Dust(?)-Style Dance of the (?)Sparrow')
I think it's "Kanzaki Wind-dust Style"I don't know about it in Japanese, but the
kanji of wind and dust together have bad meaning in chinese.
> -- Tenbu --
> Oogami TՖŋp On Rouko-Mekkyaku Sanjin-Seiko
> ('Wolf and Tiger Destruction' again, followed by 'three blade
> (triple-edged?),' then two kanji meaning 'turn into, become, get old,
> grow' and 'tiger,' respectively.)
Probably mean "three blade becomes a tiger"
> Sakura j SԐĕ Haja-Kensei Hyakka-Seihou
> ('Evil-destroying Sword Subjugation,' then 'Hundred Flower' followed by
> kanji meaning 'equal/similar' and 'release/emit' respectively.)
Could be interperted as "Hundred flowers blosom simultaneously"This is a chinese
saying of being very spectacular.
> Sakura j Ɉ ࣖ Haja-Kensei -Gokui- Ouka-Ranman
> ('Evil-destroying Sword Subjugation -Secret technique (I think)-
> Cherry Blossom Gloriousness')
I think it is ultra technique.
> Kohran b{E Seijuu-Robo - Kai
> ('Holy Beast Robo - New')
Holy Beast Robo - modified.Side note, the holy beasts are the green dragon (east),
red phoneix (south), white tiger (west), and tortoise (north).